# Cloudlog Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application, which allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere all you need is a web browser and and internet connection. Website: [http://www.cloudlog.co.uk](http://www.cloudlog.co.uk) ## Setup We're still working simplying the setup but you can check out the Wiki for some useful tips and howtos. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Goodhall ([2E0SQL](http://www.m3php.com)). ## Credits * Andy (M0VKG) [http://m0vkg.org.uk](http://m0vkg.org.uk/) * Gavin (M1BXF) [http://www.geekshed.co.uk](http://www.geekshed.co.uk/) * Graham (W5ISP) [http://ham.io](http://ham.io)