CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->load->model('logbook_model'); $this->CI->load->library('adif_parser'); $this->CI->load->model('eqslmethods_model'); } private function init($name, $adif_file) { $this->name = $name; $this->adif_file = $adif_file; } public function from_callsign_and_QTH($callsign, $qth, $upload_path) { $this->init( $qth . " - " . $callsign, self::safe_filepath($callsign, $qth, $upload_path) ); $this->callsign = $callsign; $this->qth_nickname = $qth; } public function from_file($adif_file) { $this->init('ADIF upload', $adif_file); } // generate a sanitized file name from a callsign and a QTH nickname private static function safe_filepath($callsign, $qth, $upload_path) { $eqsl_id = $callsign . '-' . $qth; // Replace anything which isn't a word, whitespace, number or any of the following caracters -_~,;[](). with a '.' $eqsl_id = mb_ereg_replace("([^\w\s\d\-_~,;\[\]\(\).])", '.', $eqsl_id); $eqsl_id = mb_ereg_replace("([\.]{2,})", '', $eqsl_id); return $upload_path . $eqsl_id . '-eqslreport_download.adi'; } // Download confirmed QSO from eQSL inbox and import them public function fetch($password) { if (empty($password) || empty($this->callsign)) { return $this->result('Missing username and/or password'); } // Get URL for downloading the inbox $query = $this->CI->db->query('SELECT eqsl_download_url FROM config'); $q = $query->row(); $eqsl_url = $q->eqsl_download_url; // Query the logbook to determine when the last eQSL confirmation was $eqsl_last_qsl_date = $this->CI->eqslmethods_model->eqsl_last_qsl_rcvd_date($this->callsign, $this->qth_nickname); // Build parameters for eQSL inbox file $eqsl_params = http_build_query(array( 'UserName' => $this->callsign, 'Password' => $password, 'RcvdSince' => $eqsl_last_qsl_date, 'QTHNickname' => $this->qth_nickname, 'ConfirmedOnly' => 1 )); // At this point, what we get isn't the ADI file we need, but rather // an HTML page, which contains a link to the generated ADI file that we want. // Adapted from Original PHP code by Chirp Internet: (regex) // Let's use cURL instead of file_get_contents // begin script $ch = curl_init(); try { // basic curl options for all requests curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // use the URL and params we built curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $eqsl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $eqsl_params); $input = curl_exec($ch); $chi = curl_getinfo($ch); // "You have no log entries" -> Nothing else to do here // "Your ADIF log file has been built" -> We've got an ADIF file we need to grab. if ($chi['http_code'] == "200") { if (stristr($input, "You have no log entries")) { return $this->result('There are no QSLs waiting for download at'); // success } else if (stristr($input, "Error: No such Username/Password found")) { return $this->result('No such Username/Password found This could mean the wrong callsign or the wrong password, or the user does not exist.'); // warning } else { if (stristr($input, "Your ADIF log file has been built")) { // Get all the links on the page and grab the URL for the ADI file. $regexp = "]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>"; if (preg_match_all("/$regexp/siU", $input, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[2] as $match) { // Look for the link that has the .adi file, and download it to $file if (substr($match, -4, 4) == ".adi") { file_put_contents($this->adif_file, file_get_contents("" . $match)); return $this->import(); } } } } } } else { if ($chi['http_code'] == "500") { return $this->result(' is experiencing issues. Please try importing QSOs later.'); // warning } } return $this->result('It seems that the eQSL site has changed. Please open up an issue on GitHub.'); } finally { // Close cURL handle curl_close($ch); } } // Read the ADIF file and set QSO confirmation status according to the settings public function import(): array { // Figure out how we should be marking QSLs confirmed via eQSL $query = $this->CI->db->query('SELECT eqsl_rcvd_mark FROM config'); $q = $query->row(); $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark'] = $q->eqsl_rcvd_mark; $this->CI->adif_parser->load_from_file($this->adif_file); $this->CI->adif_parser->initialize(); $qsos = array(); $records = $updated = $not_found = $dupes = 0; while ($record = $this->CI->adif_parser->get_record()) { $records += 1; $time_on = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) . " " . date('H:i', strtotime($record['time_on'])); // The report from eQSL should only contain entries that have been confirmed via eQSL // If there's a match for the QSO from the report in our log, it's confirmed via eQSL. // If we have a positive match from eQSL, record it in the DB according to the user's preferences if ($record['qsl_sent'] == "Y") { $record['qsl_sent'] = $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark']; } $status = $this->CI->logbook_model->import_check($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band']); $qsoid = 0; if ($status[0] == "Found") { $qsoid = $status[1]; $dupe = $this->CI->eqslmethods_model->eqsl_dupe_check($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band'], $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark']); if ($dupe == false) { $updated += 1; $eqsl_status = $this->CI->eqslmethods_model->eqsl_update($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band'], $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark']); } else { $dupes += 1; $eqsl_status = "Already received an eQSL for this QSO."; } } else { $not_found += 1; $eqsl_status = "QSO not found"; } $qsos[] = array( 'date' => $time_on, 'call' => str_replace("0", "Ø", $record['call']), 'mode' => $record['mode'], 'submode' => $record['submode'] ?? null, 'status' => $status[0], 'eqsl_status' => $eqsl_status, 'qsoid' => $qsoid, ); } unlink($this->adif_file); return $this->result("$records QSO: $updated updated / $dupes duplicates / $not_found not found", $qsos); } private function result($status, $qsos = array()): array { return array( 'name' => $this->name, 'adif_file' => $this->adif_file, 'qsos' => $qsos, 'status' => $status, ); } }