// Admin Menu - Version Dialog Settings function showCustomTextarea() { var selectedOptionValue = $("#version_dialog_mode option:selected").val(); if (selectedOptionValue === "custom_text" || selectedOptionValue === "both") { $('#version_dialog_custom_textarea').show(); } else { $('#version_dialog_custom_textarea').hide(); } } $(document).ready(function () { showCustomTextarea(); }); $('#version_dialog_mode').on('change', function () { showCustomTextarea(); }); // JavaScript function displayVersionDialog for Bootstrap 5 function displayVersionDialog() { $.ajax({ url: base_url + "index.php/Version_Dialog/displayVersionDialog", type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', success: function (data) { $('body').append(data); // Activate the Bootstrap Modal var versionDialogModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('versionDialogModal')); versionDialogModal.show(); }, error: function () { // Handling of errors console.log('Fehler beim Laden der PHP-Datei.'); } }); } function dismissVersionDialog() { $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/user_options/dismissVersionDialog', method: 'POST', }); }