session->flashdata('message')) { ?>

session->flashdata('message'); ?>

After many years and hard work Cloudlog version 2.0 has finally arrived, this brings multi-user support, logbooks to group station locations, improved code with lots of speed increases sprinkled around.

This guide is to help you get your installation configured to work with all the new features please follow it!

File Change /index.php - Turn off debugging messages

While some users love seeing errors even the development messages most don't so we recommend turning it off..

Edit /index.php and find define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development'); and replace with

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');

config->item('auth_level')[3] != "Operator") { ?>
File Change /application/config/config.php - Changes

As part of fully supporting multi-user, we recommend making some changes to the role names as shown below, "Operators" do not have the admin features.

Edit /application/config/config.php and find $config['auth_level'] and replace the options with only the ones below.

$config['auth_level'][3] = "Operator";
$config['auth_level'][99] = "Administrator";

Cronjob Refresher

Theres some new cronjobs to add with version 2.0.

# Update the Cloudlog installation every day at midnight
0 0 * * * /bin/bash -c "Full-Path-To-Bash-Script/"

# Upload QSOs to Club Log (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
0 */6 * * * curl --silent /clublog/upload/username-with-clublog-login &>/dev/null

# Upload QSOs to LoTW if certs have been provided every hour.
0 */1 * * * curl --silent /lotw/lotw_upload &>/dev/null

# Upload QSOs to Logbook (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
0 */6 * * * curl --silent /hrdlog/upload &>/dev/null

# Upload QSOs to QRZ Logbook (ignore cron job if this integration is not required)
0 */6 * * * curl --silent /qrz/upload &>/dev/null

# Update LoTW Users Database
@weekly curl --silent /lotw/load_users &>/dev/null

# Update Clublog SCP Database File
@weekly curl --silent /update/update_clublog_scp &>/dev/null

# Update DOK File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent /update/update_dok &>/dev/null

# Update SOTA File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent /update/update_sota &>/dev/null

# Update WWFF File for autocomplete
@monthly curl --silent /update/update_wwff &>/dev/null

0) { ?>
Assign ALL Station Locations to this username

With Cloudlog Version 2.0, Station Locations must be associated with a user pressing the button below will assign all Station Locations to the first user in the database

0) { ?>
Create Station Logbooks

All the views now in Cloudlog are based around Station Logbooks, you can create as many as you want and group Station Locations it makes tracking awards a lot easier.

You don't have one at the moment and it can cause issues so press the button below and create a default logbook, you can change this later!

0) { ?>
Claim Notes

Looks like you have some notes saved, we need to assign them to your username.

0) { ?>
Claim API Keys

Looks like you have some API Keys, we need to assign them to your username else they will stop working.

Update Country Files

Just a friendly reminder to update country files within Cloudlog so they are nice and up to date :)