'Hokkaido', '02' => 'Aomori', '03' => 'Iwate', '04' => 'Akita', '05' => 'Yamagata', '06' => 'Miyagi', '07' => 'Fukushima', '08' => 'Niigata', '09' => 'Nagano', '10' => 'Tokyo', '11' => 'Kanagawa', '12' => 'Chiba', '13' => 'Saitama', '14' => 'Ibaraki', '15' => 'Tochigi', '16' => 'Gunma', '17' => 'Yamanashi', '18' => 'Shizuoka', '19' => 'Gifu', '20' => 'Aichi', '21' => 'Mie', '22' => 'Kyoto', '23' => 'Shiga', '24' => 'Nara', '25' => 'Osaka', '26' => 'Wakayama', '27' => 'Hyogo', '28' => 'Toyama', '29' => 'Fukui', '30' => 'Ishikawa', '31' => 'Okayama', '32' => 'Shimane', '33' => 'Yamaguchi', '34' => 'Tottori', '35' => 'Hiroshima', '36' => 'Kagawa', '37' => 'Tokushima', '38' => 'Ehime', '39' => 'Kochi', '40' => 'Fukuoka', '41' => 'Saga', '42' => 'Nagasaki', '43' => 'Kumamoto', '44' => 'Oita', '45' => 'Miyazaki', '46' => 'Kagoshima', '47' => 'Okinawa'); public $prefectureString = '01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47'; function get_waja_array($bands, $postdata) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); if (!$logbooks_locations_array) { return null; } $location_list = "'".implode("','",$logbooks_locations_array)."'"; $wajaArray = explode(',', $this->prefectureString); $prefectures = array(); // Used for keeping track of which states that are not worked $qsl = ""; if ($postdata['confirmed'] != NULL) { if ($postdata['qsl'] != NULL ) { $qsl .= "Q"; } if ($postdata['lotw'] != NULL ) { $qsl .= "L"; } if ($postdata['eqsl'] != NULL ) { $qsl .= "E"; } } foreach ($wajaArray as $state) { // Generating array for use in the table $prefectures[$state]['count'] = 0; // Inits each state's count } foreach ($bands as $band) { foreach ($wajaArray as $state) { // Generating array for use in the table $bandWaja[$state]['Number'] = $state; $bandWaja[$state]['Prefecture'] = $this->jaPrefectures[$state]; $bandWaja[$state][$band] = '-'; // Sets all to dash to indicate no result } if ($postdata['worked'] != NULL) { $wajaBand = $this->getWajaWorked($location_list, $band, $postdata); foreach ($wajaBand as $line) { $bandWaja[$line->col_state][$band] = '
col_state . '","' . $band . '","'. $postdata['mode'] . '","WAJA", "")\'>W
'; $prefectures[$line->col_state]['count']++; } } if ($postdata['confirmed'] != NULL) { $wajaBand = $this->getWajaConfirmed($location_list, $band, $postdata); foreach ($wajaBand as $line) { $bandWaja[$line->col_state][$band] = '
col_state . '","' . $band . '","'. $postdata['mode'] . '","WAJA", "'.$qsl.'")\'>C
'; $prefectures[$line->col_state]['count']++; } } } // We want to remove the worked states in the list, since we do not want to display them if ($postdata['worked'] == NULL) { $wajaBand = $this->getWajaWorked($location_list, $postdata['band'], $postdata); foreach ($wajaBand as $line) { unset($bandWaja[$line->col_state]); } } // We want to remove the confirmed states in the list, since we do not want to display them if ($postdata['confirmed'] == NULL) { $wasBand = $this->getWajaConfirmed($location_list, $postdata['band'], $postdata); foreach ($wasBand as $line) { unset($bandWaja[$line->col_state]); } } if ($postdata['notworked'] == NULL) { foreach ($wajaArray as $state) { if ($prefectures[$state]['count'] == 0) { unset($bandWaja[$state]); }; } } if (isset($bandWaja)) { return $bandWaja; } else { return 0; } } function getWajaBandConfirmed($location_list, $band, $postdata) { $sql = "select adif as waja, name from dxcc_entities join ( select col_dxcc from ".$this->config->item('table_name')." thcv where station_id in (" . $location_list . ") and col_dxcc > 0"; $sql .= $this->addBandToQuery($band); if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= $this->addQslToQuery($postdata); $sql .= " group by col_dxcc ) x on dxcc_entities.adif = x.col_dxcc"; if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and dxcc_entities.end is null"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function getWajaBandWorked($location_list, $band, $postdata) { $sql = "select adif as waja, name from dxcc_entities join ( select col_dxcc from ".$this->config->item('table_name')." thcv where station_id in (" . $location_list . ") and col_dxcc > 0"; $sql .= $this->addBandToQuery($band); if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= " group by col_dxcc ) x on dxcc_entities.adif = x.col_dxcc";; if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and dxcc_entities.end is null"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function addBandToQuery($band) { $sql = ''; if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } return $sql; } /* * Function returns all worked, but not confirmed states * $postdata contains data from the form, in this case Lotw or QSL are used */ function getWajaWorked($location_list, $band, $postdata) { $sql = "SELECT distinct LPAD(col_state, 2, '0') AS col_state FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv where station_id in (" . $location_list . ")"; if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= $this->addStateToQuery(); $sql .= $this->addBandToQuery($band); $sql .= " and not exists (select 1 from ". $this->config->item('table_name') . " where station_id in (". $location_list . ")" . " and col_state = thcv.col_state"; if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= $this->addBandToQuery($band); $sql .= $this->addQslToQuery($postdata); $sql .= $this->addStateToQuery(); $sql .= ")"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } /* * Function returns all confirmed states on given band and on LoTW or QSL * $postdata contains data from the form, in this case Lotw or QSL are used */ function getWajaConfirmed($location_list, $band, $postdata) { $sql = "SELECT distinct LPAD(col_state, 2, '0') AS col_state FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv where station_id in (" . $location_list . ")"; if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= $this->addStateToQuery(); $sql .= $this->addBandToQuery($band); $sql .= $this->addQslToQuery($postdata); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } // Made function instead of repeating this several times function addQslToQuery($postdata) { $sql = ''; $qsl = array(); if ($postdata['lotw'] != NULL || $postdata['qsl'] != NULL || $postdata['eqsl'] != NULL) { $sql .= ' and ('; if ($postdata['qsl'] != NULL) { array_push($qsl, "col_qsl_rcvd = 'Y'"); } if ($postdata['lotw'] != NULL) { array_push($qsl, "col_lotw_qsl_rcvd = 'Y'"); } if ($postdata['eqsl'] != NULL) { array_push($qsl, "col_eqsl_qsl_rcvd = 'Y'"); } $sql .= implode(' or ', $qsl); $sql .= ')'; } return $sql; } /* * Function gets worked and confirmed summary on each band on the active stationprofile */ function get_waja_summary($bands, $postdata) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); if (!$logbooks_locations_array) { return null; } $location_list = "'".implode("','",$logbooks_locations_array)."'"; foreach ($bands as $band) { $worked = $this->getSummaryByBand($band, $postdata, $location_list); $confirmed = $this->getSummaryByBandConfirmed($band, $postdata, $location_list); $wajaSummary['worked'][$band] = $worked[0]->count; $wajaSummary['confirmed'][$band] = $confirmed[0]->count; } $workedTotal = $this->getSummaryByBand($postdata['band'], $postdata, $location_list); $confirmedTotal = $this->getSummaryByBandConfirmed($postdata['band'], $postdata, $location_list); $wajaSummary['worked']['Total'] = $workedTotal[0]->count; $wajaSummary['confirmed']['Total'] = $confirmedTotal[0]->count; return $wajaSummary; } function getSummaryByBand($band, $postdata, $location_list) { $sql = "SELECT count(distinct thcv.col_state) as count FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv"; $sql .= " where station_id in (" . $location_list . ")"; if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else if ($band == 'All') { $this->load->model('bands'); $bandslots = $this->bands->get_worked_bands('was'); $bandslots_list = "'".implode("','",$bandslots)."'"; $sql .= " and thcv.col_band in (" . $bandslots_list . ")" . " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; } else { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and thcv.col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= $this->addStateToQuery(); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function getSummaryByBandConfirmed($band, $postdata, $location_list) { $sql = "SELECT count(distinct thcv.col_state) as count FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv"; $sql .= " where station_id in (" . $location_list . ")"; if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else if ($band == 'All') { $this->load->model('bands'); $bandslots = $this->bands->get_worked_bands('was'); $bandslots_list = "'".implode("','",$bandslots)."'"; $sql .= " and thcv.col_band in (" . $bandslots_list . ")" . " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; } else { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and thcv.col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } if ($postdata['mode'] != 'All') { $sql .= " and (col_mode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "' or col_submode = '" . $postdata['mode'] . "')"; } $sql .= $this->addQslToQuery($postdata); $sql .= $this->addStateToQuery(); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function addStateToQuery() { $sql = ''; $sql .= " and COL_DXCC in ('339')"; $sql .= " and COL_STATE in ($this->prefectureString)"; return $sql; } } ?>