'; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($result as $master) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($result as $master) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
Year' . $master->Year . '
Days' . $master->Days . '
'; } ?>

Longest streak with QSOs in the log

A maximum of the 10 longest streaks are shown!

session->userdata('user_date_format')) { // If Logged in and session exists $custom_date_format = $this->session->userdata('user_date_format'); } else { // Get Default date format from /config/cloudlog.php $custom_date_format = $this->config->item('qso_date_format'); } ?> '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($streaks as $streak) { echo ''; echo ''; $beginstreak_newdate = strtotime($streak['beginstreak']); echo ''; $endstreak_newdate = strtotime($streak['endstreak']); echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
Streak (continuous days with QSOs)Begin dateEnd date
' . $streak['highstreak'] . '' . date($custom_date_format, $beginstreak_newdate) . '' . date($custom_date_format, $endstreak_newdate) . '
'; } else { echo ''; } ?>

Current streak with QSOs in the log

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $beginstreak_newdate = strtotime($currentstreak['beginstreak']); echo ''; $endstreak_newdate = strtotime($currentstreak['endstreak']); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
Current streak (continuous days with QSOs)Begin dateEnd date
' . $currentstreak['highstreak'] . '' . date($custom_date_format, $beginstreak_newdate) . '' . date($custom_date_format, $endstreak_newdate) . '
'; } elseif (is_array($almostcurrentstreak)) { ?>

If you make a QSO today, you can continue to extend your streak... or else your current streak will be broken!

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $beginstreak_newdate = strtotime($almostcurrentstreak['beginstreak']); echo ''; $endstreak_newdate = strtotime($almostcurrentstreak['endstreak']); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
Current streak (continuous days with QSOs)Begin dateEnd date
' . $almostcurrentstreak['highstreak'] . '' . date($custom_date_format, $beginstreak_newdate) . '' . date($custom_date_format, $endstreak_newdate) . '
'; } else { echo ''; } ?>