db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('user_id')); return $this->db->get('api'); } function CountKeysWithNoUserID() { $this->db->where('user_id =', NULL); $query = $this->db->get('api'); return $query->num_rows(); } function ClaimAllAPIKeys($id = NULL) { // if $id is empty then use session user_id if (empty($id)) { // Get the first USER ID from user table in the database $id = $this->db->get("users")->row()->user_id; } $data = array( 'user_id' => $id, ); $this->db->update('api', $data); } function key_description($key) { $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('user_id')); $this->db->where('key', $key); $query = $this->db->get('api'); return $query->result_array()[0]; } function key_userid($key) { $this->db->where('key', $key); $query = $this->db->get('api'); return $query->result_array()[0]['user_id']; } function update_key_description($key, $description) { $data = array( 'description' => xss_clean($description), ); $this->db->where('key', xss_clean($key)); $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('user_id')); $this->db->update('api', xss_clean($data)); } function country_worked($dxcc_num, $band, $mode){ if($band == "all") { if($mode != NULL) { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_DXCC = "'.$dxcc_num.'" AND COL_MODE = "'.$mode.'"'); } else { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_DXCC = "'.$dxcc_num.'"'); } } else { if($mode != NULL) { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_DXCC = "'.$dxcc_num.'" AND COL_BAND = "'.$band.'" AND COL_MODE = "'.$mode.'"'); } else { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_DXCC = "'.$dxcc_num.'" AND COL_BAND = "'.$band.'"'); } } if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } function gridsquare_worked($gridsquare, $band, $mode){ if($band == "all") { if($mode != NULL) { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_GRIDSQUARE LIKE "%'.$gridsquare.'%" AND COL_MODE = "'.$mode.'"'); } else { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_GRIDSQUARE LIKE "%'.$gridsquare.'%"'); } } else { if($mode != NULL) { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_GRIDSQUARE LIKE "%'.$gridsquare.'%" AND COL_BAND = "'.$band.'" AND COL_MODE = "'.$mode.'"'); } else { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_GRIDSQUARE LIKE "%'.$gridsquare.'%" AND COL_BAND ="'.$band.'"'); } } if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } function delete_key($key) { $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('user_id')); $this->db->where('key', xss_clean($key)); $this->db->delete('api'); } // Generate API Key function generate_key($rights) { // Expects either rw (Read, Write) or r (read only) // Generate Unique Key $data['key'] = uniqid("cl"); $data['rights'] = $rights; // Set API key to active $data['status'] = "active"; $data['user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); $this->db->insert('api', $data); } function access($key) { // No key = no access, mate if(!$key) { return $status = "No Key Found"; } // Check that the key is valid $this->db->where('key', $key); $query = $this->db->get('api'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { if($row->status == "active") { return $status = $row->rights; } else { return $status = "Key Disabled"; } } } else { return $status = "No Key Found"; } } function authorize($key) { $r = $this->access($key); if($r == "rw") { return 2; } else if($r == "r") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: string name(string $column) // Converts a MySQL column name to a more friendly name function name($col) { if($this->_columnName[$col]) { return $this->_columnName[$col]['Name']; } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: string description(string $column) // Returns the description for a MySQL column name function description($col) { if($this->_columnName[$col]) { if($this->_columnName[$col]['Description'] != "") { return $this->_columnName[$col]['Description']; } else { return "No description available"; } } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: string name(string $name) // Converts a friendly name to a MySQL column name function column($name) { while ($column = current($this->_columnName)) { if($this->_columnName[key($this->_columnName)]['Name'] == $name) { $a = key($this->_columnName); reset($this->_columnName); return $a; } next($this->_columnName); } reset($this->_columnName); return 0; } function insert_parse($arguments) { # $q = "INSERT INTO ".$this->config->item('table_name'); $f = explode(",", $arguments['query']); $r = $this->_insert_field_translate($f); return $r; } // FUNCTION: string select_parse(array $arguments) // Converts an array of arguments into a MySQL query string // See documentation for search() under the API controller for more details function select_parse($arguments) { // Initialise our string $q = "SELECT "; // Cycle through the fields, converting friendly names to MySQL column names if($arguments['fields'] != "") { $field = ""; $fields = explode(",", $arguments['fields']); foreach ($fields as $f) { if($field != "") { $field .= ","; } // Add field to the query, with '++' placeholders for later translation $field .= "++$f++"; } // Handle any DISTINCT arguments $field = str_replace("++distinct(", "DISTINCT(++", $field); $field = str_replace(")++", "++)", $field); // Add the MySQL column name to the query $q .= $field." "; } else { // If no fields are specified, display all fields $q .= "* "; } // Append the table we're pulling data from $q .= "FROM ".$this->config->item('table_name'); if (isset($arguments["join_station_profile"]) && $arguments["join_station_profile"]) { $q .= " INNER JOIN station_profile ON ".$this->config->item('table_name').".station_id = station_profile.station_id"; } // Parse the 'query' string, which is converted into a standard MySQL 'WHERE' // clause. // $s and $r can be refactored into single array definitions, but during // development it's easier to list them in this way for quick reference. if($arguments['query'] != "") { $q .= " WHERE "; $q = $this->_query_parse($q, $arguments['query']); } // Parse any order arguments if($arguments['order'] != "") { $q .= " ORDER BY "; $s = null; $r = null; $s[0] = '/(/'; $s[1] = '/)/'; $s[2] = '/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)([,\(]{1}|$)/'; $s[3] = '/\(asc\)/'; $s[4] = '/\(desc\)/'; $s[5] = '/,$/'; $s[6] = '/\[/'; $s[7] = '/\]/'; $r[0] = '('; $r[1] = ')'; $r[2] = '++$1++ $2'; $r[3] = ' ASC '; $r[4] = ' DESC '; $r[5] = ''; $r[6] = ''; $r[7] = ''; $q .= preg_replace($s, $r, $arguments['order']); } $q = $this->_select_field_translate($q); // Parse any limit arguments if($arguments['limit'] != "") { // Add the limit arguments, removing any characters other than numbers and commas $q .= " LIMIT " . preg_replace(array("/[^0-9\,]/","/,$/"), "", $arguments['limit']); } else { // If no limit argument is given, default to the first 20 results $q .= " LIMIT 0,20"; } return $q; } private function _query_parse($q, $qs) { if($qs != "") { $s = null; $r = null; // (and), becomes ' AND ' $s[0] = '/(and)/'; // (or), becomes ' OR ' $s[1] = '/(or)/'; // <, >, [ and ] all translated from their urlencoded forms $s[2] = '/%3C/'; $s[3] = '/%3E/'; $s[4] = '/%5B/'; $s[5] = '/%5D/'; // FieldName=, which becomes '++FieldName++ = ' $s[6] = '/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\*\(\)\=\~]+)=/'; // =Value, which becomes '= 'Value'' $s[7] = '/=([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\*\(\)\=\~]+)/'; // now(), which becomes 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())' $s[8] = '/now()/'; // (, and ), which are translated to their non-HTML entity forms, // and with added padding $s[9] = '/(/'; $s[10] = '/)/'; // FieldName~, becomes '++FieldName++ LIKE~' $s[11] = '/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\*\(\)\=\~]+)~/'; // ~Value, becomes ' 'Value'' $s[12] = '/~([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\*\(\)\=\~]+)/'; // *, which becomes '%' $s[13] = '/\*/'; $r[0] = ' AND '; $r[1] = ' OR '; $r[2] = ' < '; $r[3] = ' > '; // Strip out square brackets $r[4] = ''; $r[5] = ''; $r[6] = '++$1++ ='; $r[7] = '= \'$1\''; $r[8] = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())'; $r[9] = '( '; $r[10] = ' )'; $r[11] = '++$1++ LIKE~'; $r[12] = ' \'$1\''; $r[13] = '%'; // Bulk replace everything $q .= preg_replace($s, $r, $qs); } return $q; } private function _select_field_translate($q) { // Do search/replace on field names, to convert from friendly names // to MySQL column names foreach($this->_columnName as $key => $val) { $q = str_replace("++".$val['Name']."++", $key, $q); } return $q; } private function _insert_field_translate($q) { // Do search/replace on field names, to convert from friendly names // to MySQL column names $r = array(); foreach($q as $key => $val) { $f = explode('=', $val); $r[$this->column($f[0])] = $f[1]; } return $r; } // ARRAY: $_columnName // An array matching MySQL column names to friendly names, descriptions and types private $_columnName = array( 'COL_PRIMARY_KEY' => array('Name' => 'ID', 'Description' => 'Unique QSO ID', 'Type' => 'I'), 'COL_ADDRESS' => array('Name' => 'Address', 'Description' => 'Operator\'s address', 'Type' => 'S'), 'COL_AGE' => array('Name' => 'Age', 'Description' => 'Operator\'s age', 'Type' => 'I'), 'COL_A_INDEX' => array('Name' => 'AIndex', 'Description' => 'Solar A Index', 'Type' => 'I'), 'COL_ANT_AZ' => array('Name' => 'AntennaAzimuth', 'Description' => 'Antenna azimuth', 'Type' => 'I'), 'COL_ANT_EL' => array('Name' => 'AntennaElevation', 'Description' => 'Antenna elevation', 'Type' => 'I'), 'COL_ANT_PATH' => array('Name' => 'AntennaPath', 'Description' => 'Antenna path', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_ARRL_SECT' => array('Name' => 'ARRLSection', 'Description' => 'ARRL Section', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_BAND' => array('Name' => 'Band', 'Description' => 'Band', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_BAND_RX' => array('Name' => 'BandRX', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_BIOGRAPHY' => array('Name' => 'Biography', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CALL' => array('Name' => 'Call', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CHECK' => array('Name' => 'UNK_CHECK', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CLASS' => array('Name' => 'Class', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CNTY' => array('Name' => 'County', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_COMMENT' => array('Name' => 'Comment', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CONT' => array('Name' => 'Continent', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CONTACTED_OP' => array('Name' => 'UNK_CONTACTED_OP', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CONTEST_ID' => array('Name' => 'ContestID', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_COUNTRY' => array('Name' => 'Country', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CQZ' => array('Name' => 'CQZone', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_DARC_DOK' => array('Name' => 'DOK', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_DISTANCE' => array('Name' => 'Distance', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_DXCC' => array('Name' => 'DXCC', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EMAIL' => array('Name' => 'EMail', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EQ_CALL' => array('Name' => 'UNK_EQ_CALL', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE' => array('Name' => 'EQSLRecievedDate', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EQSL_QSLSDATE' => array('Name' => 'EQSLSentDate', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD' => array('Name' => 'EQSLRecieved', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT' => array('Name' => 'EQSLSent', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_EQSL_STATUS' => array('Name' => 'EQSLStatus', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_FORCE_INIT' => array('Name' => 'UNK_FORCE_INIT', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_FREQ' => array('Name' => 'Frequency', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_FREQ_RX' => array('Name' => 'FrequencyRX', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_GRIDSQUARE' => array('Name' => 'Locator', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_HEADING' => array('Name' => 'Heading', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_IOTA' => array('Name' => 'IOTA', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_ITUZ' => array('Name' => 'ITUZone', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_K_INDEX' => array('Name' => 'KIndex', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LAT' => array('Name' => 'Latitude', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LON' => array('Name' => 'Longitude', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE' => array('Name' => 'LOTWRecievedDate', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LOTW_QSLSDATE' => array('Name' => 'LOTWSentDate', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD' => array('Name' => 'LOTWRecieved', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT' => array('Name' => 'LOTWSent', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_LOTW_STATUS' => array('Name' => 'LOTWStatus', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MAX_BURSTS' => array('Name' => 'MaxBursts', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MODE' => array('Name' => 'Mode', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MS_SHOWER' => array('Name' => 'MSShower', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_CITY' => array('Name' => 'MyCity', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_CNTY' => array('Name' => 'MyCounty', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_COUNTRY' => array('Name' => 'MyCountry', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_CQ_ZONE' => array('Name' => 'MyCQZone', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_GRIDSQUARE' => array('Name' => 'MyLocator', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_IOTA' => array('Name' => 'MyIOTA', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_ITU_ZONE' => array('Name' => 'MyITUZone', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_LAT' => array('Name' => 'MyLatitude', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_LON' => array('Name' => 'MyLongitude', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_NAME' => array('Name' => 'MyName', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_POSTAL_CODE' => array('Name' => 'MyPostalCode', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_RIG' => array('Name' => 'MyRig', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_SIG' => array('Name' => 'MySig', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_SIG_INFO' => array('Name' => 'MySigInfo', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_STATE' => array('Name' => 'MyState', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_MY_STREET' => array('Name' => 'MyStreet', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_NAME' => array('Name' => 'Name', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_NOTES' => array('Name' => 'Notes', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_NR_BURSTS' => array('Name' => 'NumBursts', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_NR_PINGS' => array('Name' => 'NumPings', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_OPERATOR' => array('Name' => 'Operator', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_OWNER_CALLSIGN' => array('Name' => 'OwnerCallsign', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_PFX' => array('Name' => 'Prefix', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_PRECEDENCE' => array('Name' => 'Precedence', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_PROP_MODE' => array('Name' => 'PropMode', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_PUBLIC_KEY' => array('Name' => 'PublicKey', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSLMSG' => array('Name' => 'QSLMessage', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSLRDATE' => array('Name' => 'QSLRecievedDate', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSLSDATE' => array('Name' => 'QSLSentDate', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSL_RCVD' => array('Name' => 'QSLRecieved', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA' => array('Name' => 'QSLRecievedVia', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSL_SENT' => array('Name' => 'QSLSent', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSL_SENT_VIA' => array('Name' => 'QSLSentVia', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSL_VIA' => array('Name' => 'QSLVia', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSO_COMPLETE' => array('Name' => 'QSOComplete', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QSO_RANDOM' => array('Name' => 'QSORandom', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_QTH' => array('Name' => 'QTH', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_RIG' => array('Name' => 'Rig', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_RST_RCVD' => array('Name' => 'ReportRecieved', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_RST_SENT' => array('Name' => 'ReportSent', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_RX_PWR' => array('Name' => 'RXPower', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SAT_MODE' => array('Name' => 'SatMode', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SAT_NAME' => array('Name' => 'SatName', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SFI' => array('Name' => 'SFI', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SIG' => array('Name' => 'Sig', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SIG_INFO' => array('Name' => 'SigInfo', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SRX' => array('Name' => 'UNK_SRX', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_STX' => array('Name' => 'UNK_STX', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SRX_STRING' => array('Name' => 'UNK_SRX_STRING', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_STX_STRING' => array('Name' => 'UNK_STX_STRING', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_STATE' => array('Name' => 'State', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_STATION_CALLSIGN' => array('Name' => 'StationCall', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_SWL' => array('Name' => 'SWL', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_TEN_TEN' => array('Name' => 'TenTen', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_TIME_OFF' => array('Name' => 'TimeOff', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_TIME_ON' => array('Name' => 'TimeOn', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_TX_PWR' => array('Name' => 'TXPower', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_WEB' => array('Name' => 'Website', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_0' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_0', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_1' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_1', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_2' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_2', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_3' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_3', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_4' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_4', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_5' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_5', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_6' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_6', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_7' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_7', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_8' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_8', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_USER_DEFINED_9' => array('Name' => 'UNK_USER_DEFINED_9', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CREDIT_GRANTED' => array('Name' => 'UNK_CREDIT_GRANTED', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), 'COL_CREDIT_SUBMITTED' => array('Name' => 'UNK_CREDIT_SUBMITTED', 'Description' => '', 'Type' => ''), ); } ?>