session->userdata('user_locator')) { $this->load->library('qra'); $qra_position = $this->qra->qra2latlong($this->session->userdata('user_locator')); $data['qra'] = "set"; $data['qra_lat'] = $qra_position[0]; $data['qra_lng'] = $qra_position[1]; } else { $data['qra'] = "none"; } $this->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $this->Stations->find_active(); $station_data = $this->Stations->profile_clean($station_id); // load the view $data['station_profile'] = $station_data; $data['page_title'] = "Map QSOs"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('map/qsos'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } function custom() { $this->load->model('bands'); //$this->load->model('modes'); $data['worked_bands'] = $this->bands->get_worked_bands(); // Used in the view for band select //$data['modes'] = $this->modes->active(); // Used in the view for mode select if ($this->input->post('band') != NULL) { // Band is not set when page first loads. if ($this->input->post('band') == 'All') { // Did the user specify a band? If not, use all bands $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } else { $bands[] = $this->input->post('band'); } } else { $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } $data['bands'] = $bands; // Used for displaying selected band(s) in the table in the view // Calculate Lat/Lng from Locator to use on Maps if($this->session->userdata('user_locator')) { $this->load->library('qra'); $qra_position = $this->qra->qra2latlong($this->session->userdata('user_locator')); $data['qra'] = "set"; $data['qra_lat'] = $qra_position[0]; $data['qra_lng'] = $qra_position[1]; } else { $data['qra'] = "none"; } $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $result = $CI->logbooks_model->logbook($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook'))->result(); if ($result) { $logbook_name = $result[0]->logbook_name; } else { $logbook_name = ''; } // load the view $data['logbook_name'] = $logbook_name; $data['page_title'] = "Map QSOs"; if ($this->input->post('from')) { $from = $this->input->post('from'); $from = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y g:i A', $from); $from = $from->format('Y-m-d H:i'); $footer_data['date_from'] = $from; } else { $footer_data['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:00'); } if ($this->input->post('to')) { $to = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y g:i A', $this->input->post('to')); $to = $to->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d H:i:00'); $footer_data['date_to'] = $to; } else { $temp_to = new DateTime('tomorrow'); $footer_data['date_to'] = $temp_to->format('Y-m-d H:i:00'); } $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('map/custom_date'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer',$footer_data); } function map_data_custom() { $start_date = $this->uri->segment(3); $end_date = $this->uri->segment(4); $band = $this->uri->segment(5); $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $this->load->library('qra'); $qsos = $this->logbook_model->map_custom_qsos(rawurldecode($start_date), rawurldecode($end_date), $band); echo "{\"markers\": ["; $count = 1; if ($qsos) { foreach ($qsos->result() as $row) { //print_r($row); if($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE != null) { $stn_loc = $this->qra->qra2latlong($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE); if($count != 1) { echo ","; } if($row->COL_SAT_NAME != null) { echo "{\"lat\":\"".$stn_loc[0]."\",\"lng\":\"".$stn_loc[1]."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."
Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."
SAT: ".$row->COL_SAT_NAME."
Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}"; } else { echo "{\"lat\":\"".$stn_loc[0]."\",\"lng\":\"".$stn_loc[1]."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."
Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."
Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."
Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}"; } $count++; } else { $query = $this->db->query(' SELECT * FROM dxcc_entities WHERE prefix = SUBSTRING( \''.$row->COL_CALL.'\', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) ) ORDER BY LENGTH( prefix ) DESC LIMIT 1 '); foreach ($query->result() as $dxcc) { if($count != 1) { echo ","; } echo "{\"lat\":\"".$dxcc->lat."\",\"lng\":\"".$dxcc->long."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."
Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."
Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."
Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}"; $count++; } } } } echo "]"; echo "}"; } function map_data() { $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $this->load->library('qra'); //echo date('Y-m-d') $raw = strtotime('Monday last week'); $mon = date('Y-m-d', $raw); $sun = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Monday next week')); $qsos = $this->logbook_model->map_all_qsos_for_active_station_profile(); echo "{\"markers\": ["; $count = 1; foreach ($qsos->result() as $row) { //print_r($row); if($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE != null) { $stn_loc = $this->qra->qra2latlong($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE); if($count != 1) { echo ","; } if($row->COL_SAT_NAME != null) { echo "{\"lat\":\"".$stn_loc[0]."\",\"lng\":\"".$stn_loc[1]."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."
Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."
SAT: ".$row->COL_SAT_NAME."
Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}"; } else { echo "{\"lat\":\"".$stn_loc[0]."\",\"lng\":\"".$stn_loc[1]."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."
Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."
Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."
Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}"; } $count++; } else { $query = $this->db->query(' SELECT * FROM dxcc_entities WHERE prefix = SUBSTRING( \''.$row->COL_CALL.'\', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) ) ORDER BY LENGTH( prefix ) DESC LIMIT 1 '); foreach ($query->result() as $dxcc) { if($count != 1) { echo ","; } echo "{\"lat\":\"".$dxcc->lat."\",\"lng\":\"".$dxcc->long."\", \"html\":\"Callsign: ".$row->COL_CALL."
Date/Time: ".$row->COL_TIME_ON."
Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."
Mode: ".$row->COL_MODE."\",\"label\":\"".$row->COL_CALL."\"}"; $count++; } } } echo "]"; echo "}"; } }