load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->model('user_model'); if(!$this->user_model->authorize(2)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('notice', 'You\'re not allowed to do that!'); redirect('dashboard'); } } private function loadFromFile($filepath) { ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); set_time_limit(0); // Figure out how we should be marking QSLs confirmed via eQSL $query = $query = $this->db->query('SELECT eqsl_rcvd_mark FROM config'); $q = $query->row(); $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark'] = $q->eqsl_rcvd_mark; ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); set_time_limit(0); $this->load->library('adif_parser'); $this->adif_parser->load_from_file($filepath); $this->adif_parser->initialize(); $tableheaders = ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $tableheaders .= ""; $table = ""; while ($record = $this->adif_parser->get_record()) { $time_on = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) ." ".date('H:i', strtotime($record['time_on'])); // The report from eQSL should only contain entries that have been confirmed via eQSL // If there's a match for the QSO from the report in our log, it's confirmed via eQSL. // If we have a positive match from LoTW, record it in the DB according to the user's preferences if ($record['qsl_sent'] == "Y") { $record['qsl_sent'] = $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark']; } $status = $this->logbook_model->import_check($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band']); if ($status == "Found") { $dupe = $this->logbook_model->eqsl_dupe_check($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band'], $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark']); if ($dupe == false) { $eqsl_status = $this->logbook_model->eqsl_update($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band'], $config['eqsl_rcvd_mark']); } else { $eqsl_status = "Already received an eQSL for this QSO."; } } else { $eqsl_status = "QSO not found"; } $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; } if ($table != "") { $table .= "
DateCallModeLog StatuseQSL Status
".$time_on."".str_replace("0","Ø",$record['call'])."".$record['mode']."QSO Record: ".$status."eQSL Record: ".$eqsl_status."
"; $data['eqsl_results_table_headers'] = $tableheaders; $data['eqsl_results_table'] = $table; } unlink($filepath); $data['page_title'] = "eQSL Import Information"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('eqsl/analysis'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function import() { // Check if eQSL Nicknames have been defined $this->load->model('stations'); if($this->stations->are_eqsl_nicks_defined() == 0) { show_error('eQSL Nicknames in Station Profiles arent defined'); exit; } ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); set_time_limit(0); $data['page_title'] = "eQSL Import"; $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'adi|ADI'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); $this->load->model('logbook_model'); if ($this->input->post('eqslimport') == 'fetch') { //echo "import from clublog ADIF
"; $file = $config['upload_path'] . 'eqslreport_download.adi'; //echo "
Download File: ".$file."
"; // Get credentials for eQSL $query = $this->user_model->get_by_id($this->session->userdata('user_id')); $q = $query->row(); $data['user_eqsl_name'] = $q->user_eqsl_name; $data['user_eqsl_password'] = $q->user_eqsl_password; //echo "
"; // Get URL for downloading the eqsl.cc inbox $query = $query = $this->db->query('SELECT eqsl_download_url FROM config'); $q = $query->row(); $eqsl_url = $q->eqsl_download_url; // Validate that LoTW credentials are not empty if ($data['user_eqsl_name'] == '' || $data['user_eqsl_password'] == '') { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'You have not defined your eQSL.cc credentials!'); redirect('eqsl/import'); } $this->load->model('stations'); $active_station_id = $this->stations->find_active(); $station_profile = $this->stations->profile($active_station_id); $active_station_info = $station_profile->row(); // Query the logbook to determine when the last LoTW confirmation was $eqsl_last_qsl_date = $this->logbook_model->eqsl_last_qsl_rcvd_date(); // Build parameters for eQSL inbox file $eqsl_params = http_build_query(array( 'UserName' => $data['user_eqsl_name'], 'Password' => $data['user_eqsl_password'], 'RcvdSince' => $eqsl_last_qsl_date, 'QTHNickname' => $active_station_info->eqslqthnickname, 'ConfirmedOnly' => 1 )); //echo "


"; // At this point, what we get isn't the ADI file we need, but rather // an HTML page, which contains a link to the generated ADI file that we want. // Adapted from Original PHP code by Chirp Internet: www.chirp.com.au (regex) // Let's use cURL instead of file_get_contents // begin script $ch = curl_init(); // basic curl options for all requests curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // use the URL and params we built curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $eqsl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $eqsl_params); $input = curl_exec($ch); $chi = curl_getinfo($ch); // "You have no log entries" -> Nothing else to do here // "Your ADIF log file has been built" -> We've got an ADIF file we need to grab. if ($chi['http_code'] == "200") { if (stristr($input, "You have no log entries")) { $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'There are no QSLs waiting for download at eQSL.cc.'); redirect('eqsl/import'); } else if (stristr($input, "Error: No such Username/Password found")) { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'No such Username/Password found This could mean the wrong callsign or the wrong password, or the user does not exist.'); redirect('eqsl/import'); } else { if (stristr($input, "Your ADIF log file has been built")) { // Get all the links on the page and grab the URL for the ADI file. $regexp = "]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>"; if(preg_match_all("/$regexp/siU", $input, $matches)) { foreach( $matches[2] as $match ) { // Look for the link that has the .adi file, and download it to $file if (substr($match, -4, 4) == ".adi") { file_put_contents($file, file_get_contents("http://eqsl.cc/qslcard/" . $match)); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $this->loadFromFile($file); break; } } } } } } else { if ($chi['http_code'] == "500") { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'eQSL.cc is experiencing issues. Please try importing QSOs later.'); redirect('eqsl/import'); } else { if ($chi['http_code'] == "404") { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'It seems that the eQSL site has changed. Please open up an issue on GitHub.'); redirect('eqsl/import'); } } } // Close cURL handle curl_close($ch); } else { if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload()) { $data['error'] = $this->upload->display_errors(); $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('eqsl/import'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $this->loadFromFile('./uploads/'.$data['upload_data']['file_name']); } } } // end function public function export() { // Check if eQSL Nicknames have been defined $this->load->model('stations'); if($this->stations->are_eqsl_nicks_defined() == 0) { show_error('eQSL Nicknames in Station Profiles arent defined'); exit; } ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); set_time_limit(0); $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $data['page_title'] = "eQSL QSO Upload"; if ($this->input->post('eqslexport') == "export") { // Get credentials for eQSL $query = $this->user_model->get_by_id($this->session->userdata('user_id')); $q = $query->row(); $data['user_eqsl_name'] = $q->user_eqsl_name; $data['user_eqsl_password'] = $q->user_eqsl_password; // Validate that eQSL credentials are not empty if ($data['user_eqsl_name'] == '' || $data['user_eqsl_password'] == '') { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'You have not defined your eQSL.cc credentials!'); redirect('eqsl/import'); } // Grab the list of QSOs to send information about // perform an HTTP get on each one, and grab the status back $qslsnotsent = $this->logbook_model->eqsl_not_yet_sent(); $table = ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; // Build out the ADIF info string according to specs http://eqsl.cc/qslcard/ADIFContentSpecs.cfm foreach ($qslsnotsent->result_array() as $qsl) { $COL_QSO_DATE = date('Ymd',strtotime($qsl['COL_TIME_ON'])); $COL_TIME_ON = date('Hi',strtotime($qsl['COL_TIME_ON'])); # Set up the single record file $adif = "http://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/importADIF.cfm?"; $adif .= "ADIFData=CloudlogUpload%20"; /* Handy reference of escaping chars "<" = 3C ">" = 3E ":" = 3A " " = 20 "_" = 5F "-" = 2D "." = 2E */ $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "ADIF%5FVER"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= "4"; $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= "1%2E00 "; $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "EQSL%5FUSER"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($data['user_eqsl_name']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $data['user_eqsl_name']; $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "EQSL%5FPSWD"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($data['user_eqsl_password']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= urlencode($data['user_eqsl_password']); $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "EOH"; $adif .= "%3E"; # Lay out the required fields $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "QSO%5FDATE"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= "8"; $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $COL_QSO_DATE; $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "TIME%5FON"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= "4"; $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $COL_TIME_ON; $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "CALL"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_CALL']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['COL_CALL']; $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "MODE"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_MODE']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['COL_MODE']; $adif .= "%20"; $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "BAND"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_BAND']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['COL_BAND']; $adif .= "%20"; # End all the required fields // adding RST_Sent $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "RST%5FSENT"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_RST_SENT']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['COL_RST_SENT']; $adif .= "%20"; // adding prop mode if it isn't blank if ($qsl['COL_PROP_MODE']){ $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "PROP%5FMODE"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_PROP_MODE']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['COL_PROP_MODE']; $adif .= "%20"; } // adding sat name if it isn't blank if ($qsl['COL_SAT_NAME'] != ''){ $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "SAT%5FNAME"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_SAT_NAME']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= str_replace('-', '%2D', $qsl['COL_SAT_NAME']); $adif .= "%20"; } // adding sat mode if it isn't blank if ($qsl['COL_SAT_MODE'] != ''){ $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "SAT%5FMODE"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['COL_SAT_MODE']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['COL_SAT_MODE']; $adif .= "%20"; } if ($qsl['eqslqthnickname'] != ''){ $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "APP%5FEQSL%5FQTH%5FNICKNAME"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['eqslqthnickname']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['eqslqthnickname']; $adif .= "%20"; } // adding sat mode if it isn't blank if ($qsl['station_gridsquare'] != ''){ $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "MY%5FGRIDSQUARE"; $adif .= "%3A"; $adif .= strlen($qsl['station_gridsquare']); $adif .= "%3E"; $adif .= $qsl['station_gridsquare']; $adif .= "%20"; } # Tie a bow on it! $adif .= "%3C"; $adif .= "EOR"; $adif .= "%3E"; # Make sure we don't have any spaces $adif = str_replace(" ", '%20', $adif); $status = ""; // begin script $ch = curl_init(); // basic curl options for all requests curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // use the URL we built curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $adif); $result = curl_exec($ch); $chi = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); /* Time for some error handling Things we might get back Result: 0 out of 0 records added -> eQSL didn't understand the format Result: 1 out of 1 records added -> Fantastic Error: No match on eQSL_User/eQSL_Pswd -> eQSL credentials probably wrong Warning: Y=2013 M=08 D=11 F6ARS 15M JT65 Bad record: Duplicate Result: 0 out of 1 records added -> Dupe, OM! */ if ($chi['http_code'] == "200") { if (stristr($result, "Result: 1 out of 1 records added")) { $status = "Sent"; $this->logbook_model->eqsl_mark_sent($qsl['COL_PRIMARY_KEY']); } else { if (stristr($result, "Error: No match on eQSL_User/eQSL_Pswd")) { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'Your eQSL username and/or password is incorrect.'); redirect('eqsl/export'); } else { if (stristr($result, "Result: 0 out of 0 records added")) { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'Something went wrong with eQSL.cc!'); redirect('eqsl/export'); } else { if (stristr($result, "Bad record: Duplicate")) { $status = "Duplicate"; # Mark the QSL as sent if this is a dupe. $this->logbook_model->eqsl_mark_sent($qsl['COL_PRIMARY_KEY']); } } } } } else { if ($chi['http_code'] == "500") { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'eQSL.cc is experiencing issues. Please try exporting QSOs later.'); redirect('eqsl/export'); } else { if ($chi['http_code'] == "400") { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'There was an error in one of the QSOs. You might want to manually upload them.'); redirect('eqsl/export'); $status = "Error"; } else { if ($chi['http_code'] == "404") { $this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'It seems that the eQSL site has changed. Please open up an issue on GitHub.'); redirect('eqsl/export'); } } } } $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; } $table .= "
"; // Dump out a table with the results $data['eqsl_results_table'] = $table; log_message('debug', $result); } else { $qslsnotsent = $this->logbook_model->eqsl_not_yet_sent(); if ($qslsnotsent->num_rows() > 0) { $table = ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; foreach ($qslsnotsent->result_array() as $qsl) { $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; } $table .= "
DateCallModeBandeQSL QTH Nickname
".$qsl['COL_TIME_ON']."" . str_replace("0","Ø",strtoupper($qsl['COL_CALL'])) . "".$qsl['COL_MODE']."".$qsl['COL_BAND']."".$qsl['eqslqthnickname']."
"; $data['eqsl_table'] = $table; } } $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('eqsl/export'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } function image($id) { $this->load->library('electronicqsl'); $this->load->model('Eqsl_images'); if($this->Eqsl_images->get_image($id) == "No Image") { $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $qso_query = $this->logbook_model->get_qso($id); $qso = $qso_query->row(); $qso_timestamp = strtotime($qso->COL_TIME_ON); $callsign = $qso->COL_CALL; $band = $qso->COL_BAND; $mode = $qso->COL_MODE; $year = date('Y', $qso_timestamp); $month = date('m', $qso_timestamp); $day = date('d', $qso_timestamp); $hour = date('H', $qso_timestamp); $minute = date('i', $qso_timestamp); $query = $this->user_model->get_by_id($this->session->userdata('user_id')); $q = $query->row(); $username = $q->user_eqsl_name; $password = $q->user_eqsl_password; $image_url = $this->electronicqsl->card_image($username, urlencode($password), $callsign, $band, $mode, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute); $file = file_get_contents($image_url, true); $dom = new domDocument; $dom->loadHTML($file); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img'); if(!isset($images) || count($images) == 0) { echo "Rate Limited"; exit; } foreach ($images as $image) { header('Content-Type: image/jpg'); $content = file_get_contents("https://www.eqsl.cc".$image->getAttribute('src')); if ($content === false) { echo "No response"; exit; } echo $content; $filename = uniqid().'.jpg'; if (file_put_contents('images/eqsl_card_images/' . '/'.$filename, $content) !== false) { $this->Eqsl_images->save_image($id, $filename); } } } else { header('Content-Type: image/jpg'); $image_url = base_url('images/eqsl_card_images/'.$this->Eqsl_images->get_image($id)); header('Location: ' . $image_url); } } public function tools() { // Check logged in $this->load->model('user_model'); if(!$this->user_model->authorize(2)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('notice', 'You\'re not allowed to do that!'); redirect('dashboard'); } $data['page_title'] = "eQSL Tools"; // Load frontend $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('eqsl/tools'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function mark_all_sent() { // Check logged in $this->load->model('user_model'); if(!$this->user_model->authorize(2)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('notice', 'You\'re not allowed to do that!'); redirect('dashboard'); } // mark all eqsls as sent $this->load->model('eqslmethods_model'); $this->eqslmethods_model->mark_all_as_sent(); $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'All eQSLs Marked as Uploaded'); redirect('eqsl/tools'); } } // end class