0, "80m"=>0, "60m"=>0, "40m"=>0, "30m"=>0, "20m"=>0, "17m"=>0, "15m"=>0, "12m"=>0, "10m"=>0, "6m" =>0, "4m" =>0, "2m" =>0, "70cm"=>0, "23cm"=>0, "13cm"=>0, "9cm"=>0, "6cm"=>0, "3cm"=>0, "1.25cm"=>0); function get_worked_sats() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $location_list = "'".implode("','",$logbooks_locations_array)."'"; // get all worked sats from database $sql = "SELECT distinct col_sat_name FROM ".$this->config->item('table_name')." WHERE station_id in (" . $location_list . ") and coalesce(col_sat_name, '') <> '' ORDER BY col_sat_name"; $data = $this->db->query($sql); $worked_sats = array(); foreach($data->result() as $row){ array_push($worked_sats, $row->col_sat_name); } return $worked_sats; } function get_worked_bands() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $location_list = "'".implode("','",$logbooks_locations_array)."'"; // get all worked slots from database $sql = "SELECT distinct LOWER(COL_BAND) as COL_BAND FROM ".$this->config->item('table_name')." WHERE station_id in (" . $location_list . ")"; $data = $this->db->query($sql); $worked_slots = array(); foreach($data->result() as $row){ array_push($worked_slots, $row->COL_BAND); } // bring worked-slots in order of defined $bandslots $results = array(); foreach(array_keys($this->bandslots) as $slot) { if(in_array($slot, $worked_slots)) { array_push($results, $slot); } } return $results; } function get_distances($postdata, $measurement_base) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $result = array(); foreach ($logbooks_locations_array as $station_id) { $station_gridsquare = $this->find_gridsquare($station_id); if ($station_gridsquare != "") { $gridsquare = explode(',', $station_gridsquare); // We need to convert to an array, since a user can enter several gridsquares $this->db->select('col_call callsign, col_gridsquare grid'); $this->db->where('LENGTH(col_gridsquare) >', 0); if ($postdata['band'] == 'sat') { $this->db->where('col_prop_mode', $postdata['band']); if ($postdata['sat'] != 'All') { $this->db->where('col_sat_name', $postdata['sat']); } } else { $this->db->where('col_band', $postdata['band']); } $this->db->where('station_id', $station_id); $dataarrayata = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $temp = $this->plot($dataarrayata->result_array(), $gridsquare, $measurement_base); $result = $this->mergeresult($result, $temp); } } if ($result) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($result); } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('Error' => 'No QSOs found to plot.')); } } /* * We merge the result from several station_id's. They can have different gridsquares, so we need to use the correct gridsquare to calculate the correct distance. */ function mergeresult($result, $add) { if (sizeof($result) > 0) { if ($result['qrb']['Distance'] < $add['qrb']['Distance']) { $result['qrb']['Distance'] = $add['qrb']['Distance']; $result['qrb']['Grid'] = $add['qrb']['Grid']; $result['qrb']['Callsign'] = $add['qrb']['Callsign']; } $result['qrb']['Qsos'] += $add['qrb']['Qsos']; for ($i = 0; $i <= 399; $i++) { $result['qsodata'][$i]['count'] += $add['qsodata'][$i]['count']; if ($result['qsodata'][$i]['callcount'] < 5 && $add['qsodata'][$i]['callcount'] > 0) { $calls = explode(',', $add['qsodata'][$i]['calls']); foreach ($calls as $c) { if ($result['qsodata'][$i]['callcount'] < 5) { if ($result['qsodata'][$i]['callcount'] > 0) { $result['qsodata'][$i]['calls'] .= ', '; } $result['qsodata'][$i]['calls'] .= $c; $result['qsodata'][$i]['callcount']++; } } } } return $result; } return $add; } /* * Fetches the gridsquare from the station_id */ function find_gridsquare($station_id) { $this->db->where('station_id', $station_id); return $this->db->get('station_profile')->row()->station_gridsquare; } // This functions takes query result from the database and extracts grids from the qso, // then calculates distance between homelocator and locator given in qso. // It builds an array, which has 50km intervals, then inputs each length into the correct spot // The function returns a json-encoded array. function plot($qsoArray, $gridsquare, $measurement_base) { $stationgrid = strtoupper($gridsquare[0]); // We use only the first entered gridsquare from the active profile if (strlen($stationgrid) == 4) $stationgrid .= 'MM'; // adding center of grid if only 4 digits are specified switch ($measurement_base) { case 'M': $unit = "mi"; $dist = '13000'; break; case 'K': $unit = "km"; $dist = '20000'; break; case 'N': $unit = "nmi"; $dist = '11000'; break; default: $unit = "km"; $dist = '20000'; } if (!$this->valid_locator($stationgrid)) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('Error' => 'Error. There is a problem with the gridsquare set in your profile!')); } else { // Making the array we will use for plotting, we save occurrences of the length of each qso in the array $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $j < $dist; $i++) { $dataarray[$i]['dist'] = $j . $unit . ' - ' . ($j + 50) . $unit; $dataarray[$i]['count'] = 0; $dataarray[$i]['calls'] = ''; $dataarray[$i]['callcount'] = 0; $j += 50; } $qrb = array ( // Used for storing the QSO with the longest QRB 'Callsign' => '', 'Grid' => '', 'Distance' => '', 'Qsos' => '', 'Grids' => '' ); foreach ($qsoArray as $qso) { $qrb['Qsos']++; // Counts up number of qsos $bearingdistance = $this->bearing_dist($stationgrid, $qso['grid'], $measurement_base); // Calculates distance based on grids $arrayplacement = $bearingdistance / 50; // Resolution is 50, calculates where to put result in array if ($bearingdistance > $qrb['Distance']) { // Saves the longest QSO $qrb['Distance'] = $bearingdistance; $qrb['Callsign'] = $qso['callsign']; $qrb['Grid'] = $qso['grid']; } $dataarray[$arrayplacement]['count']++; // Used for counting total qsos plotted if ($dataarray[$arrayplacement]['callcount'] < 5) { // Used for tooltip in graph, set limit to 5 calls shown if ($dataarray[$arrayplacement]['callcount'] > 0) { $dataarray[$arrayplacement]['calls'] .= ', '; } $dataarray[$arrayplacement]['calls'] .= $qso['callsign']; $dataarray[$arrayplacement]['callcount']++; } } $data['ok'] = 'OK'; $data['qrb'] = $qrb; $data['qsodata'] = $dataarray; $data['unit'] = $unit; return $data; } } /* * Checks the validity of the locator * Input: locator * Returns: bool */ function valid_locator ($loc) { $regex = '^[A-R]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-X]{2}$'; if (preg_match("%{$regex}%i", $loc)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * Converts locator to latitude and longitude * Input: locator * Returns: array with longitude and latitude */ function loc_to_latlon ($loc) { /* lat */ $l[0] = (ord(substr($loc, 1, 1))-65) * 10 - 90 + (ord(substr($loc, 3, 1))-48) + (ord(substr($loc, 5, 1))-65) / 24 + 1/48; $l[0] = $this->deg_to_rad($l[0]); /* lon */ $l[1] = (ord(substr($loc, 0, 1))-65) * 20 - 180 + (ord(substr($loc, 2, 1))-48) * 2 + (ord(substr($loc, 4, 1))-65) / 12 + 1/24; $l[1] = $this->deg_to_rad($l[1]); return $l; } function deg_to_rad ($deg) { return (M_PI * $deg/180); } function bearing_dist($loc1, $loc2, $measurement_base) { $loc1 = strtoupper($loc1); $loc2 = strtoupper($loc2); if (strlen($loc1) == 4) $loc1 .= 'MM'; if (strlen($loc2) == 4) $loc2 .= 'MM'; if (!$this->valid_locator($loc1) || !$this->valid_locator($loc2)) { return 0; } $l1 = $this->loc_to_latlon($loc1); $l2 = $this->loc_to_latlon($loc2); $co = cos($l1[1] - $l2[1]) * cos($l1[0]) * cos($l2[0]) + sin($l1[0]) * sin($l2[0]); $ca = atan2(sqrt(1 - $co*$co), $co); switch ($measurement_base) { case 'M': return round(6371*$ca/1.609344); case 'K': return round(6371*$ca); case 'N': return round(6371*$ca/1.852); default: return round(6371*$ca); } } }