Here you can see and upload all QSOs which have not been previously uploaded to QO-100 Dx Club.

result()) { $queuedqsos = 0; foreach ($station_profile->result() as $count) { // Fills the table with the data $queuedqsos += $count->notcount; } if ($queuedqsos > 0) { ?>

You need to set a QO-100 Dx Club API key in your station profile. Only station profiles with an API Key are displayed.

Warning This might take a while as QSO uploads are processed sequentially.

Profile name Station callsign Total QSOs not uploaded Total QSOs uploaded Actions '; foreach ($station_profile->result() as $station) { // Fills the table with the data if ($station->notcount != null) { echo ''; echo '' . $station->station_profile_name . ''; echo '' . $station->station_callsign . ''; echo '' . $station->notcount . ''; echo '' . $station->totcount . ''; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo ''; } else { ?>
There are currently no outstanding QSOs that need to be uploaded to the QO-100 Dx Club's API.
Go ahead and turn on your QO-100 station!
None of your Logbooks are configured to export data to the QO-100 Dx Club's API.
To configure this feature, go to your profile page at the QO-100 Dx Club and Create an API key. Then, navigate to your Station Locations and configure you station with the key you have created at the club.

Here you can mark as uploaded your QSOs which have not been previously uploaded to QO-100 Dx Club.

result()!==[]){ ?>

Warning If a date range is not selected then all QSOs will be marked!

None of your Logbooks are configured to export data to the QO-100 Dx Club's API.
To configure this feature, go to your profile page at the QO-100 Dx Club and Create an API key. Then, navigate to your Station Locations and configure you station with the key you have created at the club.