load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); switch ($award) { case 'dxcc': $result = $this->get_timeline_dxcc($band, $mode, $station_id); break; case 'was': $result = $this->get_timeline_was($band, $mode, $station_id); break; case 'iota': $result = $this->get_timeline_iota($band, $mode, $station_id); break; case 'waz': $result = $this->get_timeline_waz($band, $mode, $station_id); break; } return $result; } public function get_timeline_dxcc($band, $mode, $station_id) { $sql = "select min(date(COL_TIME_ON)) date, prefix, col_country, end, adif from " .$this->config->item('table_name'). " thcv join dxcc_entities on thcv.col_dxcc = dxcc_entities.adif where station_id = " . $station_id; if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } if ($mode != 'All') { $sql .= " and col_mode ='" . $mode . "'"; } $sql .= " group by col_dxcc, col_country order by date desc"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } public function get_timeline_was($band, $mode, $station_id) { $sql = "select min(date(COL_TIME_ON)) date, col_state from " .$this->config->item('table_name'). " thcv where station_id = " . $station_id; if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } if ($mode != 'All') { $sql .= " and col_mode ='" . $mode . "'"; } $sql .= " and COL_DXCC in ('291', '6', '110')"; $sql .= " and COL_STATE in ('AK','AL','AR','AZ','CA','CO','CT','DE','FL','GA','HI','IA','ID','IL','IN','KS','KY','LA','MA','MD','ME','MI','MN','MO','MS','MT','NC','ND','NE','NH','NJ','NM','NV','NY','OH','OK','OR','PA','RI','SC','SD','TN','TX','UT','VA','VT','WA','WI','WV','WY')"; $sql .= " group by col_state order by date desc"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } public function get_timeline_iota($band, $mode, $station_id) { $sql = "select min(date(COL_TIME_ON)) date, col_iota, name, prefix from " .$this->config->item('table_name'). " thcv join iota on thcv.col_iota = iota.tag where station_id = " . $station_id; if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } if ($mode != 'All') { $sql .= " and col_mode ='" . $mode . "'"; } $sql .= " and col_iota <> '' group by col_iota order by date desc"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } public function get_timeline_waz($band, $mode, $station_id) { $sql = "select min(date(COL_TIME_ON)) date, col_cqz from " .$this->config->item('table_name'). " thcv where station_id = " . $station_id; if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } if ($mode != 'All') { $sql .= " and col_mode ='" . $mode . "'"; } $sql .= " and col_cqz <> '' group by col_cqz order by date desc"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } public $bandslots = array("160m" => 0, "80m" => 0, "60m" => 0, "40m" => 0, "30m" => 0, "20m" => 0, "17m" => 0, "15m" => 0, "12m" => 0, "10m" => 0, "6m" => 0, "4m" => 0, "2m" => 0, "70cm" => 0, "23cm" => 0, "13cm" => 0, "9cm" => 0, "6cm" => 0, "3cm" => 0, "1.25cm" => 0, "SAT" => 0, ); function get_worked_bands() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); // get all worked slots from database $data = $this->db->query( "SELECT distinct LOWER(`COL_BAND`) as `COL_BAND` FROM `" . $this->config->item('table_name') . "` WHERE station_id = " . $station_id . " AND COL_PROP_MODE != \"SAT\"" ); $worked_slots = array(); foreach ($data->result() as $row) { array_push($worked_slots, $row->COL_BAND); } $SAT_data = $this->db->query( "SELECT distinct LOWER(`COL_PROP_MODE`) as `COL_PROP_MODE` FROM `" . $this->config->item('table_name') . "` WHERE station_id = " . $station_id . " AND COL_PROP_MODE = \"SAT\"" ); foreach ($SAT_data->result() as $row) { array_push($worked_slots, strtoupper($row->COL_PROP_MODE)); } // bring worked-slots in order of defined $bandslots $results = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->bandslots) as $slot) { if (in_array($slot, $worked_slots)) { array_push($results, $slot); } } return $results; } }