// Callsign always has focus on load $("#callsign").focus(); var sessiondata = {}; $(document).ready(async function () { sessiondata = await getSession(); // save sessiondata global (we need it later, when adding qso) await restoreContestSession(sessiondata); // wait for restoring until finished setRst($("#mode").val()); }); // Resets the logging form and deletes session from database function reset_contest_session() { $('#name').val(""); $('.callsign-suggestions').text(""); $('#callsign').val(""); $('#comment').val(""); $("#exch_serial_s").val("1"); $("#exch_serial_r").val(""); $('#exch_sent').val(""); $('#exch_rcvd').val(""); $("#exch_gridsquare_r").val(""); $("#callsign").focus(); setRst($("#mode").val()); $("#exchangetype").val("None"); setExchangetype("None"); $("#contestname").val("Other").change(); $(".contest_qso_table_contents").empty(); $('#copyexchangetodok').prop('checked', false); $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/contesting/deleteSession', type: 'post', success: function (data) { } }); } // Storing the contestid in contest session $('#contestname').change(function () { var formdata = new FormData(document.getElementById("qso_input")); setSession(formdata); }); // Storing the exchange type in contest session $('#exchangetype').change(function () { var exchangetype = $("#exchangetype").val(); var formdata = new FormData(document.getElementById("qso_input")); setSession(formdata); setExchangetype(exchangetype); }); function setSession(formdata) { $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/contesting/setSession', type: 'post', data: formdata, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (data) { } }); } // realtime clock if (!manual) { $(function ($) { handleStart = setInterval(function () { getUTCTimeStamp($('.input_time')); }, 500); }); $(function ($) { handleDate = setInterval(function () { getUTCDateStamp($('.input_date')); }, 1000); }); } // We don't want spaces to be written in callsign $(function () { $('#callsign').on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which == 32) { return false; } }); }); // We don't want spaces to be written in exchange $(function () { $('#exch_rcvd').on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which == 32) { return false; } }); }); // We don't want spaces to be written in serial $(function () { $('#exch_serial_r').on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which == 32) { return false; } }); }); // checked if worked before after blur $("#callsign").blur(function () { checkIfWorkedBefore(); }); // Here we capture keystrokes to execute functions document.onkeyup = function (e) { // ALT-W wipe if (e.altKey && e.which == 87) { reset_log_fields(); // CTRL-Enter logs QSO } else if ((e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { logQso(); // Enter in received exchange logs QSO } else if ((e.which == 13) && ( ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_rcvd") || ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_gridsquare_r") || ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_serial_r") ) ) { logQso(); } else if (e.which == 27) { reset_log_fields(); // Space to jump to either callsign or the various exchanges } else if (e.which == 32) { var exchangetype = $("#exchangetype").val(); if (exchangetype == 'Exchange') { if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "callsign") { $("#exch_rcvd").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_rcvd") { $("#callsign").focus(); return false; } } else if (exchangetype == 'Serial') { if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "callsign") { $("#exch_serial_r").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_serial_r") { $("#callsign").focus(); return false; } } else if (exchangetype == 'Serialexchange') { if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "callsign") { $("#exch_serial_r").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_serial_r") { $("#exch_rcvd").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_rcvd") { $("#callsign").focus(); return false; } } else if (exchangetype == 'Serialgridsquare') { if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "callsign") { $("#exch_serial_r").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_serial_r") { $("#exch_gridsquare_r").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_gridsquare_r") { $("#callsign").focus(); return false; } } else if (exchangetype == 'Gridsquare') { if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "callsign") { $("#exch_gridsquare_r").focus(); return false; } else if ($(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "exch_gridsquare_r") { $("#callsign").focus(); return false; } } } }; /* time input shortcut */ $('#start_time').change(function () { var raw_time = $(this).val(); if (raw_time.match(/^\d\[0-6]d$/)) { raw_time = "0" + raw_time; } if (raw_time.match(/^[012]\d[0-5]\d$/)) { raw_time = raw_time.substring(0, 2) + ":" + raw_time.substring(2, 4); $('#start_time').val(raw_time); } }); /* date input shortcut */ $('#start_date').change(function () { raw_date = $(this).val(); if (raw_date.match(/^[12]\d{3}[01]\d[0123]\d$/)) { raw_date = raw_date.substring(0, 4) + "-" + raw_date.substring(4, 6) + "-" + raw_date.substring(6, 8); $('#start_date').val(raw_date); } }); // On Key up check and suggest callsigns $("#callsign").keyup(function () { var call = $(this).val(); if (call.length >= 3) { $.ajax({ url: 'lookup/scp', method: 'POST', data: { callsign: $(this).val().toUpperCase() }, success: function (result) { $('.callsign-suggestions').text(result); highlight(call.toUpperCase()); } }); // moved to blur // checkIfWorkedBefore(); var qTable = $('.qsotable').DataTable(); qTable.search(call).draw(); } else if (call.length <= 2) { $('.callsign-suggestions').text(""); } }); function checkIfWorkedBefore() { var call = $("#callsign").val(); if (call.length >= 3) { $('#callsign_info').text(""); $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/contesting/checkIfWorkedBefore', type: 'post', data: { 'call': call, 'mode': $("#mode").val(), 'band': $("#band").val(), 'contest': $("#contestname").val() }, success: function (result) { if (result.message.substr(0, 6) == 'Worked') { $('#callsign_info').removeClass('text-bg-success'); $('#callsign_info').addClass('text-bg-danger'); $('#callsign_info').text(result.message); } else if (result.message == "OKAY") { $('#callsign_info').removeClass('text-bg-danger'); $('#callsign_info').addClass('text-bg-success'); $('#callsign_info').text("Go Work Them!"); } else { $('#callsign_info').text(""); } } }); } else { $('#callsign_info').text(""); } } async function reset_log_fields() { $('#name').val(""); $('.callsign-suggestions').text(""); $('#callsign').val(""); $('#comment').val(""); $('#exch_rcvd').val(""); $('#exch_serial_r').val(""); $('#exch_gridsquare_r').val(""); $("#callsign").focus(); setRst($("#mode").val()); $('#callsign_info').text(""); await refresh_qso_table(sessiondata); var qTable = $('.qsotable').DataTable(); qTable.search('').draw(); } RegExp.escape = function (text) { return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); } function highlight(term, base) { if (!term) return; base = base || document.body; var re = new RegExp("(" + RegExp.escape(term) + ")", "gi"); var replacement = "" + term + ""; $(".callsign-suggestions", base).contents().each(function (i, el) { if (el.nodeType === 3) { var data = el.data; if (data = data.replace(re, replacement)) { var wrapper = $("").html(data); $(el).before(wrapper.contents()).remove(); } } }); } // Only set the frequency when not set by userdata/PHP. if ($('#frequency').val() == "") { $.get('qso/band_to_freq/' + $('#band').val() + '/' + $('.mode').val(), function (result) { $('#frequency').val(result); $('#frequency_rx').val(""); }); } /* on mode change */ $('#mode').change(function () { $.get('qso/band_to_freq/' + $('#band').val() + '/' + $('.mode').val(), function (result) { $('#frequency').val(result); $('#frequency_rx').val(""); }); setRst($("#mode").val()); checkIfWorkedBefore(); }); /* Calculate Frequency */ /* on band change */ $('#band').change(function () { $.get('qso/band_to_freq/' + $(this).val() + '/' + $('.mode').val(), function (result) { $('#frequency').val(result); $('#frequency_rx').val(""); }); checkIfWorkedBefore(); }); function setSerial(data) { var serialsent = 1; if (data.serialsent != "") { serialsent = parseInt(data.serialsent); } $("#exch_serial_s").val(serialsent); } function setExchangetype(exchangetype) { // Perhaps a better approach is to hide everything, then just enable the things you need $(".exchanger").hide(); $(".exchanges").hide(); $(".serials").hide(); $(".serialr").hide(); $(".gridsquarer").hide(); $(".gridsquares").hide(); if (exchangetype == 'Exchange') { $(".exchanger").show(); $(".exchanges").show(); } else if (exchangetype == 'Serial') { $(".serials").show(); $(".serialr").show(); } else if (exchangetype == 'Serialexchange') { $(".exchanger").show(); $(".exchanges").show(); $(".serials").show(); $(".serialr").show(); } else if (exchangetype == 'Serialgridsquare') { $(".serials").show(); $(".serialr").show(); $(".gridsquarer").show(); $(".gridsquares").show(); } else if (exchangetype == 'Gridsquare') { $(".gridsquarer").show(); $(".gridsquares").show(); } } /* Function: logQso Job: this handles the logging done in the contesting module. */ function logQso() { if ($("#callsign").val().length > 0) { $('.callsign-suggestions').text(""); var table = $('.qsotable').DataTable(); var exchangetype = $("#exchangetype").val(); var gridsquare = $("#exch_gridsquare_r").val(); var vucc = ''; if (gridsquare.indexOf(',') != -1) { vucc = gridsquare; gridsquare = ''; } var gridr = ''; var vuccr = ''; var exchsent = ''; var exchrcvd = ''; var serials = ''; var serialr = ''; switch (exchangetype) { case 'Exchange': exchsent = $("#exch_sent").val(); exchrcvd = $("#exch_rcvd").val(); break; case 'Gridsquare': gridr = gridsquare; vuccr = vucc; break; case 'Serial': serials = $("#exch_serial_s").val(); serialr = $("#exch_serial_r").val(); break; case 'Serialexchange': exchsent = $("#exch_sent").val(); exchrcvd = $("#exch_rcvd").val(); serials = $("#exch_serial_s").val(); serialr = $("#exch_serial_r").val(); break; case 'Serialgridsquare': gridr = gridsquare; vuccr = vucc; serials = $("#exch_serial_s").val(); serialr = $("#exch_serial_r").val(); break; } var data = [[ $("#start_date").val() + ' ' + $("#start_time").val(), $("#callsign").val().toUpperCase(), $("#band").val(), $("#mode").val(), $("#rst_sent").val(), $("#rst_rcvd").val(), exchsent, exchrcvd, serials, serialr, gridr, vuccr, ]]; var formdata = new FormData(document.getElementById("qso_input")); $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/qso/saveqso', type: 'post', data: formdata, processData: false, contentType: false, enctype: 'multipart/form-data', success: async function (html) { var exchangetype = $("#exchangetype").val(); if (exchangetype == "Serial" || exchangetype == 'Serialexchange' || exchangetype == 'Serialgridsquare') { $("#exch_serial_s").val(+$("#exch_serial_s").val() + 1); formdata.set('exch_serial_s', $("#exch_serial_s").val()); } $('#name').val(""); $('#callsign').val(""); $('#comment').val(""); $('#exch_rcvd').val(""); $('#exch_gridsquare_r').val(""); $('#exch_serial_r').val(""); $("#callsign").focus(); setSession(formdata); // try setting session data console.log(sessiondata); await refresh_qso_table(sessiondata); var qTable = $('.qsotable').DataTable(); qTable.search('').order([0, 'desc']).draw(); } }); } } async function getSession() { return await $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/contesting/getSession', type: 'post', }); } async function restoreContestSession(data) { if (data) { if (data.copytodok == "1") { $('#copyexchangetodok').prop('checked', true); } if (data.contestid != "") { $("#contestname").val(data.contestid); } if (data.exchangetype != "") { $("#exchangetype").val(data.exchangetype); setExchangetype(data.exchangetype); setSerial(data); } if (data.exchangesent != "") { $("#exch_sent").val(data.exchangesent); } if (data.qso != "") { await refresh_qso_table(data); } } else { $("#exch_serial_s").val("1"); } } async function refresh_qso_table(data) { if (data && data.qso) { $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/contesting/getSessionQsos', type: 'post', data: { 'qso': data.qso, }, success: function (html) { var mode = ''; $(".contest_qso_table_contents").empty(); $.each(html, function () { if (this.col_submode == null || this.col_submode == '') { mode = this.col_mode; } else { mode = this.col_submode; } $(".qsotable tbody").prepend('' + '' + this.col_time_on + '' + '' + this.col_call + '' + '' + this.col_band + '' + '' + mode + '' + '' + this.col_rst_sent + '' + '' + this.col_rst_rcvd + '' + '' + this.col_stx_string + '' + '' + this.col_srx_string + '' + '' + this.col_stx + '' + '' + this.col_srx + '' + '' + this.col_gridsquare + '' + '' + this.col_vucc_grids + '' + ''); }); if (!$.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('.qsotable')) { $.fn.dataTable.moment('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss'); $('.qsotable').DataTable({ "stateSave": true, "pageLength": 25, responsive: false, "scrollY": "400px", "scrollCollapse": true, "paging": false, "scrollX": true, "language": { url: getDataTablesLanguageUrl(), }, order: [0, 'desc'], "columnDefs": [ { "render": function (data, type, row) { return pad(row[8], 3); }, "targets": 8 }, { "render": function (data, type, row) { return pad(row[9], 3); }, "targets": 9 } ] }); } } }); } else { // Runs when no session is set usually when its a clean contest var selectElement = document.getElementById('contestname'); var selected_contest_id = selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].value; $.ajax({ url: base_url + 'index.php/contesting/getSessionFreshQsos', type: 'post', data: { 'contest_id': selected_contest_id }, success: function (html) { var mode = ''; $(".contest_qso_table_contents").empty(); $.each(html, function () { if (this.col_submode == null || this.col_submode == '') { mode = this.col_mode; } else { mode = this.col_submode; } $(".qsotable tbody").prepend('' + '' + this.col_time_on + '' + '' + this.col_call + '' + '' + this.col_band + '' + '' + mode + '' + '' + this.col_rst_sent + '' + '' + this.col_rst_rcvd + '' + '' + this.col_stx_string + '' + '' + this.col_srx_string + '' + '' + this.col_stx + '' + '' + this.col_srx + '' + '' + this.col_gridsquare + '' + '' + this.col_vucc_grids + '' + ''); }); if (!$.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('.qsotable')) { $.fn.dataTable.moment('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss'); $('.qsotable').DataTable({ "stateSave": true, "pageLength": 25, responsive: false, "scrollY": "400px", "scrollCollapse": true, "paging": false, "scrollX": true, "language": { url: getDataTablesLanguageUrl(), }, order: [0, 'desc'], "columnDefs": [ { "render": function (data, type, row) { return pad(row[8], 3); }, "targets": 8 }, { "render": function (data, type, row) { return pad(row[9], 3); }, "targets": 9 } ] }); } } }); } } function pad(str, max) { str = str.toString(); return str.length < max ? pad("0" + str, max) : str; } function getUTCTimeStamp(el) { var now = new Date(); var localTime = now.getTime(); var utc = localTime + (now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); $(el).attr('value', ("0" + now.getUTCHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ("0" + now.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2) + ':' + ("0" + now.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2)); } function getUTCDateStamp(el) { var now = new Date(); var localTime = now.getTime(); var utc = localTime + (now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); $(el).attr('value', ("0" + now.getUTCDate()).slice(-2) + '-' + ("0" + (now.getUTCMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + now.getUTCFullYear()); }