input->post('start_date')))." ". $this->input->post('start_time'); if ($this->input->post('prop_mode') != null) { $prop_mode = $this->input->post('prop_mode'); } else { $prop_mode = ""; } if($this->input->post('sat_name')) { $prop_mode = "SAT"; } // Contest exchange, need to separate between serial and other type of exchange if($this->input->post('exchangeradio')) { if($this->input->post('exchangeradio') == "serial") { $srx = $this->input->post('exch_recv'); $stx = $this->input->post('exch_sent'); $srx_string = null; $stx_string = null; } else { $srx = null; $stx = null; $srx_string = $this->input->post('exch_recv'); $stx_string = $this->input->post('exch_sent'); } } else { $srx_string = null; $stx_string = null; $srx = null; $stx = null; } if($this->input->post('contestname')) { $contestid = $this->input->post('contestname'); } else { $contestid = null; } if($this->session->userdata('user_locator')){ $locator = $this->session->userdata('user_locator'); } else { $locator = $this->config->item('locator'); } if($this->input->post('transmit_power')) { $tx_power = $this->input->post('transmit_power'); } else { $tx_power = null; } if($this->input->post('country') == "") { $dxcc = $this->check_dxcc_table(strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('callsign'))), $datetime); $country = ucwords(strtolower($dxcc[1])); } else { $country = $this->input->post('country'); } if($this->input->post('cqz') == "") { $dxcc = $this->check_dxcc_table(strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('callsign'))), $datetime); if (empty($dxcc[2])) { $cqz = null; } else { $cqz = $dxcc[2]; } } else { $cqz = $this->input->post('cqz'); } if($this->input->post('dxcc_id') == "") { $dxcc = $this->check_dxcc_table(strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('callsign'))), $datetime); if (empty($dxcc[0])) { $dxcc_id = null; } else { $dxcc_id = $dxcc[0]; } } else { $dxcc_id = $this->input->post('dxcc_id'); } $mode = $this->get_main_mode_if_submode($this->input->post('mode')); if ($mode == null) { $mode = $this->input->post('mode'); $submode = null; } else { $submode = $this->input->post('mode'); } if($this->input->post('county') && $this->input->post('usa_state')) { $clean_county_input = trim($this->input->post('usa_state')) . "," . trim($this->input->post('county')); } else { $clean_county_input = null; } // Create array with QSO Data $data = array( 'COL_TIME_ON' => $datetime, 'COL_TIME_OFF' => $datetime, 'COL_CALL' => strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('callsign'))), 'COL_BAND' => $this->input->post('band'), 'COL_BAND_RX' => $this->input->post('band_rx'), 'COL_FREQ' => $this->parse_frequency($this->input->post('freq_display')), 'COL_MODE' => $mode, 'COL_SUBMODE' => $submode, 'COL_RST_RCVD' => $this->input->post('rst_recv'), 'COL_RST_SENT' => $this->input->post('rst_sent'), 'COL_NAME' => $this->input->post('name'), 'COL_COMMENT' => $this->input->post('comment'), 'COL_SAT_NAME' => strtoupper($this->input->post('sat_name')), 'COL_SAT_MODE' => strtoupper($this->input->post('sat_mode')), 'COL_COUNTRY' => $country, 'COL_QSLSDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSLRDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSL_SENT' => $this->input->post('qsl_sent'), 'COL_QSL_RCVD' => $this->input->post('qsl_recv'), 'COL_QSL_SENT_VIA' => $this->input->post('qsl_sent_method'), 'COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA' => $this->input->post('qsl_recv_method'), 'COL_QSL_VIA' => $this->input->post('qsl_via'), 'COL_OPERATOR' => $this->session->userdata('user_callsign'), 'COL_QTH' => $this->input->post('qth'), 'COL_PROP_MODE' => $prop_mode, 'COL_IOTA' => trim($this->input->post('iota_ref')), 'COL_DISTANCE' => "0", 'COL_FREQ_RX' => $this->parse_frequency($this->input->post('freq_display_rx')), 'COL_ANT_AZ' => null, 'COL_ANT_EL' => null, 'COL_A_INDEX' => null, 'COL_AGE' => null, 'COL_TEN_TEN' => null, 'COL_TX_PWR' => $tx_power, 'COL_STX' => $stx, 'COL_SRX' => $srx, 'COL_STX_STRING' => $stx_string, 'COL_SRX_STRING' => $srx_string, 'COL_CONTEST_ID' => $contestid, 'COL_NR_BURSTS' => null, 'COL_NR_PINGS' => null, 'COL_MAX_BURSTS' => null, 'COL_K_INDEX' => null, 'COL_SFI' => null, 'COL_RX_PWR' => null, 'COL_LAT' => null, 'COL_LON' => null, 'COL_DXCC' => $dxcc_id, 'COL_CQZ' => $cqz, 'COL_STATE' => trim($this->input->post('usa_state')), 'COL_CNTY' => $clean_county_input, 'COL_SOTA_REF' => trim($this->input->post('sota_ref')), 'COL_SIG' => trim($this->input->post('sig')), 'COL_SIG_INFO' => trim($this->input->post('sig_info')), 'COL_DARC_DOK' => trim($this->input->post('darc_dok')), 'COL_NOTES' => $this->input->post('notes'), ); $station_id = $this->input->post('station_profile'); if($station_id == "" || $station_id == "0") { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); } // If station profile has been provided fill in the fields if($station_id != "0") { $station = $this->check_station($station_id); $data['station_id'] = $station_id; if (strpos(trim($station['station_gridsquare']), ',') !== false) { $data['COL_MY_VUCC_GRIDS'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_gridsquare'])); } else { $data['COL_MY_GRIDSQUARE'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_gridsquare'])); } if ($this->exists_qrz_api_key($station_id)) { $data['COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS'] = 'N'; } $data['COL_MY_CITY'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_city'])); $data['COL_MY_IOTA'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_iota'])); $data['COL_MY_SOTA_REF'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_sota'])); $data['COL_STATION_CALLSIGN'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_callsign'])); $data['COL_MY_DXCC'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_dxcc'])); $data['COL_MY_COUNTRY'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_country'])); $data['COL_MY_CNTY'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_cnty'])); $data['COL_MY_CQ_ZONE'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_cq'])); $data['COL_MY_ITU_ZONE'] = strtoupper(trim($station['station_itu'])); } // Decide whether its single gridsquare or a multi which makes it vucc_grids if (strpos(trim($this->input->post('locator')), ',') !== false) { $data['COL_VUCC_GRIDS'] = strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('locator'))); } else { $data['COL_GRIDSQUARE'] = strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('locator'))); } // if eQSL username set, default SENT & RCVD to 'N' else leave as null if ($this->session->userdata('user_eqsl_name')){ $data['COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT'] = 'N'; $data['COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD'] = 'N'; } // if LoTW username set, default SENT & RCVD to 'N' else leave as null if ($this->session->userdata('user_lotw_name')){ $data['COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT'] = 'N'; $data['COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD'] = 'N'; } $this->add_qso($data, $skipexport = false); } public function check_station($id){ $this->db->where('station_id', $id); $query = $this->db->get('station_profile'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $row = $query->row_array(); return($row); } } /* * Used to fetch QSOs from the logbook in the awards */ public function qso_details($searchphrase, $band, $mode, $type){ $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); switch ($type) { case 'DXCC': $this->db->where('COL_COUNTRY', $searchphrase); break; case 'DXCC2': $this->db->where('COL_DXCC', $searchphrase); break; case 'IOTA': $this->db->where('COL_IOTA', $searchphrase); break; case 'VUCC': $this->db->where("(COL_GRIDSQUARE like '%" . $searchphrase . "%' OR COL_VUCC_GRIDS like'%" . $searchphrase ."%')"); break; case 'CQZone': $this->db->where('COL_CQZ', $searchphrase); break; case 'WAS': $this->db->where('COL_STATE', $searchphrase); $this->db->where_in('COL_DXCC', ['291', '6', '110']); break; case 'SOTA': $this->db->where('COL_SOTA_REF', $searchphrase); break; case 'WWFF': $this->db->where('COL_SIG', 'WWFF'); $this->db->where('COL_SIG_INFO', $searchphrase); break; } $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); if ($band != 'All') { if($band != "SAT") { $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE !=', 'SAT'); $this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band); } else { $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE', "SAT"); } } if ($mode != 'All') { $this->db->where("(COL_MODE='" . $mode . "' OR COL_SUBMODE='" . $mode ."')"); } return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } public function vucc_qso_details($gridsquare, $band) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $location_list = "'".implode("','",$logbooks_locations_array)."'"; $sql = "select * from " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " where station_id in (" . $location_list . ")" . " and (col_gridsquare like '" . $gridsquare. "%' or col_vucc_grids like '%" . $gridsquare. "%')"; if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } return $this->db->query($sql); } public function timeline_qso_details($querystring, $band, $mode, $type){ $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $this->db->where('col_prop_mode', $band); } else { $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE !=', 'SAT'); $this->db->where('col_band', $band); } } if ($mode != 'All') { $this->db->where('col_mode', $mode); } $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); switch($type) { case 'dxcc': $this->db->where('COL_DXCC', $querystring); break; case 'was': $this->db->where('COL_STATE', $querystring); break; case 'iota': $this->db->where('COL_IOTA', $querystring); break; case 'waz': $this->db->where('COL_CQZ', $querystring); break; } return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } public function get_callsigns($callsign){ $this->db->select('COL_CALL'); $this->db->distinct(); $this->db->like('COL_CALL', $callsign); return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } function add_qso($data, $skipexport = false) { if ($data['COL_DXCC'] == "Not Found"){ $data['COL_DXCC'] = NULL; } if (!is_null($data['COL_RX_PWR'])) { $data['COL_RX_PWR'] = str_replace("W", "", $data['COL_RX_PWR']); } // Add QSO to database $this->db->insert($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); $last_id = $this->db->insert_id(); // No point in fetching qrz api key and qrzrealtime setting if we're skipping the export if (!$skipexport) { $result = $this->exists_qrz_api_key($data['station_id']); // Push qso to qrz if apikey is set, and realtime upload is enabled, and we're not importing an adif-file if (isset($result->qrzapikey) && $result->qrzrealtime == 1) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('AdifHelper'); $qso = $this->get_qso($last_id)->result(); $adif = $CI->adifhelper->getAdifLine($qso[0]); $result = $this->push_qso_to_qrz($result->qrzapikey, $adif); if ($result['status'] == 'OK') { $this->mark_qrz_qsos_sent($last_id); } } } } /* * Function checks if a QRZ API Key exists in the table with the given station id */ function exists_qrz_api_key($station_id) { $sql = 'select qrzapikey, qrzrealtime from station_profile where station_id = ' . $station_id; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $result = $query->row(); if ($result) { return $result; } else { return false; } } /* * Function uploads a QSO to QRZ with the API given. * $adif contains a line with the QSO in the ADIF format. QSO ends with an */ function push_qso_to_qrz($apikey, $adif, $replaceoption = false) { $url = ''; // TODO: Move this to database $post_data['KEY'] = $apikey; $post_data['ACTION'] = 'INSERT'; $post_data['ADIF'] = $adif; if ($replaceoption) { $post_data['OPTION'] = 'REPLACE'; } $ch = curl_init( $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $content = curl_exec($ch); if ($content){ if (stristr($content,'RESULT=OK') || stristr($content,'RESULT=REPLACE')) { $result['status'] = 'OK'; return $result; } else { $result['status'] = 'error'; $result['message'] = $content; return $result; } } if(curl_errno($ch)){ $result['status'] = 'error'; $result['message'] = 'Curl error: '. curl_errno($ch); return $result; } curl_close($ch); } /* * Function marks QSOs as uploaded to QRZ. * $primarykey is the unique id for that QSO in the logbook */ function mark_qrz_qsos_sent($primarykey) { $data = array( 'COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_DATE' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("now")), 'COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS' => 'Y', ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $primarykey); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); return true; } /* Edit QSO */ function edit() { $entity = $this->get_entity($this->input->post('dxcc_id')); $country = $entity['name']; $mode = $this->get_main_mode_if_submode($this->input->post('mode')); if ($mode == null) { $mode = $this->input->post('mode'); $submode = null; } else { $submode = $this->input->post('mode'); } if($this->input->post('transmit_power')) { $txpower = $this->input->post('transmit_power'); } else { $txpower = null; } $data = array( 'COL_TIME_ON' => $this->input->post('time_on'), 'COL_TIME_OFF' => $this->input->post('time_off'), 'COL_CALL' => strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('callsign'))), 'COL_BAND' => $this->input->post('band'), 'COL_BAND_RX' => $this->input->post('band_rx'), 'COL_FREQ' => $this->parse_frequency($this->input->post('freq')), 'COL_MODE' => $mode, 'COL_SUBMODE' => $submode, 'COL_RST_RCVD' => $this->input->post('rst_recv'), 'COL_RST_SENT' => $this->input->post('rst_sent'), 'COL_GRIDSQUARE' => strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('locator'))), 'COL_VUCC_GRIDS' => strtoupper(trim($this->input->post('vucc_grids'))), 'COL_COMMENT' => $this->input->post('comment'), 'COL_NAME' => $this->input->post('name'), 'COL_COUNTRY' => $country, 'COL_DXCC'=> $this->input->post('dxcc_id'), 'COL_CQZ' => $this->input->post('cqz'), 'COL_SAT_NAME' => $this->input->post('sat_name'), 'COL_SAT_MODE' => $this->input->post('sat_mode'), 'COL_NOTES' => $this->input->post('notes'), 'COL_QSLSDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSLRDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSL_SENT' => $this->input->post('qsl_sent'), 'COL_QSL_RCVD' => $this->input->post('qsl_recv'), 'COL_QSL_SENT_VIA' => $this->input->post('qsl_sent_method'), 'COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA' => $this->input->post('qsl_recv_method'), 'COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT' => $this->input->post('eqsl_sent'), 'COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD' => $this->input->post('eqsl_recv'), 'COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT' => $this->input->post('lotw_sent'), 'COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD' => $this->input->post('lotw_recv'), 'COL_IOTA' => $this->input->post('iota_ref'), 'COL_SOTA_REF' => $this->input->post('sota_ref'), 'COL_TX_PWR' => $txpower, 'COL_SIG' => $this->input->post('sig'), 'COL_SIG_INFO' => $this->input->post('sig_info'), 'COL_DARC_DOK' => $this->input->post('darc_dok'), 'COL_QTH' => $this->input->post('qth'), 'COL_PROP_MODE' => $this->input->post('prop_mode'), 'COL_FREQ_RX' => $this->parse_frequency($this->input->post('freq_display_rx')), 'COL_STX_STRING' => $this->input->post('stx_string'), 'COL_SRX_STRING' => $this->input->post('srx_string'), 'COL_QSL_VIA' => $this->input->post('qsl_via_callsign'), 'station_id' => $this->input->post('station_profile'), 'COL_OPERATOR' => $this->input->post('operator_callsign'), 'COL_STATE' =>$this->input->post('usa_state'), 'COL_CNTY' =>$this->input->post('usa_state') .",".$this->input->post('usa_county'), ); if ($this->exists_qrz_api_key($data['station_id'])) { $data['COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS'] = 'M'; } $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $this->input->post('id')); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); } /* QSL received */ function qsl_rcvd() { $data = array( 'COL_QSLRDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSL_RCVD' => "Y" ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $this->input->post('id')); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); } /* Return last 10 QSOs */ function last_ten() { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_BAND, COL_TIME_ON, COL_RST_RCVD, COL_RST_SENT, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_NAME, COL_COUNTRY, COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_SAT_NAME'); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(10); return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } /* Show custom number of qsos */ function last_custom($num) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_BAND, COL_TIME_ON, COL_RST_RCVD, COL_RST_SENT, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_NAME, COL_COUNTRY, COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_SAT_NAME'); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit($num); return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } /* * * Function: call_lookup_result * * Usage: Callsign lookup data for the QSO panel and API/callsign_lookup * */ function call_lookup_result($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_NAME, COL_QSL_VIA, COL_GRIDSQUARE, COL_QTH, COL_IOTA, COL_TIME_ON, COL_STATE, COL_CNTY'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_NAME != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $name = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); } return $data; } /* Callsign QRA */ function call_qra($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_GRIDSQUARE, COL_TIME_ON'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_GRIDSQUARE != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $callsign = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); $callsign = strtoupper($data->COL_GRIDSQUARE); } return $callsign; } function call_name($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_NAME, COL_TIME_ON'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_NAME != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $name = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); $name = $data->COL_NAME; } return $name; } function call_qslvia($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_QSL_VIA, COL_TIME_ON'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_NAME != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $name = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); $qsl_via = $data->COL_QSL_VIA; } return $qsl_via; } function call_state($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_STATE'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_NAME != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $name = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); $qsl_state = $data->COL_STATE; } return $qsl_state; } function call_qth($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_QTH, COL_TIME_ON'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_QTH != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $name = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); $name = $data->COL_QTH; } return $name; } function call_iota($callsign) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_IOTA, COL_TIME_ON'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $where = "COL_IOTA != \"\""; $this->db->where($where); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $name = ""; if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $data = $query->row(); $name = $data->COL_IOTA; } return $name; } /* Return QSO Info */ function qso_info($id) { $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $id); return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } // Set Paper to recived function paperqsl_update($qso_id, $method) { $data = array( 'COL_QSLRDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSL_RCVD' => 'Y', 'COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA' => $method ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $qso_id); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); } // Set Paper to requested function paperqsl_requested($qso_id, $method) { $data = array( 'COL_QSLSDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSL_SENT' => 'R' ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $qso_id); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); } function paperqsl_ignore($qso_id, $method) { $data = array( 'COL_QSLSDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'COL_QSL_SENT' => 'I' ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $qso_id); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); } function get_qsos_for_printing($station_id2 = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = 'SELECT STATION_CALLSIGN, COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_CALL, COL_QSL_VIA, COL_TIME_ON, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_FREQ, UPPER(COL_BAND) as COL_BAND, COL_RST_SENT, COL_SAT_NAME, COL_SAT_MODE, COL_QSL_RCVD, COL_COMMENT, (CASE WHEN COL_QSL_VIA != \'\' THEN COL_QSL_VIA ELSE COL_CALL END) AS COL_ROUTING, ADIF, ENTITY FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').', dxcc_prefixes, station_profile WHERE COL_QSL_SENT in (\'R\', \'Q\') and (CASE WHEN COL_QSL_VIA != \'\' THEN COL_QSL_VIA ELSE COL_CALL END) like CONCAT(,\'%\') and (end is null or end > now()) and ' . $this->config->item('table_name') . '.station_id = station_profile.station_id'; if ($station_id2 == NULL) { $sql .= ' and ' . $this->config->item('table_name') . '.station_id = ' . $station_id; } else { $sql .= ' and ' . $this->config->item('table_name') . '.station_id = ' . $station_id2; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY adif, col_routing'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query; } function get_qsos($num, $offset) { //$this->db->select(''.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_CALL, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_BAND, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_TIME_ON, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_RST_RCVD, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_RST_SENT, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_MODE, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SUBMODE, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_NAME, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_COUNTRY, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_PRIMARY_KEY, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SAT_NAME, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_GRIDSQUARE, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_QSL_RCVD, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_QSL_SENT, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_STX, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_STX_STRING, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SRX, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SRX_STRING, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_VUCC_GRIDS, station_profile.*'); $this->db->from($this->config->item('table_name')); $this->db->join('station_profile', 'station_profile.station_id = '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.station_id'); $this->db->order_by(''.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_TIME_ON', "desc"); $this->db->limit($num); $this->db->offset($offset); return $this->db->get(); } function get_qso($id) { $this->db->select(''.$this->config->item('table_name').'.*, station_profile.*'); $this->db->from($this->config->item('table_name')); $this->db->join('station_profile', 'station_profile.station_id = '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.station_id'); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $id); return $this->db->get(); } function get_clublog_qsos($station_id){ $this->db->where($this->config->item('table_name').'.station_id', $station_id); $this->db->where("COL_CLUBLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS", null); $this->db->or_where("COL_CLUBLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS", ""); $this->db->or_where("COL_CLUBLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS", "N"); $this->db->join('station_profile', 'station_profile.station_id = '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.station_id'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* * Function returns the QSOs from the logbook, which have not been either marked as uploaded to qrz, or has been modified with an edit */ function get_qrz_qsos($station_id){ $sql = 'select * from ' . $this->config->item('table_name') . ' thcv ' . ' join station_profile on thcv.station_id = station_profile.station_id' . ' where thcv.station_id = ' . $station_id . ' and (COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS is NULL or COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS = "" or COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS = "M" or COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS = "N")'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query; } /* * Function returns all the station_id's with QRZ API Key's */ function get_station_id_with_qrz_api() { $sql = 'select station_id from station_profile where coalesce(qrzapikey, "") <> ""'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $result = $query->row(); if ($result) { return $result; } else { return null; } } function get_last_qsos($num) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); //$this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_BAND, COL_TIME_ON, COL_RST_RCVD, COL_RST_SENT, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_NAME, COL_COUNTRY, COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_SAT_NAME, COL_STX_STRING, COL_SRX_STRING, COL_IOTA, COL_STATE, COL_GRIDSQUARE'); $this->db->where("station_id", $station_id); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $this->db->limit($num); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* Get all QSOs with a valid grid for use in the KML export */ function kml_get_all_qsos($band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_BAND, COL_TIME_ON, COL_RST_RCVD, COL_RST_SENT, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_NAME, COL_COUNTRY, COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_SAT_NAME, COL_GRIDSQUARE'); $this->db->where('COL_GRIDSQUARE != \'null\''); if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE = \'' . $band . '\''); } else { $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE != \'SAT\''); $this->db->where('COL_BAND = \'' . $band .'\''); } } if ($mode != 'All') { $this->db->where('COL_MODE = \'' . $mode . '\''); } if ($dxcc != 'All') { $this->db->where('COL_DXCC = ' . $dxcc); } if ($cqz != 'All') { $this->db->where('COL_CQZ = ' . $cqz); } if ($propagation != 'All') { $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE = ' . $propagation); } // If date is set, we format the date and add it to the where-statement if ($fromdate != "") { $from = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $fromdate); $from = $from->format('Y-m-d'); $this->db->where("date(".$this->config->item('table_name').".COL_TIME_ON) >= '".$from."'"); } if ($todate != "") { $to = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $todate); $to = $to->format('Y-m-d'); $this->db->where("date(".$this->config->item('table_name').".COL_TIME_ON) <= '".$to."'"); } $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } function get_date_qsos($date) { $this->db->select('COL_CALL, COL_BAND, COL_TIME_ON, COL_RST_RCVD, COL_RST_SENT, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_NAME, COL_COUNTRY, COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_SAT_NAME'); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $start = $date." 00:00:00"; $end = $date." 23:59:59"; $this->db->where("COL_TIME_ON BETWEEN '".$start."' AND '".$end."'"); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } function get_todays_qsos() { $morning = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'); $night = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'); $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_TIME_ON between \''.$morning.'\' AND \''.$night.'\''); return $query; } function totals_year() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('DATE_FORMAT(COL_TIME_ON, \'%Y\') as \'year\',COUNT(COL_PRIMARY_KEY) as \'total\'', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->group_by('DATE_FORMAT(COL_TIME_ON, \'%Y\')'); $this->db->order_by('year', 'ASC'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* Return total number of qsos */ function total_qsos() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return number of QSOs had today */ function todays_qsos() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $morning = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'); $night = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >=', $morning); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <=', $night); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return QSOs over a period of days */ function map_week_qsos($start, $end) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $this->db->where("COL_TIME_ON BETWEEN '".$start."' AND '".$end."'"); $this->db->where("station_id", $station_id); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "ASC"); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* used to return custom qsos requires start, end date plus a band */ function map_custom_qsos($start, $end, $band) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $this->db->where("COL_TIME_ON BETWEEN '".$start."' AND '".$end."'"); $this->db->where("station_id", $station_id); if($band != "All" && $band != "SAT") { $this->db->where("COL_BAND", $band); } if ($band == "SAT") { $this->db->where("COL_PROP_MODE", "SAT"); } $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "ASC"); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* Returns QSOs for the date sent eg 2011-09-30 */ function map_day($date) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $start = $date." 00:00:00"; $end = $date." 23:59:59"; $this->db->where("COL_TIME_ON BETWEEN '".$start."' AND '".$end."'"); $this->db->where("station_id", $station_id); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "ASC"); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } // Return QSOs made during the current month function month_qsos() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $morning = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00'); $date = new DateTime('now'); $date->modify('last day of this month'); $night = $date->format('Y-m-d')." 23:59:59"; $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >=', $morning); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <=', $night); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return QSOs for the year for the active profile */ function map_all_qsos_for_active_station_profile() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $this->db->where("station_id", $station_id); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "ASC"); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* Return QSOs made during the current Year */ function year_qsos() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $morning = date('Y-01-01 00:00:00'); $night = date('Y-12-31 23:59:59'); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >=', $morning); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <=', $night); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return total amount of SSB QSOs logged */ function total_ssb() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_MODE', 'SSB'); $this->db->or_where('COL_MODE', 'LSB'); $this->db->or_where('COL_MODE', 'USB'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return total number of satellite QSOs */ function total_sat() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('COL_SAT_NAME, COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_SAT_NAME !=', 'null'); $this->db->group_by('COL_SAT_NAME'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* Return total number of CW QSOs */ function total_cw() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_MODE', 'CW'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return total number of FM QSOs */ function total_fm() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_MODE', 'FM'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return total number of Digital QSOs */ function total_digi() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('COUNT( * ) as count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_MODE !=', 'SSB'); $this->db->where('COL_MODE !=', 'LSB'); $this->db->where('COL_MODE !=', 'USB'); $this->db->where('COL_MODE !=', 'CW'); $this->db->where('COL_MODE !=', 'FM'); $this->db->where('COL_MODE !=', 'AM'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->count; } } } /* Return the list of modes in the logbook */ function get_modes(){ $query = $this->db->query('select distinct(COL_MODE) from '.$this->config->item('table_name').' order by COL_MODE'); return $query; } /* Return total number of QSOs per band */ function total_bands() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->select('DISTINCT (COL_BAND) AS band, count( * ) AS count', FALSE); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->group_by('band'); $this->db->order_by('count', 'DESC'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } /* Return total number of QSL Cards sent */ function total_qsl_sent() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $query = $this->db->query('SELECT count(COL_QSL_SENT) AS count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE station_id = '.$station_id.' AND COL_QSL_SENT = "Y"'); $row = $query->row(); if($row == null) { return 0; } else { return $row->count; } } /* Return total number of QSL Cards requested for printing - that means "requested" or "queued" */ function total_qsl_requested() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $query = $this->db->query('SELECT count(COL_QSL_SENT) AS count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE station_id = '.$station_id.' AND COL_QSL_SENT in ("Q", "R")'); $row = $query->row(); if($row == null) { return 0; } else { return $row->count; } } /* Return total number of QSL Cards received */ function total_qsl_recv() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $query = $this->db->query('SELECT count(COL_QSL_RCVD) AS count FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE station_id = '.$station_id.' AND COL_QSL_RCVD = "Y"'); $row = $query->row(); if($row == null) { return 0; } else { return $row->count; } } /* Return total number of countries worked */ function total_countries() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT (COL_COUNTRY) FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_COUNTRY != "Invalid" AND col_dxcc > 0 AND station_id = '.$station_id ; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->num_rows(); } /* Return total number of countries worked */ function total_countries_current() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT (COL_COUNTRY) FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' thcv join dxcc_entities on thcv.col_dxcc = dxcc_entities.adif WHERE COL_COUNTRY != "Invalid" AND dxcc_entities.end is null AND station_id = '.$station_id; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->num_rows(); } /* Return total number of countries confirmed with paper QSL */ function total_countries_confirmed_paper() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT (COL_COUNTRY) FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_COUNTRY != "Invalid" AND COL_DXCC > 0 AND station_id = '.$station_id.' AND COL_QSL_RCVD =\'Y\''; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->num_rows(); } /* Return total number of countries confirmed with eQSL */ function total_countries_confirmed_eqsl() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT (COL_COUNTRY) FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_COUNTRY != "Invalid" AND COL_DXCC > 0 AND station_id = '.$station_id.' AND COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD =\'Y\''; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->num_rows(); } /* Return total number of countries confirmed with LoTW */ function total_countries_confirmed_lotw() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT (COL_COUNTRY) FROM '.$this->config->item('table_name').' WHERE COL_COUNTRY != "Invalid" AND COL_DXCC > 0 AND station_id = '.$station_id.' AND COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD =\'Y\''; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->num_rows(); } function api_search_query($query) { $time_start = microtime(true); $results = $this->db->query($query); if(!$results) { return array('query' => $query, 'error' => $this->db->_error_number(), 'time' => 0); } $time_end = microtime(true); $time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4); return array('query' => $query, 'results' => $results, 'time' => $time); } function api_insert_query($query) { $time_start = microtime(true); $results = $this->db->insert($this->config->item('table_name'), $query); if(!$results) { return array('query' => $query, 'error' => $this->db->_error_number(), 'time' => 0); } $time_end = microtime(true); $time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4); return array('query' => $this->db->queries[2], 'result_string' => $results, 'time' => $time); } /* Delete QSO based on the QSO ID */ function delete($id) { $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $id); $this->db->delete($this->config->item('table_name')); } /* Used to check if the qso is already in the database */ function import_check($datetime, $callsign, $band) { $this->db->select('COL_TIME_ON, COL_CALL, COL_BAND'); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("'.$datetime.'", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL -15 MINUTE )'); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("'.$datetime.'", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL 15 MINUTE )'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { return "Found"; } else { return "No Match"; } } function lotw_update($datetime, $callsign, $band, $qsl_date, $qsl_status, $state) { if($state != "") { $data = array( 'COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE' => $qsl_date, 'COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD' => $qsl_status, 'COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT' => 'Y', 'COL_STATE' => $state ); } else { $data = array( 'COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE' => $qsl_date, 'COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD' => $qsl_status, 'COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT' => 'Y' ); } $this->db->where('date_format(COL_TIME_ON, \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\') = "'.$datetime.'"'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); return "Updated"; } function lotw_last_qsl_date() { $this->db->select('COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE'); $this->db->where('COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE IS NOT NULL'); $this->db->order_by("COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $row = $query->row(); return $row->COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE; } ////////////////////////////// // Update a QSO with eQSL QSL info // We could also probably use this use this: // function eqsl_update($datetime, $callsign, $band, $qsl_status) { $data = array( 'COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), // eQSL doesn't give us a date, so let's use current 'COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD' => $qsl_status ); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("'.$datetime.'", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL -15 MINUTE )'); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("'.$datetime.'", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL 15 MINUTE )'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); return "Updated"; } // Mark the QSO as sent to eQSL function eqsl_mark_sent($primarykey) { $data = array( 'COL_EQSL_QSLSDATE' => date('Y-m-d'), // eQSL doesn't give us a date, so let's use current 'COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT' => 'Y', ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $primarykey); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); return "eQSL Sent"; } // Get the last date we received an eQSL function eqsl_last_qsl_rcvd_date() { $this->db->select("DATE_FORMAT(COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE,'%Y%m%d') AS COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE", FALSE); $this->db->where('COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE IS NOT NULL'); $this->db->order_by("COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE", "desc"); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $row = $query->row(); if (isset($row->COL_EQSL_QSLDATE)){ return $row->COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE; }else{ // No previous date (first time import has run?), so choose UNIX EPOCH! // Note: date is yyyy/mm/dd format return '1970/01/01'; } } // Determine if we've already received an eQSL for this QSO function eqsl_dupe_check($datetime, $callsign, $band, $qsl_status) { $this->db->select('COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE'); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("'.$datetime.'", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL -15 MINUTE )'); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("'.$datetime.'", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL 15 MINUTE )'); $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $callsign); $this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band); $this->db->where('COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD', $qsl_status); $this->db->limit(1); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $row = $query->row(); if ($row != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Show all QSOs we need to send to eQSL function eqsl_not_yet_sent() { $this->db->select('station_profile.*, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_PRIMARY_KEY, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_TIME_ON, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_CALL, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_MODE, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SUBMODE, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_BAND, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_COMMENT, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_RST_SENT, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_PROP_MODE, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SAT_NAME, '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_SAT_MODE'); $this->db->from('station_profile'); $this->db->join($this->config->item('table_name'),'station_profile.station_id = '.$this->config->item('table_name').'.station_id AND station_profile.eqslqthnickname != ""','left'); $this->db->where($this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_CALL !=', ''); $this->db->where($this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT !=', 'Y'); $this->db->where($this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT !=', 'I'); $this->db->or_where(array($this->config->item('table_name').'.COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT' => NULL)); return $this->db->get(); } /* * $skipDuplicate - used in ADIF import to skip duplicate checking when importing QSOs * $markLoTW - used in ADIF import to mark QSOs as exported to LoTW when importing QSOs * $dxccAdif - used in ADIF import to determine if DXCC From ADIF is used, or if Cloudlog should try to guess * $markQrz - used in ADIF import to mark QSOs as exported to QRZ Logbook when importing QSOs * $skipexport - used in ADIF import to skip the realtime upload to QRZ Logbook when importing QSOs from ADIF */ function import($record, $station_id = "0", $skipDuplicate = false, $markLotw = false, $dxccAdif = false, $markQrz = false, $skipexport = false, $operatorName = false) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('frequency'); $my_error = ""; // Join date+time $time_on = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) ." ".date('H:i:s', strtotime($record['time_on'])); if (isset($record['time_off'])) { $time_off = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) ." ".date('H:i:s', strtotime($record['time_off'])); } else { $time_off = $time_on; } // Store Freq // Check if 'freq' is defined in the import? if (isset($record['freq'])){ // record[freq] in MHz $freq = floatval($record['freq']) * 1E6; // store in Hz } else { $freq = 0; } // Check for RX Freq // Check if 'freq' is defined in the import? if (isset($record['freq_rx'])){ // record[freq] in MHz $freqRX = floatval($record['freq_rx']) * 1E6; // store in Hz } else { $freqRX = NULL; } // DXCC id if (isset($record['call'])){ if ($dxccAdif != NULL) { if (isset($record['dxcc'])) { $entity = $this->get_entity($record['dxcc']); $dxcc = array($record['dxcc'], $entity['name']); } else { $dxcc = NULL; } } else { $dxcc = $this->check_dxcc_table($record['call'], $time_off); } } else { $dxcc = NULL; } // Store or find country name if(isset($record['country'])) { $country = $record['country']; } else { $country = ucwords(strtolower($dxcc[1])); } // RST recevied if(isset($record['rst_rcvd'])) { $rst_rx = $record['rst_rcvd']; } else { $rst_rx = "59"; } // RST Sent if(isset($record['rst_sent'])) { $rst_tx = $record['rst_sent']; } else { $rst_tx = "59"; } // Store Band if(isset($record['band'])) { $band = strtolower($record['band']); } else { if (isset($record['freq'])){ if($freq != "0") { $band = $CI->frequency->GetBand($freq); } } } if(isset($record['band_rx'])) { $band_rx = strtolower($record['band_rx']); } else { if (isset($record['freq_rx'])){ if($freq != "0") { $band_rx = $CI->frequency->GetBand($freqRX); } } else { $band_rx = ""; } } if(isset($record['cqz'])) { $cq_zone = $record['cqz']; } elseif(isset($dxcc[2])) { $cq_zone = $dxcc[2]; } else { $cq_zone = NULL; } // Sanitise lat input to make sure its 11 chars if (isset($record['lat'])){ $input_lat = mb_strimwidth($record['lat'], 0, 11); }else{ $input_lat = NULL; } // Sanitise lon input to make sure its 11 chars if (isset($record['lon'])){ $input_lon = mb_strimwidth($record['lon'], 0, 11); }else{ $input_lon = NULL; } // Sanitise my_lat input to make sure its 11 chars if (isset($record['my_lat'])){ $input_my_lat = mb_strimwidth($record['my_lat'], 0, 11); }else{ $input_my_lat = NULL; } // Sanitise my_lon input to make sure its 11 chars if (isset($record['my_lon'])){ $input_my_lon = mb_strimwidth($record['my_lon'], 0, 11); }else{ $input_my_lon = NULL; } // Sanitise TX_POWER if (isset($record['tx_pwr'])){ $tx_pwr = filter_var($record['tx_pwr'],FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT); }else{ $tx_pwr = NULL; } if (isset($record['a_index'])){ $input_a_index = filter_var($record['a_index'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); } else { $input_a_index = NULL; } if (isset($record['age'])){ $input_age = filter_var($record['age'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); } else { $input_age = NULL; } if (isset($record['ant_az'])){ $input_ant_az = filter_var($record['ant_az'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); } else { $input_ant_az = NULL; } if (isset($record['ant_el'])){ $input_ant_el = filter_var($record['ant_el'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); } else { $input_ant_el = NULL; } if (isset($record['ant_path'])){ $input_ant_path = mb_strimwidth($record['ant_path'], 0, 1); } else { $input_ant_path = NULL; } /* Validate QSL Fields qslrdate, qslsdate */ if (isset($record['qslrdate'])){ if(validateADIFDate($record['qslrdate']) == true){ $input_qslrdate = $record['qslrdate']; } else { $input_qslrdate = NULL; $my_error .= "Error QSO: Date: ".$time_on." Callsign: ".$record['call']." the qslrdate is invalid (YYYYMMDD): ".$record['qslrdate']."
"; } } else { $input_qslrdate = NULL; } if (isset($record['qslsdate'])){ if(validateADIFDate($record['qslsdate']) == true){ $input_qslsdate = $record['qslsdate']; } else { $input_qslsdate = NULL; $my_error .= "Error QSO: Date: ".$time_on." Callsign: ".$record['call']." the qslsdate is invalid (YYYYMMDD): ".$record['qslsdate']."
"; } } else { $input_qslsdate = NULL; } if (isset($record['qsl_rcvd'])){ $input_qsl_rcvd = mb_strimwidth($record['qsl_rcvd'], 0, 1); } else { $input_qsl_rcvd = "N"; } if (isset($record['qsl_rcvd_via'])){ $input_qsl_rcvd_via = mb_strimwidth($record['qsl_rcvd_via'], 0, 1); } else { $input_qsl_rcvd_via = ""; } if (isset($record['qsl_sent'])){ $input_qsl_sent = mb_strimwidth($record['qsl_sent'], 0, 1); } else { $input_qsl_sent = "N"; } if (isset($record['qsl_sent_via'])){ $input_qsl_sent_via = mb_strimwidth($record['qsl_sent_via'], 0, 1); } else { $input_qsl_sent_via = ""; } /* Validate LOTW Fields */ if (isset($record['lotw_qsl_rcvd'])){ $input_lotw_qsl_rcvd = mb_strimwidth($record['lotw_qsl_rcvd'], 0, 1); } else { $input_lotw_qsl_rcvd = ""; } if (isset($record['lotw_qsl_sent'])){ $input_lotw_qsl_sent = mb_strimwidth($record['lotw_qsl_sent'], 0, 1); } else if ($markLotw != NULL) { $input_lotw_qsl_sent = "Y"; } else { $input_lotw_qsl_sent = ""; } if (isset($record['lotw_qslrdate'])){ if(validateADIFDate($record['lotw_qslrdate']) == true){ $input_lotw_qslrdate = $record['lotw_qslrdate']; } else { $input_lotw_qslrdate = NULL; $my_error .= "Error QSO: Date: ".$time_on." Callsign: ".$record['call']." the lotw_qslrdate is invalid (YYYYMMDD): ".$record['lotw_qslrdate']."
"; } } else { $input_lotw_qslrdate = NULL; } if (isset($record['lotw_qslsdate'])){ if(validateADIFDate($record['lotw_qslsdate']) == true){ $input_lotw_qslsdate = $record['lotw_qslsdate']; } else { $input_lotw_qslsdate = NULL; $my_error .= "Error QSO: Date: ".$time_on." Callsign: ".$record['call']." the lotw_qslsdate is invalid (YYYYMMDD): ".$record['lotw_qslsdate']."
"; } } else if ($markLotw != NULL) { $input_lotw_qslsdate = $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("now")); } else { $input_lotw_qslsdate = NULL; } if (isset($record['mode'])) { $input_mode = $record['mode']; } else { $input_mode = ''; } $mode = $this->get_main_mode_if_submode($input_mode); if ($mode == null) { $submode = null; } else { $submode = $input_mode; $input_mode = $mode; } if (empty($submode)) { $input_submode = (!empty($record['submode'])) ? $record['submode'] : ''; } else { $input_submode = $submode; } // Get active station_id from station profile if one hasn't been provided if($station_id == "" || $station_id == "0") { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); } // Check if QSO is already in the database if ($skipDuplicate != NULL) { $skip = false; } else { if (isset($record['call'])){ $this->db->where('COL_CALL', $record['call']); } $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON', $time_on); $this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band); $this->db->where('COL_MODE', $input_mode); $this->db->where('station_id', $station_id); $check = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); // If dupe is not found, set variable to add QSO if ($check->num_rows() <= 0) { $skip = false; } else { $skip = true; } } if ($operatorName != false) { $operatorName = $this->session->userdata('user_callsign'); } else { $operatorName = (!empty($record['operator'])) ? $record['operator'] : ''; } // If user checked to mark QSOs as uploaded to QRZ Logbook, or else we try to find info in ADIF import. if ($markQrz != null) { $input_qrzcom_qso_upload_status = 'Y'; $input_qrzcom_qso_upload_date = $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("now")); } else { $input_qrzcom_qso_upload_date = (!empty($record['qrzcom_qso_upload_date'])) ? $record['qrzcom_qso_upload_date'] : null; $input_qrzcom_qso_upload_status = (!empty($record['qrzcom_qso_upload_status'])) ? $record['qrzcom_qso_upload_status'] : ''; } if (!$skip) { // Create array with QSO Data use ?: $data = array( 'COL_A_INDEX' => $input_a_index, 'COL_ADDRESS' => (!empty($record['address'])) ? $record['address'] : '', 'COL_ADDRESS_INTL' => (!empty($record['address_intl'])) ? $record['address_intl'] : '', 'COL_AGE' => $input_age, 'COL_ANT_AZ' => $input_ant_az, 'COL_ANT_EL' => $input_ant_el, 'COL_ANT_PATH' => $input_ant_path, 'COL_ARRL_SECT' => (!empty($record['arrl_sect'])) ? $record['arrl_sect'] : '', 'COL_AWARD_GRANTED' => (!empty($record['award_granted'])) ? $record['award_granted'] : '', 'COL_AWARD_SUMMITED' => (!empty($record['award_submitted'])) ? $record['award_submitted'] : '', 'COL_BAND' => $band, 'COL_BAND_RX' => $band_rx, 'COL_BIOGRAPHY' => (!empty($record['biography'])) ? $record['biography'] : '', 'COL_CALL' => (!empty($record['call'])) ? strtoupper($record['call']) : '', 'COL_CHECK' => (!empty($record['check'])) ? $record['check'] : '', 'COL_CLASS' => (!empty($record['class'])) ? $record['class'] : '', 'COL_CLUBLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_DATE' => (!empty($record['clublog_qso_upload_date'])) ? $record['clublog_qso_upload_date'] : null, 'COL_CLUBLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS' => (!empty($record['clublog_qso_upload_status'])) ? $record['clublog_qso_upload_status'] : null, 'COL_CNTY' => (!empty($record['cnty'])) ? $record['cnty'] : '', 'COL_COMMENT' => (!empty($record['comment'])) ? $record['comment'] : '', 'COL_COMMENT_INTL' => (!empty($record['comment_intl'])) ? $record['comment_intl'] : '', 'COL_CONT' => (!empty($record['cont'])) ? $record['cont'] : '', 'COL_CONTACTED_OP' => (!empty($record['contacted_op'])) ? $record['contacted_op'] : '', 'COL_CONTEST_ID' => (!empty($record['contest_id'])) ? $record['contest_id'] : '', 'COL_COUNTRY' => $country, 'COL_COUNTRY_INTL' => (!empty($record['country_intl'])) ? $record['country_intl'] : '', 'COL_CQZ' => $cq_zone, 'COL_CREDIT_GRANTED' => (!empty($record['credit_granted'])) ? $record['credit_granted'] : '', 'COL_CREDIT_SUBMITTED' => (!empty($record['credit_submitted'])) ? $record['credit_submitted'] : '', 'COL_DARC_DOK' => (!empty($record['darc_dok'])) ? $record['darc_dok'] : '', 'COL_DISTANCE' => (!empty($record['distance'])) ? $record['distance'] : null, 'COL_DXCC' => $dxcc[0], 'COL_EMAIL' => (!empty($record['email'])) ? $record['email'] : '', 'COL_EQ_CALL' => (!empty($record['eq_call'])) ? $record['eq_call'] : '', 'COL_EQSL_QSL_RCVD' => (!empty($record['eqsl_qsl_rcvd'])) ? $record['eqsl_qsl_rcvd'] : null, 'COL_EQSL_QSL_SENT' => (!empty($record['eqsl_qsl_sent'])) ? $record['eqsl_qsl_sent'] : null, 'COL_EQSL_QSLRDATE' => (!empty($record['eqsl_qslrdate'])) ? $record['eqsl_qslrdate'] : null, 'COL_EQSL_QSLSDATE' => (!empty($record['eqsl_qslsdate'])) ? $record['eqsl_qslsdate'] : null, 'COL_EQSL_STATUS' => (!empty($record['eqsl_status'])) ? $record['eqsl_status'] : '', 'COL_FISTS' => (!empty($record['fists'])) ? $record['fists'] : null, 'COL_FISTS_CC' => (!empty($record['fists_cc'])) ? $record['fists_cc'] : null, 'COL_FORCE_INIT' => (!empty($record['force_init'])) ? $record['force_init'] : null, 'COL_FREQ' => $freq, 'COL_FREQ_RX' => (!empty($record['freq_rx'])) ? $freqRX : null, 'COL_GRIDSQUARE' => (!empty($record['gridsquare'])) ? $record['gridsquare'] : '', 'COL_HEADING' => (!empty($record['heading'])) ? $record['heading'] : null, 'COL_HRDLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_DATE' => (!empty($record['hrdlog_qso_upload_date'])) ? $record['hrdlog_qso_upload_date'] : null, 'COL_HRDLOG_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS' => (!empty($record['hrdlog_qso_upload_status'])) ? $record['hrdlog_qso_upload_status'] : '', 'COL_IOTA' => (!empty($record['iota'])) ? $record['iota'] : '', 'COL_ITUZ' => (!empty($record['ituz'])) ? $record['ituz'] : null, 'COL_K_INDEX' => (!empty($record['k_index'])) ? $record['k_index'] : null, 'COL_LAT' => $input_lat, 'COL_LON' => $input_lon, 'COL_LOTW_QSL_RCVD' => $input_lotw_qsl_rcvd, 'COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT' => $input_lotw_qsl_sent, 'COL_LOTW_QSLRDATE' => $input_lotw_qslrdate, 'COL_LOTW_QSLSDATE' => $input_lotw_qslsdate, 'COL_LOTW_STATUS' => (!empty($record['lotw_status'])) ? $record['lotw_status'] : '', 'COL_MAX_BURSTS' => (!empty($record['max_bursts'])) ? $record['max_bursts'] : null, 'COL_MODE' => $input_mode, 'COL_MS_SHOWER' => (!empty($record['ms_shower'])) ? $record['ms_shower'] : '', 'COL_MY_ANTENNA' => (!empty($record['my_antenna'])) ? $record['my_antenna'] : '', 'COL_MY_ANTENNA_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_antenna_intl'])) ? $record['my_antenna_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_CITY' => (!empty($record['my_city'])) ? $record['my_city'] : '', 'COL_MY_CITY_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_city_intl'])) ? $record['my_city_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_CNTY' => (!empty($record['my_cnty'])) ? $record['my_cnty'] : '', 'COL_MY_COUNTRY' => (!empty($record['my_country'])) ? $record['my_country'] : '', 'COL_MY_COUNTRY_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_country_intl'])) ? $record['my_country_intl'] : null, 'COL_MY_CQ_ZONE' => (!empty($record['my_dxcc'])) ? $record['my_dxcc'] : null, 'COL_MY_DXCC' => (!empty($record['my_dxcc'])) ? $record['my_dxcc'] : null, 'COL_MY_FISTS' => (!empty($record['my_fists'])) ? $record['my_fists'] : null, 'COL_MY_GRIDSQUARE' => (!empty($record['my_gridsquare'])) ? $record['my_gridsquare'] : '', 'COL_MY_IOTA' => (!empty($record['my_iota'])) ? $record['my_iota'] : '', 'COL_MY_IOTA_ISLAND_ID' => (!empty($record['my_iota_island_id'])) ? $record['my_iota_island_id'] : '', 'COL_MY_ITU_ZONE' => (!empty($record['my_itu_zone'])) ? $record['my_itu_zone'] : null, 'COL_MY_LAT' => $input_my_lat, 'COL_MY_LON' => $input_my_lon, 'COL_MY_NAME' => (!empty($record['my_name'])) ? $record['my_name'] : '', 'COL_MY_NAME_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_name_intl'])) ? $record['my_name_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_POSTAL_CODE' => (!empty($record['my_postal_code'])) ? $record['my_postal_code'] : '', 'COL_MY_POSTCODE_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_postcode_intl'])) ? $record['my_postcode_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_RIG' => (!empty($record['my_rig'])) ? $record['my_rig'] : '', 'COL_MY_RIG_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_rig_intl'])) ? $record['my_rig_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_SIG' => (!empty($record['my_sig'])) ? $record['my_sig'] : '', 'COL_MY_SIG_INFO' => (!empty($record['my_sig_info'])) ? $record['my_sig_info'] : '', 'COL_MY_SIG_INFO_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_sig_info_intl'])) ? $record['my_sig_info_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_SIG_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_sig_intl'])) ? $record['my_sig_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_SOTA_REF' => (!empty($record['my_sota_ref'])) ? $record['my_sota_ref'] : '', 'COL_MY_STATE' => (!empty($record['my_state'])) ? $record['my_state'] : '', 'COL_MY_STREET' => (!empty($record['my_street'])) ? $record['my_street'] : '', 'COL_MY_STREET_INTL' => (!empty($record['my_street_intl'])) ? $record['my_street_intl'] : '', 'COL_MY_USACA_COUNTIES' => (!empty($record['my_usaca_counties'])) ? $record['my_usaca_counties'] : '', 'COL_MY_VUCC_GRIDS' => (!empty($record['my_vucc_grids'])) ? $record['my_vucc_grids'] : '', 'COL_NAME' => (!empty($record['name'])) ? $record['name'] : '', 'COL_NAME_INTL' => (!empty($record['name_intl'])) ? $record['name_intl']: '', 'COL_NOTES' => (!empty($record['notes'])) ? $record['notes'] : '', 'COL_NOTES_INTL' => (!empty($record['notes_intl'])) ? $record['notes_intl'] : '', 'COL_NR_BURSTS' => (!empty($record['nr_bursts'])) ? $record['nr_bursts'] : null, 'COL_NR_PINGS' => (!empty($record['nr_pings'])) ? $record['nr_pings'] : null, 'COL_OPERATOR' => $operatorName, 'COL_OWNER_CALLSIGN' => (!empty($record['owner_callsign'])) ? $record['owner_callsign'] : '', 'COL_PFX' => (!empty($record['pfx'])) ? $record['pfx'] : '', 'COL_PRECEDENCE' => (!empty($record['precedence'])) ? $record['precedence'] : '', 'COL_PROP_MODE' => (!empty($record['prop_mode'])) ? $record['prop_mode'] : '', 'COL_PUBLIC_KEY' => (!empty($record['public_key'])) ? $record['public_key'] : '', 'COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_DATE' => $input_qrzcom_qso_upload_date, 'COL_QRZCOM_QSO_UPLOAD_STATUS' => $input_qrzcom_qso_upload_status, 'COL_QSL_RCVD' => $input_qsl_rcvd, 'COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA' => $input_qsl_rcvd_via, 'COL_QSL_SENT' => $input_qsl_sent, 'COL_QSL_SENT_VIA' => $input_qsl_sent_via, 'COL_QSL_VIA' => (!empty($record['qsl_via'])) ? $record['qsl_via'] : '', 'COL_QSLMSG' => (!empty($record['qslmsg'])) ? $record['qslmsg'] : '', 'COL_QSLRDATE' => $input_qslrdate, 'COL_QSLSDATE' => $input_qslsdate, 'COL_QSO_COMPLETE' => (!empty($record['qso_complete'])) ? $record['qso_complete'] : '', 'COL_QSO_DATE' => (!empty($record['qso_date'])) ? $record['qso_date'] : null, 'COL_QSO_DATE_OFF' => (!empty($record['qso_date_off'])) ? $record['qso_date_off'] : null, 'COL_QTH' => (!empty($record['qth'])) ? $record['qth'] : '', 'COL_QTH_INTL' => (!empty($record['qth_intl'])) ? $record['qth_intl'] : '', 'COL_REGION' => (!empty($record['region'])) ? $record['region'] : '', 'COL_RIG' => (!empty($record['rig'])) ? $record['rig'] : '', 'COL_RIG_INTL' => (!empty($record['rig_intl'])) ? $record['rig_intl'] : '', 'COL_RST_RCVD' => $rst_rx, 'COL_RST_SENT' => $rst_tx, 'COL_RX_PWR' => (!empty($record['rx_pwr'])) ? $record['rx_pwr'] : null, 'COL_SAT_MODE' => (!empty($record['sat_mode'])) ? $record['sat_mode'] : '', 'COL_SAT_NAME' => (!empty($record['sat_name'])) ? $record['sat_name'] : '', 'COL_SFI' => (!empty($record['sfi'])) ? $record['sfi'] : null, 'COL_SIG' => (!empty($record['sig'])) ? $record['sig'] : '', 'COL_SIG_INFO' => (!empty($record['sig_info'])) ? $record['sig_info'] : '', 'COL_SIG_INFO_INTL' => (!empty($record['sig_info_intl'])) ? $record['sig_info_intl'] : '', 'COL_SIG_INTL' => (!empty($record['sig_intl'])) ? $record['sig_intl'] : '', 'COL_SILENT_KEY' => (!empty($record['silent_key'])) ? $record['silent_key'] : '', 'COL_SKCC' => (!empty($record['skcc'])) ? $record['skcc'] : '', 'COL_SOTA_REF' => (!empty($record['sota_ref'])) ? $record['sota_ref'] : '', 'COL_SRX' => (!empty($record['srx'])) ? $record['srx'] : null, 'COL_SRX_STRING' => (!empty($record['srx_string'])) ? $record['srx_string'] : '', 'COL_STATE' => (!empty($record['state'])) ? strtoupper($record['state']) : '', 'COL_STATION_CALLSIGN' => (!empty($record['station_callsign'])) ? $record['station_callsign'] : '', 'COL_STX' => (!empty($record['stx'])) ? $record['stx'] : null, 'COL_STX_STRING' => (!empty($record['stx_string'])) ? $record['stx_string'] : '', 'COL_SUBMODE' => $input_submode, 'COL_SWL' => (!empty($record['swl'])) ? $record['swl'] : null, 'COL_TEN_TEN' => (!empty($record['ten_ten'])) ? $record['ten_ten'] : null, 'COL_TIME_ON' => $time_on, 'COL_TIME_OFF' => $time_off, 'COL_TX_PWR' => (!empty($tx_pwr)) ? $tx_pwr : null, 'COL_UKSMG' => (!empty($record['uksmg'])) ? $record['uksmg'] : '', 'COL_USACA_COUNTIES' => (!empty($record['usaca_counties'])) ? $record['usaca_counties'] : '', 'COL_VUCC_GRIDS' =>((!empty($record['vucc_grids']))) ? $record['vucc_grids'] : '', 'COL_WEB' => (!empty($record['web'])) ? $record['web'] : '' ); // Collect field information from the station profile table thats required for the QSO. if($station_id != "0") { $station_result = $this->db->where('station_id', $station_id) ->get('station_profile'); if ($station_result->num_rows() > 0){ $data['station_id'] = $station_id; $row = $station_result->row_array(); if (strpos(trim($row['station_gridsquare']), ',') !== false) { $data['COL_MY_VUCC_GRIDS'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_gridsquare'])); } else { $data['COL_MY_GRIDSQUARE'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_gridsquare'])); } $data['COL_MY_CITY'] = trim($row['station_city']); $data['COL_MY_IOTA'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_iota'])); $data['COL_MY_SOTA_REF'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_sota'])); $data['COL_STATION_CALLSIGN'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_callsign'])); $data['COL_MY_DXCC'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_dxcc'])); $data['COL_MY_COUNTRY'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_country'])); $data['COL_MY_CNTY'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_cnty'])); $data['COL_MY_CQ_ZONE'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_cq'])); $data['COL_MY_ITU_ZONE'] = strtoupper(trim($row['station_itu'])); } } // Save QSO $this->add_qso($data, $skipexport); } else { $my_error .= "Date/Time: ".$time_on." Callsign: ".$record['call']." Band: ".$band." Duplicate
"; } return $my_error; } function get_main_mode_if_submode($mode) { $this->db->select('mode'); $this->db->where('submode', $mode); $query = $this->db->get('adif_modes'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0){ $row = $query->row_array(); return $row['mode']; } else { return null; } } /* * Check the dxxc_prefixes table and return (dxcc, country) */ public function check_dxcc_table($call, $date){ $dxcc_exceptions = $this->db->select('`entity`, `adif`, `cqz`') ->where('call', $call) ->where('(start <= ', $date) ->or_where('start is null)', NULL, false) ->where('(end >= ', $date) ->or_where('end is null)', NULL, false) ->get('dxcc_exceptions'); if ($dxcc_exceptions->num_rows() > 0){ $row = $dxcc_exceptions->row_array(); return array($row['adif'], $row['entity'], $row['cqz']); } if (preg_match('/(^KG4)[A-Z09]{3,}/', $call)) { // KG4/ and KG4 5 char calls are Guantanamo Bay. If 6 char, it is USA $call = "K"; } elseif (preg_match_all('/^((\d|[A-Z])+\/)?((\d|[A-Z]){3,})(\/(\d|[A-Z])+)?(\/(\d|[A-Z])+)?$/', $call, $matches)) { if ($matches[5][0] == '/MM') { $row['adif'] = 0; $row['entity'] = 'None'; $row['cqz'] = 0; return array($row['adif'], $row['entity'], $row['cqz']); } } $len = strlen($call); // query the table, removing a character from the right until a match for ($i = $len; $i > 0; $i--){ //printf("searching for %s\n", substr($call, 0, $i)); $dxcc_result = $this->db->select('`call`, `entity`, `adif`, `cqz`') ->where('call', substr($call, 0, $i)) ->where('(start <= ', $date) ->or_where("start is null)", NULL, false) ->where('(end >= ', $date) ->or_where("end is null)", NULL, false) ->get('dxcc_prefixes'); //$dxcc_result = $this->db->query("select `call`, `entity`, `adif` from dxcc_prefixes where `call` = '".substr($call, 0, $i) ."'"); //print $this->db->last_query(); if ($dxcc_result->num_rows() > 0){ $row = $dxcc_result->row_array(); return array($row['adif'], $row['entity'], $row['cqz']); } } return array("Not Found", "Not Found"); } public function dxcc_lookup($call, $date){ $dxcc_exceptions = $this->db->select('`entity`, `adif`, `cqz`') ->where('call', $call) ->where('(start <= CURDATE()') ->or_where('start is null', NULL, false) ->where('end >= CURDATE()') ->or_where('end is null)', NULL, false) ->get('dxcc_exceptions'); if ($dxcc_exceptions->num_rows() > 0){ $row = $dxcc_exceptions->row_array(); return $row; } else { if (preg_match('/(^KG4)[A-Z09]{3,}/', $call)) { // KG4/ and KG4 5 char calls are Guantanamo Bay. If 6 char, it is USA $call = "K"; } elseif (preg_match_all('/^((\d|[A-Z])+\/)?((\d|[A-Z]){3,})(\/(\d|[A-Z])+)?(\/(\d|[A-Z])+)?$/', $call, $matches)) { if ($matches[5][0] == '/MM') { $row['adif'] = 0; $row['entity'] = 'None'; $row['cqz'] = 0; $row['long'] = '0'; $row['lat'] = '0'; return $row; } } $len = strlen($call); // query the table, removing a character from the right until a match for ($i = $len; $i > 0; $i--){ //printf("searching for %s\n", substr($call, 0, $i)); $dxcc_result = $this->db->select('*') ->where('call', substr($call, 0, $i)) ->where('(start <= ', $date) ->or_where("start is null)", NULL, false) ->where('(end >= ', $date) ->or_where("end is null)", NULL, false) ->get('dxcc_prefixes'); //$dxcc_result = $this->db->query("select `call`, `entity`, `adif` from dxcc_prefixes where `call` = '".substr($call, 0, $i) ."'"); //print $this->db->last_query(); if ($dxcc_result->num_rows() > 0){ $row = $dxcc_result->row_array(); return $row; } } } return array("Not Found", "Not Found"); } public function get_entity($dxcc){ $sql = "select name, cqz, lat, 'long' from dxcc_entities where adif = " . $dxcc; $query = $this->db->query($sql); if ($query->result() > 0){ $row = $query->row_array(); return $row; } return ''; } /* * Same as check_dxcc_table, but the functionality is in * a stored procedure which we call */ public function check_dxcc_stored_proc($call, $date){ $this->db->query("call find_country('".$call."','".$date."', @country, @adif, @cqz)"); $res = $this->db->query("select @country as country, @adif as adif, @cqz as cqz"); $d = $res->result_array(); // Should only be one result. // NOTE: might cause unexpected data if there's an // error with data. return $d[0]; } public function check_missing_dxcc_id($all){ // get all records with no COL_DXCC $this->db->select("COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_CALL, COL_TIME_ON, COL_TIME_OFF"); // check which to update - records with no dxcc or all records if (! isset($all)){ $this->db->where("COL_DXCC is NULL"); } $r = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $count = 0; $this->db->trans_start(); //query dxcc_prefixes if ($r->num_rows() > 0){ foreach($r->result_array() as $row){ $qso_date = $row['COL_TIME_OFF']=='' ? $row['COL_TIME_ON'] : $row['COL_TIME_ON']; $qso_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", strtotime($qso_date)); // Manual call $d = $this->check_dxcc_table($row['COL_CALL'], $qso_date); // Stored procedure call //$d = $this->check_dxcc_stored_proc($row["COL_CALL"], $qso_date); if ($d[0] != 'Not Found'){ $sql = sprintf("update %s set COL_COUNTRY = '%s', COL_DXCC='%s' where COL_PRIMARY_KEY=%d", $this->config->item('table_name'), addslashes(ucwords(strtolower($d[1]))), $d[0], $row['COL_PRIMARY_KEY']); $this->db->query($sql); //print($sql."\n"); printf("Updating %s to %s and %s\n
", $row['COL_PRIMARY_KEY'], ucwords(strtolower($d[1])), $d[0]); $count++; } } } $this->db->trans_complete(); print("$count updated\n"); } public function check_missing_grid_id($all){ // get all records with no COL_GRIDSQUARE $this->db->select("COL_PRIMARY_KEY, COL_CALL, COL_TIME_ON, COL_TIME_OFF"); // check which to update - records with no Gridsquare or all records $this->db->where("COL_GRIDSQUARE is NULL or COL_GRIDSQUARE = ''"); $where = "(COL_GRIDSQUARE is NULL or COL_GRIDSQUARE = '') AND (COL_VUCC_GRIDS is NULL or COL_VUCC_GRIDS = '')"; $this->db->where($where); $r = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); $count = 0; $this->db->trans_start(); if ($r->num_rows() > 0){ foreach($r->result_array() as $row){ $callsign = $row['COL_CALL']; if ($this->config->item('callbook') == "qrz" && $this->config->item('qrz_username') != null && $this->config->item('qrz_password') != null) { // Lookup using QRZ $this->load->library('qrz'); if(!$this->session->userdata('qrz_session_key')) { $qrz_session_key = $this->qrz->session($this->config->item('qrz_username'), $this->config->item('qrz_password')); $this->session->set_userdata('qrz_session_key', $qrz_session_key); } $callbook = $this->qrz->search($callsign, $this->session->userdata('qrz_session_key')); } if ($this->config->item('callbook') == "hamqth" && $this->config->item('hamqth_username') != null && $this->config->item('hamqth_password') != null) { // Load the HamQTH library $this->load->library('hamqth'); if(!$this->session->userdata('hamqth_session_key')) { $hamqth_session_key = $this->hamqth->session($this->config->item('hamqth_username'), $this->config->item('hamqth_password')); $this->session->set_userdata('hamqth_session_key', $hamqth_session_key); } $callbook = $this->hamqth->search($callsign, $this->session->userdata('hamqth_session_key')); // If HamQTH session has expired, start a new session and retry the search. if($callbook['error'] == "Session does not exist or expired") { $hamqth_session_key = $this->hamqth->session($this->config->item('hamqth_username'), $this->config->item('hamqth_password')); $this->session->set_userdata('hamqth_session_key', $hamqth_session_key); $callbook = $this->hamqth->search($callsign, $this->session->userdata('hamqth_session_key')); } } if (isset($callbook)) { $return['callsign_qra'] = $callbook['gridsquare']; } if ($return['callsign_qra'] != ''){ $sql = sprintf("update %s set COL_GRIDSQUARE = '%s' where COL_PRIMARY_KEY=%d", $this->config->item('table_name'), $return['callsign_qra'], $row['COL_PRIMARY_KEY']); $this->db->query($sql); printf("Updating %s to %s\n
", $row['COL_PRIMARY_KEY'], $return['callsign_qra']); $count++; } } } $this->db->trans_complete(); print("$count updated\n"); } public function check_for_station_id() { $this->db->where('station_id =', 'NULL'); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); if($query->num_rows() >= 1) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public function update_all_station_ids() { $data = array( 'station_id' => '1', ); $this->db->where(array('station_id' => NULL)); return $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); } public function parse_frequency($frequency) { if (is_int($frequency)) return $frequency; if (is_string($frequency)) { $frequency = strtoupper($frequency); $frequency = str_replace(" ", "", $frequency); $frequency = str_replace("HZ", "", $frequency); $frequency = str_replace(["K", "M", "G", "T"], ["E3", "E6", "E9", "E12"], $frequency); // this double conversion will take a string like "3700e3" and convert it into 3700000 return (int)(float) $frequency; } return 0; } /* * This function returns the the whole list of dxcc_entities used in various places */ function fetchDxcc() { $sql = "select adif, prefix, name, date(end) Enddate, date(start) Startdate from dxcc_entities"; $sql .= ' order by prefix'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } /* * This function returns the whole list of iotas used in various places */ function fetchIota() { $sql = "select tag, name from iota"; $sql .= ' order by tag'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } /* * This function tries to locate the correct station_id used for importing QSOs from the downloaded LoTWreport * $station_callsign is the call listed for the qso in lotwreport * $my_gridsquare is the gridsquare listed for the qso in lotwreport * Returns station_id if found */ function find_correct_station_id($station_callsign, $my_gridsquare) { $sql = 'select station_id from station_profile where station_callsign = "' . $station_callsign . '" and station_gridsquare like "%' . substr($my_gridsquare,0, 4) . '%"'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $result = $query->row(); if ($result) { return $result->station_id; } else { return null; } } function get_lotw_qsos_to_upload($station_id, $start_date, $end_date) { $this->db->select('COL_PRIMARY_KEY,COL_CALL, COL_BAND, COL_BAND_RX, COL_TIME_ON, COL_RST_RCVD, COL_RST_SENT, COL_MODE, COL_SUBMODE, COL_FREQ, COL_FREQ_RX, COL_GRIDSQUARE, COL_SAT_NAME, COL_PROP_MODE, COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT, station_id'); $this->db->where("station_id", $station_id); $this->db->where('COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT !=', "Y"); $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE !=', "INTERNET"); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >=', $start_date); $this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON <=', $end_date); $this->db->order_by("COL_TIME_ON", "desc"); $query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); return $query; } function mark_lotw_sent($qso_id) { $data = array( 'COL_LOTW_QSLSDATE' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'COL_LOTW_QSL_SENT' => 'Y', ); $this->db->where('COL_PRIMARY_KEY', $qso_id); $this->db->update($this->config->item('table_name'), $data); return "Updated"; } function county_qso_details($state, $county) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('logbooks_model'); $logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook')); $this->db->where_in('station_id', $logbooks_locations_array); $this->db->where('COL_STATE', $state); $this->db->where('COL_CNTY', $county); $this->db->where('COL_PROP_MODE !=', 'SAT'); return $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name')); } } function validateADIFDate($date, $format = 'Ymd') { $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); return $d && $d->format($format) == $date; } ?>