Here you can update the DXCC lookup data that is used for displaying callsign information.

This data is provided by Clublog.

Check for DXCC Data Updates

Apply DXCC Data to Logbook

After updating, Cloudlog can fill in missing callsign information in the logbook using the newly-obtained DXCC data. You can choose to check just the QSOs in the logbook that are missing DXCC metadata or to re-check the entire logbook and update existing metadata as well, in case it has changed.

Check QSOs missing DXCC data

Re-check all QSOs in logbook

Apply Continent Data to Logbook

This function can be used to update QSO continent information for all QSOs in Cloudlog missing that information.

Check QSOs missing continent data

Here you can update QSOs with missing distance information.

Update distance data