0, "80m"=>0, "60m"=>0, "40m"=>0, "30m"=>0, "20m"=>0, "17m"=>0, "15m"=>0, "12m"=>0, "10m"=>0, "6m" =>0, "4m" =>0, "2m" =>0, "70cm"=>0, "23cm"=>0, "13cm"=>0, "9cm"=>0, "6cm"=>0, "3cm"=>0, "1.25cm"=>0, "SAT"=>0, ); function __construct() { // Call the Model constructor parent::__construct(); } function get_worked_bands() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); // get all worked slots from database $data = $this->db->query( "SELECT distinct LOWER(`COL_BAND`) as `COL_BAND` FROM `".$this->config->item('table_name')."` WHERE station_id = ".$station_id." AND COL_PROP_MODE != \"SAT\"" ); $worked_slots = array(); foreach($data->result() as $row){ array_push($worked_slots, $row->COL_BAND); } $SAT_data = $this->db->query( "SELECT distinct LOWER(`COL_PROP_MODE`) as `COL_PROP_MODE` FROM `".$this->config->item('table_name')."` WHERE station_id = ".$station_id." AND COL_PROP_MODE = \"SAT\"" ); foreach($SAT_data->result() as $row){ array_push($worked_slots, strtoupper($row->COL_PROP_MODE)); } // bring worked-slots in order of defined $bandslots $results = array(); foreach(array_keys($this->bandslots) as $slot) { if(in_array($slot, $worked_slots)) { array_push($results, $slot); } } return $results; } function get_iota_array($iotaArray, $bands, $postdata) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); foreach ($bands as $band) { // Looping through bands and iota to generate the array needed for display foreach ($iotaArray as $iota) { $iotaMatrix[$iota->tag]['prefix'] = $iota->prefix; $iotaMatrix[$iota->tag]['name'] = $iota->name; if ($postdata['includedeleted']) $iotaMatrix[$iota->tag]['Deleted'] = isset($iota->status) && $iota->status == 'D' ? "
" : ''; $iotaMatrix[$iota->tag][$band] = '-'; } // If worked is checked, we add worked iotas to the array if ($postdata['worked'] != NULL) { $workedIota = $this->getIotaBandWorked($station_id, $band, $postdata); foreach ($workedIota as $wiota) { $iotaMatrix[$wiota->tag][$band] = '
tag.'","'. $band . '")\'>W
'; } } // If confirmed is checked, we add confirmed iotas to the array if ($postdata['confirmed'] != NULL) { $confirmedIota = $this->getIotaBandConfirmed($station_id, $band, $postdata); foreach ($confirmedIota as $ciota) { $iotaMatrix[$ciota->tag][$band] = '
tag.'","'. $band . '")\'>C
'; } } } // We want to remove the worked iotas in the list, since we do not want to display them if ($postdata['worked'] == NULL) { $workedIota = $this->getIotaWorked($station_id, $postdata); foreach ($workedIota as $wiota) { if (array_key_exists($wiota->tag, $iotaMatrix)) { unset($iotaMatrix[$wiota->tag]); } } } // We want to remove the confirmed iotas in the list, since we do not want to display them if ($postdata['confirmed'] == NULL) { $confirmedIOTA = $this->getIotaConfirmed($station_id, $postdata); foreach ($confirmedIOTA as $ciota) { if (array_key_exists($ciota->tag, $iotaMatrix)) { unset($iotaMatrix[$ciota->tag]); } } } if (isset($iotaMatrix)) { return $iotaMatrix; } else { return 0; } } function getIotaBandConfirmed($station_id, $band, $postdata) { $sql = "SELECT distinct col_iota as tag FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv join iota on thcv.col_iota = iota.tag where station_id = " . $station_id . " and thcv.col_iota is not null and col_qsl_rcvd = 'Y'"; if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and coalesce(iota.status, '') <> 'D'"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function getIotaBandWorked($station_id, $band, $postdata) { $sql = 'SELECT distinct col_iota as tag FROM ' . $this->config->item('table_name'). ' thcv join iota on thcv.col_iota = iota.tag where station_id = ' . $station_id . ' and thcv.col_iota is not null'; if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and coalesce(iota.status, '') <> 'D'"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function fetchIota($postdata) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); $sql = "select tag, name, prefix, dxccid, status from iota where 1=1"; if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and coalesce(iota.status, '') <> 'D'"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); if ($postdata['notworked'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and exists (select 1 from " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " where station_id = ". $station_id . " and col_iota = iota.tag"; if ($postdata['band'] != 'All') { if ($postdata['band'] == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } } $sql .= ")"; } $sql .= ' order by tag'; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function getIotaWorked($station_id, $postdata) { $sql = "SELECT distinct col_iota as tag FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv join iota on thcv.col_iota = iota.tag where station_id = " . $station_id . " and thcv.col_iota is not null and not exists (select 1 from ". $this->config->item('table_name') . " where station_id = ". $station_id . " and col_iota = thcv.col_iota"; if ($postdata['band'] != 'All') { if ($postdata['band'] == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } } $sql .= " and col_qsl_rcvd = 'Y')"; if ($postdata['band'] != 'All') { if ($postdata['band'] == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } } if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and coalesce(iota.status, '') <> 'D'"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function getIotaConfirmed($station_id, $postdata) { $sql = "SELECT distinct col_iota as tag FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv join iota on thcv.col_iota = iota.tag where station_id = " . $station_id . " and thcv.col_iota is not null and col_qsl_rcvd = 'Y'"; if ($postdata['includedeleted'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and coalesce(iota.status, '') <> 'D'"; } $sql .= $this->addContinentsToQuery($postdata); if ($postdata['band'] != 'All') { if ($postdata['band'] == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $postdata['band'] . "'"; } } $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } // Made function instead of repeating this several times function addContinentsToQuery($postdata) { $sql = ''; if ($postdata['Africa'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'AF'"; } if ($postdata['Europe'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'EU'"; } if ($postdata['Asia'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'AS'"; } if ($postdata['SouthAmerica'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'SA'"; } if ($postdata['NorthAmerica'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'NA'"; } if ($postdata['Oceania'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'OC'"; } if ($postdata['Antarctica'] == NULL) { $sql .= " and left(tag, 2) <> 'AN'"; } return $sql; } /* * Function gets worked and confirmed summary on each band on the active stationprofile */ function get_iota_summary($bands) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); foreach ($bands as $band) { $worked = $this->getSummaryByBand($band, $station_id); $confirmed = $this->getSummaryByBandConfirmed($band, $station_id); $iotaSummary['worked'][$band] = $worked[0]->count; $iotaSummary['confirmed'][$band] = $confirmed[0]->count; } $workedTotal = $this->getSummaryByBand('All', $station_id); $confirmedTotal = $this->getSummaryByBandConfirmed('All', $station_id); $iotaSummary['worked']['Total'] = $workedTotal[0]->count; $iotaSummary['confirmed']['Total'] = $confirmedTotal[0]->count; return $iotaSummary; } function getSummaryByBand($band, $station_id) { $sql = "SELECT count(distinct thcv.col_iota) as count FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv"; $sql .= " where station_id = " . $station_id; if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else if ($band == 'All') { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; } else { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and thcv.col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } function getSummaryByBandConfirmed($band, $station_id) { $sql = "SELECT count(distinct thcv.col_iota) as count FROM " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " thcv"; $sql .= " where station_id = " . $station_id; if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else if ($band == 'All') { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; } else { $sql .= " and thcv.col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and thcv.col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } $sql .= " and (col_qsl_rcvd = 'Y' or col_lotw_qsl_rcvd = 'Y')"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result(); } } ?>