validate_post($_POST) == true) { // First create the database, then create tables, then write config file if($database->create_database($_POST) == false) { $message = $core->show_message('error',"The database could not be created, please verify your settings."); } else if ($database->create_tables($_POST) == false) { $message = $core->show_message('error',"The database tables could not be created, please verify your settings."); } else if ($core->write_config($_POST) == false) { $message = $core->show_message('error',"The database configuration file could not be written, please chmod /application/config/database.php file to 777"); } if ($core->write_configfile($_POST) == false) { $message = $core->show_message('error',"The config configuration file could not be written, please chmod /application/config/config.php file to 777"); } // If no errors, redirect to registration page if(!isset($message)) { echo "

Install successful

"; echo "

Please delete the install folder"; exit; } } else { $message = $core->show_message('error','Not all fields have been filled in correctly. The host, username, password, and database name are required.'); } } ?> Install | Cloudlog

Install Cloudlog

' . $message . '

Configuration Settings " class="input_text" name="directory" /> " class="input_text" name="websiteurl" />

Database settings

Demo User Account

When you login create a new admin account and delete the m0abc user account.

Please make the /application/config/ folder writable. Example:

chmod -R 777 /application/config/

Don't forget to restore the permissions afterwards.