load->model('user_model'); if(!$this->user_model->authorize(2)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('notice', 'You\'re not allowed to do that!'); redirect('dashboard'); } } public function index() { // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function dok () { //echo "Needs Developed"; $this->load->model('dok'); $data['doks'] = $this->dok->show_stats(); $data['worked_bands'] = $this->dok->get_worked_bands(); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - DOK"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/dok/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function dok_details(){ $a = $this->input->get(); $q = ""; foreach ($a as $key => $value) { $q .= $key."=".$value.("(and)"); } $q = substr($q, 0, strlen($q)-13); $arguments["query"] = $q; $arguments["fields"] = ''; $arguments["format"] = "json"; $arguments["limit"] = ''; $arguments["order"] = ''; // print_r($arguments); // return; // Load the API and Logbook models $this->load->model('api_model'); $this->load->model('logbook_model'); // Call the parser within the API model to build the query $query = $this->api_model->select_parse($arguments); // Execute the query, and retrieve the results $data = $this->logbook_model->api_search_query($query); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Log View - DOK"; $data['filter'] = str_replace("(and)", ", ", $q);//implode(", ", array_keys($a)); $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/dok/details'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function dxcc () { $this->load->model('dxcc'); $data['worked_bands'] = $this->dxcc->get_worked_bands(); // Used in the view for band select if ($this->input->post('band') != NULL) { // Band is not set when page first loads. if ($this->input->post('band') == 'All') { // Did the user specify a band? If not, use all bands $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } else { $bands[] = $this->input->post('band'); } } else { $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } $data['bands'] = $bands; // Used for displaying selected band(s) in the table in the view if($this->input->method() === 'post') { $postdata['lotw'] = $this->input->post('lotw'); $postdata['qsl'] = $this->input->post('qsl'); $postdata['worked'] = $this->input->post('worked'); $postdata['confirmed'] = $this->input->post('confirmed'); $postdata['notworked'] = $this->input->post('notworked'); $postdata['includedeleted'] = $this->input->post('includedeleted'); $postdata['Africa'] = $this->input->post('Africa'); $postdata['Asia'] = $this->input->post('Asia'); $postdata['Europe'] = $this->input->post('Europe'); $postdata['NorthAmerica'] = $this->input->post('NorthAmerica'); $postdata['SouthAmerica'] = $this->input->post('SouthAmerica'); $postdata['Oceania'] = $this->input->post('Oceania'); $postdata['Antarctica'] = $this->input->post('Antarctica'); $postdata['band'] = $this->input->post('band'); } else { // Setting default values at first load of page $postdata['lotw'] = 1; $postdata['qsl'] = 1; $postdata['worked'] = 1; $postdata['confirmed'] = 1; $postdata['notworked'] = 1; $postdata['includedeleted'] = 1; $postdata['Africa'] = 1; $postdata['Asia'] = 1; $postdata['Europe'] = 1; $postdata['NorthAmerica'] = 1; $postdata['SouthAmerica'] = 1; $postdata['Oceania'] = 1; $postdata['Antarctica'] = 1; $postdata['band'] = 'All'; } $dxcclist = $this->dxcc->fetchdxcc($postdata); $data['dxcc_array'] = $this->dxcc->get_dxcc_array($dxcclist, $bands, $postdata); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - DXCC"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/dxcc/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function dxcc_details(){ $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $country = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Country")); $band = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Band")); $data['results'] = $this->logbook_model->dxcc_qso_details($country, $band); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Log View - DXCC"; $data['filter'] = "country ".$country. " and ".$band; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/dxcc/details'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function vucc() { $this->load->model('vucc'); $data['worked_bands'] = $this->vucc->get_worked_bands(); $data['vucc_array'] = $this->vucc->get_vucc_array($data); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - VUCC"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/vucc/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function vucc_band(){ $this->load->model('vucc'); $band = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Band")); $data['vucc_array'] = $this->vucc->vucc_details($band); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "VUCC - band"; $data['filter'] = "band ".$band; $data['band'] = $band; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/vucc/band'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function vucc_details(){ $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $gridsquare = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Gridsquare")); $band = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Band")); $data['results'] = $this->logbook_model->vucc_qso_details($gridsquare, $band); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Log View - VUCC"; $data['filter'] = "vucc " . $gridsquare . " and band ".$band; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/vucc/details'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } /* Handles Displaying of WAB Squares worked. Comment field - WAB:# */ public function wab() { // Grab all worked WABs $this->load->model('wab'); $data['wab_all'] = $this->wab->get_all(); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - WAB"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/wab/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } /* Handles showing worked SOTAs Comment field - SOTA:# */ public function sota() { // Grab all worked sota stations $this->load->model('sota'); $data['sota_all'] = $this->sota->get_all(); // Render page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - SOTA"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/sota/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } /* Handles showing worked WACRAL members (wacral.org) Comment field - WACRAL:# */ public function wacral() { // Grab all worked wacral members $this->load->model('wacral'); $data['wacral_all'] = $this->wacral->get_all(); // Render page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - WACRAL Members"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/wacral/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function cq(){ $this->load->model('cq'); $zones = array(); foreach($this->cq->get_zones() as $row){ array_push($zones, intval($row->COL_CQZ)); } $data['cqz'] = $zones; $data['worked_bands'] = $this->cq->get_worked_bands(); if ($this->input->post('band') != NULL) { // Band is not set when page first loads. if ($this->input->post('band') == 'All') { // Did the user specify a band? If not, use all bands $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } else { $bands[] = $this->input->post('band'); } } else { $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } $data['bands'] = $bands; // Used for displaying selected band(s) in the table in the view if($this->input->method() === 'post') { $postdata['lotw'] = $this->input->post('lotw'); $postdata['qsl'] = $this->input->post('qsl'); $postdata['worked'] = $this->input->post('worked'); $postdata['confirmed'] = $this->input->post('confirmed'); $postdata['notworked'] = $this->input->post('notworked'); $postdata['band'] = $this->input->post('band'); } else { // Setting default values at first load of page $postdata['lotw'] = 1; $postdata['qsl'] = 1; $postdata['worked'] = 1; $postdata['confirmed'] = 1; $postdata['notworked'] = 1; $postdata['band'] = 'All'; } $data['cq_array'] = $this->cq->get_cq_array($bands, $postdata); // Render page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - CQ Magazine"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/cq/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function cq_details(){ $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $cqzone = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("CQZone")); $band = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Band")); $data['results'] = $this->logbook_model->cq_qso_details($cqzone, $band); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Log View - DXCC"; $data['filter'] = "CQZone ".$cqzone; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/cq/details'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function was() { $this->load->model('was'); $data['worked_bands'] = $this->was->get_worked_bands(); if ($this->input->post('band') != NULL) { // Band is not set when page first loads. if ($this->input->post('band') == 'All') { // Did the user specify a band? If not, use all bands $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } else { $bands[] = $this->input->post('band'); } } else { $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } $data['bands'] = $bands; // Used for displaying selected band(s) in the table in the view if($this->input->method() === 'post') { $postdata['lotw'] = $this->input->post('lotw'); $postdata['qsl'] = $this->input->post('qsl'); $postdata['worked'] = $this->input->post('worked'); $postdata['confirmed'] = $this->input->post('confirmed'); $postdata['notworked'] = $this->input->post('notworked'); $postdata['band'] = $this->input->post('band'); } else { // Setting default values at first load of page $postdata['lotw'] = 1; $postdata['qsl'] = 1; $postdata['worked'] = 1; $postdata['confirmed'] = 1; $postdata['notworked'] = 1; $postdata['band'] = 'All'; } $data['was_array'] = $this->was->get_was_array($bands, $postdata); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - WAS (Worked all states)"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/was/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function was_details() { $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $state = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("State")); $band = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Band")); $data['results'] = $this->logbook_model->was_qso_details($state, $band); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Log View - WAS"; $data['filter'] = "state ".$state. " and ".$band; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/was/details'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function iota () { $this->load->model('iota'); $data['worked_bands'] = $this->iota->get_worked_bands(); // Used in the view for band select if ($this->input->post('band') != NULL) { // Band is not set when page first loads. if ($this->input->post('band') == 'All') { // Did the user specify a band? If not, use all bands $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } else { $bands[] = $this->input->post('band'); } } else { $bands = $data['worked_bands']; } $data['bands'] = $bands; // Used for displaying selected band(s) in the table in the view if($this->input->method() === 'post') { $postdata['worked'] = $this->input->post('worked'); $postdata['confirmed'] = $this->input->post('confirmed'); $postdata['notworked'] = $this->input->post('notworked'); $postdata['includedeleted'] = $this->input->post('includedeleted'); $postdata['Africa'] = $this->input->post('Africa'); $postdata['Asia'] = $this->input->post('Asia'); $postdata['Europe'] = $this->input->post('Europe'); $postdata['NorthAmerica'] = $this->input->post('NorthAmerica'); $postdata['SouthAmerica'] = $this->input->post('SouthAmerica'); $postdata['Oceania'] = $this->input->post('Oceania'); $postdata['Antarctica'] = $this->input->post('Antarctica'); $postdata['band'] = $this->input->post('band'); } else { // Setting default values at first load of page $postdata['worked'] = 1; $postdata['confirmed'] = 1; $postdata['notworked'] = 1; $postdata['includedeleted'] = 1; $postdata['Africa'] = 1; $postdata['Asia'] = 1; $postdata['Europe'] = 1; $postdata['NorthAmerica'] = 1; $postdata['SouthAmerica'] = 1; $postdata['Oceania'] = 1; $postdata['Antarctica'] = 1; $postdata['band'] = 'All'; } $iotalist = $this->iota->fetchIota($postdata); $data['iota_array'] = $this->iota->get_iota_array($iotalist, $bands, $postdata); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Awards - IOTA (Islands On The Air)"; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/iota/index'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } public function iota_details(){ $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $iota = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Iota")); $band = str_replace('"', "", $this->input->get("Band")); $data['results'] = $this->logbook_model->iota_qso_details($iota, $band); // Render Page $data['page_title'] = "Log View - IOTA"; $data['filter'] = "iota ".$iota. " and ".$band; $this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data); $this->load->view('awards/iota/details'); $this->load->view('interface_assets/footer'); } }