Merge pull request #1272 from samhjn/feature_merge_back

[i18n] 3rd party codeigniter Chinese Simplified translation
Peter Goodhall 2021-11-04 14:35:49 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit cd637049b9
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
14 zmienionych plików z 428 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['cal_su'] = 'Su';
$lang['cal_mo'] = 'Mo';
$lang['cal_tu'] = 'Tu';
$lang['cal_we'] = 'We';
$lang['cal_th'] = 'Th';
$lang['cal_fr'] = 'Fr';
$lang['cal_sa'] = 'Sa';
$lang['cal_sun'] = 'Sun';
$lang['cal_mon'] = 'Mon';
$lang['cal_tue'] = 'Tue';
$lang['cal_wed'] = 'Wed';
$lang['cal_thu'] = 'Thu';
$lang['cal_fri'] = 'Fri';
$lang['cal_sat'] = 'Sat';
$lang['cal_sunday'] = '星期天';
$lang['cal_monday'] = '星期一';
$lang['cal_tuesday'] = '星期二';
$lang['cal_wednesday'] = '星期三';
$lang['cal_thursday'] = '星期四';
$lang['cal_friday'] = '星期五';
$lang['cal_saturday'] = '星期六';
$lang['cal_jan'] = 'Jan';
$lang['cal_feb'] = 'Feb';
$lang['cal_mar'] = 'Mar';
$lang['cal_apr'] = 'Apr';
$lang['cal_may'] = 'May';
$lang['cal_jun'] = 'Jun';
$lang['cal_jul'] = 'Jul';
$lang['cal_aug'] = 'Aug';
$lang['cal_sep'] = 'Sep';
$lang['cal_oct'] = 'Oct';
$lang['cal_nov'] = 'Nov';
$lang['cal_dec'] = 'Dec';
$lang['cal_january'] = '一月';
$lang['cal_february'] = '二月';
$lang['cal_march'] = '三月';
$lang['cal_april'] = '四月';
$lang['cal_mayl'] = '五月';
$lang['cal_june'] = '六月';
$lang['cal_july'] = '七月';
$lang['cal_august'] = '八月';
$lang['cal_september'] = '九月';
$lang['cal_october'] = '十月';
$lang['cal_november'] = '十一月';
$lang['cal_december'] = '十二月';

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['date_year'] = '年';
$lang['date_years'] = '年';
$lang['date_month'] = '月';
$lang['date_months'] = '月';
$lang['date_week'] = '星期';
$lang['date_weeks'] = '星期';
$lang['date_day'] = '天';
$lang['date_days'] = '天';
$lang['date_hour'] = '时';
$lang['date_hours'] = '时';
$lang['date_minute'] = '分';
$lang['date_minutes'] = '分';
$lang['date_second'] = '秒';
$lang['date_seconds'] = '秒';
$lang['UM12'] = '(UTC -12:00) 贝克 / 霍德兰岛';
$lang['UM11'] = '(UTC -11:00) 纽埃';
$lang['UM10'] = '(UTC -10:00) 夏威夷-阿留申标准时间,库克群岛、塔希提岛';
$lang['UM95'] = '(UTC -9:30) 马克萨斯群岛';
$lang['UM9'] = '(UTC -9:00) 阿拉斯加标准时间,甘比尔群岛';
$lang['UM8'] = '(UTC -8:00) 太平洋标准时间,大学岛';
$lang['UM7'] = '(UTC -7:00) 山区标准时间';
$lang['UM6'] = '(UTC -6:00) 中央标准时间';
$lang['UM5'] = '(UTC -5:00) 东部标准时间,加勒比海西部标准时间';
$lang['UM45'] = '(UTC -4:30) 委内瑞拉标准时间';
$lang['UM4'] = '(UTC -4:00) 大西洋标准时间,加勒比海东部标准时间';
$lang['UM35'] = '(UTC -3:30) 纽芬兰标准时间';
$lang['UM3'] = '(UTC -3:00) 阿根廷、巴西、法属圭亚那、乌拉圭';
$lang['UM2'] = '(UTC -2:00) 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛';
$lang['UM1'] = '(UTC -1:00) 亚速尔群岛、佛得角群岛';
$lang['UTC'] = '(UTC) 格林威治标准时间,西欧时间';
$lang['UP1'] = '(UTC +1:00) 欧洲中部时间,西非时间';
$lang['UP2'] = '(UTC +2:00) 中部非洲时间,东欧时间,加里宁格勒蒂姆时间';
$lang['UP3'] = '(UTC +3:00) 莫斯科时间,东非时间,阿拉伯标准时间';
$lang['UP35'] = '(UTC +3:30) 伊朗标准时间';
$lang['UP4'] = '(UTC +4:00) 阿塞拜疆标准时间,萨马拉时间';
$lang['UP45'] = '(UTC +4:30) 阿富汗';
$lang['UP5'] = '(UTC +5:00) 巴基斯坦标准时间,叶卡捷琳堡时间';
$lang['UP55'] = '(UTC +5:30) 印度标准时间、斯里兰卡时间';
$lang['UP575'] = '(UTC +5:45) 尼泊尔时间';
$lang['UP6'] = '(UTC +6:00) 孟加拉国标准时间,不丹时间,鄂木斯克时间';
$lang['UP65'] = '(UTC +6:30) 缅甸';
$lang['UP7'] = '(UTC +7:00) 克拉斯诺雅茨克时间,柬埔寨、老挝、泰国、越南';
$lang['UP8'] = '(UTC +8:00) 澳大利亚西部标准时间,北京时间,伊尔库茨克时间';
$lang['UP875'] = '(UTC +8:45) 澳大利亚中央西部标准时间';
$lang['UP9'] = '(UTC +9:00) 日本标准时间,韩国标准时间,雅库茨克时间';
$lang['UP95'] = '(UTC +9:30) 澳大利亚中部标准时间';
$lang['UP10'] = '(UTC +10:00) 澳大利亚东部标准时间,符拉迪沃斯托克时间';
$lang['UP105'] = '(UTC +10:30) 豪勋爵岛';
$lang['UP11'] = '(UTC +11:00) 中科雷姆斯克时间,所罗门群岛,瓦努阿图';
$lang['UP115'] = '(UTC +11:30) 诺福克岛';
$lang['UP12'] = '(UTC +12:00) 斐济,吉尔伯特群岛,堪察加时间,新西兰标准时间';
$lang['UP1275'] = '(UTC +12:45) 查塔姆群岛标准时间';
$lang['UP13'] = '(UTC +13:00) 萨摩亚时区,凤凰岛时间,汤加';
$lang['UP14'] = '(UTC +14:00) 莱恩群岛';

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['db_invalid_connection_str'] = '无法根据提交的连接字符串确定数据库设置。 ';
$lang['db_unable_to_connect'] = '无法使用提供的设置连接到数据库服务器。';
$lang['db_unable_to_select'] = '无法选择指定的数据库: %s';
$lang['db_unable_to_create'] = '无法创建指定的数据库:%s';
$lang['db_invalid_query'] = '提交的查询无效。';
$lang['db_must_set_table'] = '查询中必须设置要查询的表名。';
$lang['db_must_use_set'] = '更新数据请使用 Set 方法。';
$lang['db_must_use_index'] = '必须指定索引以匹配批量更新。';
$lang['db_batch_missing_index'] = '批量更新操作中一个或多个行缺少指定的索引。';
$lang['db_must_use_where'] = '更新操作必须包含 Where 条件。';
$lang['db_del_must_use_where'] = '删除操作必须包含 Where 或 Like 条件。';
$lang['db_field_param_missing'] = '获取字段需要指定表名。';
$lang['db_unsupported_function'] = '功能不被您当前使用的数据库支持。';
$lang['db_transaction_failure'] = '事务失败:执行回滚。';
$lang['db_unable_to_drop'] = '无法删除指定的数据库。';
$lang['db_unsupported_feature'] = '特性不被您当前使用的数据库支持。 ';
$lang['db_unsupported_compression'] = '您选择的文件压缩格式不被服务器支持。 ';
$lang['db_filepath_error'] = '提交的文件路径无法写入。 ';
$lang['db_invalid_cache_path'] = '提交的缓存路径无效或无法写入。';
$lang['db_table_name_required'] = '操作需要指定表名。 ';
$lang['db_column_name_required'] = '操作需要指定列名。 ';
$lang['db_column_definition_required'] = '操作需要指定列定义。';
$lang['db_unable_to_set_charset'] = '无法设置字符集: %s';
$lang['db_error_heading'] = '数据库发生错误。';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['email_must_be_array'] = 'E-mail 效验方法必须传入一个 Array';
$lang['email_invalid_address'] = '无效的 E-mail 地址: %s';
$lang['email_attachment_missing'] = '无法找到以下的 E-mail 附件: %s';
$lang['email_attachment_unreadable'] = '无法读取以下的 E-mail 附件: %s';
$lang['email_no_from'] = '无法发送没有 "From" 头的 E-mail';
$lang['email_no_recipients'] = 'E-mail 必须包含收件人To, Cc, or Bcc';
$lang['email_send_failure_phpmail'] = '无法使用 PHP 的 mail() 函数。 您的服务器设置禁止使用此函数发送 E-mail。';
$lang['email_send_failure_sendmail'] = '无法使用 PHP sendmail。您的服务器设置禁止使用此方法发送 E-mail。';
$lang['email_send_failure_smtp'] = '无法使用 PHP SMTP。您的服务器设置禁止使用此方法发送 E-mail。';
$lang['email_sent'] = 'E-mail 成功发送: %s';
$lang['email_no_socket'] = '无法打开 Socket 发送 E-mail检查设置。';
$lang['email_no_hostname'] = '没有指定 SMTP 服务器的主机名';
$lang['email_smtp_error'] = '发生错误SMTP 错误信息为: %s';
$lang['email_no_smtp_unpw'] = '错误:必须指定 SMTP 的用户名及密码。';
$lang['email_failed_smtp_login'] = '发送时 AUTH 命令失败,错误:%s';
$lang['email_smtp_auth_un'] = '用户名认证失败,错误:%s';
$lang['email_smtp_auth_pw'] = '密码认证失败,错误:%s';
$lang['email_smtp_data_failure'] = '无法发送数据:%s';
$lang['email_exit_status'] = '退出状态码:%s';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['form_validation_required'] = '要求含有 {field} 字段。';
$lang['form_validation_isset'] = '{field} 字段必须有值。';
$lang['form_validation_valid_email'] = '{field} 字段必须是一个有效的 E-mail 地址。';
$lang['form_validation_valid_emails'] = '{field} 字段包含的 E-mail 地址必须全部有效。';
$lang['form_validation_valid_url'] = '{field} 字段必须是一个有效的 URL。';
$lang['form_validation_valid_ip'] = '{field} 字段必须包含一个有效的 IP 地址。';
$lang['form_validation_min_length'] = '{field} 字段最少需要有 {param} 字的长度。';
$lang['form_validation_max_length'] = '{field} 字段不能超过 {param} 字的长度。';
$lang['form_validation_exact_length'] = '{field} 字段必须是 {param} 字的长度。';
$lang['form_validation_alpha'] = '{field} 字段取值只允许为字母。';
$lang['form_validation_alpha_numeric'] = '{field} 字段取值只允许为字母和数字。';
$lang['form_validation_alpha_numeric_spaces'] = '{field} 字段取值只允许为字母、数字和空格。';
$lang['form_validation_alpha_dash'] = '{field} 字段取值只允许为字母、数字、下划线和破折号';
$lang['form_validation_numeric'] = '{field} 字段取值只允许为数字。';
$lang['form_validation_is_numeric'] = '{field} 字段必须只包含数字。';
$lang['form_validation_integer'] = '{field} 字段必须是整数。';
$lang['form_validation_regex_match'] = '{field} 字段是错误的格式。';
$lang['form_validation_matches'] = '{field} 字段与 {param} 字段不匹配。';
$lang['form_validation_differs'] = '{field} 字段与 {param} 字段必须不同。';
$lang['form_validation_is_unique'] = '{field} 字段必须是一个独一无二的值。';
$lang['form_validation_is_natural'] = '{field} 字段必须是自然数。';
$lang['form_validation_is_natural_no_zero'] = '{field} 字段必须是非 0 的自然数。';
$lang['form_validation_decimal'] = '{field} 字段必须是十进制数。';
$lang['form_validation_less_than'] = '{field} 字段的值必须小于 {param}。';
$lang['form_validation_less_than_equal_to'] = '{field} 字段的值必须小于等于 {param}。';
$lang['form_validation_greater_than'] = '{field} 字段的值必须大于 {param}。';
$lang['form_validation_greater_than_equal_to'] = '{field} 字段的值必须大于等于 {param}。';
$lang['form_validation_error_message_not_set'] = '无法获得 {field} 字段的错误信息。';
$lang['form_validation_in_list'] = '{field} 字段必须是 {param} 中的一种。';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['ftp_no_connection'] = '无法找到一个有效的连接 ID。在执行任何文件例程时请确保已经连接成功。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_connect'] = '无法使用提供的主机名连接到 FTP 服务器。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_login'] = '无法登录到 FTP 服务器,请检查用户名及密码是否正确。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_mkdir'] = '无法创建指定的目录。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_changedir'] = '无法改变目录。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_chmod'] = '无法设置文件权限,检查文件路径或用户权限。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_upload'] = '无法上传指定的文件,检查上传路径或用户权限。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_download'] = '无法下载指定的文件,检查下载路径或用户权限。';
$lang['ftp_no_source_file'] = '无法找到指定的源文件,检查文件路径或用户权限。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_rename'] = '无法重命名文件。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_delete'] = '无法删除文件。';
$lang['ftp_unable_to_move'] = '无法移动文件,检查目的目录是否存在。';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['imglib_source_image_required'] = '必须在设置中指定一个源图像。';
$lang['imglib_gd_required'] = '此特性依赖 GD 图形库。';
$lang['imglib_gd_required_for_props'] = '你的服务器必须支持 GD 图形库以确定图像的属性。';
$lang['imglib_unsupported_imagecreate'] = '你的服务器不支持 GD 函数,无法创建图像文件。';
$lang['imglib_gif_not_supported'] = 'GIF 格式由于版权问题一般不提供,如果可能请使用 JPG 格式或 PNG 格式。';
$lang['imglib_jpg_not_supported'] = 'JPG 格式不被支持。';
$lang['imglib_png_not_supported'] = 'PNG 格式不被支持。';
$lang['imglib_jpg_or_png_required'] = '设置中指定的图像缩放方法只能用于 JPG 格式或 PNG 格式。';
$lang['imglib_copy_error'] = '替换文件时发生错误。你的文件目录必须是可写的。';
$lang['imglib_rotate_unsupported'] = '服务器不支持图像旋转。';
$lang['imglib_libpath_invalid'] = '图形库路径错误。在设置中必须指定正确的路径。';
$lang['imglib_image_process_failed'] = '图像处理错误。 请验证服务器支持指定的处理方法,并且图形库路径正确。';
$lang['imglib_rotation_angle_required'] = '必须指定旋转角度。';
$lang['imglib_invalid_path'] = '图像路径错误。';
$lang['imglib_copy_failed'] = '图像复制错误。';
$lang['imglib_missing_font'] = '无法找到使用的字体。';
$lang['imglib_save_failed'] = '图像无法保存,请确定图像或目录可写。';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>403 Forbidden</title>
<p>Directory access is forbidden.</p>

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['migration_none_found'] = '不需迁移。 ';
$lang['migration_not_found'] = '无法根据版本号找到迁移方法: %s。';
$lang['migration_sequence_gap'] = '版本迁移存在鸿沟:%s。';
$lang['migration_multiple_version'] = '多个迁移对应同一版本号:%s。';
$lang['migration_class_doesnt_exist'] = '无法找到迁移类 "%s"。';
$lang['migration_missing_up_method'] = '无法找到迁移类 "%s" 中的 "up" 方法。';
$lang['migration_missing_down_method'] = '无法找到迁移类 "%s" 中的 " 方法。';
$lang['migration_invalid_filename'] = '无效的迁移文件名:"%s"。';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['terabyte_abbr'] = 'TB';
$lang['gigabyte_abbr'] = 'GB';
$lang['megabyte_abbr'] = 'MB';
$lang['kilobyte_abbr'] = 'KB';
$lang['bytes'] = 'Bytes';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['pagination_first_link'] = '&lsaquo; 第一页';
$lang['pagination_next_link'] = '&gt;';
$lang['pagination_prev_link'] = '&lt;';
$lang['pagination_last_link'] = '最后一页 &rsaquo;';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['profiler_database'] = '数据库';
$lang['profiler_controller_info'] = '类 / 方法';
$lang['profiler_benchmarks'] = '基准';
$lang['profiler_queries'] = '查询';
$lang['profiler_get_data'] = 'GET 数据';
$lang['profiler_post_data'] = 'POST 数据';
$lang['profiler_uri_string'] = 'URI 字符串';
$lang['profiler_memory_usage'] = '内存使用';
$lang['profiler_config'] = '设置值';
$lang['profiler_session_data'] = 'SESSION 数据';
$lang['profiler_headers'] = 'HTTP 头';
$lang['profiler_no_db'] = '当前没有已经载入的数据库驱动。 ';
$lang['profiler_no_queries'] = '运行,无查询。 ';
$lang['profiler_no_post'] = 'POST 数据不存在。';
$lang['profiler_no_get'] = 'GET 数据不存在。';
$lang['profiler_no_uri'] = 'URI 数据不存在。';
$lang['profiler_no_memory'] = '无法获得内存使用数据。';
$lang['profiler_no_profiles'] = '没有 Profile 数据 - 全部的 Profiler 都已被关闭。';
$lang['profiler_section_hide'] = '隐藏';
$lang['profiler_section_show'] = '显示';
$lang['profiler_seconds'] = '秒';

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['ut_test_name'] = '测试名';
$lang['ut_test_datatype'] = '测试的数据类型';
$lang['ut_res_datatype'] = '期望的数据类型';
$lang['ut_result'] = '结果';
$lang['ut_undefined'] = '未定义的测试名';
$lang['ut_file'] = '文件名';
$lang['ut_line'] = '行号';
$lang['ut_passed'] = '通过';
$lang['ut_failed'] = '失败';
$lang['ut_boolean'] = 'Boolean';
$lang['ut_integer'] = 'Integer';
$lang['ut_float'] = 'Float';
$lang['ut_double'] = 'Float'; // can be the same as float
$lang['ut_string'] = 'String';
$lang['ut_array'] = 'Array';
$lang['ut_object'] = 'Object';
$lang['ut_resource'] = 'Resource';
$lang['ut_null'] = 'Null';
$lang['ut_notes'] = '笔记';

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* System messages translation for CodeIgniter(tm)
* @author CodeIgniter community
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license MIT License
* @link
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['upload_userfile_not_set'] = '无法找到用户文件。 ';
$lang['upload_file_exceeds_limit'] = '上传文件的大小超过 PHP 设置中指定的最大大小。';
$lang['upload_file_exceeds_form_limit'] = '上传文件的大小超过表单中指定的最大大小。';
$lang['upload_file_partial'] = '文件仅上传了一部分。 .';
$lang['upload_no_temp_directory'] = '无法找到临时文件夹。 .';
$lang['upload_unable_to_write_file'] = '无法写入文件。 Yeesssssss.';
$lang['upload_stopped_by_extension'] = '文件上传被扩展停止。 ';
$lang['upload_no_file_selected'] = '没有选择要上传的文件。 ';
$lang['upload_invalid_filetype'] = '禁止上传的文件类型. ';
$lang['upload_invalid_filesize'] = '文件大小超过限制。';
$lang['upload_invalid_dimensions'] = '不允许的图像尺寸。';
$lang['upload_destination_error'] = '移动上传的文件至最终保存路径时发生错误。 ';
$lang['upload_no_filepath'] = '上传路径无效。';
$lang['upload_no_file_types'] = '指定允许的文件类型。';
$lang['upload_bad_filename'] = '提交的文件名已经存在。';
$lang['upload_not_writable'] = '上传的目的路径不可写。';