[ADIF Import] Catch when RX_PWR is not a number and error out

If RX_POWER is not a number or K or KW then set the value to null and show error.

Fixes #2983
Peter Goodhall 2024-02-26 16:00:07 +00:00
rodzic 94f3ebf53d
commit aac251d251
1 zmienionych plików z 13 dodań i 5 usunięć

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@ -2984,8 +2984,9 @@ class Logbook_model extends CI_Model
/* Used to check if the qso is already in the database */
function import_check($datetime, $callsign, $band, $mode, $station_callsign, $station_id = null) {
function import_check($datetime, $callsign, $band, $mode, $station_callsign, $station_id = null)
$mode = $this->get_main_mode_from_mode($mode);
$this->db->where('COL_TIME_ON >= DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT("' . $datetime . '", \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i\' ), INTERVAL -15 MINUTE )');
@ -2995,8 +2996,8 @@ class Logbook_model extends CI_Model
$this->db->where('COL_BAND', $band);
$this->db->where('COL_MODE', $mode);
if(isset($station_id) && $station_id > 0) {
$this->db->where('station_id', $station_id);
if (isset($station_id) && $station_id > 0) {
$this->db->where('station_id', $station_id);
$query = $this->db->get($this->config->item('table_name'));
@ -3412,8 +3413,15 @@ class Logbook_model extends CI_Model
// Check if RX_PWR is "K" which N1MM+ uses to indicate 1000W
if ($record['rx_pwr'] == "K") {
$rx_pwr = 1000;
} elseif ($record['rx_pwr'] == "KW") {
$rx_pwr = 1000;
} else {
$rx_pwr = filter_var($record['rx_pwr'], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT);
if (isset($record['rx_pwr']) && is_numeric($record['rx_pwr'])) {
$rx_pwr = $record['rx_pwr'];
} else {
$rx_pwr = null;
$my_error .= "Error QSO: Date: " . $time_on . " Callsign: " . $record['call'] . " RX_PWR (".$record['rx_pwr'].") is not a number<br>";
} else {
$rx_pwr = NULL;