Bugfix selecting stations with pending QSOs

Hugo Silva 2023-03-19 10:49:58 +00:00
rodzic cbf6efd19f
commit 18b1417172
1 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -355,12 +355,12 @@ class Stations extends CI_Model {
LEFT JOIN webadif ON qsos.COL_PRIMARY_KEY = webadif.qso_id
WHERE webadif.qso_id IS NULL
GROUP BY qsos.station_id
) notc
) notc ON station_profile.station_id = notc.station_id
SELECT qsos.station_id, COUNT(qsos.COL_PRIMARY_KEY) c
FROM %s qsos
GROUP BY qsos.station_id
) totc
) totc ON station_profile.station_id = totc.station_id
WHERE COALESCE(station_profile.webadifapikey, '') <> ''
AND COALESCE(station_profile.webadifapiurl, '') <> ''
AND station_profile.user_id = %d