Merge pull request #3003 from phl0/workableHamsatPasses

Workable hamsat passes
Peter Goodhall 2024-03-11 17:38:49 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 135db2cbb3
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
21 zmienionych plików z 323 dodań i 130 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -13,14 +13,39 @@ class Components extends CI_Controller {
if(!$this->user_model->authorize(2)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('notice', 'You\'re not allowed to do that!'); redirect('dashboard'); }
public function index() {
$url = '';
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data['rovedata'] = json_decode($json, true);
$data['gridsquare'] = strtoupper($this->stations->find_gridsquare());
// load view
$this->load->view('components/hamsat/table', $data);
public function index() {
if (count($hkey_opt)>0) {
$data['user_hamsat_key'] = $hkey_opt[0]->option_value;
} else {
$url = '';
if ($data['user_hamsat_key'] ?? '' != '') {
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'GET',
'header' => "Authorization: Bearer ".$data['user_hamsat_key']."\r\n"
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$json = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
} else {
$json = file_get_contents($url);
if (count($hkey_opt)>0) {
$data['user_hamsat_workable_only'] = $hkey_opt[0]->option_value;
} else {
$data['user_hamsat_workable_only'] = 0;
$data['rovedata'] = json_decode($json, true);
$data['gridsquare'] = strtoupper($this->stations->find_gridsquare());
// load view
$this->load->view('components/hamsat/table', $data);

Wyświetl plik

@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ class User extends CI_Controller {
$data['user_qso_end_times'] = $this->input->post('user_qso_end_times');
$data['user_quicklog'] = $this->input->post('user_quicklog');
$data['user_quicklog_enter'] = $this->input->post('user_quicklog_enter');
$data['user_hamsat_key'] = $this->input->post('user_hamsat_key');
$data['user_hamsat_workable_only'] = $this->input->post('user_hamsat_workable_only');
$data['language'] = $this->input->post('language');
$this->load->view('user/edit', $data);
} else {
@ -134,6 +136,8 @@ class User extends CI_Controller {
)) {
// Check for errors
@ -491,6 +495,18 @@ class User extends CI_Controller {
$data['user_winkey'] = $q->winkey;
if($this->input->post('user_hamsat_key', true)) {
$data['user_hamsat_key'] = $this->input->post('user_hamsat_key', true);
} else {
$data['user_hamsat_key'] = $q->hamsat_key;
if($this->input->post('user_hamsat_workable_only')) {
$data['user_hamsat_workable_only'] = $this->input->post('user_hamsat_workable_only', false);
} else {
$data['user_hamsat_workable_only'] = $q->hamsat_workable_only;
// [MAP Custom] GET user options //
$options_object = $this->user_options_model->get_options('map_custom')->result();
@ -614,6 +630,8 @@ class User extends CI_Controller {
$data['user_quicklog_enter'] = $this->input->post('user_quicklog_enter');
$data['language'] = $this->input->post('language');
$data['user_winkey'] = $this->input->post('user_winkey');
$data['user_hamsat_key'] = $this->input->post('user_hamsat_key');
$data['user_hamsat_workable_only'] = $this->input->post('user_hamsat_workable_only');

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -127,3 +127,8 @@ $lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO录入选项";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "第三方服务";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "默认值";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "其他";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -127,3 +127,8 @@ $lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -127,3 +127,9 @@ $lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only_hint'] = "If enabled shows only workable passes based on the gridsquare set in your account. Requires private feed key to be set.";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -124,4 +124,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "Informations Générales";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Valeur par défaut";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Divers";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Divers";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "Generelle Informationen";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO-Logging Optionen";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Externe Dienste";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Standardwerte / Favoriten";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Verschiedenes";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Verschiedenes";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "Siehe dein Profil unter <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Zeige nur Überflüge an, die gearbeitet werden können";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,10 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "Основные данные";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "Настройки записи QSO";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Сторонние сервисы";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Значения по умолчанию";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Разное";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Разное";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only_hint'] = "If enabled shows only workable passes based on the gridsquare set in your account. Requires private feed key to be set.";

Wyświetl plik

@ -127,3 +127,8 @@ $lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "Opciones del Registro de QSO";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Servicios de Terceros";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Valores por Defecto";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Otras Opciones";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -126,4 +126,9 @@ $lang['account_general_information'] = "General Information";
$lang['account_qso_logging_options'] = "QSO Logging Options";
$lang['account_third_party_services'] = "Third Party Services";
$lang['account_default_values'] = "Default Values";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous";
$lang['account_hamsat'] = "";
$lang['account_hamsat_private_feed_key'] = "Private Feed Key";
$lang['account_hamsat_hint'] = "See your profile at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.";
$lang['account_hamsat_workable_only'] = "Show Workable Passes Only";

Wyświetl plik

@ -149,7 +149,8 @@ class User_Model extends CI_Model {
$measurement, $user_date_format, $user_stylesheet, $user_qth_lookup, $user_sota_lookup, $user_wwff_lookup,
$user_pota_lookup, $user_show_notes, $user_column1, $user_column2, $user_column3, $user_column4, $user_column5,
$user_show_profile_image, $user_previous_qsl_type, $user_amsat_status_upload, $user_mastodon_url,
$user_default_band, $user_default_confirmation, $user_qso_end_times, $user_quicklog, $user_quicklog_enter, $language) {
$user_default_band, $user_default_confirmation, $user_qso_end_times, $user_quicklog, $user_quicklog_enter,
$language, $user_hamsat_key, $user_hamsat_workable_only) {
// Check that the user isn't already used
if(!$this->exists($username)) {
$data = array(
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ class User_Model extends CI_Model {
'user_qso_end_times' => xss_clean($user_qso_end_times),
'user_quicklog' => xss_clean($user_quicklog),
'user_quicklog_enter' => xss_clean($user_quicklog_enter),
'language' => xss_clean($language),
'language' => xss_clean($language)
// Check the password is valid
@ -202,6 +203,8 @@ class User_Model extends CI_Model {
$insert_id = $this->db->insert_id();
$this->db->query("insert into bandxuser (bandid, userid, active, cq, dok, dxcc, iota, pota, sig, sota, uscounties, was, wwff, vucc) select, " . $insert_id . ", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 from bands;");
$this->db->query("insert into paper_types (user_id,paper_name,metric,width,orientation,height) SELECT ".$insert_id.", paper_name, metric, width, orientation,height FROM paper_types where user_id = -1;");
$this->db->query("insert into user_options (user_id, option_type, option_name, option_key, option_value) values (" . $insert_id . ", 'hamsat','hamsat_key','api','".xss_clean($user_hamsat_key)."');");
$this->db->query("insert into user_options (user_id, option_type, option_name, option_key, option_value) values (" . $insert_id . ", 'hamsat','hamsat_key','workable','".xss_clean($user_hamsat_workable_only)."');");
return OK;
} else {
@ -252,6 +255,9 @@ class User_Model extends CI_Model {
'winkey' => xss_clean($fields['user_winkey']),
$this->db->query("replace into user_options (user_id, option_type, option_name, option_key, option_value) values (" . $fields['id'] . ", 'hamsat','hamsat_key','api','".xss_clean($fields['user_hamsat_key'])."');");
$this->db->query("replace into user_options (user_id, option_type, option_name, option_key, option_value) values (" . $fields['id'] . ", 'hamsat','hamsat_key','workable','".xss_clean($fields['user_hamsat_workable_only'])."');");
// Check to see if the user is allowed to change user levels
if($this->session->userdata('user_type') == 99) {
$data['user_type'] = $fields['user_type'];
@ -308,6 +314,7 @@ class User_Model extends CI_Model {
if($this->exists_by_id($user_id)) {
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM ".$this->config->item('auth_table')." WHERE user_id = '".$user_id."'");
$this->db->query("delete from user_options where user_id=?",$user_id);
return 1;
} else {
@ -380,7 +387,7 @@ class User_Model extends CI_Model {
'active_station_logbook' => $u->row()->active_station_logbook,
'language' => isset($u->row()->language) ? $u->row()->language: 'english',
'isWinkeyEnabled' => $u->row()->winkey,
'hasQrzKey' => $this->hasQrzKey($u->row()->user_id),
'hasQrzKey' => $this->hasQrzKey($u->row()->user_id)

Wyświetl plik

@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ class User_options_model extends CI_Model {
public function get_options($option_type, $option_array=null) {
public function get_options($option_type, $option_array=null, $uid=null) {
if ($uid ?? '' == '') {
$sql_more = "";
$array_sql_value = array($uid, $option_type);
if (is_array($option_array)) {

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,116 +1,154 @@
<div class="table-responsive">
<h2>Hamsat - Satellite Rovers</h2>
<p>This data is from <a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
<p>This data is from <a target="_blank" href=""></a>.
<?php if ($user_hamsat_workable_only) {
echo " Only workable passes shown.";
} else {
echo " All passes shown.";
<?php if ($user_hamsat_workable_only && $user_hamsat_key == '') { ?>
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="warning">
Private feed key empty. Please set the feed key in your profile.
<?php } else { ?>
<?php if ($rovedata['data'] == []) { ?>
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="warning">
<?php echo lang('hams_at_no_activations_found');?>
<?php } else { ?>
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<?php foreach ($rovedata['data'] as $rove) : ?>
// Get Date format
if ($this->session->userdata('user_date_format')) {
// If Logged in and session exists
$custom_date_format = $this->session->userdata('user_date_format');
} else {
// Get Default date format from /config/cloudlog.php
$custom_date_format = $this->config->item('qso_date_format');
<?php $timestamp = strtotime($rove['aos_at']);
echo date($custom_date_format, $timestamp); ?>
<?php echo date("H:i:s", $timestamp)." - ".date("H:i:s", strtotime($rove['los_at'])); ?>
$CI = &get_instance();
$logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook'));
$call_worked = $CI->logbook_model->check_if_callsign_worked_in_logbook($rove['callsign'], $logbooks_locations_array, "SAT");
if ($call_worked != 0) {
echo "<span class=\"text-success\">".$rove['callsign']."</span>";
} else {
echo $rove['callsign'];
echo xss_clean($rove['comment'] ?? '-');
$direction = '';
if ($rove['mhz_direction'] == 'up') {
$direction = '&uarr;';
} else if ($rove['mhz_direction'] == 'down') {
$direction = '&darr;';
$modeclass = '';
if ($rove['mode'] == 'SSB' || $rove['mode'] == 'CW') {
$modeclass = 'hamsatBgLin';
} else if ($rove['mode'] == 'Data') {
$modeclass = 'hamsatBgData';
} else if ($rove['mode'] == 'FM') {
$modeclass = 'hamsatBgFm';
<td><span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="<?php if ($rove['mhz'] != '') { printf("%.3f", $rove['mhz']); echo " ".$direction ?? ''; } ?>"><?= $rove['satellite']['name'] ?></span> <span title="<?php echo $rove['mode']; ?>" class="badge <?php echo $modeclass; ?>"><?php echo $rove['mode']; ?></span></td>
// Load the logbook model and call check_if_grid_worked_in_logbook
foreach ($rove['grids'] as $grid) {
$worked = $CI->logbook_model->check_if_grid_worked_in_logbook($grid, null, "SAT");
if ($worked != 0) {
echo " <span data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Worked\" class=\"badge bg-success\">" . $grid . "</span>";
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<?php foreach ($rovedata['data'] as $rove) :
if ($user_hamsat_workable_only) {
if (!$rove['is_workable']) {
} ?>
// Get Date format
if ($this->session->userdata('user_date_format')) {
// If Logged in and session exists
$custom_date_format = $this->session->userdata('user_date_format');
} else {
echo " <span data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Not Worked\" class=\"badge bg-danger\">" . $grid . "</span>";
// Get Default date format from /config/wavelog.php
$custom_date_format = $this->config->item('qso_date_format');
<td><a href="<?php echo $rove['url']; ?>" target="_blank">Track</a></td>
$sat = $rove['satellite']['name'];
switch (strtoupper($rove['satellite']['name'])) {
$sat = 'IO-117';
<td><a href="<?php echo $sat; ?>&l=<?php echo strtoupper($gridsquare); ?>&el1=0&l2=<?php echo $rove['grids'][0]; ?>&el2=0&duration=1&start=0&OK=Search" target="_blank">Sked</a></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php $timestamp = strtotime($rove['aos_at']);
echo date($custom_date_format, $timestamp); ?>
<?php echo date("H:i:s", $timestamp)." - ".date("H:i:s", strtotime($rove['los_at'])); ?>
$CI = &get_instance();
$logbooks_locations_array = $CI->logbooks_model->list_logbook_relationships($this->session->userdata('active_station_logbook'));
$call_worked = $CI->logbook_model->check_if_callsign_worked_in_logbook($rove['callsign'], $logbooks_locations_array, "SAT");
if ($call_worked != 0) {
echo "<span class=\"text-success\">".$rove['callsign']."</span>";
} else {
echo $rove['callsign'];
echo xss_clean($rove['comment'] ?? '-');
$direction = '';
if ($rove['mhz_direction'] == 'up') {
$direction = '&uarr;';
} else if ($rove['mhz_direction'] == 'down') {
$direction = '&darr;';
$modeclass = '';
if ($rove['mode'] == 'SSB' || $rove['mode'] == 'CW') {
$modeclass = 'hamsatBgLin';
} else if ($rove['mode'] == 'Data') {
$modeclass = 'hamsatBgData';
} else if ($rove['mode'] == 'FM') {
$modeclass = 'hamsatBgFm';
<td><span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="<?php if ($rove['mhz'] != '') { printf("%.3f", $rove['mhz']); echo " ".$direction ?? ''; } ?>"><?= $rove['satellite']['name'] ?></span></td>
<td><span title="<?php echo $rove['mode']; ?>" class="badge <?php echo $modeclass; ?>"><?php echo $rove['mode']; ?></span></td>
// Load the logbook model and call check_if_grid_worked_in_logbook
foreach ($rove['grids'] as $grid) {
$worked = $CI->logbook_model->check_if_grid_worked_in_logbook($grid, null, "SAT");
if ($worked != 0) {
echo " <span data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Worked\" class=\"badge bg-success\">" . $grid . "</span>";
} else {
echo " <span data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Not Worked\" class=\"badge bg-danger\">" . $grid . "</span>";
if ($user_hamsat_key != '') {
if ($rove['is_workable']) {
echo date("H:i", strtotime($rove['workable_start_at']))." - ".date("H:i", strtotime($rove['workable_end_at']));
} else {
echo "<span data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"No\" class=\"badge bg-danger\">No</span>";
} else {
echo "<span data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Unkown\" class=\"badge bg-warning\">Unknown</span>";
<td><a href="<?php echo $rove['url']; ?>" target="_blank">Track</a></td>
$sat = $rove['satellite']['name'];
switch (strtoupper($rove['satellite']['name'])) {
$sat = 'IO-117';
if ($rove['is_workable'] || $user_hamsat_key == '') { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $sat; ?>&l=<?php echo strtoupper($gridsquare); ?>&el1=0&l2=<?php echo $rove['grids'][0]; ?>&el2=0&duration=1&start=0&OK=Search" target="_blank">Sked</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

Wyświetl plik

@ -764,6 +764,32 @@
<div class="row">
<!-- Settings -->
<div class="col-md">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header"><?php echo lang('account_hamsat'); ?></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="mb-3">
<label><?php echo lang('account_hamsat_private_feed_key'); ?></label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="user_hamsat_key" value="<?php if(isset($user_hamsat_key)) { echo $user_hamsat_key; } ?>" />
<small class="form-text text-muted"><?php echo lang('account_hamsat_hint'); ?></a></small>
<div class="mb-3">
<label><?php echo lang('account_hamsat_workable_only'); ?></label>
<?php if(!isset($user_hamsat_workable_only)) { $user_hamsat_workable_only='0'; }?>
<select class="form-select" name="user_hamsat_workable_only" id="user_hamsat_workable_only">
<option value="0" <?php if ($user_hamsat_workable_only == 0) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo lang('general_word_no'); ?></option>
<option value="1" <?php if ($user_hamsat_workable_only == 1) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo lang('general_word_yes'); ?></option>
<small class="form-text text-muted"><?php echo lang('account_hamsat_workable_only_hint'); ?></small>