[ADIF Parser] Modifications done to the ADIF parser to speed it up

Peter Goodhall 2020-12-26 11:35:07 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 0fdce42b33
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@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ class ADIF_Parser
var $data; //the adif data
var $datasplit; // one entry is one QSO in the array
var $currentarray = 0; // current place in the array
var $i; //the iterator
var $current_line; //stores information about the current qso
var $headers = array();
public function initialize() //this function locates the <EOH>
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ class ADIF_Parser
@ -108,6 +109,8 @@ class ADIF_Parser
echo "Error: ADIF File Does Not Contain Any QSOs";
return 0;
$this->datasplit = preg_split("/<eor>/i", substr($this->data, $this->i));
return 1;
@ -177,22 +180,21 @@ class ADIF_Parser
return $return;
//finds the next record in the file
public function get_record()
if($this->i >= strlen($this->data))
return array(); //return nothing
$end = stripos($this->data, "<eor>", $this->i);
if($end == false) //is this the end?
return array(); //return nothing
$record = substr($this->data, $this->i, $end-$this->i);
$this->i = $end+5;
return $this->record_to_array($record); //process and return output
// Are we at the end of the array containing the QSOs?
if($this->currentarray >= count($this->datasplit)) {
return array(); //return nothing
} else {
// Is this a valid QSO?
if (stristr($this->datasplit[$this->currentarray],"<CALL:")) {
return $this->record_to_array($this->datasplit[$this->currentarray++]); //process and return output
else {
return array();
public function get_header($key)