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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
Controller to interact with the API
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class Qrz extends CI_Controller {
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// Show frontend if there is one
public function index() {
* Upload QSO to
* When called from the url cloudlog/qrz/upload, the function loops through all station_id's with a qrz api key defined.
* All QSOs not previously uploaded, will then be uploaded, one at a time
public function upload() {
$station_ids = $this->logbook_model->get_station_id_with_qrz_api();
if ($station_ids) {
foreach ($station_ids as $station) {
$qrz_api_key = $station->qrzapikey;
if($this->mass_upload_qsos($station->station_id, $qrz_api_key, true)) {
echo "QSOs have been uploaded to";
log_message('info', 'QSOs have been uploaded to');
} else{
echo "No QSOs found for upload.";
log_message('info', 'No QSOs found for upload.');
} else {
echo "No station profiles with a QRZ API Key found.";
log_message('error', "No station profiles with a QRZ API Key found.");
function setOptions() {
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
* Function gets all QSOs from given station_id, that are not previously uploaded to qrz.
* Adif is build for each qso, and then uploaded, one at a time
function mass_upload_qsos($station_id, $qrz_api_key, $trusted = false) {
$i = 0;
$data['qsos'] = $this->logbook_model->get_qrz_qsos($station_id, $trusted);
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if ($data['qsos']) {
foreach ($data['qsos']->result() as $qso) {
$adif = $this->adifhelper->getAdifLine($qso);
2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
$result = $this->logbook_model->push_qso_to_qrz($qrz_api_key, $adif, true);
} else {
$result = $this->logbook_model->push_qso_to_qrz($qrz_api_key, $adif);
if ( ($result['status'] == 'OK') || ( ($result['status'] == 'error') && ($result['message'] == 'STATUS=FAIL&REASON=Unable to add QSO to database: duplicate&EXTENDED=')) ){
2023-12-16 10:42:56 +00:00
$result['status'] = 'OK';
2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
} elseif ( ($result['status']=='error') && (substr($result['message'],0,11) == 'STATUS=AUTH')) {
log_message('error', 'QRZ upload failed for qso: Call: ' . $qso->COL_CALL . ' Band: ' . $qso->COL_BAND . ' Mode: ' . $qso->COL_MODE . ' Time: ' . $qso->COL_TIME_ON);
log_message('error', 'QRZ upload failed with the following message: ' .$result['message']);
log_message('error', 'QRZ upload stopped for Station_ID: ' .$station_id);
$errormessages[] = $result['message'] . ' Call: ' . $qso->COL_CALL . ' Band: ' . $qso->COL_BAND . ' Mode: ' . $qso->COL_MODE . ' Time: ' . $qso->COL_TIME_ON;
2023-12-16 10:42:56 +00:00
$result['status'] = 'Error';
2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
break; /* If key is invalid, immediate stop syncing for more QSOs of this station */
} else {
log_message('error', 'QRZ upload failed for qso: Call: ' . $qso->COL_CALL . ' Band: ' . $qso->COL_BAND . ' Mode: ' . $qso->COL_MODE . ' Time: ' . $qso->COL_TIME_ON);
log_message('error', 'QRZ upload failed with the following message: ' .$result['message']);
$errormessages[] = $result['message'] . ' Call: ' . $qso->COL_CALL . ' Band: ' . $qso->COL_BAND . ' Mode: ' . $qso->COL_MODE . ' Time: ' . $qso->COL_TIME_ON;
2023-12-16 10:42:56 +00:00
$result['status'] = 'Error';
2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
if ($i == 0) {
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$result['count'] = $i;
$result['errormessages'] = $errormessages;
return $result;
} else {
$result['status'] = 'Error';
$result['count'] = $i;
$result['errormessages'] = $errormessages;
return $result;
* Function marks QSO with given primarykey as uploaded to qrz
function markqso($primarykey) {
* Used for displaying the uid for manually selecting log for upload to qrz
public function export() {
$data['page_title'] = "QRZ Logbook";
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$data['station_profiles'] = $this->stations->all_of_user();
2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
$data['station_profile'] = $this->stations->stations_with_qrz_api_key();
$data['callsigns'] = $this->Stations->callsigns_of_user($this->session->userdata('user_id'));
$this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data);
* Used for ajax-function when selecting log for upload to qrz
public function upload_station() {
$postData = $this->input->post();
$result = $this->logbook_model->exists_qrz_api_key($postData['station_id']);
$qrz_api_key = $result->qrzapikey;
header('Content-type: application/json');
$result = $this->mass_upload_qsos($postData['station_id'], $qrz_api_key);
if ($result['status'] == 'OK') {
$stationinfo = $this->stations->stations_with_qrz_api_key();
$info = $stationinfo->result();
$data['status'] = 'OK';
$data['info'] = $info;
$data['infomessage'] = $result['count'] . " QSOs are now uploaded to";
$data['errormessages'] = $result['errormessages'];
echo json_encode($data);
} else {
$data['status'] = 'Error';
$data['info'] = 'Error: No QSOs found to upload.';
$data['errormessages'] = $result['errormessages'];
echo json_encode($data);
public function mark_qrz() {
// Set memory limit to unlimited to allow heavy usage
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$station_id = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('station_profile'));
$data['qsos'] = $this->adif_data->export_custom($this->input->post('from'), $this->input->post('to'), $station_id);
foreach ($data['qsos']->result() as $qso)
$this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data);
$this->load->view('qrz/mark_qrz', $data);
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public function import_qrz() {
if(!$this->user_model->authorize(2)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('notice', 'You\'re not allowed to do that!'); redirect('dashboard'); }
$data['page_title'] = "QRZ QSL Import";
$customDate = $this->input->post('from');
if ($customDate != NULL) {
$qrz_last_date = date($customDate);
} else {
// Query the logbook to determine when the last LoTW confirmation was
$qrz_last_date = null;
} // end function
function download($user_id_to_load = null, $lastqrz = null, $show_views = false) {
$api_keys = $this->logbook_model->get_qrz_apikeys();
if ($api_keys) {
foreach ($api_keys as $station) {
if ((($user_id_to_load != null) && ($user_id_to_load != $station->user_id))) { // Skip User if we're called with a specific user_id
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2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
if ($lastqrz == null) {
$lastqrz = $this->logbook_model->qrz_last_qsl_date($station->user_id);
$qrz_api_key = $station->qrzapikey;
$result=($this->mass_download_qsos($qrz_api_key, $lastqrz));
if (isset($result['tableheaders'])) {
if (isset($data['table'])) {
} else {
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} else {
echo "No station profiles with a QRZ API Key found.";
log_message('error', "No station profiles with a QRZ API Key found.");
if ($this->user_model->authorize(2)) { // Only Output results if authorized User
if(isset($data['tableheaders'])) {
if ($data['table'] != '') {
if($show_views == TRUE) {
$data['page_title'] = "QRZ ADIF Information";
$this->load->view('interface_assets/header', $data);
} else {
return '';
} else {
echo "Downloaded QRZ report contains no matches.";
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function mass_download_qsos($qrz_api_key = '', $lastqrz = '1900-01-01', $trusted = false) {
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$config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
$file = $config['upload_path'] . 'qrzcom_download_report.adi';
if (file_exists($file) && ! is_writable($file)) {
$result = "Temporary download file ".$file." is not writable. Aborting!";
return false;
$url = '';
$post_data['KEY'] = $qrz_api_key;
$post_data['ACTION'] = 'FETCH';
$post_data['OPTION'] = 'MODSINCE:'.$lastqrz.';STATUS:CONFIRMED;TYPE:ADIF';
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$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$content = htmlspecialchars_decode(curl_exec($ch));
file_put_contents($file, $content);
if (strlen(file_get_contents($file, false, null, 0, 100))!=100) {
$result = "QRZ downloading failed, either due to it being down or incorrect logins.";
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return "false";
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$result = $this->loadFromFile($file);
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return $result;
| Function: loadFromFile
| $filepath is the ADIF file
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| Internal function that takes the QRZ ADIF and imports into the log
private function loadFromFile($filepath) {
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// Figure out how we should be marking QSLs confirmed via LoTW
$config['qrz_rcvd_mark'] = 'Y';
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$tableheaders = "<table width=\"100%\">";
$tableheaders .= "<tr class=\"titles\">";
$tableheaders .= "<td>Station Callsign</td>";
$tableheaders .= "<td>QSO Date</td>";
$tableheaders .= "<td>Call</td>";
$tableheaders .= "<td>Mode</td>";
$tableheaders .= "<td>QRZ QSL Received</td>";
$tableheaders .= "<td>QRZ Confirmed</td>";
$tableheaders .= "<td>Log Status</td>";
$tableheaders .= "</tr>";
$table = "";
while($record = $this->adif_parser->get_record()) {
if ((!(isset($record['app_qrzlog_qsldate']))) || (!(isset($record['qso_date'])))) {
$time_on = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) ." ".date('H:i', strtotime($record['time_on']));
$qsl_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['app_qrzlog_qsldate']));
if (isset($record['time_off'])) {
$time_off = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) ." ".date('H:i', strtotime($record['time_off']));
} else {
$time_off = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record['qso_date'])) ." ".date('H:i', strtotime($record['time_on']));
// If we have a positive match from LoTW, record it in the DB according to the user's preferences
if ($record['app_qrzlog_status'] == "C") {
$record['qsl_rcvd'] = $config['qrz_rcvd_mark'];
2023-12-07 16:30:40 +00:00
$status = $this->logbook_model->import_check($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band'], $record['mode'], $record['station_callsign']);
if($status[0] == "Found") {
$qrz_status = $this->logbook_model->qrz_update($time_on, $record['call'], $record['band'], $qsl_date, $record['qsl_rcvd'],$record['station_callsign']);
$table .= "<tr>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['station_callsign']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$time_on."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['call']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['mode']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['qsl_rcvd']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$qsl_date."</td>";
$table .= "<td>QSO Record: ".$status[0]."</td>";
$table .= "</tr>";
} else {
$table .= "<tr>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['station_callsign']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$time_on."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['call']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['mode']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$record['qsl_rcvd']."</td>";
$table .= "<td>QSO Record: ".$status[0]."</td>";
$table .= "</tr>";
if ($table != "") {
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$data['tableheaders'] = $tableheaders;
$data['table'] = $table;
} else {
$data['table'] = '';
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return $data;
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