kopia lustrzana https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog
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35 wiersze
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defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Tiles
$lang['qso_title_qso_map'] = 'QSO-karta';
$lang['qso_title_suggestions'] = 'Förslag';
$lang['qso_title_pervious_contacts'] = 'Föregående QSOn';
$lang['qso_title_image'] = 'Profilbild';
// Input Help Text on the /QSO Display
$lang['qso_transmit_power_helptext'] = 'Ange effekt i watt, enbart med siffror.';
$lang['qso_sota_ref_helptext'] = 'Exempel: GM/NS-001.';
$lang['qso_wwff_ref_helptext'] = 'Exempel: DLFF-0069.';
$lang['qso_sig_helptext'] = 'Exempel: POTA';
$lang['qso_sig_info_helptext'] = 'Exempel: PA-0150';
$lang['qso_dok_helptext'] = 'Exempel: Q03';
$lang['qso_notes_helptext'] = 'Note content is used within Cloudlog only and is not exported to other services.';
$lang['qso_notes_helptext'] = 'Detta innehåll används bara inom Cloudlog och kommer inte att exporteras.';
$lang['qsl_notes_helptext'] = 'Detta innehåll exporteras till QSL-services som eqsl etc.';
// Button Text on /qso Display
$lang['qso_btn_reset_qso'] = 'Reset';
$lang['qso_btn_save_qso'] = 'Spara QSO';
$lang['qso_btn_edit_qso'] = 'Redigera QSO';
// QSO Details
$lang['qso_details'] = 'QSO-detaljer';