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** This file is part of the CatRadio project.
** Copyright 2022-2024 Gianfranco Sordetti IZ8EWD <>.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef RIGDATA_H
#define RIGDATA_H
#endif // RIGDATA_H
#include <rig.h> //Hamlib
#include <QString>
typedef struct {
unsigned rigModel; //Hamlib rig model
QString rigPort; //COM port or IP address
unsigned serialSpeed; //Serial port baud rate
unsigned serialDataBits; //Serial port data bit
unsigned serialParity; //Serial port parity (serial_parity_e RIG_PARITY_NONE = 0, RIG_PARITY_ODD, RIG_PARITY_EVEN)
unsigned serialStopBits;
unsigned serialHandshake; //Serial port handshake (serial_handshake_e RIG_HANDSHAKE_NONE = 0, RIG_HANDSHAKE_XONXOFF, RIG_HANDSHAKE_HARDWARE)
int civAddr; //CI-V address (decimal, Icom radio)
bool netRigctl; //TCP NET Rigctl
unsigned rigRefresh; //GUI refresh interval (ms)
int connected; //connected flag
bool fullPoll; //full polling flag
bool autoConnect; //Auto-connect flag
bool autoPowerOn; //Auto Power ON flag
} rigConnect;
typedef struct {
powerstat_t onoff; //on/off status
freq_t freqMain, freqSub; //Frequency (Hz)
int band; //Band
rmode_t mode, modeSub; //Mode
pbwidth_t bwidth, bwidthSub; //IF filter bandwidth
int bwNarrow; //IF narrow filter
vfo_t vfoMain, vfoSub; //VFO
vfo_t vfoTx;
split_t split; //Split
ptt_t ptt; //PTT
value_t sMeter; //Smeter signal strenght
value_t powerMeter; //RF power meter
value_t subMeter; //secondary meter
value_t hiSWR; //SWR level for Hi SWR indicator
unsigned long long meter; //secondary meter type
float rfPower; //RF power output level
float rfGain; //RF gain rx
float afGain; //AF gain level
float squelch; //Squelch level
agc_level_e agc; //AGC level
int att; //Attenuator
int pre; //Preamplifier
ant_t ant, antTx, antRx; //Antenna
int rangeListTxIndex, rangeListRxIndex;
int tuner; //Tuner
int bkin; //CW Break-in
int wpm; //CW Keyer speed WPM
int apf; //Audio Peak Filter
int noiseBlanker, noiseBlanker2; //NB
int noiseReduction; //NR
float noiseReductionLevel; //NR level
int notchFilter; //NF
int ifShift;
int clar, rit, xit; //Clarifier Rx or Tx
shortfreq_t ritOffset, xitOffset; //Clarifier offset (Hz)
rptr_shift_t rptShift; //Repeater shift
shortfreq_t rptOffset; //Repeater offset (Hz)
int toneType; //0 none, 1 burst 1750, 2 CTCSS, 3 CTCSS SQL, 4 DCS
tone_t tone; //CTCSS or DCS tone
int micComp, micMon; //Flag MIC Compressor, MIC Monitor
float micGain, micMonLevel, micCompLevel; //Level MIC Gain, MIC Monitor, MIC Compressor
} rigSettings;
typedef struct {
int onoff;
int freqMain, freqSub;
int mode, modeSub;
int bwidth;
int vfo;
int split;
int vfoXchange, vfoCopy;
int vfoDown, vfoUp;
int ptt;
int rfPower;
int rfGain;
int afGain;
int squelch;
int agc;
int att;
int pre;
int ant;
int tuner;
int tune;
int bandUp, bandDown;
int bandChange;
int bkin;
int wpm;
int apf;
int noiseBlanker, noiseBlanker2;
int noiseReduction, noiseReductionLevel;
int notchFilter;
int ifShift;
int clar;
int rptShift, rptOffset;
int tone;
int micComp, micMon;
int micGain, micMonLevel, micCompLevel;
} rigCommand;