/** ** This file is part of the CatRadio project. ** Copyright 2022 Gianfranco Sordetti IZ8EWD . ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . **/ #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "dialogconfig.h" #include "dialogsetup.h" #include "rigdaemon.h" #include "rigdata.h" #include "guidata.h" #include "rigcommand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Hamlib extern RIG *my_rig; //Defined in rigdaemon.cpp extern rigConnect rigCom; extern rigSettings rigGet; extern rigSettings rigSet; extern rigCommand rigCmd; extern rigCommand rigCap; extern guiConfig guiConf; int retcode; //Return code from function int i; //Index int prevDial; //Previous dial value int fastDial; //Fast pushbutton state FILE* debugFile; QThread workerThread; // RigDaemon *rigDaemon = new RigDaemon; //***** MainWindow ***** MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); timer = new QTimer(this); //timer for rigDaemon thread call //* Debug rig_set_debug_level(RIG_DEBUG_WARN); //normal //rig_set_debug_level(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE); //debug rig_set_debug_time_stamp(true); if ((debugFile=fopen("catradio.log","w+")) == NULL) rig_set_debug_level(RIG_DEBUG_NONE); else rig_set_debug_file(debugFile); //* Signal and Slot connection for Slider and associated Label connect(ui->verticalSlider_RFpower, &QAbstractSlider::valueChanged, ui->label_RFpowerValue, QOverload::of(&QLabel::setNum)); connect(ui->verticalSlider_RFgain, &QAbstractSlider::valueChanged, ui->label_RFgainValue, QOverload::of(&QLabel::setNum)); connect(ui->verticalSlider_AFGain, &QAbstractSlider::valueChanged, ui->label_AFGainValue, QOverload::of(&QLabel::setNum)); connect(ui->verticalSlider_Squelch, &QAbstractSlider::valueChanged, ui->label_SquelchValue, QOverload::of(&QLabel::setNum)); connect(ui->horizontalSlider_IFshift, &QAbstractSlider::valueChanged, ui->label_IFshiftValue,QOverload::of(&QLabel::setNum)); //* Signal and Slot connection for vfoDisplay connect(ui->lineEdit_vfoMain, &vfoDisplay::on_valueChanged, this, &MainWindow::on_vfoDisplayValueChanged); //* Thread for RigDaemon rigDaemon->moveToThread(&workerThread); // connect(&workerThread, &QThread::finished, rigDaemon, &QObject::deleteLater); connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, rigDaemon, &RigDaemon::rigUpdate); connect(rigDaemon, &RigDaemon::resultReady, this, &MainWindow::on_rigDaemonResultReady); workerThread.start(); //* Load settings from catradio.ini QSettings configFile(QString("catradio.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat); rigCom.rigModel = configFile.value("rigModel", 0).toInt(); rigCom.rigPort = configFile.value("rigPort").toString(); rigCom.serialSpeed = configFile.value("serialSpeed", 9600).toInt(); rigCom.civAddr = configFile.value("civAddress", 0).toInt(); rigCom.netRigctl = configFile.value("netRigctl", false).toBool(); rigCom.rigRefresh = configFile.value("rigRefresh", 100).toInt(); rigCom.fullPoll = configFile.value("fullPolling", true).toBool(); guiConf.vfoDisplayMode = configFile.value("vfoDisplayMode", 0).toInt(); //* Style //ui->pushButton_PTT->setStyleSheet("QPushButton::checked {font: bold; color: red;}"); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { workerThread.quit(); // workerThread.wait(); if (rigCom.connected) { timer->stop(); rigCom.connected = 0; rig_close(my_rig); //Close the communication to the rig } rig_cleanup(my_rig); //Release rig handle and free associated memory fclose(debugFile); //Close debug.log delete ui; } //***** GUI function ***** void MainWindow::guiInit() { ui->statusbar->showMessage(my_rig->caps->model_name); if (my_rig->caps->set_powerstat == NULL) //Power pushbutton { ui->pushButton_Power->setDisabled(true); rigCap.onoff = 0; } else { ui->pushButton_Power->setDisabled(false); rigCap.onoff = 1; } if (my_rig->caps->set_ptt == NULL) //PTT pushbutton { ui->pushButton_PTT->setDisabled(true); rigCap.ptt = 0; } else { ui->pushButton_PTT->setDisabled(false); rigCap.ptt = 1; } //* Mode combobox if (my_rig->state.mode_list == RIG_MODE_NONE) { ui->comboBox_Mode->setDisabled(true); ui->comboBox_ModeSub->setDisabled(true); } else { ui->comboBox_Mode->clear(); //Clear old contents ui->comboBox_ModeSub->clear(); for (i=0; istate.mode_list & (1ULL << i)) { ui->comboBox_Mode->addItem(rig_strrmode(my_rig->state.mode_list & (1ULL << i))); ui->comboBox_ModeSub->addItem(rig_strrmode(my_rig->state.mode_list & (1ULL << i))); } } ui->comboBox_ModeSub->addItem(rig_strrmode(RIG_MODE_NONE)); //add None mode in the modeSub list, used in case mode sub vfo is not targetable rigCmd.bwidthList = 1; //Command to populate BW combobox in guiUpdate() } //* AGC level comboBox ui->comboBox_AGC->clear(); /* It seems that has_set_level or has_get_level is not well implemented in Hamlib, at the moment it is skipped in favour of fix values entry agc_level_e agcLevel; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { agcLevel = levelagcvalue(i); if (rig_has_set_level(my_rig, agcLevel)) { ui->comboBox_AGC->addItem(rig_stragclevel(agcLevel)); } }*/ ui->comboBox_AGC->addItem(rig_stragclevel(RIG_AGC_OFF)); ui->comboBox_AGC->addItem(rig_stragclevel(RIG_AGC_AUTO)); ui->comboBox_AGC->addItem(rig_stragclevel(RIG_AGC_FAST)); ui->comboBox_AGC->addItem(rig_stragclevel(RIG_AGC_MEDIUM)); ui->comboBox_AGC->addItem(rig_stragclevel(RIG_AGC_SLOW)); //* Meter comboBox ui->comboBox_Meter->clear(); if (rig_has_get_level(my_rig, RIG_METER_SWR)) ui->comboBox_Meter->addItem("SWR"); if (rig_has_get_level(my_rig, RIG_METER_ALC)) ui->comboBox_Meter->addItem("ALC"); rigSet.meter = levelmeterstr (ui->comboBox_Meter->currentText()); setSubMeter(); //* Attenuator comboBox ui->comboBox_Att->clear(); ui->comboBox_Att->addItem("0"); for (i = 0; i < HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ && my_rig->state.attenuator[i] != 0; i++) { ui->comboBox_Att->addItem(QString::number(my_rig->state.attenuator[i])); } //* Preamp comboBox ui->comboBox_Preamp->clear(); ui->comboBox_Preamp->addItem("0"); for (i = 0; i < HAMLIB_MAXDBLSTSIZ && my_rig->state.preamp[i] != 0; i++) { ui->comboBox_Preamp->addItem(QString::number(my_rig->state.preamp[i])); } //* Tone ui->comboBox_toneType->clear(); ui->comboBox_toneType->addItem(""); //None if (rig_has_set_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_TBURST)) ui->comboBox_toneType->addItem("1750Hz"); //Burst 1750 Hz if (rig_has_set_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_TONE)) ui->comboBox_toneType->addItem("TONE"); //CTCSS Tx if (rig_has_set_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_TSQL)) ui->comboBox_toneType->addItem("TSQL"); //CTCSS Tx + Rx squelch if (rig_has_set_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_CSQL)) ui->comboBox_toneType->addItem("DCS"); //DCS //check for targetable sub VFO if (my_rig->caps->rig_model != 2) //Hamlib 4.4 has bug for rigctld and targetable_vfo, skip check { if (my_rig->caps->targetable_vfo & RIG_TARGETABLE_FREQ) rigCap.freqSub = 1; //targetable frequency else rigCap.freqSub = 0; if (my_rig->caps->targetable_vfo & RIG_TARGETABLE_MODE) rigCap.modeSub = 1; //targetable mode else rigCap.modeSub = 0; if (my_rig->caps->targetable_vfo == RIG_TARGETABLE_NONE) { rigCap.freqSub = 0; //disable get/set freq for subVFO rigCap.modeSub = 0; //disable get/set mode for subVFO ui->radioButton_VFOSub->setCheckable(false); //disable VFOsub radio button } } else //NET rigctl, as workaround assume targetable_vfo { rigCap.freqSub = 1; rigCap.modeSub = 1; } rigCmd.rangeList = 1; //update range list rigCmd.antList = 1; //update antenna list rigCmd.toneList = 1; //update tone list } void MainWindow::guiUpdate() { //* Power button if (rigGet.onoff == RIG_POWER_ON || rigGet.onoff == RIG_POWER_UNKNOWN) ui->pushButton_Power->setChecked(true); //* VFOs ui->lineEdit_vfoMain->setValue(rigGet.freqMain); ui->lineEdit_vfoSub->setText(QString::number(rigGet.freqSub/1000,'f',2)); ui->label_vfoMain->setText(rig_strvfo(rigGet.vfoMain)); switch (rigGet.vfoMain) { case RIG_VFO_A: rigGet.vfoSub = RIG_VFO_B; break; case RIG_VFO_B: rigGet.vfoSub = RIG_VFO_A; break; case RIG_VFO_MAIN: rigGet.vfoSub = RIG_VFO_SUB; break; case RIG_VFO_SUB: rigGet.vfoSub = RIG_VFO_MAIN; break; } ui->label_vfoSub->setText(rig_strvfo(rigGet.vfoSub)); //* Mode ui->comboBox_Mode->setCurrentText(rig_strrmode(rigGet.mode)); ui->comboBox_ModeSub->setCurrentText(rig_strrmode(rigGet.modeSub)); if (rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_CW || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_CWR || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_CWN) ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); //CW tab if (rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_FM || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_FMN || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_PKTFM || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_PKTFMN || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_C4FM || rigGet.mode == RIG_MODE_DSTAR) ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); //FM tab //* BW combobox if (rigCmd.bwidthList) { ui->comboBox_BW->clear(); filter_list bwidth_list; //IF filter bandwidth per mode for (i=0; istate.filters[i]); i++) { char modeslist[1000] = ""; QString modes, mode; bwidth_list = my_rig->state.filters[i]; rig_strrmodes(bwidth_list.modes, modeslist, sizeof(modeslist)); modes = modeslist; modes.append(" "); mode = rig_strrmode(rigGet.mode); if (mode != "") { //qDebug() << modes << mode << bwidth_list.width; QRegularExpression rx("\\b"+mode+"?\\s"); if (modes.contains (rx) && bwidth_list.width != RIG_FLT_ANY) ui->comboBox_BW->addItem(QString::number(bwidth_list.width)); } //else qDebug() << "vuoto" << rigGet.mode; } ui->comboBox_BW->model()->sort(0, Qt::DescendingOrder); rigCmd.bwidthList = 0; } ui->comboBox_BW->setCurrentText(QString::number(rigGet.bwidth)); ui->checkBox_NAR->setChecked(rigGet.bwNarrow); //* Range list if (rigCmd.rangeList) { for (i=0; i= my_rig->state.tx_range_list[i].startf && rigGet.freqMain <= my_rig->state.tx_range_list[i].endf) break; } rigGet.rangeListTxIndex = i; for (i=0; i= my_rig->state.rx_range_list[i].startf && rigGet.freqMain <= my_rig->state.rx_range_list[i].endf) break; } if (rigGet.rangeListRxIndex != i) rigCmd.antList = 1; rigGet.rangeListRxIndex = i; rigCmd.rangeList = 0; } //* Antenna list if (rigCmd.antList) { ui->comboBox_Ant->clear(); if (my_rig->state.tx_range_list[rigGet.rangeListRxIndex].ant == RIG_ANT_NONE) ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("NONE"); //RIG_ANT_NONE else for (i=0; i < RIG_ANT_MAX; i++) { if (my_rig->state.tx_range_list[rigGet.rangeListRxIndex].ant & (1UL << i)) { switch (i) { case 0: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("ANT1"); break; //RIG_ANT_1 case 1: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("ANT2"); break; //RIG_ANT_2 case 2: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("ANT3"); break; //RIG_ANT_3 case 3: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("ANT4"); break; //RIG_ANT_4 case 4: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("ANT5"); break; //RIG_ANT_5 case 30: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("UNK"); break; //RIG_ANT_UNKNOWN case 31: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("CURR"); break; //RIG_ANT_CURR default: ui->comboBox_Ant->addItem("UNK"); break; } } } rigCmd.antList = 0; } //* Tone list if (rigCmd.toneList) { ui->comboBox_toneFreq->clear(); if (rigGet.toneType == 2 || rigGet.toneType == 3) { for (i = 0; i < CTCSS_LIST_SIZE; i++) //CTCSS tone { if (my_rig->caps->ctcss_list[i] == 0) break; ui->comboBox_toneFreq->addItem(QString::number(my_rig->caps->ctcss_list[i]/10.0,'f',1)); } } if (rigGet.toneType == 4) { for (i = 0; i < DCS_LIST_SIZE; i++) //DCS code { if (my_rig->caps->dcs_list[i] == 0) break; ui->comboBox_toneFreq->addItem(QString::number(my_rig->caps->dcs_list[i])); } } rigCmd.toneList = 0; } //* RF ui->radioButton_Tuner->setChecked(rigGet.tuner); ui->comboBox_AGC->setCurrentText(rig_stragclevel(rigGet.agc)); ui->comboBox_Att->setCurrentText(QString::number(rigGet.att)); ui->comboBox_Preamp->setCurrentText(QString::number(rigGet.pre)); //* Split if (rigGet.split == RIG_SPLIT_ON) { ui->pushButton_Split->setChecked(true); if (rigGet.vfoSub == rigGet.vfoTx) { ui->label_vfoMainRxTx->setText("RX"); ui->label_vfoSubRxTx->setText("TX"); } else { ui->label_vfoMainRxTx->setText("TX"); ui->label_vfoSubRxTx->setText("RX"); } } else { ui->pushButton_Split->setChecked(false); ui->label_vfoMainRxTx->setText("RX TX"); ui->label_vfoSubRxTx->setText(""); } //* PTT & Meter if (rigGet.ptt == RIG_PTT_ON) { ui->pushButton_PTT->setChecked(true); ui->label_vfoMain->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red}"); ui->progressBar_Smeter->setTx(true); ui->progressBar_Smeter->setValue(rigGet.powerMeter.f*100); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setValue(rigGet.subMeter.f); } else { ui->pushButton_PTT->setChecked(false); ui->label_vfoMain->setStyleSheet("QLabel {}"); ui->progressBar_Smeter->setTx(false); ui->progressBar_Smeter->setValue(rigGet.sMeter.i); if (rigSet.meter == RIG_LEVEL_SWR) ui->progressBar_subMeter->setValue(1.0); else ui->progressBar_subMeter->setValue(0.0); } //* Sliders if (!ui->verticalSlider_RFpower->isSliderDown()) ui->verticalSlider_RFpower->setValue((int)(rigGet.rfPower*100)); if (!ui->verticalSlider_RFgain->isSliderDown()) ui->verticalSlider_RFgain->setValue((int)(rigGet.rfGain*100)); if (!ui->verticalSlider_AFGain->isSliderDown()) ui->verticalSlider_AFGain->setValue((int)(rigGet.afGain*100)); if (!ui->verticalSlider_Squelch->isSliderDown()) ui->verticalSlider_Squelch->setValue((int)(rigGet.squelch*100)); //* Filter ui->checkBox_NB->setChecked(rigGet.noiseBlanker); ui->checkBox_NR->setChecked(rigGet.noiseReduction); ui->spinBox_NR->setValue(rigGet.noiseReductionLevel); ui->checkBox_NF->setChecked(rigGet.notchFilter); //* CW ui->checkBox_BKIN->setChecked(rigGet.bkin); ui->checkBox_APF->setChecked(rigGet.apf); ui->spinBox_WPM->setValue(rigGet.wpm); //* FM if (rigGet.rptShift == RIG_RPT_SHIFT_MINUS) ui->radioButton_RPTshiftMinus->setChecked(true); //- else if (rigGet.rptShift == RIG_RPT_SHIFT_PLUS) ui->radioButton_RPTshiftPlus->setChecked(true); //+ else ui->radioButton_RPTshiftSimplex->setChecked(true); //Simplex ui->spinBox_RPToffset->setValue(rigGet.rptOffset/1000); //Offset (kHz) ui->comboBox_toneType->setCurrentIndex(rigGet.toneType); if (rigGet.toneType == 2 || rigGet.toneType ==3) ui->comboBox_toneFreq->setCurrentText(QString::number(rigGet.tone/10.0)); //CTCSS else if (rigGet.toneType == 4 || rigGet.toneType ==5) ui->comboBox_toneFreq->setCurrentText(QString::number(rigGet.tone)); //DCS } //* RigDaemon handle results void MainWindow::on_rigDaemonResultReady() { guiUpdate(); } //* SubMeter void MainWindow::setSubMeter() { if (rigSet.meter == RIG_LEVEL_SWR) { ui->progressBar_subMeter->setMeterSWR(true); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setMaxValue(4.0); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setGateValue(2.0); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setLongStep(0.5); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setShortStep(0.1); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setValue(1.0); } else { ui->progressBar_subMeter->setMeterSWR(false); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setMaxValue(1.0); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setMinValue(0.0); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setGateValue(0.5); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setPrecision(1); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setLongStep(0.5); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setShortStep(0.1); ui->progressBar_subMeter->setValue(0); } } //***** PushButton ***** void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Connect_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && rigCom.connected == 0) { retcode = rigDaemon->rigConnect(); //Open Rig connection if (retcode != RIG_OK) //Connection error { rigCom.connected = 0; ui->statusbar->showMessage(rigerror(retcode)); ui->pushButton_Connect->setChecked(false); //Uncheck the button } else //Rig connected { rigCom.connected = 1; guiInit(); if (rigCap.onoff == 0 || rigGet.onoff == RIG_POWER_ON || rigGet.onoff == RIG_POWER_UNKNOWN) timer->start(rigCom.rigRefresh); } } else if (rigCom.connected) //Button unchecked { rigCom.connected = 0; timer->stop(); rig_close(my_rig); //Close the communication to the rig //rig_cleanup(my_rig); //Release rig handle and free associated memory } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Power_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.onoff) { retcode = rig_set_powerstat(my_rig, RIG_POWER_ON); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { ui->pushButton_Power->setChecked(false); //Uncheck the button ui->statusbar->showMessage(rigerror(retcode)); } else timer->start(rigCom.rigRefresh); } else if (!checked && rigGet.onoff) { retcode = rig_set_powerstat(my_rig, RIG_POWER_OFF); if (retcode == RIG_OK) { ui->pushButton_Power->setChecked(false); //Uncheck the button timer->stop(); } } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_PTT_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.ptt) { rigSet.ptt = RIG_PTT_ON; rigCmd.ptt = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.ptt) { rigSet.ptt = RIG_PTT_OFF; rigCmd.ptt = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Split_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.split) { rigSet.split = RIG_SPLIT_ON; rigCmd.split = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.split) { rigSet.split = RIG_SPLIT_OFF; rigCmd.split = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_QSplit_clicked() { quick_split(); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_AB_clicked() { rigCmd.vfoXchange = 1; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_AeqB_clicked() { rigCmd.vfoCopy = 1; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Fast_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked) fastDial = 1; else fastDial = 0; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_left_clicked() { rigCmd.vfoDown = 1; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_right_clicked() { rigCmd.vfoUp = 1; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Tune_clicked() { rigCmd.tune = 1; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band160_clicked() { set_band(160); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band80_clicked() { set_band(80); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band60_clicked() { set_band(60); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band40_clicked() { set_band(40); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band30_clicked() { set_band(30); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band20_clicked() { set_band(20); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band17_clicked() { set_band(17); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band15_clicked() { set_band(15); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band12_clicked() { set_band(12); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band10_clicked() { set_band(10); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band6_clicked() { set_band(6); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band2_clicked() { set_band(2); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Band70_clicked() { set_band(70); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_BandGen_clicked() { set_band(1); } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_BandDown_clicked() { rigCmd.bandDown = 1; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_BandUp_clicked() { rigCmd.bandUp = 1; } //***** CheckBox ***** void MainWindow::on_checkBox_NAR_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.bwNarrow) { rigSet.bwidth = rig_passband_narrow(my_rig, rigGet.mode); rigCmd.bwidth = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.bwNarrow) { rigSet.bwidth = RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL; rigCmd.bwidth = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_BKIN_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.bkin) { rigSet.bkin = 1; rigCmd.bkin = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.bkin) { rigSet.bkin = 0; rigCmd.bkin = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_NB_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.noiseBlanker) { rigSet.noiseBlanker = 1; rigCmd.noiseBlanker = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.noiseBlanker) { rigSet.noiseBlanker = 0; rigCmd.noiseBlanker = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_NR_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.noiseReduction) { rigSet.noiseReduction = 1; rigCmd.noiseReduction = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.noiseReduction) { rigSet.noiseReduction = 0; rigCmd.noiseReduction = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_NF_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.notchFilter) { rigSet.notchFilter = 1; rigCmd.notchFilter = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.notchFilter) { rigSet.notchFilter = 0; rigCmd.notchFilter = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_APF_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.apf) { rigSet.apf = 1; rigCmd.apf = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.apf) { rigSet.apf = 0; rigCmd.apf = 1; } } //***** RadioButton ***** void MainWindow::on_radioButton_Tuner_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked && !rigGet.tuner) { rigSet.tuner = 1; rigCmd.tuner = 1; } else if (!checked && rigGet.tuner) { rigSet.tuner = 0; rigCmd.tuner = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_radioButton_RPTshiftSimplex_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked) { rigSet.rptShift = RIG_RPT_SHIFT_NONE; rigCmd.rptShift = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_radioButton_RPTshiftMinus_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked) { rigSet.rptShift = RIG_RPT_SHIFT_MINUS; rigCmd.rptShift = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_radioButton_RPTshiftPlus_toggled(bool checked) { if (checked) { rigSet.rptShift = RIG_RPT_SHIFT_PLUS; rigCmd.rptShift = 1; } } //***** Dial ***** void MainWindow::on_dial_valueChanged(int value) { int step; step = value - prevDial; if (step<=99 && step>50) step = value - 100 - prevDial; if (step>=-99 && step<-50) step = value + 100 - prevDial; prevDial = value; if (ui->radioButton_VFOSub->isChecked()) //dial VFO Sub { rigSet.freqSub = rigGet.freqSub + step*(!fastDial*10+fastDial*100); rigCmd.freqSub = 1; } else //dial VFO Main { rigSet.freqMain = rigGet.freqMain + step*(!fastDial*10+fastDial*100); rigCmd.freqMain = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_vfoDisplayValueChanged(int value) { rigSet.freqMain = value; rigCmd.freqMain = 1; } //***** ComboBox ***** void MainWindow::on_comboBox_Mode_activated(int index) { rigSet.mode = rig_parse_mode(ui->comboBox_Mode->itemText(index).toLatin1()); rigCmd.mode = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_ModeSub_activated(int index) { rigSet.modeSub = rig_parse_mode(ui->comboBox_ModeSub->itemText(index).toLatin1()); rigCmd.modeSub = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_BW_activated(int index) { rigSet.bwidth = ui->comboBox_BW->itemText(index).toInt(); rigCmd.bwidth = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_AGC_activated(int index) { rigSet.agc = levelagcstr(ui->comboBox_AGC->itemText(index)); rigCmd.agc = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_Att_activated(int index) { rigSet.att = ui->comboBox_Att->itemText(index).toInt(); rigCmd.att = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_Preamp_activated(int index) { rigSet.pre = ui->comboBox_Preamp->itemText(index).toInt(); rigCmd.pre = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_Ant_activated(int index) { rigSet.ant = antstr(ui->comboBox_Ant->itemText(index)); rigCmd.ant = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_Meter_activated(int index) { rigSet.meter = levelmeterstr (ui->comboBox_Meter->itemText(index)); setSubMeter(); } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_toneType_activated(int index) { QString toneType = ui->comboBox_toneType->itemText(index); if (toneType == "1750Hz") rigSet.toneType = 1; else if (toneType == "TONE") rigSet.toneType = 2; else if (toneType == "TSQL") rigSet.toneType = 3; else if (toneType == "DCS") rigSet.toneType = 4; else rigSet.toneType = 0; rigCmd.toneList = 1; //update tone list rigCmd.tone = 1; } void MainWindow::on_comboBox_toneFreq_activated(int index) { if (rigGet.toneType == 2 || rigGet.toneType == 3) //CTCSS { QString arg = ui->comboBox_toneFreq->itemText(index); arg = arg.remove("."); //Remove '.' from CTCSS (as for hamlib CTCSS tone list) rigSet.tone = arg.toUInt(); } else if (rigGet.toneType == 4) rigSet.tone = ui->comboBox_toneFreq->itemText(index).toInt(); //DCS else return; rigCmd.tone = 1; } //***** Spin Box ***** void MainWindow::on_spinBox_NR_valueChanged(int arg1) { rigSet.noiseReductionLevel = arg1; rigCmd.noiseReductionLevel = 1; } void MainWindow::on_spinBox_WPM_valueChanged(int arg1) { rigSet.wpm = arg1; rigCmd.wpm = 1; } void MainWindow::on_spinBox_RPToffset_valueChanged(int arg1) { rigSet.rptOffset = arg1*1000; rigCmd.rptOffset = 1; } //***** Slider ***** void MainWindow::on_verticalSlider_RFpower_valueChanged(int value) { if (!rigCmd.rfPower) { if (value < 5) value = 5; rigSet.rfPower = (float)(value)/100; if (rigSet.rfPower != rigGet.rfPower) rigCmd.rfPower = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_verticalSlider_RFgain_valueChanged(int value) { if (!rigCmd.rfGain) { rigSet.rfGain = (float)(value)/100; if (rigSet.rfGain != rigGet.rfGain) rigCmd.rfGain = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_verticalSlider_AFGain_valueChanged(int value) { if (!rigCmd.afGain) { rigSet.afGain = (float)(value)/100; if (rigSet.afGain != rigGet.afGain) rigCmd.afGain = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_verticalSlider_Squelch_valueChanged(int value) { if (!rigCmd.squelch) { rigSet.squelch = (float)(value)/100; if (rigSet.squelch != rigGet.squelch) rigCmd.squelch = 1; } } void MainWindow::on_horizontalSlider_IFshift_valueChanged(int value) { if (!rigCmd.ifShift) { rigSet.ifShift = value; if (rigSet.ifShift != rigGet.ifShift) rigCmd.ifShift = 1; } } //***** Menu ***** void MainWindow::on_action_Connection_triggered() { DialogConfig config; config.setModal(true); config.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_action_Setup_triggered() { DialogSetup setup; setup.setModal(true); setup.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_action_AboutCatRadio_triggered() { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowTitle("About"); msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); QString version = QString::number(VERSION_MAJ)+"."+QString::number(VERSION_MIN)+"."+QString::number(VERSION_MIC); msgBox.setText("CatRadio Radio control software
version "+version+" "+RELEASE_DATE); msgBox.setInformativeText("Copyright (C) 2022 Gianfranco Sordetti IZ8EWD
" "www.pianetaradio.it

" "

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
" "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see www.gnu.org/licenses."); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); QPixmap icon("catradio.png"); msgBox.setIconPixmap(icon); msgBox.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_action_AboutQT_triggered() { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this); } void MainWindow::on_action_AboutHamLib_triggered() { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowTitle("About Hamlib"); msgBox.setText(rig_version()); msgBox.setInformativeText(rig_copyright()); //msgBox.setDetailedText(rig_license()); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_action_CatRadioHomepage_triggered() { QUrl homepage("https://www.pianetaradio.it/blog/catradio/"); QDesktopServices::openUrl(homepage); }