
369 wiersze
13 KiB

# Purpose:
# This file generates NFT DNA based on a .blend file scene structure and exports NFTRecord.json.
import bpy
import os
import re
import copy
import time
import json
import random
from functools import partial
from .loading_animation import Loader
from . import Rarity, Logic, Checks, Material_Generator
from .Constants import bcolors, removeList, remove_file_by_extension
def get_hierarchy():
Returns the hierarchy of a given Blender scene.
coll = bpy.context.scene.collection
scriptIgnoreCollection =["Script_Ignore"]
listAllCollInScene = []
listAllCollections = []
def traverse_tree(t):
yield t
for child in t.children:
yield from traverse_tree(child)
for c in traverse_tree(coll):
for i in listAllCollInScene:
if "Scene Collection" in listAllCollections:
listAllCollections.remove("Scene Collection")
if "Master Collection" in listAllCollections:
listAllCollections.remove("Master Collection")
def allScriptIgnore(scriptIgnoreCollection):
# Removes all collections, sub collections in Script_Ignore collection from listAllCollections.
for coll in list(scriptIgnoreCollection.children):
listColl = list(coll.children)
if len(listColl) > 0:
exclude = ["_"] # Excluding characters that identify a Variant
attributeCollections = copy.deepcopy(listAllCollections)
def filter_num():
This function removes items from 'attributeCollections' if they include values from the 'exclude' variable.
It removes child collections from the parent collections in from the "listAllCollections" list.
for x in attributeCollections:
if any(a in x for a in exclude):
for i in range(len(listAllCollections)):
attributeVariants = [x for x in listAllCollections if x not in attributeCollections]
attributeCollections1 = copy.deepcopy(attributeCollections)
def attributeData(attributeVariants):
Creates a dictionary of each attribute
allAttDataList = {}
for i in attributeVariants:
# Check if name follows naming conventions:
if int(i.count("_")) > 2 and int(i.split("_")[1]) > 0:
raise Exception(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"There is a naming issue with the following Attribute/Variant: '{i}'\n"
f"Review the naming convention of Attribute and Variant collections here:\n{bcolors.RESET}"
number = i.split("_")[1]
name = i.split("_")[0]
rarity = i.split("_")[2]
except IndexError:
raise Exception(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"There is a naming issue with the following Attribute/Variant: '{i}'\n"
f"Review the naming convention of Attribute and Variant collections here:\n{bcolors.RESET}"
allAttDataList[i] = {"name": name, "number": number, "rarity": rarity}
return allAttDataList
variantMetaData = attributeData(attributeVariants)
hierarchy = {}
for i in attributeCollections1:
colParLong = list([str(i)].children)
colParShort = {}
for x in colParLong:
colParShort[] = None
hierarchy[i] = colParShort
for a in hierarchy:
for b in hierarchy[a]:
for x in variantMetaData:
if str(x) == str(b):
(hierarchy[a])[b] = variantMetaData[x]
return hierarchy
def generateNFT_DNA(collectionSize, enableRarity, enableLogic, logicFile, enableMaterials, materialsFile):
Returns batchDataDictionary containing the number of NFT combinations, hierarchy, and the DNAList.
hierarchy = get_hierarchy()
# DNA random, Rarity and Logic methods:
DataDictionary = {}
def createDNArandom(hierarchy):
"""Creates a single DNA randomly without Rarity or Logic."""
dnaStr = ""
dnaStrList = []
listOptionVariant = []
for i in hierarchy:
numChild = len(hierarchy[i])
possibleNums = list(range(1, numChild + 1))
for i in listOptionVariant:
randomVariantNum = random.choices(i, k=1)
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in randomVariantNum)
for i in dnaStrList:
num = "-" + str(i)
dnaStr += num
dna = ''.join(dnaStr.split('-', 1))
return str(dna)
def singleCompleteDNA():
This function applies Rarity and Logic to a single DNA created by createDNASingle() if Rarity or Logic specified
singleDNA = ""
# Comments for debugging random, rarity, logic, and materials.
if not enableRarity:
singleDNA = createDNArandom(hierarchy)
# print("============")
# print(f"Original DNA: {singleDNA}")
if enableRarity:
singleDNA = Rarity.createDNArarity(hierarchy)
# print(f"Rarity DNA: {singleDNA}")
if enableLogic:
singleDNA = Logic.logicafyDNAsingle(hierarchy, singleDNA, logicFile, enableRarity, enableMaterials)
# print(f"Logic DNA: {singleDNA}")
if enableMaterials:
singleDNA = Material_Generator.apply_materials(hierarchy, singleDNA, materialsFile, enableRarity)
# print(f"Materials DNA: {singleDNA}")
# print("============\n")
return singleDNA
def create_DNAList():
"""Creates DNAList. Loops through createDNARandom() and applies Rarity, and Logic while checking if all DNA are unique"""
DNASetReturn = set()
for i in range(collectionSize):
dnaPushToList = partial(singleCompleteDNA)
DNASetReturn |= {''.join([dnaPushToList()]) for _ in range(collectionSize - len(DNASetReturn))}
DNAListUnformatted = list(DNASetReturn)
DNAListFormatted = []
DNA_Counter = 1
for i in DNAListUnformatted:
i: {
"Complete": False,
"Order_Num": DNA_Counter
DNA_Counter += 1
return DNAListFormatted
DNAList = create_DNAList()
# Messages:
Checks.raise_Warning_collectionSize(DNAList, collectionSize)
# Data stored in batchDataDictionary:
DataDictionary["numNFTsGenerated"] = len(DNAList)
DataDictionary["hierarchy"] = hierarchy
DataDictionary["DNAList"] = DNAList
return DataDictionary
def makeBatches(collectionSize, nftsPerBatch, save_path, batch_json_save_path):
Sorts through all the batches and outputs a given number of batches depending on collectionSize and nftsPerBatch.
These files are then saved as Batch#.json files to batch_json_save_path
# Clears the Batch Data folder of Batches:
batchList = os.listdir(batch_json_save_path)
if batchList:
for i in batchList:
batch = os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i)
if os.path.exists(batch):
os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i)
Blend_My_NFTs_Output = os.path.join(save_path, "Blend_My_NFTs Output", "NFT_Data")
NFTRecord_save_path = os.path.join(Blend_My_NFTs_Output, "NFTRecord.json")
DataDictionary = json.load(open(NFTRecord_save_path))
numNFTsGenerated = DataDictionary["numNFTsGenerated"]
hierarchy = DataDictionary["hierarchy"]
DNAList = DataDictionary["DNAList"]
numBatches = collectionSize // nftsPerBatch
remainder_dna = collectionSize % nftsPerBatch
if remainder_dna > 0:
numBatches += 1
print(f"To generate batches of {nftsPerBatch} DNA sequences per batch, with a total of {numNFTsGenerated}"
f" possible NFT DNA sequences, the number of batches generated will be {numBatches}")
batches_dna_list = []
for i in range(numBatches):
BatchDNAList = []
if i != range(numBatches)[-1]:
BatchDNAList = list(DNAList[0:nftsPerBatch])
DNAList = [x for x in DNAList if x not in BatchDNAList]
BatchDNAList = DNAList
batchDictionary = {
"NFTs_in_Batch": int(len(BatchDNAList)),
"hierarchy": hierarchy,
"BatchDNAList": BatchDNAList
batchDictionary = json.dumps(batchDictionary, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, f"Batch{i + 1}.json"), "w") as outfile:
def send_To_Record_JSON(collectionSize, nftsPerBatch, save_path, enableRarity, enableLogic, logicFile, enableMaterials,
materialsFile, Blend_My_NFTs_Output, batch_json_save_path):
Creates NFTRecord.json file and sends "batchDataDictionary" to it. NFTRecord.json is a permanent record of all DNA
you've generated with all attribute variants. If you add new variants or attributes to your .blend file, other scripts
need to reference this .json file to generate new DNA and make note of the new attributes and variants to prevent
repeate DNA.
# Checking Scene is compatible with BMNFTs:
# Messages:
f"Creating NFT Data. Generating {collectionSize} NFT DNA.\n"
if not enableRarity and not enableLogic:
f"{bcolors.OK}NFT DNA will be determined randomly, no special properties or parameters are applied.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
if enableRarity:
print(f"{bcolors.OK}Rarity is ON. Weights listed in .blend scene will be taken into account.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
if enableLogic:
print(f"{bcolors.OK}Logic is ON. {len(list(logicFile.keys()))} rules detected and applied.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
time_start = time.time()
def create_nft_data():
DataDictionary = generateNFT_DNA(collectionSize, enableRarity, enableLogic, logicFile, enableMaterials,
NFTRecord_save_path = os.path.join(Blend_My_NFTs_Output, "NFTRecord.json")
# Checks:
Checks.raise_Warning_maxNFTs(nftsPerBatch, collectionSize)
if enableRarity:
Checks.check_Rarity(DataDictionary["hierarchy"], DataDictionary["DNAList"],
os.path.join(save_path, "Blend_My_NFTs Output/NFT_Data"))
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Data not saved to NFTRecord.json. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
ledger = json.dumps(DataDictionary, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(NFTRecord_save_path, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(ledger + '\n')
f"\n{bcolors.OK}Blend_My_NFTs Success:\n"
f"{len(DataDictionary['DNAList'])} NFT DNA saved to {NFTRecord_save_path}. NFT DNA Successfully created.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
raise (
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Data not saved to NFTRecord.json. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
# Loading Animation:
loading = Loader(f'Creating NFT DNA...', '').start()
makeBatches(collectionSize, nftsPerBatch, save_path, batch_json_save_path)
time_end = time.time()
f"{bcolors.OK}Created and saved NFT DNA in {time_end - time_start}s.\n{bcolors.RESET}"