
192 wiersze
6.6 KiB

# Purpose:
# The purpose of this file is to add logic and rules to the DNA that are sent to the NFTRecord.json file in
import bpy
import json
import random
import collections
removeList = [".gitignore", ".DS_Store"]
# Helper Functions
def isAttorVar(hierarchy, items_List):
items_returned = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i in items_List:
for j in hierarchy:
if i == j: # If i is an Attribute, add all i Variants to dictionary.
items_returned[i] = list(hierarchy[j].keys())
if i in list(hierarchy[j].keys()):
# Check if all variants in an attribute were included, if so, add "Empty" variant.
for i in items_returned:
if list(items_returned[i]) == list(hierarchy[i].keys()):
return dict(items_returned)
def getAttIndex(hierarchy, attribute):
attList = list(hierarchy.keys())
index = attList.index(attribute)
return index
def getVarNum(variant):
if variant == "Empty":
num = '0'
num = variant.split("_")[1]
return num
def items_to_num(items_List):
num_List = {}
for i in items_List:
variant_num_list = []
for j in items_List[i]:
num_List[i] = variant_num_list
return num_List
def rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List, deconstructed_DNA):
for attribute in items_List:
a_attribute_index = getAttIndex(hierarchy, attribute)
selected_variants = items_List[attribute]
hierarchy_selected_variants = list(hierarchy[attribute])
left_over_variants = [x for x in hierarchy_selected_variants if x not in selected_variants]
if not left_over_variants:
deconstructed_DNA[int(a_attribute_index)] = "0"
number_List_Of_i = []
rarity_List_Of_i = []
ifZeroBool = None
variantNum = None
for a in left_over_variants:
number = a.split("_")[1]
rarity = a.split("_")[2]
for x in rarity_List_Of_i:
if x == 0:
ifZeroBool = True
elif x != 0:
ifZeroBool = False
if ifZeroBool:
variantNum = random.choices(number_List_Of_i, k=1)
if not ifZeroBool:
variantNum = random.choices(number_List_Of_i, weights=rarity_List_Of_i, k=1)
deconstructed_DNA[int(a_attribute_index)] = str(variantNum[0])
return deconstructed_DNA
def reconstructDNA(deconstructedDNA):
reconstructed_DNA = ""
for a in deconstructedDNA:
num = "-" + str(a)
reconstructed_DNA += num
return (''.join(reconstructed_DNA.split('-', 1)))
# Rule Checks:
def never_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2):
"""Returns True if singleDNA violates Never with Rule stated in Logic.json."""
violates_rule = None
for a in num_List1:
for b in num_List2:
if str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, a)]) in num_List1[a] and \
str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, b)]) in num_List2[b]:
violates_rule = True
return violates_rule
violates_rule = False
return violates_rule
def only_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2):
"""Returns True if singleDNA violates Only with Rule stated in Logic.json."""
violates_rule = None
for a in num_List1:
for b in num_List2:
if str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, a)]) in num_List1[a] and \
str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, b)]) not in num_List2[b]:
violates_rule = True
return violates_rule
violates_rule = False
return violates_rule
def always_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2):
"""Returns True if singleDNA violates Always with Rule stated in Logic.json."""
violates_rule = None
for a in num_List2:
if str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, a)]) not in num_List2[a]:
violates_rule = True
return violates_rule
violates_rule = False
return violates_rule
# Main Function
def logicafyDNAsingle(hierarchy, singleDNA, logicFile):
logicFile = json.load(open(logicFile))
deconstructed_DNA = singleDNA.split("-")
didReconstruct = True
originalDNA = str(singleDNA)
resultDNA = str(singleDNA)
while didReconstruct:
didReconstruct = False
for rule in logicFile:
items_List1 = isAttorVar(hierarchy, logicFile[rule]["Items-1"])
items_List2 = isAttorVar(hierarchy, logicFile[rule]["Items-2"])
num_List1 = items_to_num(items_List1)
num_List2 = items_to_num(items_List2)
if logicFile[rule]["Rule-Type"] == "Never with":
if never_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2):
rand_bool = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
if rand_bool:
deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List2, deconstructed_DNA)
if not rand_bool:
deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List1, deconstructed_DNA)
if logicFile[rule]["Rule-Type"] == "Only with":
if only_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2):
for b in num_List1:
if "0" in num_List1[b]: # If complete attribute
deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, b)] = "0"
if "0" not in num_List1[b]: # Not complete attribute, select from other variants with rarity:
deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List1, deconstructed_DNA)
if logicFile[rule]["Rule-Type"] == "Always with":
if always_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2):
deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List1, deconstructed_DNA)
newDNA = reconstructDNA(deconstructed_DNA)
if newDNA != originalDNA:
originalDNA = str(newDNA)
didReconstruct = True
resultDNA = str(newDNA)
return resultDNA