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# Purpose:
# The purpose of this file is to check the NFTRecord.json for duplicate NFT DNA and returns any found in the console.
# It also checks the percentage each variant is chosen in the NFTRecord, then compares it with its rarity percentage
# set in the .blend file.
# This file is provided for transparency. The accuracy of the rarity values you set in your .blend file as outlined in
# the file are dependent on the maxNFTs, and the maximum number of combinations of your NFT collection.
import bpy
import os
import json
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from . import DNA_Generator, get_combinations
from .Constants import bcolors, removeList, remove_file_by_extension
# Checks:
def check_Scene(): # Not complete
Checks if Blender file Scene follows the Blend_My_NFTs conventions. If not, raises error with all instances of
script_ignore_exists = None # True if Script_Ignore collection exists in Blender scene
attribute_naming_conventions = None # True if all attributes in Blender scene follow BMNFTs naming conventions
variant_naming_conventions = None # True if all variants in Blender scene follow BMNFTs naming conventions
object_placing_conventions = None # True if all objects are within either Script_Ignore or a variant collection
# script_ignore_exists:
scriptIgnoreCollection =["Script_Ignore"]
script_ignore_exists = True
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Add a Script_Ignore collection to your Blender scene and ensure the name is exactly 'Script_Ignore'. For more information, "
hierarchy = DNA_Generator.get_hierarchy()
collections = bpy.context.scene.collection
# attribute_naming_conventions
def check_Rarity(hierarchy, DNAListFormatted, save_path):
"""Checks rarity percentage of each Variant, then sends it to RarityData.json in NFT_Data folder."""
DNAList = []
for i in DNAListFormatted:
numNFTsGenerated = len(DNAList)
numDict = defaultdict(list)
for i in DNAList:
dnaSplitList = i.split("-")
for j, k in zip(dnaSplitList, hierarchy.keys()):
numDict = dict(numDict)
for i in numDict:
count = dict(Counter(numDict[i]))
numDict[i] = count
fullNumName = {}
for i in hierarchy:
fullNumName[i] = {}
for j in hierarchy[i]:
variantNum = hierarchy[i][j]["number"]
fullNumName[i][variantNum] = j
completeData = {}
for i, j in zip(fullNumName, numDict):
x = {}
for k in fullNumName[i]:
for l in numDict[j]:
if l == k:
name = fullNumName[i][k]
num = numDict[j][l]
x[name] = [(str(round(((num/numNFTsGenerated)*100), 2)) + "%"), str(num)]
completeData[i] = x
f"Rarity Checker is active. These are the percentages for each variant per attribute you set in your .blend file:"
for i in completeData:
print(i + ":")
for j in completeData[i]:
print(" " + j + ": " + completeData[i][j][0] + " Occurrences: " + completeData[i][j][1])
jsonMetaData = json.dumps(completeData, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(os.path.join(save_path, "RarityData.json"), 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(jsonMetaData + '\n')
path = os.path.join(save_path, "RarityData.json")
print(bcolors.OK + f"Rarity Data has been saved to {path}." + bcolors.RESET)
def check_Duplicates(DNAListFormatted):
"""Checks if there are duplicates in DNAList before NFTRecord.json is sent to JSON file."""
DNAList = []
for i in DNAListFormatted:
duplicates = 0
seen = set()
for x in DNAList:
if x in seen:
duplicates += 1
print(f"\nNFTRecord.json contains {duplicates} duplicate NFT DNA.")
def check_FailedBatches(batch_json_save_path):
fail_state = False
failed_batch = None
failed_dna = None
failed_dna_index = None
if os.path.isdir(batch_json_save_path):
batch_folders = remove_file_by_extension(os.listdir(batch_json_save_path))
for i in batch_folders:
batch = json.load(open(os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i)))
NFTs_in_Batch = batch["NFTs_in_Batch"]
if "Generation Save" in batch:
dna_generated = batch["Generation Save"][-1]["DNA Generated"]
if dna_generated is not None and dna_generated < NFTs_in_Batch:
fail_state = True
failed_batch = int(i.removeprefix("Batch").removesuffix(".json"))
failed_dna = dna_generated
return fail_state, failed_batch, failed_dna, failed_dna_index
# Raise Errors:
def raise_Error_numBatches(maxNFTs, nftsPerBatch):
"""Checks if number of Batches is less than maxNFTs, if not raises error."""
numBatches = maxNFTs / nftsPerBatch
return numBatches
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise ZeroDivisionError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of NFTs per Batch must be greater than ZERO."
f"Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
def raise_Error_ZeroCombinations():
"""Checks if combinations is greater than 0, if so, raises error."""
if get_combinations.get_combinations() == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of all possible combinations is ZERO. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
def raise_Error_numBatchesGreaterThan(numBatches):
if numBatches < 1:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of Batches is less than 1. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
# Raise Warnings:
def raise_Warning_maxNFTs(nftsPerBatch, collectionSize):
Prints warning if nftsPerBatch is greater than collectionSize.
if nftsPerBatch > collectionSize:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{bcolors.WARNING}Blend_My_NFTs Warning:\n"
f"The number of NFTs Per Batch you set is smaller than the NFT Collection Size you set.\n{bcolors.RESET}"
def raise_Warning_collectionSize(DNAList, collectionSize):
Prints warning if BMNFTs cannot generate requested number of NFTs from a given collectionSize.
if len(DNAList) < collectionSize:
print(f"\n{bcolors.WARNING} \nWARNING: \n"
f"Blend_My_NFTs cannot generate {collectionSize} NFTs."
f" Only {len(DNAList)} NFT DNA were generated."
f"\nThis might be for a number of reasons:"
f"\n a) Rarity is preventing combinations from being generated (See\n"
f"\n b) Logic is preventing combinations from being generated (See\n"
f"\n c) The number of possible combinations of your NFT collection is too low. Add more Variants or Attributes to increase the recommended collection size.\n"