
498 wiersze
17 KiB

import bpy
import os
import json
import copy
import platform
from time import sleep
from itertools import cycle
from threading import Thread
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
# ======== ENABLE DEBUG ======== #
# This section is used for debugging, coding, or general testing purposes.
def enable_debug(enable_debug_bool):
if enable_debug_bool:
import logging
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# ======== CONSTANTS ======== #
# Constants are used for storing or updating constant values that may need to be changes depending on system
# requirements and different use-cases.
removeList = [".gitignore", ".DS_Store", "desktop.ini", ".ini"]
def remove_file_by_extension(dirlist):
Checks if a given directory list contains any of the files or file extensions listed above, if so, remove them
from list and return a clean dir list. These files interfere with BMNFTs operations and should be removed
whenever dealing with directories.
if str(type(dirlist)) == "<class 'list'>":
dirlist = list(dirlist) # converts single string path to list if dir pasted as string
return_dirs = []
for directory in dirlist:
if not str(os.path.split(directory)[1]) in removeList:
return return_dirs
class TextColors:
The colour of console messages.
OK = '\033[92m' # GREEN
WARNING = '\033[93m' # YELLOW
ERROR = '\033[91m' # RED
RESET = '\033[0m' # RESET COLOR
def save_result(result):
Saves json result to json file at the specified path.
file_name = "log.json"
if platform.system() == "Linux" or platform.system() == "Darwin":
path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~')), 'Desktop', file_name)
if platform.system() == "Windows":
path = os.path.join(os.environ["HOMEPATH"], "Desktop", file_name)
data = json.dumps(result, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(path, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(data + '\n')
# ======== GET COMBINATIONS ======== #
# This section retrieves the Scene hierarchy from the current Blender file.
def get_hierarchy():
Returns the hierarchy of a given Blender scene.
coll = bpy.context.scene.collection
script_ignore_collection =["Script_Ignore"]
list_all_coll_in_scene = []
list_all_collections = []
def traverse_tree(t):
yield t
for child in t.children:
yield from traverse_tree(child)
for c in traverse_tree(coll):
for i in list_all_coll_in_scene:
if "Scene Collection" in list_all_collections:
list_all_collections.remove("Scene Collection")
if "Master Collection" in list_all_collections:
list_all_collections.remove("Master Collection")
def all_script_ignore(script_ignore_coll):
# Removes all collections, sub collections in Script_Ignore collection from list_all_collections.
for collection in list(script_ignore_coll.children):
list_coll = list(collection.children)
if len(list_coll) > 0:
exclude = ["_"] # Excluding characters that identify a Variant
attribute_collections = copy.deepcopy(list_all_collections)
def filter_num():
This function removes items from 'attribute_collections' if they include values from the 'exclude' variable.
It removes child collections from the parent collections in from the "list_all_collections" list.
for x in attribute_collections:
if any(i in x for i in exclude):
for i in range(len(list_all_collections)):
attribute_variants = [x for x in list_all_collections if x not in attribute_collections]
attribute_collections1 = copy.deepcopy(attribute_collections)
def attribute_data(att_vars):
Creates a dictionary of each attribute
all_att_data_list = {}
for i in att_vars:
# Check if name follows naming conventions:
if int(i.count("_")) > 2 and int(i.split("_")[1]) > 0:
raise Exception(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"There is a naming issue with the following Attribute/Variant: '{i}'\n"
f"Review the naming convention of Attribute and Variant collections here:\n{TextColors.RESET}"
number = i.split("_")[1]
name = i.split("_")[0]
rarity = i.split("_")[2]
except IndexError:
raise Exception(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"There is a naming issue with the following Attribute/Variant: '{i}'\n"
f"Review the naming convention of Attribute and Variant collections here:\n{TextColors.RESET}"
all_att_data_list[i] = {"name": name, "number": number, "rarity": rarity}
return all_att_data_list
variant_meta_data = attribute_data(attribute_variants)
hierarchy = {}
for i in attribute_collections1:
col_par_long = list([str(i)].children)
col_par_short = {}
for x in col_par_long:
col_par_short[] = None
hierarchy[i] = col_par_short
for a in hierarchy:
for b in hierarchy[a]:
for x in variant_meta_data:
if str(x)==str(b):
(hierarchy[a])[b] = variant_meta_data[x]
return hierarchy
# ======== GET COMBINATIONS ======== #
# This section is used to get the number of combinations for checks and the UI display
def get_combinations():
Returns "combinations", the number of all possible NFT DNA for a given Blender scene formatted to BMNFTs conventions
hierarchy = get_hierarchy()
hierarchy_by_num = []
for i in hierarchy:
# Ignore Collections with nothing in them
if len(hierarchy[i])!=0:
print(f"The following collection has been identified as empty: {i}")
combinations = 1
for i in hierarchy_by_num:
combinations = combinations * i
return combinations
# ======== CHECKS ======== #
# This section is used to check the NFTRecord.json for duplicate NFT DNA and returns any found in the console.
# It also checks the percentage each variant is chosen in the NFTRecord, then compares it with its rarity percentage
# set in the .blend file.
# This section is provided for transparency. The accuracy of the rarity values you set in your .blend file as outlined
# in the file are dependent on the maxNFTs, and the maximum number of combinations of your NFT collection.
def check_scene(): # Not complete
Checks if Blender file Scene follows the Blend_My_NFTs conventions. If not, raises error with all instances of
script_ignore_exists = None # True if Script_Ignore collection exists in Blender scene
attribute_naming_conventions = None # True if all attributes in Blender scene follow BMNFTs naming conventions
variant_naming_conventions = None # True if all variants in Blender scene follow BMNFTs naming conventions
object_placing_conventions = None # True if all objects are within either Script_Ignore or a variant collection
# script_ignore_exists:
scriptIgnoreCollection =["Script_Ignore"]
script_ignore_exists = True
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Add a Script_Ignore collection to your Blender scene and ensure the name is exactly 'Script_Ignore'. "
f"For more information, "
hierarchy = get_hierarchy()
collections = bpy.context.scene.collection
# attribute_naming_conventions
def check_rarity(hierarchy, dna_list_formatted, save_path):
"""Checks rarity percentage of each Variant, then sends it to RarityData.json in NFT_Data folder."""
dna_list = [list(i.keys())[0] for i in dna_list_formatted]
num_nfts_generated = len(dna_list)
num_dict = defaultdict(list)
for i in dna_list:
dna_split_list = i.split("-")
for j, k in zip(dna_split_list, hierarchy.keys()):
num_dict = dict(num_dict)
for i in num_dict:
count = dict(Counter(num_dict[i]))
num_dict[i] = count
full_num_name = {}
for i in hierarchy:
full_num_name[i] = {}
for j in hierarchy[i]:
variant_num = hierarchy[i][j]["number"]
full_num_name[i][variant_num] = j
complete_data = {}
for i, j in zip(full_num_name, num_dict):
x = {}
for k in full_num_name[i]:
for l in num_dict[j]:
if l == k:
name = full_num_name[i][k]
num = num_dict[j][l]
x[name] = [(str(round(((num / num_nfts_generated) * 100), 2)) + "%"), str(num)]
complete_data[i] = x
f"Rarity Checker is active. These are the percentages for each variant per attribute you set in your .blend"
f" file: \n{TextColors.RESET}"
for i in complete_data:
print(i + ":")
for j in complete_data[i]:
print(" " + j + ": " + complete_data[i][j][0] + " Occurrences: " + complete_data[i][j][1])
json_meta_data = json.dumps(complete_data, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(os.path.join(save_path, "RarityData.json"), 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(json_meta_data + '\n')
path = os.path.join(save_path, "RarityData.json")
print(TextColors.OK + f"Rarity Data has been saved to {path}." + TextColors.RESET)
def check_duplicates(dna_list_formatted):
"""Checks if there are duplicates in dna_list before NFTRecord.json is sent to JSON file."""
dna_list = []
for i in dna_list_formatted:
duplicates = 0
seen = set()
for x in dna_list:
if x in seen:
duplicates += 1
print(f"\nNFTRecord.json contains {duplicates} duplicate NFT DNA.")
def check_failed_batches(batch_json_save_path):
fail_state = False
failed_batch = None
failed_dna = None
failed_dna_index = None
if os.path.isdir(batch_json_save_path):
batch_folders = remove_file_by_extension(os.listdir(batch_json_save_path))
for i in batch_folders:
batch = json.load(open(os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i)))
nfts_in_batch = batch["NFTs_in_Batch"]
if "Generation Save" in batch:
dna_generated = batch["Generation Save"][-1]["DNA Generated"]
if dna_generated is not None and dna_generated < nfts_in_batch:
fail_state = True
failed_batch = int(i.removeprefix("Batch").removesuffix(".json"))
failed_dna = dna_generated
return fail_state, failed_batch, failed_dna, failed_dna_index
# Raise Errors:
def raise_error_num_batches(max_nfts, nfts_per_batch):
"""Checks if number of Batches is less than maxNFTs, if not raises error."""
num_batches = max_nfts / nfts_per_batch
return num_batches
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise ZeroDivisionError(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of NFTs per Batch must be greater than ZERO."
f"Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
def raise_error_zero_combinations():
"""Checks if combinations is greater than 0, if so, raises error."""
if get_combinations() == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of all possible combinations is ZERO. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it "
f"follows the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, see:\n{TextColors.RESET}"
def raise_error_num_batches_greater_then(num_batches):
if num_batches < 1:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of Batches is less than 1. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
# Raise Warnings:
def raise_warning_max_nfts(nfts_per_batch, collection_size):
Prints warning if nftsPerBatch is greater than collectionSize.
if nfts_per_batch > collection_size:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{TextColors.WARNING}Blend_My_NFTs Warning:\n"
f"The number of NFTs Per Batch you set is smaller than the NFT Collection Size you set."
def raise_warning_collection_size(dna_list, collection_size):
Prints warning if BMNFTs cannot generate requested number of NFTs from a given collectionSize.
if len(dna_list) < collection_size:
print(f"\n{TextColors.WARNING} \nWARNING: \n"
f"Blend_My_NFTs cannot generate {collection_size} NFTs."
f" Only {len(dna_list)} NFT DNA were generated."
f"\nThis might be for a number of reasons:"
f"\n a) Rarity is preventing combinations from being generated (See "
f"\n "
f"\n b) Logic is preventing combinations from being generated (See "
f"\n "
f"\n c) The number of possible combinations of your NFT collection is too low. Add more Variants or "
f"Attributes to increase the recommended collection size.\n "
# ======== LOADING ANIMATION ======== #
# This section is used for the loading animation used in the system console.
class Loader:
def __init__(self, desc="Loading...", end="Done!", timeout=0.1):
A loader-like context manager
desc (str, optional): The loader's description. Defaults to "Loading...".
end (str, optional): Final print. Defaults to "Done!".
timeout (float, optional): Sleep time between prints. Defaults to 0.1.
self.desc = desc
self.end = end
self.timeout = timeout
self._thread = Thread(target=self._animate, daemon=True)
self.steps = [
" [== ]",
" [ == ]",
" [ == ]",
" [ == ]",
" [ == ]",
" [ ==]",
" [ == ]",
" [ == ]",
" [ == ]",
" [ == ]",
self.done = False
def start(self):
return self
def _animate(self):
for c in cycle(self.steps):
if self.done:
print(f"\r{self.desc} {c}", flush=True, end="")
def __enter__(self):
def stop(self):
self.done = True
cols = get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns
print("\r" + " " * cols, end="", flush=True)
print(f"\r{self.end}", flush=True)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
# handle exceptions with those variables ^