# Purpose: # The purpose of this file is to add logic and rules to the DNA that are sent to the NFTRecord.json file in DNA_Generator.py import bpy import json import random import collections removeList = [".gitignore", ".DS_Store"] # Helper Functions def isAttorVar(hierarchy, items_List): items_returned = collections.defaultdict(list) for i in items_List: for j in hierarchy: if i == j: # If i is an Attribute, add all i Variants to dictionary. items_returned[i] = list(hierarchy[j].keys()) items_returned[i].append("Empty") if i in list(hierarchy[j].keys()): items_returned[j].append(i) # Check if all variants in an attribute were included, if so, add "Empty" variant. for i in items_returned: if list(items_returned[i]) == list(hierarchy[i].keys()): items_returned[i].append("Empty") return dict(items_returned) def getAttIndex(hierarchy, attribute): attList = list(hierarchy.keys()) index = attList.index(attribute) return index def getVarNum(variant): if variant == "Empty": num = '0' else: num = variant.split("_")[1] return num def items_to_num(items_List): num_List = {} for i in items_List: variant_num_list = [] for j in items_List[i]: variant_num_list.append(getVarNum(j)) num_List[i] = variant_num_list return num_List def rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List, deconstructed_DNA): for attribute in items_List: a_attribute_index = getAttIndex(hierarchy, attribute) selected_variants = items_List[attribute] hierarchy_selected_variants = list(hierarchy[attribute]) left_over_variants = [x for x in hierarchy_selected_variants if x not in selected_variants] if not left_over_variants: deconstructed_DNA[int(a_attribute_index)] = "0" else: number_List_Of_i = [] rarity_List_Of_i = [] ifZeroBool = None variantNum = None for a in left_over_variants: number = a.split("_")[1] rarity = a.split("_")[2] number_List_Of_i.append(int(number)) rarity_List_Of_i.append(float(rarity)) for x in rarity_List_Of_i: if x == 0: ifZeroBool = True elif x != 0: ifZeroBool = False if ifZeroBool: variantNum = random.choices(number_List_Of_i, k=1) if not ifZeroBool: variantNum = random.choices(number_List_Of_i, weights=rarity_List_Of_i, k=1) deconstructed_DNA[int(a_attribute_index)] = str(variantNum[0]) return deconstructed_DNA def reconstructDNA(deconstructedDNA): reconstructed_DNA = "" for a in deconstructedDNA: num = "-" + str(a) reconstructed_DNA += num return (''.join(reconstructed_DNA.split('-', 1))) # Rule Checks: def never_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2): """Returns True if singleDNA violates Never with Rule stated in Logic.json.""" violates_rule = None for a in num_List1: for b in num_List2: if str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, a)]) in num_List1[a] and \ str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, b)]) in num_List2[b]: violates_rule = True return violates_rule else: violates_rule = False return violates_rule def only_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2): """Returns True if singleDNA violates Only with Rule stated in Logic.json.""" violates_rule = None for a in num_List1: for b in num_List2: if str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, a)]) in num_List1[a] and \ str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, b)]) not in num_List2[b]: violates_rule = True return violates_rule else: violates_rule = False return violates_rule def always_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2): """Returns True if singleDNA violates Always with Rule stated in Logic.json.""" violates_rule = None for a in num_List2: if str(deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, a)]) not in num_List2[a]: violates_rule = True return violates_rule else: violates_rule = False return violates_rule # Main Function def logicafyDNAsingle(hierarchy, singleDNA, logicFile): logicFile = json.load(open(logicFile)) deconstructed_DNA = singleDNA.split("-") didReconstruct = True originalDNA = str(singleDNA) resultDNA = str(singleDNA) while didReconstruct: didReconstruct = False for rule in logicFile: items_List1 = isAttorVar(hierarchy, logicFile[rule]["Items-1"]) items_List2 = isAttorVar(hierarchy, logicFile[rule]["Items-2"]) num_List1 = items_to_num(items_List1) num_List2 = items_to_num(items_List2) if logicFile[rule]["Rule-Type"] == "Never with": if never_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2): rand_bool = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) if rand_bool: deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List2, deconstructed_DNA) if not rand_bool: deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List1, deconstructed_DNA) if logicFile[rule]["Rule-Type"] == "Only with": if only_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2): for b in num_List1: if "0" in num_List1[b]: # If complete attribute deconstructed_DNA[getAttIndex(hierarchy, b)] = "0" if "0" not in num_List1[b]: # Not complete attribute, select from other variants with rarity: deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List1, deconstructed_DNA) if logicFile[rule]["Rule-Type"] == "Always with": if always_with_Rule_Check(hierarchy, deconstructed_DNA, num_List1, num_List2): deconstructed_DNA = rar_selectVar(hierarchy, items_List1, deconstructed_DNA) newDNA = reconstructDNA(deconstructed_DNA) if newDNA != originalDNA: originalDNA = str(newDNA) didReconstruct = True resultDNA = str(newDNA) break return resultDNA