# Purpose: # This file sorts the NFT DNA from NFTRecord.json and exports it to a given number of Batch#.json files set by nftsPerBatch # in config.py. import bpy import os import json import random def makeBatches(nftName, maxNFTs, nftsPerBatch, save_path, batch_json_save_path): Blend_My_NFTs_Output = os.path.join(save_path, "Blend_My_NFTs Output", "NFT_Data") NFTRecord_save_path = os.path.join(Blend_My_NFTs_Output, "NFTRecord.json") DataDictionary = json.load(open(NFTRecord_save_path)) numNFTsGenerated = DataDictionary["numNFTsGenerated"] hierarchy = DataDictionary["hierarchy"] DNAList = DataDictionary["DNAList"] numBatches = maxNFTs / nftsPerBatch print(f"To generate batches of {nftsPerBatch} DNA sequences per batch, with a total of {numNFTsGenerated}" f" possible NFT DNA sequences, the number of batches generated will be {numBatches}") # Clears the Batch Data folder of Batches: batchList = os.listdir(batch_json_save_path) if batchList: for i in batchList: batch = os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i) if os.path.exists(batch): os.remove( os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i) ) i = 0 while i < numBatches: batchDictionary = {} BatchDNAList = [] j = 0 while (j < nftsPerBatch) and (DNAList): oneDNA = random.choice(DNAList) BatchDNAList.append(oneDNA) DNAList.remove(oneDNA) j += 1 batchDictionary["NFTs_in_Batch"] = int(len(BatchDNAList)) batchDictionary["hierarchy"] = hierarchy batchDictionary["BatchDNAList"] = BatchDNAList batchDictionaryObject = json.dumps(batchDictionary, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True) with open(os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, ("Batch{}.json".format(i + 1))), "w") as outfile: outfile.write(batchDictionaryObject) i += 1 if len(DNAList) > 0: print(f"One batch could not be filled completely and will contain {len(DNAList)} NFTs.") incompleteBatch = {"NFTs_in_Batch": int(len(DNAList)), "hierarchy": hierarchy, "BatchDNAList": DNAList} incompleteBatch = json.dumps(incompleteBatch, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True) with open(os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, ("Batch{}.json".format(i + 1))), "w") as outfile2: outfile2.write(incompleteBatch)