import bpy from bpy.props import (IntProperty, BoolProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, CollectionProperty) from bpy.types import (Operator, Panel, PropertyGroup, UIList) # ======== Operators ======== # class CUSTOM_OT_logic_actions(Operator): """Move items up and down, add and remove""" bl_idname = "logic_uilist.logic_list_action" bl_label = "List Actions" bl_description = "Move items up and down, add and remove" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} action: bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=( ('UP', "Up", ""), ('DOWN', "Down", ""), ('REMOVE', "Remove", ""), ('ADD', "Add", ""))) def invoke(self, context, event): scn = context.scene idx = scn.logic_fields_index try: item = scn.logic_fields[idx] except IndexError: pass else: if self.action == 'DOWN' and idx < len(scn.logic_fields) - 1: item_next = scn.logic_fields[idx + 1].name scn.logic_fields.move(idx, idx + 1) scn.logic_fields_index += 1 info = 'Item "%s" moved to position %d' % (, scn.logic_fields_index + 1){'INFO'}, info) elif self.action == 'UP' and idx >= 1: item_prev = scn.logic_fields[idx - 1].name scn.logic_fields.move(idx, idx - 1) scn.logic_fields_index -= 1 info = 'Item "%s" moved to position %d' % (, scn.logic_fields_index + 1){'INFO'}, info) elif self.action == 'REMOVE': info = 'Item "%s" removed from list' % (scn.logic_fields[idx].name) scn.logic_fields_index -= 1 scn.logic_fields.remove(idx){'INFO'}, info) if self.action == 'ADD': if context.object: item = scn.logic_fields.add() = "Rule" scn.logic_fields_index = len(scn.logic_fields) - 1 info = '"%s" added to list' % ({'INFO'}, info) else:{'INFO'}, "Nothing selected in the Viewport") return {"FINISHED"} class CUSTOM_OT_logic_clearList(Operator): """Clear all items of the list""" bl_idname = "logic_uilist.logic_clear_list" bl_label = "Clear Logic Rules" bl_description = "Clear all items of the list" bl_options = {'INTERNAL'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return bool(context.scene.logic_fields) def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event) def execute(self, context): if bool(context.scene.logic_fields): context.scene.logic_fields.clear(){'INFO'}, "All items removed") else:{'INFO'}, "Nothing to remove") return {'FINISHED'} # ======== UILists ======== # class CUSTOM_UL_logic_items(UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index): layout = layout.split(factor=0.1) col = layout.column() col.label(text=f" Rule {index + 1}") col = layout.column() col.label(text="") col.prop(item, "item_list1", text="") col.prop(item, "rule_type", text="") col.prop(item, "item_list2", text="") def invoke(self, context, event): pass # ======== Property Collection ======== # class CUSTOM_logic_objectCollection(PropertyGroup): # name: StringProperty() -> Instantiated by default obj_type: StringProperty() obj_id: IntProperty() item_list1: StringProperty(default="Item List 1") rule_type: EnumProperty( name="Rule Type", description="Select the Rule Type", items=[ ('THEN', "Then", ""), ('NOT', "Not", ""), ] ) item_list2: StringProperty(default="Item List 2") # ======== Register/Unregister Classes (Passed to for operation) ======== # classes_Logic_UIList = ( CUSTOM_OT_logic_actions, CUSTOM_OT_logic_clearList, CUSTOM_UL_logic_items, CUSTOM_logic_objectCollection, )