
180 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import bpy
import re
import copy
class bcolors:
The colour of console messages.
OK = '\033[92m' # GREEN
WARNING = '\033[93m' # YELLOW
ERROR = '\033[91m' # RED
RESET = '\033[0m' # RESET COLOR
def stripColorFromName(name):
return "_".join(name.split("_")[:-1])
def get_combinations_from_scene():
Generates important variables, dictionaries, and lists needed to be stored to catalog the NFTs.
:return: listAllCollections, attributeCollections, attributeCollections1, hierarchy, variantMetaData, possibleCombinations
coll = bpy.context.scene.collection
scriptIgnore =["Script_Ignore"]
print(f"{bcolors.ERROR} ERROR:\nScript_Ignore collection is not in .blend file scene. Please add the Script_Ignore collection to your "
f".blend file scene. For more information, read the file.\n {bcolors.RESET}")
listAllCollInScene = []
listAllCollections = []
def traverse_tree(t):
yield t
for child in t.children:
yield from traverse_tree(child)
for c in traverse_tree(coll):
for i in listAllCollInScene:
if "Scene Collection" in listAllCollections:
listAllCollections.remove("Scene Collection")
if "Master Collection" in listAllCollections:
listAllCollections.remove("Master Collection")
def allScriptIgnore(collection):
Removes all collections, sub collections in Script_Ignore collection from listAllCollections.
for coll in list(collection.children):
listColl = list(coll.children)
if len(listColl) > 0:
exclude = ["_", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
attributeCollections = copy.deepcopy(listAllCollections)
def filter_num():
This function removes items from 'attributeCollections' if they include values from the 'exclude' variable.
It removes child collections from the parent collections in from the "listAllCollections" list.
for x in attributeCollections:
if any(a in x for a in exclude):
for i in range(len(listAllCollections)):
attributeVariants = [x for x in listAllCollections if x not in attributeCollections]
attributeCollections1 = copy.deepcopy(attributeCollections)
def attributeData(attributeVariants):
Creates a dictionary of each attribute
allAttDataList = {}
count = 0
previousAttribute = ""
for i in attributeVariants:
def getName(i):
Returns the name of "i" attribute variant
name = i.split("_")[0]
return name
def getOrder_rarity(i):
Returns the "order", "rarity" and "color" (if enabled) of i attribute variant in a list
x = re.sub(r'[a-zA-Z]', "", i)
a = x.split("_")
del a[0]
return list(a)
name = getName(i)
orderRarity = getOrder_rarity(i)
if len(orderRarity) == 0:
print(f"{bcolors.ERROR} \nERROR: {bcolors.RESET}")
print(f"The collection {i} doesn't follow the naming conventions of attributes. Please move this \n"
"colleciton to Script_Ignore or review proper collection format in")
elif len(orderRarity) > 0:
number = orderRarity[0]
rarity = orderRarity[1]
eachObject = {"name": name, "number": number, "rarity": rarity}
allAttDataList[i] = eachObject
return allAttDataList
variantMetaData = attributeData(attributeVariants)
def getHierarchy():
Constructs the hierarchy dictionary from attributeCollections1 and variantMetaData.
hierarchy = {}
for i in attributeCollections1:
colParLong = list([str(i)].children)
colParShort = {}
for x in colParLong:
colParShort[] = None
hierarchy[i] = colParShort
for a in hierarchy:
for b in hierarchy[a]:
for x in variantMetaData:
if str(x) == str(b):
(hierarchy[a])[b] = variantMetaData[x]
return hierarchy
hierarchy = getHierarchy()
def numOfCombinations(hierarchy):
Returns "combinations" the number of all possible NFT combinations.
hierarchyByNum = []
for i in hierarchy:
# Ignore Collections with nothing in them
if len(hierarchy[i]) != 0:
print(f"The following collection has been identified as empty: {i}")
combinations = 1
for i in hierarchyByNum:
combinations = combinations*i
if combinations == 0:
print(bcolors.ERROR + "\nERROR:" + bcolors.RESET)
print("The number of all possible combinations is equal to 0. Please review your collection hierarchy"
"and ensure it is formatted correctly. Please review for more information. \nHere is the "
"hierarchy of all collections the DNA_Generator gathered from your .blend file, excluding those in "
f"Script_Ignore: {hierarchy}")
return combinations
possibleCombinations = numOfCombinations(hierarchy)
return possibleCombinations