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# Purpose:
# The purpose of this file is to check the NFTRecord.json for duplicate NFT DNA and returns any found in the console.
# It also checks the percentage each variant is chosen in the NFTRecord, then compares it with its rarity percentage
# set in the .blend file.
# This file is provided for transparency. The accuracy of the rarity values you set in your .blend file as outlined in
# the file are dependent on the maxNFTs, and the maximum number of combinations of your NFT collection.
import bpy
import os
import json
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
class bcolors:
The colour of console messages.
OK = '\033[92m' # GREEN
WARNING = '\033[93m' # YELLOW
ERROR = '\033[91m' # RED
RESET = '\033[0m' # RESET COLOR
# Checks:
def check_Scene():
Checks if Blender file Scene follows the Blend_My_NFTs conventions. If not, raises error with all instances of
def check_Rarity(hierarchy, DNAList, save_path):
"""Checks rarity percentage of each Variant, then sends it to RarityData.json in NFT_Data folder."""
numNFTsGenerated = len(DNAList)
attributeNames = []
numDict = defaultdict(list)
for i in DNAList:
dnaSplitList = i.split("-")
for j, k in zip(dnaSplitList, hierarchy.keys()):
numDict = dict(numDict)
for i in numDict:
count = dict(Counter(numDict[i]))
numDict[i] = count
fullNumName = {}
for i in hierarchy:
fullNumName[i] = {}
for j in hierarchy[i]:
variantNum = hierarchy[i][j]["number"]
fullNumName[i][variantNum] = j
completeData = {}
for i, j in zip(fullNumName, numDict):
x = {}
for k in fullNumName[i]:
for l in numDict[j]:
if l == k:
name = fullNumName[i][k]
num = numDict[j][l]
x[name] = [(str(round(((num/numNFTsGenerated)*100), 2)) + "%"), str(num)]
completeData[i] = x
print(bcolors.OK + "Rarity Checker is active. These are the percentages for each variant per attribute you set in your .blend file:" + bcolors.RESET)
for i in completeData:
print(i + ":")
for j in completeData[i]:
print(" " + j + ": " + completeData[i][j][0] + " Occurrences: " + completeData[i][j][1])
jsonMetaData = json.dumps(completeData, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(os.path.join(save_path, "RarityData.json"), 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(jsonMetaData + '\n')
path = os.path.join(save_path, "RarityData.json")
print(bcolors.OK + f"Rarity Data has been saved to {path}." + bcolors.RESET)
def check_Duplicates(DNAList):
"""Checks if there are duplicates in DNAList before NFTRecord.json is sent to JSON file."""
duplicates = 0
seen = set()
for x in DNAList:
if x in seen:
duplicates += 1
print(f"NFTRecord.json contains {duplicates} duplicate NFT DNA.")
# Raise Errors:
def raise_Error_ScriptIgnore():
"""Checks if Script_Ignore collection exists, if not raises error."""
scriptIgnore =["Script_Ignore"]
return scriptIgnore
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Script_Ignore collection not found in Blender scene. Please add the Script_Ignore "
f"collection to Blender scene or ensure the spelling is exactly 'Script_Ignore'. For more information, "
def raise_Error_numBatches(maxNFTs, nftsPerBatch):
"""Checks if number of Batches is less than maxNFTs, if not raises error."""
numBatches = maxNFTs / nftsPerBatch
return numBatches
except ZeroDivisionError:
print(f"{bcolors.ERROR} ERROR:\nnftsPerBatch in needs to be a positive integer. {bcolors.RESET}")
raise ZeroDivisionError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of combinations is less than the number of \n{bcolors.RESET}"
def raise_Error_ZeroCombinations(combinations):
"""Checks if combinations is greater than 0, if so, raises error."""
if combinations == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of all possible combinations is ZERO. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
def raise_Error_numBatchesGreaterThan(numBatches):
if numBatches < 1:
raise ValueError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"The number of Batches is less than 1. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
# Raise Warnings:
def raise_Warning_maxNFTs(nftsPerBatch, maxNFTs):
if nftsPerBatch > maxNFTs:
raise (
f"\n{bcolors.WARNING}Blend_My_NFTs Warning:\n"
f"The number of NFTs Per Batch you set is smaller than the NFT Collection Size you set.\n{bcolors.RESET}"