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13 KiB
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# Purpose:
# This file generates NFT DNA based on a .blend file scene structure and exports NFTRecord.json.
2021-10-19 19:10:54 +00:00
import bpy
import os
import copy
import time
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import json
import random
from functools import partial
from . import Rarity, Logic, Material_Generator, Helpers
from .Helpers import bcolors, Loader
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2021-10-19 19:10:54 +00:00
2022-04-09 17:34:43 +00:00
def get_hierarchy():
Returns the hierarchy of a given Blender scene.
coll = bpy.context.scene.collection
scriptIgnoreCollection =["Script_Ignore"]
listAllCollInScene = []
listAllCollections = []
def traverse_tree(t):
yield t
for child in t.children:
yield from traverse_tree(child)
for c in traverse_tree(coll):
2021-10-19 19:10:54 +00:00
for i in listAllCollInScene:
if "Scene Collection" in listAllCollections:
listAllCollections.remove("Scene Collection")
if "Master Collection" in listAllCollections:
listAllCollections.remove("Master Collection")
def allScriptIgnore(scriptIgnoreCollection):
# Removes all collections, sub collections in Script_Ignore collection from listAllCollections.
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for coll in list(scriptIgnoreCollection.children):
listColl = list(coll.children)
if len(listColl) > 0:
exclude = ["_"] # Excluding characters that identify a Variant
attributeCollections = copy.deepcopy(listAllCollections)
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def filter_num():
This function removes items from 'attributeCollections' if they include values from the 'exclude' variable.
It removes child collections from the parent collections in from the "listAllCollections" list.
for x in attributeCollections:
if any(a in x for a in exclude):
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for i in range(len(listAllCollections)):
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attributeVariants = [x for x in listAllCollections if x not in attributeCollections]
attributeCollections1 = copy.deepcopy(attributeCollections)
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def attributeData(attributeVariants):
Creates a dictionary of each attribute
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allAttDataList = {}
for i in attributeVariants:
# Check if name follows naming conventions:
if int(i.count("_")) > 2 and int(i.split("_")[1]) > 0:
raise Exception(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"There is a naming issue with the following Attribute/Variant: '{i}'\n"
f"Review the naming convention of Attribute and Variant collections here:\n{bcolors.RESET}"
number = i.split("_")[1]
name = i.split("_")[0]
rarity = i.split("_")[2]
except IndexError:
raise Exception(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"There is a naming issue with the following Attribute/Variant: '{i}'\n"
f"Review the naming convention of Attribute and Variant collections here:\n{bcolors.RESET}"
allAttDataList[i] = {"name": name, "number": number, "rarity": rarity}
return allAttDataList
variantMetaData = attributeData(attributeVariants)
hierarchy = {}
for i in attributeCollections1:
colParLong = list([str(i)].children)
colParShort = {}
for x in colParLong:
colParShort[] = None
hierarchy[i] = colParShort
for a in hierarchy:
for b in hierarchy[a]:
for x in variantMetaData:
if str(x) == str(b):
(hierarchy[a])[b] = variantMetaData[x]
return hierarchy
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2021-11-10 23:48:49 +00:00
def generateNFT_DNA(collectionSize, enableRarity, enableLogic, logicFile, enableMaterials, materialsFile, enable_debug):
Returns batchDataDictionary containing the number of NFT combinations, hierarchy, and the DNAList.
hierarchy = get_hierarchy()
# DNA random, Rarity and Logic methods:
DataDictionary = {}
def createDNArandom(hierarchy):
"""Creates a single DNA randomly without Rarity or Logic."""
dnaStr = ""
dnaStrList = []
listOptionVariant = []
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for i in hierarchy:
numChild = len(hierarchy[i])
possibleNums = list(range(1, numChild + 1))
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for i in listOptionVariant:
randomVariantNum = random.choices(i, k=1)
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in randomVariantNum)
for i in dnaStrList:
num = "-" + str(i)
dnaStr += num
dna = ''.join(dnaStr.split('-', 1))
return str(dna)
def singleCompleteDNA():
This function applies Rarity and Logic to a single DNA created by createDNASingle() if Rarity or Logic specified
singleDNA = ""
if not enableRarity:
singleDNA = createDNArandom(hierarchy)
# print("============")
# print(f"Original DNA: {singleDNA}")
if enableRarity:
singleDNA = Rarity.createDNArarity(hierarchy)
# print(f"Rarity DNA: {singleDNA}")
2021-11-10 23:48:49 +00:00
if enableLogic:
singleDNA = Logic.logicafyDNAsingle(hierarchy, singleDNA, logicFile, enableRarity, enableMaterials)
# print(f"Logic DNA: {singleDNA}")
if enableMaterials:
singleDNA = Material_Generator.apply_materials(hierarchy, singleDNA, materialsFile, enableRarity)
# print(f"Materials DNA: {singleDNA}")
# print("============\n")
return singleDNA
def create_DNAList():
"""Creates DNAList. Loops through createDNARandom() and applies Rarity, and Logic while checking if all DNA are unique"""
DNASetReturn = set()
for i in range(collectionSize):
dnaPushToList = partial(singleCompleteDNA)
DNASetReturn |= {''.join([dnaPushToList()]) for _ in range(collectionSize - len(DNASetReturn))}
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DNAListUnformatted = list(DNASetReturn)
DNAListFormatted = []
DNA_Counter = 1
for i in DNAListUnformatted:
i: {
"Complete": False,
"Order_Num": DNA_Counter
DNA_Counter += 1
return DNAListFormatted
DNAList = create_DNAList()
# Messages:
Helpers.raise_Warning_collectionSize(DNAList, collectionSize)
# Data stored in batchDataDictionary:
DataDictionary["numNFTsGenerated"] = len(DNAList)
DataDictionary["hierarchy"] = hierarchy
DataDictionary["DNAList"] = DNAList
return DataDictionary
def makeBatches(collectionSize, nftsPerBatch, save_path, batch_json_save_path):
Sorts through all the batches and outputs a given number of batches depending on collectionSize and nftsPerBatch.
These files are then saved as Batch#.json files to batch_json_save_path
# Clears the Batch Data folder of Batches:
batchList = os.listdir(batch_json_save_path)
if batchList:
for i in batchList:
batch = os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i)
if os.path.exists(batch):
os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, i)
Blend_My_NFTs_Output = os.path.join(save_path, "Blend_My_NFTs Output", "NFT_Data")
NFTRecord_save_path = os.path.join(Blend_My_NFTs_Output, "NFTRecord.json")
DataDictionary = json.load(open(NFTRecord_save_path))
numNFTsGenerated = DataDictionary["numNFTsGenerated"]
hierarchy = DataDictionary["hierarchy"]
DNAList = DataDictionary["DNAList"]
numBatches = collectionSize // nftsPerBatch
remainder_dna = collectionSize % nftsPerBatch
if remainder_dna > 0:
numBatches += 1
print(f"To generate batches of {nftsPerBatch} DNA sequences per batch, with a total of {numNFTsGenerated}"
f" possible NFT DNA sequences, the number of batches generated will be {numBatches}")
batches_dna_list = []
for i in range(numBatches):
BatchDNAList = []
if i != range(numBatches)[-1]:
BatchDNAList = list(DNAList[0:nftsPerBatch])
DNAList = [x for x in DNAList if x not in BatchDNAList]
BatchDNAList = DNAList
batchDictionary = {
"NFTs_in_Batch": int(len(BatchDNAList)),
"hierarchy": hierarchy,
"BatchDNAList": BatchDNAList
batchDictionary = json.dumps(batchDictionary, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(os.path.join(batch_json_save_path, f"Batch{i + 1}.json"), "w") as outfile:
def send_To_Record_JSON(collectionSize, nftsPerBatch, save_path, enableRarity, enableLogic, logicFile, enableMaterials,
materialsFile, Blend_My_NFTs_Output, batch_json_save_path, enable_debug):
Creates NFTRecord.json file and sends "batchDataDictionary" to it. NFTRecord.json is a permanent record of all DNA
you've generated with all attribute variants. If you add new variants or attributes to your .blend file, other scripts
2021-10-31 21:09:58 +00:00
need to reference this .json file to generate new DNA and make note of the new attributes and variants to prevent
repeate DNA.
2022-01-28 21:56:59 +00:00
2021-10-19 19:10:54 +00:00
# Checking Scene is compatible with BMNFTs:
# Messages:
f"Creating NFT Data. Generating {collectionSize} NFT DNA.\n"
if not enableRarity and not enableLogic:
f"{bcolors.OK}NFT DNA will be determined randomly, no special properties or parameters are applied.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
if enableRarity:
print(f"{bcolors.OK}Rarity is ON. Weights listed in .blend scene will be taken into account.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
if enableLogic:
print(f"{bcolors.OK}Logic is ON. {len(list(logicFile.keys()))} rules detected and applied.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
time_start = time.time()
def create_nft_data():
DataDictionary = generateNFT_DNA(collectionSize, enableRarity, enableLogic, logicFile, enableMaterials,
materialsFile, enable_debug)
NFTRecord_save_path = os.path.join(Blend_My_NFTs_Output, "NFTRecord.json")
# Checks:
Helpers.raise_Warning_maxNFTs(nftsPerBatch, collectionSize)
if enableRarity:
Helpers.check_Rarity(DataDictionary["hierarchy"], DataDictionary["DNAList"],
os.path.join(save_path, "Blend_My_NFTs Output/NFT_Data"))
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Data not saved to NFTRecord.json. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
ledger = json.dumps(DataDictionary, indent=1, ensure_ascii=True)
with open(NFTRecord_save_path, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(ledger + '\n')
f"\n{bcolors.OK}Blend_My_NFTs Success:\n"
f"{len(DataDictionary['DNAList'])} NFT DNA saved to {NFTRecord_save_path}. NFT DNA Successfully created.\n{bcolors.RESET}")
raise (
f"\n{bcolors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"Data not saved to NFTRecord.json. Please review your Blender scene and ensure it follows "
f"the naming conventions and scene structure. For more information, "
# Loading Animation:
loading = Loader(f'Creating NFT DNA...', '').start()
makeBatches(collectionSize, nftsPerBatch, save_path, batch_json_save_path)
time_end = time.time()
f"{bcolors.OK}Created and saved NFT DNA in {time_end - time_start}s.\n{bcolors.RESET}"