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# Purpose:
# The purpose of this file is to add logic and rules to the DNA that are sent to the NFTRecord.json file in
import random
import collections
from .helpers import TextColors
2022-06-04 02:47:09 +00:00
def reconstruct_dna(deconstructed_dna):
reconstructed_dna = ""
for a in deconstructed_dna:
num = "-" + str(a)
reconstructed_dna += num
return ''.join(reconstructed_dna.split('-', 1))
def get_var_info(variant, hierarchy):
# Get info for variant dict
name = variant.split("_")[0]
order_number = variant.split("_")[1]
rarity_number = variant.split("_")[2]
attribute = ""
for a in hierarchy:
for var in list(hierarchy[a].keys()):
if var == variant:
attribute = a
attribute_index = list(hierarchy.keys()).index(attribute)
return [name, order_number, rarity_number, attribute, attribute_index] # list of Var info sent back
def apply_rules_to_dna(hierarchy, deconstructed_dna, if_dict, result_dict, result_dict_type, enable_rarity):
# Check if Variants in if_dict are in deconstructed_dna, if so return if_list_selected = True:
if_list_selected = False
for a in deconstructed_dna:
attribute_index = deconstructed_dna.index(a)
attribute = list(hierarchy.keys())[attribute_index]
for b in hierarchy[attribute]:
if hierarchy[attribute][b]["number"] == a:
a_dna_var = b
if attribute in if_dict:
if a_dna_var in list(if_dict[attribute].keys()):
if_list_selected = True
# Apply changes in accordance to Variants in 'result_dict' and 'if_list_selected' bool above:
for a in deconstructed_dna:
attribute_index = deconstructed_dna.index(a)
attribute = list(hierarchy.keys())[attribute_index]
if attribute in result_dict: # Check if Attribute from DNA is in 'result_dict'
# If 'a' is a full Attribute and Variants in if_dict not selected, set 'a' to empty (0):
if list(result_dict[attribute].keys()) == list(hierarchy[attribute].keys()) and not if_list_selected:
deconstructed_dna[attribute_index] = "0"
# If 'a' is a full Attribute and result_dict_type = "NOT", set 'a' to empty (0):
if list(result_dict[attribute].keys()) == list(
hierarchy[attribute].keys()) and if_list_selected and result_dict_type == "NOT":
deconstructed_dna[attribute_index] = "0"
# If Variants in if_dict are selected, set each attribute in 'result_dict' to a random or rarity selected Variant
# from 'result_dict[attribute]' variant_list:
if if_list_selected:
# Invert 'items_returned' if 'NOT' rule is selected:
if result_dict_type == "NOT":
for a in result_dict:
var_selected_list = list(result_dict[a].keys()) # list of variants from 'NOT'
att_selected_list = list(hierarchy[a].keys()) # full list of variants from hierarchy attribute
# If 'a' is not a full Attribute, invert the variants:
if len(var_selected_list) != len(att_selected_list):
var_selected_list = [i for i in att_selected_list if i not in var_selected_list]
var_selected_list_complete = {}
for i in var_selected_list:
var_selected_list_complete[i] = get_var_info(i, hierarchy)
result_dict[a] = var_selected_list_complete
for a in result_dict:
attribute_index = list(hierarchy.keys()).index(a)
attribute = list(hierarchy.keys())[attribute_index]
variant_list = list(result_dict[a].keys())
if attribute in result_dict: # Check if Attribute from DNA is in 'then_dict'
number_list_of_i = []
rarity_list_of_i = []
if_zero_bool = None
variant_num = None
for b in variant_list:
number = b.split("_")[1]
rarity = b.split("_")[2]
for b in rarity_list_of_i:
if b == 0:
if_zero_bool = True
elif b != 0:
if_zero_bool = False
if enable_rarity:
if if_zero_bool:
variant_num = random.choices(number_list_of_i, k=1)
elif not if_zero_bool:
variant_num = random.choices(number_list_of_i, weights=rarity_list_of_i, k=1)
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"An issue was found within the Attribute collection '{a}'. For more information on "
f"Blend_My_NFTs compatible scenes, see:\n{TextColors.RESET}"
variant_num = random.choices(number_list_of_i, k=1)
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(
f"\n{TextColors.ERROR}Blend_My_NFTs Error:\n"
f"An issue was found within the Attribute collection '{a}'. For more information on "
f"Blend_My_NFTs compatible scenes, see:\n{TextColors.RESET}"
deconstructed_dna[int(attribute_index)] = str(variant_num[0])
return deconstructed_dna
def get_rule_break_type(hierarchy, deconstructed_dna, if_dict, result_dict, result_dict_type):
# Check if Variants in 'if_dict' found in deconstructed_dna:
if_bool = False # True if Variant in 'deconstructed_dna' found in 'if_dict'
for a in if_dict: # Attribute in 'if_dict'
for b in if_dict[a]: # Variant in if_dict[Attribute]
var_order_num = str(if_dict[a][b][1]) # Order number of 'b' (Variant)
dna_order_num = str(
deconstructed_dna[if_dict[a][b][4]]) # Order Number of 'b's attribute in deconstructed_dna
if var_order_num == dna_order_num: # If DNA selected Variants found inside IF list variants:
if_bool = True
# Check if Variants in 'result_dict' found in deconstructed_dna:
full_att_bool = False
result_bool = False # True if Variant in 'deconstructed_dna' found in 'result_dict'
for a in result_dict: # Attribute in 'result_dict'
for b in result_dict[a]: # Variant in if_dict[Attribute]
var_order_num = str(result_dict[a][b][1]) # Order number of 'b' (Variant)
dna_order_num = str(
deconstructed_dna[result_dict[a][b][4]]) # Order Number of 'b's attribute in deconstructed_dna
if var_order_num == dna_order_num: # If DNA selected Variants found inside THEN list variants:
if list(result_dict[a].keys()) == list(hierarchy[a].keys()):
full_att_bool = True
result_bool = True
# Rule Bool return summary:
violates_rule = False
# If Variants in 'if_dict' found in deconstructed_dna and Variants in 'result_dict' not found in deconstructed_dna:
if if_bool and not result_bool:
violates_rule = True
elif if_bool and result_bool and result_dict_type == "NOT":
violates_rule = True
# If Variants in 'if_dict' not found in deconstructed_dna, and 'result_dict' variants are found in
# deconstructed_dna, and they are a part of a full Attribute in 'then_dict'
elif not if_bool and result_bool and full_att_bool:
violates_rule = True
# If Variants in 'if_dict' not found in deconstructed_dna, but Variants in 'then_dict' are found in
# deconstructed_dna, and don't make up a full Attribute:
# elif not if_bool and result_bool and not full_att_bool:
# violates_rule = False
return violates_rule, if_bool, result_bool, full_att_bool
def create_dicts(hierarchy, rule_list_items, result_dict_type):
Example of output structure:
structure = {
"attribute1": {
"variant1": [
"variant2": [
"attribute2": {
"variant1": [
"variant2": [
items_returned = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for a in rule_list_items:
for b in hierarchy:
if a == b: # If 'a' is an Attribute, add all 'a' Variants to items_returned dict.
variant_list_of_a = list(hierarchy[a].keys())
variant_dict_of_a = {}
for c in variant_list_of_a:
variant_dict_of_a[c] = get_var_info(c, hierarchy)
items_returned[a] = variant_dict_of_a
if a in list(hierarchy[b].keys()): # If 'a' is a Variant, add all info about that variant to items_returned
items_returned[b][a] = get_var_info(a, hierarchy)
items_returned = dict(items_returned)
2022-04-09 17:34:43 +00:00
return dict(items_returned)
def logicafy_dna_single(hierarchy, single_dna, logic_file, enable_rarity):
deconstructed_dna = single_dna.split("-")
did_reconstruct = True
original_dna = str(single_dna)
while did_reconstruct:
did_reconstruct = False
for rule in logic_file:
# Items from 'IF' key for a given rule
if_dict = create_dicts(hierarchy, logic_file[rule]["IF"], "IF")
result_dict_type = ""
if "THEN" in logic_file[rule]:
result_dict_type = "THEN"
if "NOT" in logic_file[rule]:
result_dict_type = "NOT"
result_dict = create_dicts(hierarchy, logic_file[rule][result_dict_type], result_dict_type)
# Change 'then_bool' to 'result_bool'
violates_rule, if_bool, then_bool, full_att_bool = get_rule_break_type(
if violates_rule:
# print(f"======={deconstructed_dna} VIOLATES RULE======")
deconstructed_dna = apply_rules_to_dna(
new_dna = reconstruct_dna(deconstructed_dna)
if new_dna != original_dna:
original_dna = str(new_dna)
did_reconstruct = True
return str(reconstruct_dna(deconstructed_dna))