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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace LibADSB
public class VelocityOverGroundMsg : ExtendedSquitter
[DescriptionAttribute("IFR capabilities in Velocity Over Ground Message")]
public bool IFRCapability
return ifr_capability;
[DescriptionAttribute(" Velocity is availble in Velocity Over Ground Message")]
public bool HasValidVelocity
return velocity_info_available;
[DescriptionAttribute(" Velocity in Velocity Over Ground Message [kts]")]
public int Velocity
return (int)Math.Sqrt(north_south_velocity*north_south_velocity + east_west_velocity * east_west_velocity);
[DescriptionAttribute(" Direction is WEST in Velocity Over Ground Message")]
public bool DirectionWest
return direction_west;
[DescriptionAttribute(" East to West velocity in Velocity Over Ground Message [kts]")]
public int EastToWestVelocity
return (int)((direction_west ? east_west_velocity : -east_west_velocity) + 0.5);
[DescriptionAttribute(" Direction is SOUTH in Velocity Over Ground Message")]
public bool DirectionSouth
return direction_south;
[DescriptionAttribute(" North to South velocity in Velocity Over Ground Message [kts]")]
public int NorthToSouthVelocity
return (int)((direction_south ? north_south_velocity : -north_south_velocity) + 0.5);
[DescriptionAttribute("Vertical rate is availble in Velocity Over Ground Message")]
public bool HasValidVerticalRate
return vertical_rate_info_available;
[DescriptionAttribute("Vertical rate in Velocity Over Ground Message [ft/s]")]
public int VerticalRate
return (int)((vertical_rate_down ? -vertical_rate : vertical_rate) * 0.00508);
[DescriptionAttribute("Heading is availble in Airspeed Heading Message")]
public bool HasValidHeading
// heading can only calculated when velocity info is available!
return velocity_info_available;
[DescriptionAttribute("Heading in Airspeed Heading Message [deg]")]
public int Heading
int angle = (int) (Math.Atan2(
-this.NorthToSouthVelocity) * 180.0 / Math.PI);
// if negative => clockwise
if (angle < 0)
return 360 + angle;
return angle;
private byte subtype;
private bool intent_change;
private bool ifr_capability;
private byte navigation_accuracy_category;
private bool direction_west; // 0 = east, 1 = west
private int east_west_velocity; // in kn
private bool velocity_info_available;
private bool direction_south; // 0 = north, 1 = south
private int north_south_velocity; // in kn
private bool vertical_source; // 0 = geometric, 1 = barometric
private bool vertical_rate_down; // 0 = up, 1 = down
private int vertical_rate; // in ft/s
private bool vertical_rate_info_available;
private int geo_minus_baro; // in ft
private bool geo_minus_baro_available;
* @param raw_message raw ADS-B velocity-over-ground message as hex string
* @throws BadFormatException if message has wrong format
public VelocityOverGroundMsg(string raw_message)
: base(raw_message)
if (this.FormatTypeCode != 19)
throw new BadFormatException("Velocity messages must have typecode 19: " + raw_message);
byte[] msg = Message;
subtype = (byte) (msg[0]&0x7);
if (subtype != 1 && subtype != 2)
throw new BadFormatException("Ground speed messages have subtype 1 or 2: " + raw_message);
intent_change = (msg[1]&0x80)>0;
ifr_capability = (msg[1]&0x40)>0;
navigation_accuracy_category = (byte) ((msg[1]>>3)&0x7);
// check this later
velocity_info_available = true;
vertical_rate_info_available = true;
geo_minus_baro_available = true;
direction_west = (msg[1]&0x4)>0;
east_west_velocity = (short) (((msg[1]&0x3)<<8 | msg[2]&0xFF)-1);
if (east_west_velocity == -1) velocity_info_available = false;
if (subtype == 2) east_west_velocity<<=2;
direction_south = (msg[3]&0x80)>0;
north_south_velocity = (short) (((msg[3]&0x7F)<<3 | msg[4]>>5&0x07)-1);
if (north_south_velocity == -1) velocity_info_available = false;
if (subtype == 2) north_south_velocity<<=2;
vertical_source = (msg[4]&0x10)>0;
vertical_rate_down = (msg[4]&0x08)>0;
vertical_rate = (short) ((((msg[4]&0x07)<<6 | msg[5]>>2&0x3F)-1)<<6);
if (vertical_rate == -1) vertical_rate_info_available = false;
geo_minus_baro = (short) (((msg[6]&0x7F)-1)*25);
if (geo_minus_baro == -1) geo_minus_baro_available = false;
if ((msg[6]&0x80)>0) geo_minus_baro *= -1;
public bool hasGeoMinusBaroInfo() {
return geo_minus_baro_available;
* @return If supersonic, velocity has only 4 kts accuracy, otherwise 1 kt
public bool isSupersonic() {
return subtype == 2;
* @return true, if aircraft wants to change altitude for instance
public bool hasChangeIntent() {
return intent_change;
* @return NAC according to RTCA DO-260A
public byte getNavigationAccuracyCategory() {
return navigation_accuracy_category;
* @return whether altitude is derived by barometric sensor or GNSS
public bool isBarometricVerticalSpeed() {
return vertical_source;
* @return difference between barometric and geometric altitude in m
* @throws MissingInformationException if no geo/baro difference info is available
public double getGeoMinusBaro()
if (!geo_minus_baro_available) throw new MissingInformationException("No geo/baro difference info available!");
return geo_minus_baro * 0.3048;
public override string ToString()
string ret = base.ToString()+"\n"+
"Velocity over ground:\n";
try { ret += "\tNorth to south velocity:\t"+NorthToSouthVelocity+"\n"; }
catch (Exception e) { ret += "\tNorth to south velocity:\t\tnot available\n"; }
try { ret += "\tEast to west velocity:\t\t"+EastToWestVelocity+"\n"; }
catch (Exception e) { ret += "\tEast to west velocity:\t\tnot available\n"; }
try { ret += "\tVelocity:\t\t\t"+Velocity+"\n"; }
catch (Exception e) { ret += "\tVelocity:\t\t\tnot available\n"; }
try { ret += "\tHeading\t\t\t\t"+Heading+"\n"; }
catch (Exception e) { ret += "\tHeading\t\t\t\tnot available\n"; }
try { ret += "\tVertical rate:\t\t\t"+VerticalRate; }
catch (Exception e) { ret += "\tVertical rate:\t\t\tnot available"; }
return ret;