
309 wiersze
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ScoutBase.Core
public static class LogLevel
public const int Nothing = 0;
public const int Info = 10;
public const int Warning = 20;
public const int Error = 30;
public const int Panic = 255;
/// <summary>
/// A Logging class implementing the Singleton pattern and an internal Queue to be flushed perdiodically.
/// It is designed to work in a multithreading environment
/// To use it simpy add the following to lines to your code
/// LogWriter writer = LogWriter.Instance;
/// writer.WriteToLog(message);
/// </summary>
public class LogWriter
private static LogWriter instance;
private static Queue<Log> logQueue;
private static DateTime LastFlushed = DateTime.MinValue; // be sure that the first message is written directly into the log
/// <summary>
/// Private constructor to prevent instance creation
/// </summary>
private LogWriter()
// flush the log regardless of queue size and age
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// An LogWriter instance that exposes a single instance
/// </summary>
public static LogWriter Instance
// If the instance is null then create one and init the Queue
if (instance == null)
instance = new LogWriter();
logQueue = new Queue<Log>();
return instance;
/// <summary>
/// A string that exposes the log file directory
/// </summary>
public static string LogDirectory
// get string from settings
string logDirectory = Properties.Settings.Default.LogWriter_Directory;
// validate logfile directory --> use Windows Tmp directory if not
if (!SupportFunctions.ValidateDirectoryPath(logDirectory))
logDirectory = Path.GetTempPath();
// be sure that the directory exists --> create it if not
if (!Directory.Exists(logDirectory))
return logDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// A string that exposes the log filename format
/// Default: "log_{0:d}.log" representing a daily changing log file
/// </summary>
public static string LogFileFormat
string logFileFormat = Properties.Settings.Default.LogWriter_FileFormat;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(logFileFormat))
logFileFormat = "log_{0:d}.log";
// be sure that the resulting filename is valid
string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectory, String.Format(logFileFormat, DateTime.UtcNow));
if (!SupportFunctions.ValidateFilePath(filename))
logFileFormat = "log_{0:d}.log";
return logFileFormat;
/// <summary>
/// A string that exposes the log message format
/// Default: ""{0:t}: {1}" representing a "UTC timestamp: Messagetext" format
/// </summary>
public static string LogMessageFormat
string logMessageFormat = Properties.Settings.Default.LogWriter_MessageFormat;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(logMessageFormat))
logMessageFormat = "{0:t}: {1}";
// be sure that the resulting message format is valid
// creates a test message line
string line = String.Format(logMessageFormat, new object[] { DateTime.UtcNow, "Test" });
logMessageFormat = "{0:t}: {1}";
return logMessageFormat;
/// <summary>
/// An integer that exposes the maximum age [seconds] of the que before writing into the logfile.
/// Minimum: 1s
/// Maxixum: 3600s
/// Default 10s
/// </summary>
public static int MaxLogAge
int maxLogAge = Properties.Settings.Default.LogWriter_MaxAge;
if (maxLogAge < 1)
maxLogAge = 1;
if (maxLogAge > 3600)
maxLogAge = 3600;
return maxLogAge;
/// <summary>
/// An integer that exposes the maximum number of queued entries before writing them into the logfile
/// Minimum: 1
/// Maxixum: 100
/// Default 10
/// </summary>
public static int QueueSize
int queueSize = Properties.Settings.Default.LogWriter_QueueSize;
if (queueSize < 1)
queueSize = 1;
if (queueSize > 100)
queueSize = 100;
return queueSize;
/// <summary>
/// An integer that exposes the log verbosity
/// Messages with error lever lower than verbosity are not written to the log
/// Minimum: 0
/// Maxixum: 255
/// Default 0
/// </summary>
public static int Verbosity
int verbosity = Properties.Settings.Default.LogWriter_Verbosity;
if (verbosity < 0)
verbosity = 0;
if (verbosity > 255)
verbosity = 255;
return verbosity;
/// <summary>
/// The single instance method that writes a message to the log file queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The message to write to the log</param>
public void WriteMessage(string message, int errorlevel = LogLevel.Info, bool debugdetails = true)
// return on errorlevel below verbosity threshold
if (errorlevel < Verbosity)
// build the message
StackFrame stackFrame = new StackFrame(1, true);
string fileName = stackFrame.GetFileName();
string methodName = stackFrame.GetMethod().ToString();
int lineNumber = stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber();
string msg = "[" + errorlevel.ToString("000") + "]";
if (debugdetails)
msg = msg + "[" + methodName + " at " + fileName + ":" + lineNumber.ToString() + "]";
msg = msg + "[unknown]";
msg = msg + ": " + message;
// force a one liner
msg = msg.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " ");
// Lock the queue while writing to prevent contention for the log file
lock (logQueue)
// Create the entry and push to the Queue
Log logEntry = new Log(msg);
// If we have reached the Queue Size then flush the Queue
if (logQueue.Count >= QueueSize || DoPeriodicFlush())
private bool DoPeriodicFlush()
// returns true if max age of the queue is reached
TimeSpan logAge = DateTime.Now - LastFlushed;
if (logAge.TotalSeconds >= MaxLogAge)
LastFlushed = DateTime.Now;
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Flushes the Queue to the physical log file
/// </summary>
public void FlushLog()
// not very efficient as opens and closes the stream on each entry
// but can handle queue at date change to ensure that each message goes to the right file
while (logQueue.Count > 0)
Log entry = logQueue.Dequeue();
string logfilename = Path.Combine(LogDirectory, String.Format(LogFileFormat, entry.Timestamp));
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(logfilename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
using (StreamWriter log = new StreamWriter(fs))
// create the line
string line = String.Format(LogMessageFormat, new object[] { entry.Timestamp, entry.Message });
catch (Exception ex)
// PANIC: writes a message to the console if something goes wrong with writing the log
Console.WriteLine("Error writing logfile: " + ex.Message);
/// <summary>
/// A Log class to store the message and the Date and Time the log entry was created
/// </summary>
public class Log
public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public Log(string message)
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
Message = message;