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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="LinearAxisTests.cs" company="OxyPlot">
// Copyright (c) 2014 OxyPlot contributors
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Provides unit tests for the <see cref="LinearAxis" /> class.
// </summary>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace OxyPlot.Tests
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using NUnit.Framework;
using OxyPlot.Axes;
/// <summary>
/// Provides unit tests for the <see cref="LinearAxis" /> class.
/// </summary>
public class LinearAxisTests
/// <summary>
/// Tests the <see cref="LinearAxis.GetHashCode" /> method.
/// </summary>
public new class GetHashCode
/// <summary>
/// Given two axes with identical content, verify that the hash codes are different.
/// </summary>
public void TwoEqualAxes()
var axis1 = new LinearAxis();
var axis2 = new LinearAxis();
Assert.IsTrue(axis1.GetHashCode() != axis2.GetHashCode());
/// <summary>
/// Tests the <see cref="LinearAxis.FormatAsFractions" /> property.
/// </summary>
public class FormatAsFractions
/// <summary>
/// Given 0, the FormatValue method should return 0.
/// </summary>
public void FormatAsFractionsZero()
var axis = new LinearAxis
FormatAsFractions = true,
FractionUnit = Math.PI,
FractionUnitSymbol = "π"
Assert.AreEqual("0", axis.FormatValue(0));
/// <summary>
/// Given PI/2, the FormatValue method should return π/2.
/// </summary>
public void FormatAsFractionsPiHalf()
var axis = new LinearAxis
FormatAsFractions = true,
FractionUnit = Math.PI,
FractionUnitSymbol = "π"
Assert.AreEqual("π/2", axis.FormatValue(0.5 * Math.PI));
/// <summary>
/// Given 2*PI, the FormatValue method should return 2π.
/// </summary>
public void FormatAsFractionsTwoPi()
var axis = new LinearAxis
FormatAsFractions = true,
FractionUnit = Math.PI,
FractionUnitSymbol = "π"
Assert.AreEqual("2π", axis.FormatValue(2 * Math.PI));
/// <summary>
/// Given 3/2*PI, the FormatValue method should return 3π/2.
/// </summary>
public void FormatAsFractionsThreeHalfPi()
var axis = new LinearAxis
FormatAsFractions = true,
FractionUnit = Math.PI,
FractionUnitSymbol = "π"
Assert.AreEqual("3π/2", axis.FormatValue(3d / 2 * Math.PI));
/// <summary>
/// Given 4 and a format string, the FormatValue method should return 1.273π.
/// </summary>
public void FormatAsFractionsWithStringFormat()
var model = new PlotModel { Culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture };
var axis = new LinearAxis
FormatAsFractions = true,
FractionUnit = Math.PI,
FractionUnitSymbol = "π",
StringFormat = "0.###"
Assert.AreEqual("1.273π", axis.FormatValue(4));