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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="BarAndColumnSeriesExamples.cs" company="OxyPlot">
// Copyright (c) 2014 OxyPlot contributors
// </copyright>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace ExampleLibrary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using OxyPlot;
using OxyPlot.Axes;
using OxyPlot.Series;
public abstract class BarAndColumnSeriesExamples<TSeries, TItem>
where TSeries : BarSeriesBase<TItem>, new()
where TItem : BarItemBase, new()
[Example("Simple model")]
public static PlotModel SimpleModel()
return CreateSimpleModel(false, "Simple model");
[Example("With labels")]
public static PlotModel WithLabels()
var model = CreateSimpleModel(false, "With labels");
var s0 = model.Series[0] as BarSeriesBase;
var s1 = model.Series[1] as BarSeriesBase;
s0.LabelFormatString = "{0}";
s1.LabelFormatString = "{0:0.00}";
s1.LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Middle;
s1.TextColor = OxyColors.White;
return model;
[Example("With labels (negative values)")]
public static PlotModel WithLabelsNegativeValues()
var model = new PlotModel
Title = "With labels (negative values)",
var s1 = new TSeries { LabelFormatString = "{0}" };
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 25 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 137 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -18 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 40 });
var s2 = new TSeries { LabelFormatString = "{0:0.00}" };
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 12 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 14 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 120 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -26 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() };
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category A");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category B");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category C");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category D");
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0.06, MaximumPadding = 0.06, ExtraGridlines = new[] { 0d } };
return model;
public static PlotModel StackedSeries()
return CreateSimpleModel(true, "Simple stacked model");
[Example("Empty series")]
public static PlotModel EmptySeries()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Empty series" };
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2" };
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() };
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0 };
return model;
[Example("No category axis defined")]
public static PlotModel NoCategoryAxisDefined()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "No category axis defined" };
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", ItemsSource = new[] { new TItem { Value = 25 }, new TItem { Value = 137 } } };
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", ItemsSource = new[] { new TItem { Value = 52 }, new TItem { Value = 317 } } };
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0 };
return model;
[Example("Binding to ItemsSource")]
public static PlotModel BindingItemsSource()
var items = new Collection<Item>
new Item { Label = "Apples", Value1 = 37, Value2 = 12, Value3 = 19 },
new Item { Label = "Pears", Value1 = 7, Value2 = 21, Value3 = 9 },
new Item { Label = "Bananas", Value1 = 23, Value2 = 2, Value3 = 29 }
var plotModel1 = new PlotModel { LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside, Title = "Binding to ItemsSource" };
var categoryAxis1 = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition(), LabelField = "Label", ItemsSource = items, MajorStep = 1, MinorStep = 1 };
var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), AbsoluteMinimum = 0, MinimumPadding = 0 };
var series1 = new TSeries
FillColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 78, 154, 6),
ValueField = "Value1",
Title = "2009",
ItemsSource = items
var series2 = new TSeries
FillColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 200, 141, 0),
ValueField = "Value2",
Title = "2010",
ItemsSource = items
var series3 = new TSeries
FillColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 204, 0, 0),
ValueField = "Value3",
Title = "2011",
ItemsSource = items
return plotModel1;
[Example("Binding to ItemsSource (array)")]
public static PlotModel BindingToItemsSourceArray()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Binding to ItemsSource", Subtitle = "The items are defined by an array of BarItem/ColumnItem" };
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", ItemsSource = new[] { new TItem { Value = 25 }, new TItem { Value = 137 } } });
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", ItemsSource = new[] { new TItem { Value = 52 }, new TItem { Value = 317 } } });
model.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() });
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0 });
return model;
[Example("Binding to ItemsSource (list)")]
public static PlotModel BindingToItemsSourceListT()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Binding to ItemsSource", Subtitle = "The items are defined by a List of BarItem/ColumnItem" };
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", ItemsSource = new List<TItem>(new[] { new TItem { Value = 25 }, new TItem { Value = 137 } }) });
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", ItemsSource = new List<TItem>(new[] { new TItem { Value = 52 }, new TItem { Value = 317 } }) });
model.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() });
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0 });
return model;
[Example("Binding to ItemsSource (reflection)")]
public static PlotModel BindingToItemsSourceReflection()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Binding to ItemsSource", Subtitle = "Reflect by 'ValueField'" };
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", ValueField = "Value1", ItemsSource = new[] { new Item { Value1 = 25 }, new Item { Value1 = 137 } } });
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", ValueField = "Value1", ItemsSource = new[] { new Item { Value1 = 52 }, new Item { Value1 = 317 } } });
model.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() });
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0 });
return model;
[Example("Defined by Items")]
public static PlotModel DefinedByItems()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Defined by Items", Subtitle = "The items are added to the `Items` property." };
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
s1.Items.AddRange(new[] { new TItem { Value = 25 }, new TItem { Value = 137 } });
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2" };
s2.Items.AddRange(new[] { new TItem { Value = 52 }, new TItem { Value = 317 } });
model.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() });
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0 });
return model;
[Example("Empty category axis")]
public static PlotModel EmptyCategoryAxis()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Empty category axis" };
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 25 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 137 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 18 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 40 });
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2" };
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -12 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -14 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -120 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -26 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() };
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis
Position = ValueAxisPosition(),
MinimumPadding = 0.06,
MaximumPadding = 0.06,
ExtraGridlines = new[] { 0.0 },
ExtraGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
ExtraGridlineColor = OxyColors.Black,
ExtraGridlineThickness = 1
return model;
[Example("With negative values")]
public static PlotModel WithNegativeValue()
return CreateModelWithNegativeValues(false, "With negative values");
[Example("Stacked with negative values")]
public static PlotModel StackedWithNegativeValue()
return CreateModelWithNegativeValues(true, "Stacked with negative values");
[Example("Mixed with LineSeries")]
public static PlotModel MixedWithLineSeries()
var model = CreateSimpleModel(false, "Mixed with LineSeries");
model.Title = "Mixed with LineSeries";
var s1 = new LineSeries { Title = "LineSeries 1" };
if (typeof(TSeries) == typeof(ColumnSeries))
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, 25));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, 137));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(2, 18));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(3, 40));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(25, 0));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(137, 1));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(18, 2));
s1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(40, 3));
return model;
[Example("No axes defined")]
public static PlotModel NoAxes()
var model = CreateSimpleModel(false, "No axes defined");
model.Axes.Clear(); // default axes will be generated
return model;
[Example("Stacked and no axes defined")]
public static PlotModel StackedNoAxes()
var model = CreateSimpleModel(true, "Stacked and no axes defined");
model.Axes.Clear(); // default axes will be generated
return model;
[Example("Logarithmic axis")]
public static PlotModel LogAxis()
var model = new PlotModel
Title = "Logarithmic axis",
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", BaseValue = 0.1, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 25 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 37 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 18 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 40 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() };
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category A");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category B");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category C");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category D");
model.Axes.Add(new LogarithmicAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), Minimum = 0.1, MinimumPadding = 0, AbsoluteMinimum = 0 });
return model;
[Example("Logarithmic axis (not stacked)")]
public static PlotModel LogAxis2()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Logarithmic axis", LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside };
var items = new Collection<Item>
new Item {Label = "Apples", Value1 = 37, Value2 = 12, Value3 = 19},
new Item {Label = "Pears", Value1 = 7, Value2 = 21, Value3 = 9},
new Item {Label = "Bananas", Value1 = 23, Value2 = 2, Value3 = 29}
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "2009", ItemsSource = items, ValueField = "Value1" });
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "2010", ItemsSource = items, ValueField = "Value2" });
model.Series.Add(new TSeries { Title = "2011", ItemsSource = items, ValueField = "Value3" });
model.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition(), ItemsSource = items, LabelField = "Label" });
model.Axes.Add(new LogarithmicAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), Minimum = 1 });
return model;
[Example("Logarithmic axis (stacked series)")]
public static PlotModel LogAxis3()
var model = LogAxis2();
foreach (var s in model.Series.OfType<TSeries>())
s.IsStacked = true;
return model;
private static PlotModel CreateSimpleModel(bool stacked, string title)
var model = new PlotModel
Title = title,
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", IsStacked = stacked, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 25 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 137 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 18 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 40 });
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", IsStacked = stacked, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 12 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 14 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 120 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 26 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() };
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category A");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category B");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category C");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category D");
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0, MaximumPadding = 0.06, AbsoluteMinimum = 0 };
return model;
private static PlotModel CreateModelWithNegativeValues(bool stacked, string title)
var model = new PlotModel
Title = title,
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", IsStacked = stacked, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 25 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 137 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 18 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 40 });
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", IsStacked = stacked, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -12 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -14 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -120 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -26 });
var s3 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 3", IsStacked = stacked, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 21 });
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 8 });
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 48 });
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
var s4 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 4", IsStacked = stacked, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -8 });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -21 });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -3 });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -48 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition() };
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category A");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category B");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category C");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category D");
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis
Position = ValueAxisPosition(),
MinimumPadding = 0.06,
MaximumPadding = 0.06,
ExtraGridlines = new[] { 0.0 },
ExtraGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
ExtraGridlineColor = OxyColors.Black,
ExtraGridlineThickness = 1
return model;
public class Item
public string Label { get; set; }
public double Value1 { get; set; }
public double Value2 { get; set; }
public double Value3 { get; set; }
public class HistogramBin
public string Label { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
[Example("Histogram (bins=5)")]
public static PlotModel Histogram3()
return CreateHistogram(100000, 5);
[Example("Histogram (bins=20)")]
public static PlotModel Histogram20()
return CreateHistogram(100000, 20);
[Example("Histogram (bins=200)")]
public static PlotModel Histogram200()
return CreateHistogram(100000, 200);
public static PlotModel CreateHistogram(int n, int binCount)
var bins = new HistogramBin[binCount];
for (int i = 0; i < bins.Length; i++)
bins[i] = new HistogramBin { Label = i.ToString() };
var r = new Random(31);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int value = r.Next(binCount);
var temp = new PlotModel { Title = string.Format("Histogram (bins={0}, n={1})", binCount, n), Subtitle = "Pseudorandom numbers" };
var series1 = new TSeries { ItemsSource = bins, ValueField = "Value" };
if (binCount < 100)
series1.LabelFormatString = "{0}";
temp.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition(), ItemsSource = bins, LabelField = "Label", GapWidth = 0 });
temp.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0, MaximumPadding = 0.1, AbsoluteMinimum = 0 });
return temp;
[Example("Histogram (standard normal distribution)")]
public static PlotModel HistogramStandardNormalDistribution()
return CreateNormalDistributionHistogram(100000, 2000);
public static PlotModel CreateNormalDistributionHistogram(int n, int binCount)
var bins = new HistogramBin[binCount];
double min = -10;
double max = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < bins.Length; i++)
var v = min + (max - min) * i / (bins.Length - 1);
bins[i] = new HistogramBin { Label = v.ToString("0.0") };
var r = new Random(31);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
var u1 = r.NextDouble();
var u2 = r.NextDouble();
var v = Math.Sqrt(-2 * Math.Log(u1)) * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * u2);
int bin = (int)Math.Round((v - min) / (max - min) * (bins.Length - 1));
if (bin >= 0 && bin < bins.Length)
var temp = new PlotModel { Title = string.Format("Histogram (bins={0}, n={1})", binCount, n), Subtitle = "Standard normal distribution by Box-Muller transform" };
var series1 = new TSeries { ItemsSource = bins, ValueField = "Value" };
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Position = CategoryAxisPosition(),
GapWidth = 0
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(bins.Select(b => b.Label));
categoryAxis.IsAxisVisible = false;
// todo: link category and linear axis
temp.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition(), Minimum = min, Maximum = max });
temp.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = ValueAxisPosition(), MinimumPadding = 0, AbsoluteMinimum = 0 });
return temp;
private static AxisPosition CategoryAxisPosition()
if (typeof(TSeries) == typeof(ColumnSeries))
return AxisPosition.Bottom;
return AxisPosition.Left;
private static AxisPosition ValueAxisPosition()
if (typeof(TSeries) == typeof(ColumnSeries))
return AxisPosition.Left;
return AxisPosition.Bottom;
[Example("Different colors within the same series")]
public static PlotModel DifferentColors()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Different colors within the same series" };
var series = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1, Color = OxyColors.Red });
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2, Color = OxyColors.Green });
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1, Color = OxyColors.Blue });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B", "C" });
return model;
[Example("Different stacking groups")]
public static PlotModel StackingGroups()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Stacking groups" };
var series = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", StackGroup = "1", IsStacked = true };
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2 });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", StackGroup = "2", IsStacked = true };
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
var series3 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 3", StackGroup = "1", IsStacked = true };
series3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
series3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
[Example("Different widths")]
public static PlotModel DifferentWidths()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Different widths", Subtitle = "Series1=0.6 and Series2=0.3" };
var series1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
SetBarWidth(series1, 0.6);
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2 });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2" };
SetBarWidth(series2, 0.3);
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
private static void SetBarWidth(TSeries series, double width)
if (typeof(TSeries) == typeof(ColumnSeries))
(series as ColumnSeries).ColumnWidth = width;
(series as BarSeries).BarWidth = width;
[Example("Different widths (stacked)")]
public static PlotModel DifferentWidthsStacked()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Different widths (stacked)" };
var series1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", IsStacked = true };
SetBarWidth(series1, 0.6);
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2 });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", IsStacked = true };
SetBarWidth(series2, 0.3);
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
[Example("Invalid values")]
public static PlotModel InvalidValues()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Invalid values", Subtitle = "Series 1 contains a NaN value for category B." };
var series1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = double.NaN });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2" };
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
[Example("Missing values")]
public static PlotModel MissingValues()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Missing values", Subtitle = "Series 1 contains only one item with CategoryIndex = 1" };
var series1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1" };
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1, CategoryIndex = 1 });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2" };
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1.2 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
public static PlotModel CategoryIndex()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "CategoryIndex", Subtitle = "Setting CategoryIndex = 0 for both items in the series." };
var series = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", StrokeThickness = 1 };
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1, CategoryIndex = 0 });
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2, CategoryIndex = 0 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
[Example("CategoryIndex (stacked)")]
public static PlotModel CategoryIndexStacked()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "CategoryIndex (stacked)", Subtitle = "Setting CategoryIndex = 0 for both items in the series." };
var series = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", IsStacked = true, StrokeThickness = 1 };
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1, CategoryIndex = 0 });
series.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2, CategoryIndex = 0 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
public static PlotModel BaseValue()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "BaseValue", Subtitle = "BaseValue = -1" };
var series1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", BaseValue = -1 };
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2 });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", BaseValue = -1 };
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 4 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 7 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
[Example("BaseValue (stacked)")]
public static PlotModel BaseValueStacked()
var model = new PlotModel { Title = "BaseValue (stacked)", Subtitle = "BaseValue = -1" };
var series1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", IsStacked = true, BaseValue = -1 };
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 1 });
series1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 2 });
var series2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", IsStacked = true, BaseValue = -1 };
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 4 });
series2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 7 });
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis
Title = "Category",
Position = CategoryAxisPosition()
categoryAxis.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "A", "B" });
return model;
[Example("GapWidth 0%")]
public static PlotModel GapWidth0()
return CreateGapWidthModel(0, "GapWidth 0%");
[Example("GapWidth 100% (default)")]
public static PlotModel GapWidth100()
return CreateGapWidthModel(1, "GapWidth 100% (default)");
[Example("GapWidth 200%")]
public static PlotModel GapWidth200()
return CreateGapWidthModel(2, "GapWidth 200%");
private static PlotModel CreateGapWidthModel(double gapWidth, string title)
var model = CreateSimpleModel(false, title);
((CategoryAxis)model.Axes[0]).GapWidth = gapWidth;
return model;
// [Example("All in one")]
public static PlotModel AllInOne()
var model = new PlotModel
Title = "All in one",
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
var categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis { Position = CategoryAxisPosition(), GapWidth = 0.01 };
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category A");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category B");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category C");
categoryAxis.Labels.Add("Category D");
var valueAxis = new LinearAxis
Position = ValueAxisPosition(),
MinimumPadding = 0.06,
MaximumPadding = 0.06,
ExtraGridlines = new[] { 0.0 },
ExtraGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
ExtraGridlineColor = OxyColors.Black,
ExtraGridlineThickness = 1
var categoryA = 0;
var categoryB = 1;
var categoryC = 2;
var categoryD = 3;
var s1 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 1", IsStacked = true, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1, StackGroup = "3" };
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 25 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 137 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 18 });
s1.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 40 });
var s2 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 2", IsStacked = true, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1, StackGroup = "3" };
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -12 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -14 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -120 });
s2.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -26 });
var s3 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 3", IsStacked = true, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1, StackGroup = "5" };
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 21 });
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 8 });
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 48 });
s3.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3 });
var s4 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 4", IsStacked = true, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1, StackGroup = "5", LabelFormatString = "{0:0}", LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Middle };
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -8, CategoryIndex = categoryA });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -8, CategoryIndex = categoryA });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -8, CategoryIndex = categoryA });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -21, CategoryIndex = categoryB });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -3, CategoryIndex = categoryC });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = -48, CategoryIndex = categoryD });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 8, CategoryIndex = categoryA });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 21, CategoryIndex = categoryB });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 3, CategoryIndex = categoryC });
s4.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 48, CategoryIndex = categoryD });
var s5 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 5", IsStacked = false, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1 };
s5.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 17, CategoryIndex = categoryA });
s5.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 179, CategoryIndex = categoryB });
s5.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 45, CategoryIndex = categoryC });
s5.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 65, CategoryIndex = categoryD });
s5.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 97, CategoryIndex = categoryA });
s5.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 21, CategoryIndex = categoryD });
var s6 = new TSeries { Title = "Series 6", IsStacked = false, StrokeColor = OxyColors.Black, StrokeThickness = 1, LabelFormatString = "{0:0}", LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Base };
s6.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 7 });
s6.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 54 });
s6.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 68 });
s6.Items.Add(new TItem { Value = 12 });
return model;