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using System;
using System.Collections;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509
public class X509Extensions
: Asn1Encodable
* Subject Directory Attributes
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier SubjectDirectoryAttributes = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Subject Key Identifier
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier SubjectKeyIdentifier = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Key Usage
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier KeyUsage = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Private Key Usage Period
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier PrivateKeyUsagePeriod = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Subject Alternative Name
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier SubjectAlternativeName = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Issuer Alternative Name
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier IssuerAlternativeName = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Basic Constraints
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier BasicConstraints = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* CRL Number
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier CrlNumber = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Reason code
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier ReasonCode = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Hold Instruction Code
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier InstructionCode = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Invalidity Date
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier InvalidityDate = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Delta CRL indicator
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier DeltaCrlIndicator = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Issuing Distribution Point
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier IssuingDistributionPoint = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Certificate Issuer
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier CertificateIssuer = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Name Constraints
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier NameConstraints = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* CRL Distribution Points
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier CrlDistributionPoints = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Certificate Policies
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier CertificatePolicies = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Policy Mappings
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier PolicyMappings = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Authority Key Identifier
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier AuthorityKeyIdentifier = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Policy Constraints
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier PolicyConstraints = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Extended Key Usage
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier ExtendedKeyUsage = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Freshest CRL
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier FreshestCrl = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Inhibit Any Policy
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier InhibitAnyPolicy = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Authority Info Access
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier AuthorityInfoAccess = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Subject Info Access
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier SubjectInfoAccess = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Logo Type
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier LogoType = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* BiometricInfo
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier BiometricInfo = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* QCStatements
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier QCStatements = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Audit identity extension in attribute certificates.
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier AuditIdentity = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* NoRevAvail extension in attribute certificates.
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier NoRevAvail = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* TargetInformation extension in attribute certificates.
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier TargetInformation = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
* Expired Certificates on CRL extension
public static readonly DerObjectIdentifier ExpiredCertsOnCrl = new DerObjectIdentifier("");
private readonly IDictionary extensions = Platform.CreateHashtable();
private readonly IList ordering;
public static X509Extension GetExtension(X509Extensions extensions, DerObjectIdentifier oid)
return null == extensions ? null : extensions.GetExtension(oid);
public static Asn1Encodable GetExtensionParsedValue(X509Extensions extensions, DerObjectIdentifier oid)
return null == extensions ? null : extensions.GetExtensionParsedValue(oid);
public static X509Extensions GetInstance(
Asn1TaggedObject obj,
bool explicitly)
return GetInstance(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj, explicitly));
public static X509Extensions GetInstance(
object obj)
if (obj == null || obj is X509Extensions)
return (X509Extensions) obj;
if (obj is Asn1Sequence)
return new X509Extensions((Asn1Sequence) obj);
if (obj is Asn1TaggedObject)
return GetInstance(((Asn1TaggedObject) obj).GetObject());
throw new ArgumentException("unknown object in factory: " + Platform.GetTypeName(obj), "obj");
* Constructor from Asn1Sequence.
* the extensions are a list of constructed sequences, either with (Oid, OctetString) or (Oid, Boolean, OctetString)
private X509Extensions(
Asn1Sequence seq)
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList();
foreach (Asn1Encodable ae in seq)
Asn1Sequence s = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(ae.ToAsn1Object());
if (s.Count < 2 || s.Count > 3)
throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + s.Count);
DerObjectIdentifier oid = DerObjectIdentifier.GetInstance(s[0].ToAsn1Object());
bool isCritical = s.Count == 3
&& DerBoolean.GetInstance(s[1].ToAsn1Object()).IsTrue;
Asn1OctetString octets = Asn1OctetString.GetInstance(s[s.Count - 1].ToAsn1Object());
if (extensions.Contains(oid))
throw new ArgumentException("repeated extension found: " + oid);
extensions.Add(oid, new X509Extension(isCritical, octets));
* constructor from a table of extensions.
* <p>
* it's is assumed the table contains Oid/string pairs.</p>
public X509Extensions(
IDictionary extensions)
: this(null, extensions)
* Constructor from a table of extensions with ordering.
* <p>
* It's is assumed the table contains Oid/string pairs.</p>
public X509Extensions(
IList ordering,
IDictionary extensions)
if (ordering == null)
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList(extensions.Keys);
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList(ordering);
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in this.ordering)
this.extensions.Add(oid, (X509Extension)extensions[oid]);
* Constructor from two vectors
* @param objectIDs an ArrayList of the object identifiers.
* @param values an ArrayList of the extension values.
public X509Extensions(
IList oids,
IList values)
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList(oids);
int count = 0;
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in this.ordering)
this.extensions.Add(oid, (X509Extension)values[count++]);
* constructor from a table of extensions.
* <p>
* it's is assumed the table contains Oid/string pairs.</p>
public X509Extensions(
Hashtable extensions)
: this(null, extensions)
* Constructor from a table of extensions with ordering.
* <p>
* It's is assumed the table contains Oid/string pairs.</p>
public X509Extensions(
ArrayList ordering,
Hashtable extensions)
if (ordering == null)
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList(extensions.Keys);
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList(ordering);
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in this.ordering)
this.extensions.Add(oid, (X509Extension) extensions[oid]);
* Constructor from two vectors
* @param objectIDs an ArrayList of the object identifiers.
* @param values an ArrayList of the extension values.
public X509Extensions(
ArrayList oids,
ArrayList values)
this.ordering = Platform.CreateArrayList(oids);
int count = 0;
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in this.ordering)
this.extensions.Add(oid, (X509Extension) values[count++]);
[Obsolete("Use ExtensionOids IEnumerable property")]
public IEnumerator Oids()
return ExtensionOids.GetEnumerator();
* return an Enumeration of the extension field's object ids.
public IEnumerable ExtensionOids
get { return new EnumerableProxy(ordering); }
* return the extension represented by the object identifier
* passed in.
* @return the extension if it's present, null otherwise.
public X509Extension GetExtension(
DerObjectIdentifier oid)
return (X509Extension)extensions[oid];
* return the parsed value of the extension represented by the object identifier
* passed in.
* @return the parsed value of the extension if it's present, null otherwise.
public Asn1Encodable GetExtensionParsedValue(DerObjectIdentifier oid)
X509Extension ext = GetExtension(oid);
return ext == null ? null : ext.GetParsedValue();
* <pre>
* Extensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension
* Extension ::= SEQUENCE {
* extnId EXTENSION.&amp;id ({ExtensionSet}),
* extnValue OCTET STRING }
* </pre>
public override Asn1Object ToAsn1Object()
Asn1EncodableVector vec = new Asn1EncodableVector();
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in ordering)
X509Extension ext = (X509Extension) extensions[oid];
Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector(oid);
if (ext.IsCritical)
vec.Add(new DerSequence(v));
return new DerSequence(vec);
public bool Equivalent(
X509Extensions other)
if (extensions.Count != other.extensions.Count)
return false;
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in extensions.Keys)
if (!extensions[oid].Equals(other.extensions[oid]))
return false;
return true;
public DerObjectIdentifier[] GetExtensionOids()
return ToOidArray(ordering);
public DerObjectIdentifier[] GetNonCriticalExtensionOids()
return GetExtensionOids(false);
public DerObjectIdentifier[] GetCriticalExtensionOids()
return GetExtensionOids(true);
private DerObjectIdentifier[] GetExtensionOids(bool isCritical)
IList oids = Platform.CreateArrayList();
foreach (DerObjectIdentifier oid in this.ordering)
X509Extension ext = (X509Extension)extensions[oid];
if (ext.IsCritical == isCritical)
return ToOidArray(oids);
private static DerObjectIdentifier[] ToOidArray(IList oids)
DerObjectIdentifier[] oidArray = new DerObjectIdentifier[oids.Count];
oids.CopyTo(oidArray, 0);
return oidArray;