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using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1
* Mutable class for building ASN.1 constructed objects such as SETs or SEQUENCEs.
public class Asn1EncodableVector
: IEnumerable
internal static readonly Asn1Encodable[] EmptyElements = new Asn1Encodable[0];
private const int DefaultCapacity = 10;
private Asn1Encodable[] elements;
private int elementCount;
private bool copyOnWrite;
public static Asn1EncodableVector FromEnumerable(IEnumerable e)
Asn1EncodableVector v = new Asn1EncodableVector();
foreach (Asn1Encodable obj in e)
return v;
public Asn1EncodableVector()
: this(DefaultCapacity)
public Asn1EncodableVector(int initialCapacity)
if (initialCapacity < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("must not be negative", "initialCapacity");
this.elements = (initialCapacity == 0) ? EmptyElements : new Asn1Encodable[initialCapacity];
this.elementCount = 0;
this.copyOnWrite = false;
public Asn1EncodableVector(params Asn1Encodable[] v)
: this()
public void Add(Asn1Encodable element)
if (null == element)
throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
int capacity = elements.Length;
int minCapacity = elementCount + 1;
if ((minCapacity > capacity) | copyOnWrite)
this.elements[elementCount] = element;
this.elementCount = minCapacity;
public void Add(params Asn1Encodable[] objs)
foreach (Asn1Encodable obj in objs)
public void AddOptional(params Asn1Encodable[] objs)
if (objs != null)
foreach (Asn1Encodable obj in objs)
if (obj != null)
public void AddOptionalTagged(bool isExplicit, int tagNo, Asn1Encodable obj)
if (null != obj)
Add(new DerTaggedObject(isExplicit, tagNo, obj));
public void AddAll(Asn1EncodableVector other)
if (null == other)
throw new ArgumentNullException("other");
int otherElementCount = other.Count;
if (otherElementCount < 1)
int capacity = elements.Length;
int minCapacity = elementCount + otherElementCount;
if ((minCapacity > capacity) | copyOnWrite)
int i = 0;
Asn1Encodable otherElement = other[i];
if (null == otherElement)
throw new NullReferenceException("'other' elements cannot be null");
this.elements[elementCount + i] = otherElement;
while (++i < otherElementCount);
this.elementCount = minCapacity;
public Asn1Encodable this[int index]
if (index >= elementCount)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(index + " >= " + elementCount);
return elements[index];
public int Count
get { return elementCount; }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return CopyElements().GetEnumerator();
internal Asn1Encodable[] CopyElements()
if (0 == elementCount)
return EmptyElements;
Asn1Encodable[] copy = new Asn1Encodable[elementCount];
Array.Copy(elements, 0, copy, 0, elementCount);
return copy;
internal Asn1Encodable[] TakeElements()
if (0 == elementCount)
return EmptyElements;
if (elements.Length == elementCount)
this.copyOnWrite = true;
return elements;
Asn1Encodable[] copy = new Asn1Encodable[elementCount];
Array.Copy(elements, 0, copy, 0, elementCount);
return copy;
private void Reallocate(int minCapacity)
int oldCapacity = elements.Length;
int newCapacity = System.Math.Max(oldCapacity, minCapacity + (minCapacity >> 1));
Asn1Encodable[] copy = new Asn1Encodable[newCapacity];
Array.Copy(elements, 0, copy, 0, elementCount);
this.elements = copy;
this.copyOnWrite = false;
internal static Asn1Encodable[] CloneElements(Asn1Encodable[] elements)
return elements.Length < 1 ? EmptyElements : (Asn1Encodable[])elements.Clone();