using AeroWizard.VisualStyles; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles; using Vanara.Interop; using Vanara.Interop.DesktopWindowManager; using ScoutBase.Core; namespace AeroWizard { /// /// Styles that can be applied to the body of a when on XP or earlier or when a Basic theme is applied. /// public enum WizardClassicStyle { /// Windows Vista style theme with large fonts and white background. AeroStyle, /// Windows XP style theme with control color background. BasicStyle, /// Use on Windows XP and for later versions. Automatic } /// /// Control providing an "Aero Wizard" style interface. /// [Designer(typeof(Design.WizardControlDesigner))] [ToolboxItem(true), ToolboxBitmap(typeof(WizardControl), "WizardControl.bmp")] [Description("Creates an Aero Wizard interface.")] [DefaultProperty("Pages"), DefaultEvent("SelectedPageChanged")] public partial class WizardControl : #if DEBUG UserControl #else Control #endif , ISupportInitialize { private static readonly bool isMin6 = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6; private WizardClassicStyle classicStyle = WizardClassicStyle.AeroStyle; private Point formMoveLastMousePos; private bool formMoveTracking; private Form parentForm; private bool themePropsSet; private Icon titleImageIcon; private bool titleImageIconSet; internal int contentCol = 1; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public WizardControl() { InitializeComponent(); OnRightToLeftChanged(EventArgs.Empty); // Get localized defaults for button text ResetTitle(); ResetTitleIcon(); // Connect to page add and remove events to track property changes Pages.ItemAdded += Pages_ItemAdded; Pages.ItemDeleted += Pages_ItemDeleted; } /// /// Occurs when the user clicks the Cancel button and allows for programmatic cancellation. /// [Category("Behavior"), Description("Occurs when the user clicks the Cancel button and allows for programmatic cancellation.")] public event CancelEventHandler Cancelling; /// /// Occurs when the user clicks the Next/Finish button and the page is set to or this is the last page in the collection. /// [Category("Behavior"), Description("Occurs when the user clicks the Next/Finish button on last page.")] public event EventHandler Finished; /// /// Occurs when the property has changed. /// [Category("Property Changed"), Description("Occurs when the SelectedPage property has changed.")] public event EventHandler SelectedPageChanged; /// /// Gets or sets the state of the back button. /// /// The state of the back button. [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public WizardCommandButtonState BackButtonState => pageContainer.BackButtonState; /// /// Gets or sets the back button text. /// /// The back button text. [Category("Wizard"), Localizable(true), Description("The back button text")] public string BackButtonText { get { return pageContainer.BackButtonText; } set { pageContainer.BackButtonText = value; Invalidate(); } } /// /// Gets the state of the cancel button. /// /// The state of the cancel button. [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public WizardCommandButtonState CancelButtonState => pageContainer.CancelButtonState; /// /// Gets or sets the cancel button text. /// /// The cancel button text. [Category("Wizard"), Localizable(true), Description("The cancel button text")] public string CancelButtonText { get { return pageContainer.CancelButtonText; } set { pageContainer.CancelButtonText = value; Refresh(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the style applied to the body of a when on XP or earlier or when a Basic theme is applied. /// /// A value which determines the style. [Category("Wizard"), DefaultValue(typeof(WizardClassicStyle), "AeroStyle"), Description("The style used in Windows Classic mode or on Windows XP")] public WizardClassicStyle ClassicStyle { get { return classicStyle; } set { classicStyle = value; ConfigureStyles(); Invalidate(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the finish button text. /// /// The finish button text. [Category("Wizard"), Localizable(true), Description("The finish button text")] public string FinishButtonText { get { return pageContainer.FinishButtonText; } set { pageContainer.FinishButtonText = value; Refresh(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the page header text. /// /// The page header text. [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public string HeaderText { get { return headerLabel.Text; } set { headerLabel.Text = value; Refresh(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the shield icon on the next button. /// /// true if Next button should display a shield; otherwise, false. /// Setting a UAF shield on a button only works on Vista and later versions of Windows. [DefaultValue(false), Category("Wizard"), Description("Show a shield icon on the next button")] public Boolean NextButtonShieldEnabled { get { return pageContainer.NextButtonShieldEnabled; } set { pageContainer.NextButtonShieldEnabled = value; } } /// /// Gets the state of the next button. /// /// The state of the next button. [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public WizardCommandButtonState NextButtonState => pageContainer.NextButtonState; /// /// Gets or sets the next button text. /// /// The next button text. [Category("Wizard"), Localizable(true), Description("The next button text.")] public string NextButtonText { get { return pageContainer.NextButtonText; } set { pageContainer.NextButtonText = value; Refresh(); } } /// /// Gets the collection of wizard pages in this wizard control. /// /// The that contains the objects in this . [Category("Wizard"), Description("Collection of wizard pages.")] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] public WizardPageCollection Pages => pageContainer.Pages; /// /// Gets how far the wizard has progressed, as a percentage. /// /// A value between 0 and 100. [Browsable(false), Description("The percentage of the current page against all pages at run-time.")] public short PercentComplete => pageContainer.PercentComplete; /// /// Gets the currently selected wizard page. /// /// The selected wizard page. null if no page is active. [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public virtual WizardPage SelectedPage { get { return pageContainer.SelectedPage; } internal set { pageContainer.SelectedPage = value; if (value != null) HeaderText = value.Text; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show progress in form's taskbar icon. /// /// /// This will only work on Windows 7 or later and the parent form must be showing its icon in the taskbar. No exception is thrown on failure. /// /// /// true to show progress in taskbar icon; otherwise, false. /// [Category("Wizard"), DefaultValue(false), Description("Indicates whether to show progress in form's taskbar icon")] public bool ShowProgressInTaskbarIcon { get { return pageContainer.ShowProgressInTaskbarIcon; } set { pageContainer.ShowProgressInTaskbarIcon = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suppress changing the parent form's icon to match the wizard's . /// /// true to not change the parent form's icon to match this wizard's icon; otherwise, false. [Category("Wizard"), DefaultValue(false), Description("Indicates whether to suppress changing the parent form's icon to match the wizard's")] public bool SuppressParentFormIconSync { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suppress changing the parent form's caption to match the wizard's . /// /// true to not change the parent form's caption (Text) to match this wizard's title; otherwise, false. [Category("Wizard"), DefaultValue(false), Description("Indicates whether to suppress changing the parent form's caption to match the wizard's")] public bool SuppressParentFormCaptionSync { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the title for the wizard. /// /// The title text. [Category("Wizard"), Localizable(true), Description("Title for the wizard")] public string Title { get { return title.Text; } set { title.Text = value; Invalidate(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the optionally displayed icon next to the wizard title. /// /// The title icon. [Category("Wizard"), Localizable(true), Description("Icon next to the wizard title")] public Icon TitleIcon { get { return titleImageIcon; } set { titleImageIcon = value; titleImageList.Images.Clear(); if (titleImageIcon != null) { // Resolve for different DPI settings and ensure that if icon is not a standard size, such as 20x20, // that the larger one (24x24) is downsized and not the smaller up-sized. (thanks demidov) titleImage.Size = titleImageList.ImageSize = SystemInformation.SmallIconSize; titleImageList.Images.Add(new Icon(value, SystemInformation.SmallIconSize + new Size(1, 1))); titleImage.ImageIndex = 0; } titleImageIconSet = true; Invalidate(); } } internal int SelectedPageIndex => pageContainer.SelectedPageIndex; private bool UseAeroStyle => !SupportFunctions.IsMono && (classicStyle == WizardClassicStyle.AeroStyle || (classicStyle == WizardClassicStyle.Automatic && DesktopWindowManager.CompositionSupported && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)); /// /// Adds a new control to the command bar. /// /// This will cause your wizard to deviate from the Windows UI guidelines. All controls will display right to left in the order added and will cause /// the command bar to remain visible as long as the control is visible. The developer must fully manage the state of this added control. /// The control to add. public void AddCommandControl(Control ctrl) { commandAreaButtonFlowLayout.Controls.Add(ctrl); } /// /// Signals the object that initialization is starting. /// public void BeginInit() { pageContainer.BeginInit(); } /// /// Signals the object that initialization is complete. /// public void EndInit() { pageContainer.EndInit(); } /// /// Advances to the specified page. /// /// The wizard page to go to next. /// if set to true skip event. /// When specifying a value for nextPage, it must already be in the Pages collection. public virtual void NextPage(WizardPage nextPage = null, bool skipCommit = false) { pageContainer.NextPage(nextPage, skipCommit); } /// /// Overrides the theme fonts provided by the system. /// /// This is NOT recommended as it will cause the wizard to not match those provided by the system. This should be called only after the handle has been created or it will be overridden with the system theme values. /// The title font. /// The header font. /// The command buttons font. public virtual void OverrideThemeFonts(Font titleFont, Font headerFont, Font buttonFont) { title.Font = titleFont; headerLabel.Font = headerFont; foreach (Control ctrl in commandAreaButtonFlowLayout.Controls) { ctrl.Font = buttonFont; } } /// /// Returns to the previous page. /// public virtual void PreviousPage() { pageContainer.PreviousPage(); } /// /// Restarts the wizard pages from the first page. /// public void RestartPages() { pageContainer.RestartPages(); } /// /// Gets the unthemed back button image. /// /// with the four state images stacked on top of each other. protected virtual Bitmap GetUnthemedBackButtonImage() { if (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 2)) return Properties.Resources.BackBtnStrip2; else return Properties.Resources.BackBtnStrip; } /// /// Raises the event. /// protected virtual void OnCancelling() { var arg = new CancelEventArgs(true); Cancelling?.Invoke(this, arg); if (arg.Cancel) { if (!this.IsDesignMode()) CloseForm(DialogResult.Cancel); } } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// A that contains the event data. protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e) { base.OnControlAdded(e); var page = e.Control as WizardPage; if (page == null) return; Controls.Remove(page); Pages.Add(page); } /// /// Raises the event. /// protected virtual void OnFinished() { Finished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); if (!this.IsDesignMode()) CloseForm(DialogResult.OK); } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// An that contains the event data. protected override void OnGotFocus(EventArgs e) { base.OnGotFocus(e); pageContainer.Focus(); } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// An that contains the event data. protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnHandleCreated"); base.OnHandleCreated(e); SetLayout(); AddSystemEvents(); } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// An that contains the event data. protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) { RemoveSystemEvents(); base.OnHandleDestroyed(e); } private void AddSystemEvents() { if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono && !this.IsDesignMode()) { if (DesktopWindowManager.CompositionSupported) { DesktopWindowManager.ColorizationColorChanged += DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; DesktopWindowManager.CompositionChanged += DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; } Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; SystemColorsChanged += DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; } } private void RemoveSystemEvents() { if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono && !this.IsDesignMode()) { if (DesktopWindowManager.CompositionSupported) { DesktopWindowManager.CompositionChanged -= DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; DesktopWindowManager.ColorizationColorChanged -= DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; } Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged -= DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; SystemColorsChanged -= DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged; } } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// An that contains the event data. protected override void OnParentChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnParentChanged(e); if (parentForm != null) parentForm.Load -= parentForm_Load; parentForm = base.Parent as Form; // FindForm(); Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (parentForm != null) parentForm.Load += parentForm_Load; } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// An that contains the event data. protected override void OnRightToLeftChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnRightToLeftChanged(e); var r2l = this.GetRightToLeftProperty() == RightToLeft.Yes; var btnStrip = GetUnthemedBackButtonImage(); if (r2l) btnStrip.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX); // backButton.SetImageListImageStrip(btnStrip, Orientation.Vertical); // backButton.StylePart = r2l ? 2 : 1; } /// /// Raises the event. /// protected void OnSelectedPageChanged() { SelectedPageChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void CloseForm(DialogResult dlgResult) { var form = FindForm(); if (form != null) { if (form.Modal) form.DialogResult = dlgResult; else form.Close(); } } private void ConfigureStyles() { if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles) { titleBar.SetTheme(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.TitleBar.Active); header.SetTheme(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.HeaderArea.Normal); contentArea.SetTheme(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.ContentArea.Normal); commandArea.SetTheme(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.CommandArea.Normal); } else { titleBar.ClearTheme(); header.ClearTheme(); contentArea.ClearTheme(); commandArea.ClearTheme(); titleBar.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; } if (UseAeroStyle) { bodyPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; header.BackColor = contentArea.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; if (!themePropsSet) { headerLabel.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 12F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); headerLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 112, 171); title.Font = Font; } } else { bodyPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; header.BackColor = contentArea.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; headerLabel.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 9F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); headerLabel.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; title.Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); } } private void ConfigureWindowFrame() { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ConfigureWindowFrame: compEnab={DesktopWindowManager.IsCompositionEnabled()},parentForm={(parentForm == null ? "null" : parentForm.Name)}"); ConfigureStyles(); if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono && DesktopWindowManager.IsCompositionEnabled()) { titleBar.BackColor = Color.Black; try { if (!parentForm.GetWindowAttribute(DesktopWindowManager.GetWindowAttr.NonClientRenderingEnabled)) parentForm.SetWindowAttribute(DesktopWindowManager.SetWindowAttr.NonClientRenderingPolicy, DesktopWindowManager.NonClientRenderingPolicy.Enabled); parentForm.ExtendFrameIntoClientArea(new Padding(0)); NativeMethods.SetWindowPos(this.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y, this.Width, this.Height, NativeMethods.SetWindowPosFlags.FrameChanged); if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono) parentForm?.ExtendFrameIntoClientArea(new Padding(0) {Top = titleBar.Visible ? titleBar.Height : 0}); } catch { titleBar.BackColor = commandArea.BackColor; } } else { titleBar.BackColor = commandArea.BackColor; } if (parentForm == null) return; if (!SuppressParentFormCaptionSync) parentForm.Text = Title; if (!SuppressParentFormIconSync && titleImageIcon != null) { parentForm.Icon = TitleIcon; parentForm.ShowIcon = true; } parentForm.CancelButton = cancelButton; parentForm.AcceptButton = nextButton; parentForm.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono) parentForm.SetWindowThemeAttribute(NativeMethods.WindowThemeNonClientAttributes.NoDrawCaption | NativeMethods.WindowThemeNonClientAttributes.NoDrawIcon | NativeMethods.WindowThemeNonClientAttributes.NoSysMenu); parentForm.Invalidate(); } private void contentArea_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs pe) { if (this.IsDesignMode() && Pages.Count == 0) { var noPagesText = Properties.Resources.WizardNoPagesNotice; var r = GetContentAreaRectangle(false); r.Inflate(-2, -2); //pe.Graphics.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.GrayText, r); ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(pe.Graphics, r); var textSize = pe.Graphics.MeasureString(noPagesText, Font); r.Inflate((r.Width - (int)textSize.Width) / -2, (r.Height - (int)textSize.Height) / -2); pe.Graphics.DrawString(noPagesText, Font, SystemBrushes.GrayText, r); } } private void DisplyColorOrCompositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLayout(); ConfigureWindowFrame(); parentForm?.Refresh(); } /// /// Gets the content area rectangle. /// /// if set to true rectangle is relative to parent. /// Coordinates of content area. private Rectangle GetContentAreaRectangle(bool parentRelative) { var cw = contentArea.GetColumnWidths(); var ch = contentArea.GetRowHeights(); var r = new Rectangle(cw[contentCol - 1], 0, cw[contentCol], ch[0]); if (parentRelative) r.Offset(contentArea.Location); return r; } private void pageContainer_ButtonStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var vis = false; foreach (Control c in commandAreaButtonFlowLayout.Controls) { if (c.Visible || (c is ButtonBase && pageContainer.GetCmdButtonState(c as ButtonBase) != WizardCommandButtonState.Hidden)) vis = true; } commandArea.Visible = vis; } private void pageContainer_Cancelling(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { OnCancelling(); } private void pageContainer_Finished(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnFinished(); } private void pageContainer_SelectedPageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pageContainer.SelectedPage != null) HeaderText = pageContainer.SelectedPage.Text; OnSelectedPageChanged(); } private void Pages_ItemAdded(object sender, System.Collections.Generic.EventedList.ListChangedEventArgs e) { e.Item.TextChanged += Page_TextChanged; } private void Pages_ItemDeleted(object sender, System.Collections.Generic.EventedList.ListChangedEventArgs e) { e.Item.TextChanged -= Page_TextChanged; } private void Page_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { HeaderText = ((WizardPage)sender).Text; } private void parentForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConfigureWindowFrame(); } private void ResetBackButtonText() { pageContainer.ResetBackButtonText(); } private void ResetCancelButtonText() { pageContainer.ResetCancelButtonText(); } private void ResetFinishButtonText() { pageContainer.ResetFinishButtonText(); } private void ResetNextButtonText() { pageContainer.ResetNextButtonText(); } private void ResetTitle() { Title = Properties.Resources.WizardTitle; } private void ResetTitleIcon() { TitleIcon = Properties.Resources.WizardControlIcon; titleImageIconSet = false; } private void SetLayout() { if (isMin6 && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles) { using (var g = CreateGraphics()) { // Back button var theme = new VisualStyleRenderer(VisualStyleElementEx.Navigation.BackButton.Normal); var bbSize = theme.GetPartSize(g, ThemeSizeType.Draw); // Title theme.SetParameters(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.TitleBar.Active); title.Font = theme.GetFont2(g); titleBar.Height = Math.Max(theme.GetMargins2(g, MarginProperty.ContentMargins).Top, bbSize.Height + 2); titleBar.ColumnStyles[0].Width = bbSize.Width + 4F; titleBar.ColumnStyles[1].Width = titleImageIcon != null ? titleImageList.ImageSize.Width + 4F : 0; backButton.Size = bbSize; // Header theme.SetParameters(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.HeaderArea.Normal); headerLabel.Font = theme.GetFont2(g); headerLabel.Margin = theme.GetMargins2(g, MarginProperty.ContentMargins); headerLabel.ForeColor = theme.GetColor(ColorProperty.TextColor); // Content theme.SetParameters(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.ContentArea.Normal); BackColor = theme.GetColor(ColorProperty.FillColor); contentArea.Font = theme.GetFont2(g); var cp = theme.GetMargins2(g, MarginProperty.ContentMargins); contentArea.ColumnStyles[0].Width = cp.Left; contentArea.RowStyles[1].Height = cp.Bottom; // Command theme.SetParameters(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.CommandArea.Normal); cp = theme.GetMargins2(g, MarginProperty.ContentMargins); commandArea.RowStyles[0].Height = cp.Top; commandArea.RowStyles[2].Height = cp.Bottom; commandArea.ColumnStyles[1].Width = contentArea.ColumnStyles[contentCol + 1].Width = cp.Right; commandAreaBorder.Height = 0; theme.SetParameters(VisualStyleElementEx.AeroWizard.Button.Normal); var btnHeight = theme.GetInteger(IntegerProperty.Height); commandAreaButtonFlowLayout.MinimumSize = new Size(0, btnHeight); var btnFont = theme.GetFont2(g); foreach (Control ctrl in commandAreaButtonFlowLayout.Controls) { ctrl.Font = btnFont; ctrl.Height = btnHeight; //ctrl.MaximumSize = new Size(0, btnHeight); } themePropsSet = true; } } else { commandAreaBorder.Height = 1; backButton.Size = new Size(GetUnthemedBackButtonImage().Width, GetUnthemedBackButtonImage().Height / 4); BackColor = UseAeroStyle ? SystemColors.Window : SystemColors.Control; } } private bool ShouldSerializeBackButtonText() => pageContainer.ShouldSerializeBackButtonText(); private bool ShouldSerializeCancelButtonText() => pageContainer.ShouldSerializeCancelButtonText(); private bool ShouldSerializeFinishButtonText() => pageContainer.ShouldSerializeFinishButtonText(); private bool ShouldSerializeNextButtonText() => pageContainer.ShouldSerializeNextButtonText(); private bool ShouldSerializeTitle() => Title != Properties.Resources.WizardTitle; private bool ShouldSerializeTitleIcon() => titleImageIconSet; private void TitleBar_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { var c = titleBar.GetChildAtPoint(e.Location); if (c != backButton) { formMoveTracking = true; formMoveLastMousePos = PointToScreen(e.Location); } } OnMouseDown(e); } private void TitleBar_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (formMoveTracking) { var screen = PointToScreen(e.Location); var diff = new Point(screen.X - formMoveLastMousePos.X, screen.Y - formMoveLastMousePos.Y); var loc = parentForm.Location; loc.Offset(diff); parentForm.Location = loc; formMoveLastMousePos = screen; } OnMouseMove(e); } private void TitleBar_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) formMoveTracking = false; OnMouseUp(e); } } }