2021-12-23: V1.3.3.6 ==================== - Feature: Elevation grid overlay on "Optionms/Stations/Map" to better understand elevation resolution issues and local situation (for zoom levels >= 17) - Bugfix: AirScout crashes when opening Crossing History Dialog window --> fixed (tnx PU34HAG) - Bugfix: Near field suppression did not work correctly, showing strange local obstructions under some circumstances --> fixed - Bugfix: No more planes visible (Exception messages shown in status bar and log file) with some language settings (at least Turkish) --> fixed (tnx TA2NC) 2020-04-25: V1.3.3.5 ==================== - Bugfix: Chunked transport of web content failed while fetching plane feeds (OpenSky, Virtual Radar Server) --> fixed - Bugfix: Drawing map throws an exception under some circumstances --> fixed, added some error handling (tnx SM7LCB) 2020-04-25: V1.3.3.4 ==================== - Bugfix: AirScout always reverts to default call signs (DL2ALF <> GB3MHZ) when area of interest is set outside Europe --> fixed (tnx VK3VG) 2020-04-21: V1.3.3.3 ==================== - Feature: export current path to CSV, feature was removed during change to V1.3.x - Bugfix: RTL1090 plane feed is slowly returning if cancelled and no connection is established (there is a 10sc timeout), fixed 2020-04-19: V1.3.3.2 ==================== - Bugfix: Commit issues with V1.3.3.1, changes were not synchronized with web repository --> fixed 2020-04-18: V1.3.3.1 ==================== - Bugfix: Manage Watchlist button should be enabled by default (also when Network Service is disabled) --> fixed (tnx OZ9GE) - Bugfix: RTL1090 plane feed does not care about settings, always using default settings --> fixed (tnx G4WSZ) - Bugfix: Watchlist entries in Multi-Path mode are colored regardless of a minimum plane category is set in plane filter --> fixed (tnx OZ9GE) 2020-04-10: V1.3.3.0 ==================== - Feature: Option to restrict call sign database to locations inside the area of interest (via "Option/Stations"), all others outside this area will be deleted in each update prcodedure - Bugfix: Again fixed some issues with splash window preventing error messages being shown at startup. - Bugifx: Some elements inside the control tab were not drawn on first enter when running under Linux/Mono --> fixed - Feature: Optimize the database update procedures to save CPU load and bandwidth, do nothing now when neither database nor web update has changed since last update - Bugfix: Airports are showing up on map with long delay --> fixed - Bugfix: AirScout crashes when startup is delayed for some reason and splash window has closed meanwhile --> fixed - Bugfix: AirScout crashes after cleaning up settings via AirScout.exe /clean and opening "Options" dialog, default path settings are lost --> fixed - Bugfix: Critical! AirScout does not show up anymore when closed once in "Minimized" state, only way to recover is to clean up settings --> fixed (tnx SM6MUY, OZ9GE) - Bugfix: Coloured watchlist items were not reset to default when plane passed and no potetial is left anymore --> fixed (tnx OZ9GE) - Feature: Implementing TLS1.2 for .NET4.0 (Windows XP) for plane feeds which require a secure connection, this keeps backward compatibility for almost all streams - Feature: Map preloader (experimental), preload missing map tiles from www.airscout.eu (only Open Street Maps, only Central Europe) or from map server and store it to database - Feature: Rework of Options dialog, re-arranged some items to get more clearance in what they stand for 2020-xx-xx: V1.3.2.0 (not published) ==================== - Bugfix: Several limitations on Windows XP, program crashes while opening Options Dialog, users cannot save plane feed settings --> fixed (tnx OK1TEH) - Feature: Users can click on the watchlist markers on the map to change path immediately in SINGLE mode (tnx GM4JTJ) - Feature: Option to change font size in charts via "Options/Map" (tnx LZ2ZP) - Bugfix: Radio Horizon shows an unwanted strike through in Cartesian diagram --> fixed (tnx LZ2ZP) - Feature: Redirect console output, users can run AirScout from a command line and see all console output for debugging (like on Linux) - Bugfix: Watchlist was not properly sorted when synchronized with wtKST --> fixed - Bugfix: "Orphan paths" when watchlist is synchronized with wtKST and user leaves the chat --> fixed, call is kept on watchlist now as long as it is selected 2020-03-01: V1.3.1.0 ==================== - Bugfix: AirportMapper does not work, Airports were not shown on the map anymore --> fixed (tnx OZ9GE) - Feature: complete rework of watchlist dialog, now changed from ListView to DataGridView (which is much faster), additionally show locator (tnx G8JVM, DH5FS, OZ9GE) - Bugfix: Aircraft labels were not shown on the elevation tab anymore (tab was disabled while in PLAY mode) --> fixed, now showing again on Left+Click (tnx OZ9GE) - Bugfix: ProgressTimer overflow under heavy load (especially when too many planes or paths are to display on slow systems) --> fixed (timer is stopped now and restarted not until update is performed) - Bugfix: do not disable whole tab controls while in PLAY mode, allow some user action and display changes --> fixed (change of tabs in tab control is now blocked by other means) - Feature: Rework of watch list in main window, showing potential now in full color, last selected call in MULTI mode is automatically transferred as selected call for SINGLE mode (tnx GM3SEK) - Feature: rework of splash window at startup, showing software version now - Bugfix: Planefinder web feed stopped working --> fixed (tnx F8AIH) - Feature: New web feed from OpenSky Network implenented (a free community) - Bugfix: AirScout crashed when the "Info" tab in the "Options" dialog box is opened twice after doing some other stuff --> fixed (tnx G0LGS) 2020-xx-xx: V1.3.0.8 (not published) ==================== - Bugfix: The calculation of free disk space does not work on some Linux configurations, unable to load elevation tiles --> fixed with workaround (tnx G8JVM) - Bugfix: Somtimes unable to set own callsign in First Run Wizard on Linux (when own callsign is not in database) --> fixed (tnx (G8JVM) - Bugfix: Window splitter position not set properly when starting up after First Run Wizard or when starting on Linux - Feature: Manage watch list dialog is slow, filling the list boxes is taking ages (especially on Linux/Mono)--> create a background worker and show progress while loading (tnx G8JVM) - Feature: Watch list is now sorted on selected calls first when in Play mode, coloured checkboxes are showing AS potential (tnx DH5FS) - Bugfix: Multiple dialog boxes "There are news on the website..." are showing if no user reaaction happend after some minutes --> fixed - Bugfix: Planes Minimal Category Filter Boxes are showing all categories twice --> fixed (tnx S51ML) - Bugfix: UDP-Server (for wtKST or similar) delivers full plane category string (e.g. "MEDIUM") in ASNEAREST message instead of one character (e.g. "M") --> fixed (tnx S51ML) 2020-02-12: V1.3.0.7 ==================== - Bugfix: The AirScout_clean.cmd does not work properly when trying to cleanup files (database files are locked) --> fixed - Bugfix: Session key sometimes was not genrated at fresh install, resulting in limited functionality --> fixed - Bugfix: Watchlist in multi-path mode always scrolls back to top position after watchlist is updated, watchlist is getting inoperable on large amounts of calls --> fixed - Bugfix: Sometimes a MemoryCounter could not created by the system, Exception will occur and AirScout will not start --> fixed - Feature: Create a progress indicator while creating elevation tile catalogue --> number of tiles processed is displayed now (tnx DL8AAU) - Feature: colour checked items in watch list according to their AS potential (tnx DF5HS) - Feature: Sort selected items to the top of watch list to better view all selected items at once - Feature: label checked items from watch list in map premantently when in Multi-Path Mode (call sign only) (tnx DF5HS) - Bugfix: several minor bugs when managing watch list (calls not sorted, multiple adding adding possible) --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) 2020-02-04: V1.3.0.6 ==================== - Bugfix: Planefeed plugins do not show up on some configurations - seems to be a problem with .NET security policies --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: Users cannot click on a single plane to show info permanently when in PLAY mode, also no tracking of a single plane is possible --> fixed (tnx IN3UPQ) - Bugfix: Calculation of elevation angle is wrong, always showing abt. 0°, tracking not working --> fixed (tnx IN3UPQ) 2020-02-02: V1.3.0.5 ==================== - Feature: New AirScout user space on webserver, including PHP scripts for upload download information and keys - Feature: New database on webserver containing station info, qrv info and keys - Feature: [Security enhancement] generate a unique AirScout instance key and a temporary session key each time AirScout is starting up, all traffic is now encrypted - Feature: [Plugin framework for plane feeds] allowing to update feeds online and to write own feeds - Feature: New and refurbished plane feeds, according to the new plane feed framework - Feature: News tab is moved to map tab to get more space for viewing content 2019-xx-xx: V1.3.0.4 (not published) ==================== - Feature: new "Multi-Path" feature to monitor more than one path at the same time, enhanced watch list features - Feature: new common database layout for aircraft database - Feature: keep aircraft positions in database instead of in memory - Feature: local obstruction is now kept in database, new dialog window in "Stations" tab to enter obstruction data - Bugfix: Showing of airports in map could not be switched off --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: Calculation of squint angle was intransparent and probably incorrect, its now defined as the difference between both angles theta (refer to handbook) --> fixed - Feature: Enhanced spectrum tab with zoomed map for supervising nearest plane in real time, singal strength is kept in database for further analysis - Feature: Enhanced webserver functionality, deliver path and nearest planes info on HTTP-request via JSON, makes it possible to run one ore more AirScout view clients - Feature: Enhanced analysis tab with history player and import/export functions - Feature: [Virtual Radar Server] Extended plausibility check to avoid "jumping planes" due to incorrect position messages (estimate position from older messages and check against latest message) - Feature: [PlaneFeeds] improved recovery of missing data/empty fields in captured messages - Bugfix: Error 403 (forbidden) when loading map tiles from OpenStreetMap --> fixed 2018-xx-xx: V1.3.0.3 (not published) ==================== - Bugfix: Web downloader now allows redirection (e.g. http:// --> https://) --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Feature: new database structure (internal) - Feature: extended database structure --> storing location per user & 6digit locator, storing QRV info per user & 6digit locator & band - Feature: new elevation tile structure and download procedure - Feature: latest SQLite library version and "Any CPU" feature, AirScout now running as 32bit or 64bit application on both Windows and Linux - Feature: Linux/Mono compatibility allows running AirScout native in a Linux/Mono environment (details and limitations see readme_Linux.txt) - Feature: New charts library for enhanced presentation and Linux/Mono compatibility - Feature: Enhanced station details dialog with map for easier location change and QRV info per callsign, locator and band - Feature: new background procedures for station and elevation database updates - Feature: new background procedure for propagation path pre-calculation - Feature: extended error logging 2017-xx-xx: V1.2.0.7 (not published) ==================== - Bugfix: "Jumping planes" due to incorrect timestamps when using VirtualRadarServer --> Workaround implemented (check server time and calculate offset) - Feature: using GAlt (corrected altitude by air pressure) when using VirtualRadarServer giving more accurate altitude asl - Feature: History Analysis tab implemented to load an play with historical data - Bugfix: band specific setting of maximum distance to path not working --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Feature: show Radio Horizon on map as an additional option to easy locate obstructions on topology 2017-xx-xx: V1.2.0.6 (not published) ==================== - Bugfix: AirScout crashes when Options/Database/Update local database is set to "Never" --> fixed (tnx DL3IAE) - Bugfix: AirScout does not set DXCall properly when triggered from wtKST to show path and DXLocator does not match with database --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Feature: Import old callsign database from previous versions as TXT-file (tnx F1EBK) - Bugfix: Import of initial database files crashed - Bugfix: misformatted tracking file in WSJT format (azel.dat) --> fixed (tnx DJ5AR) - Bugfix: creating an empty database under unknown circumstances which causes AirScout to crash on next startup --> Workaround implemented (check for empty lookup tables before saving to database) 2017-01-02: V1.2.0.5 ==================== - Bugfix: Antenna height was not set to 10m by default in the HorizonCalculationDlg --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: Elevation data and antenna height textboxes were not set in Options/Stations --> fixed - Bugfix: DXStation details were not filled when enetering Options/Stations --> fixed - Bugfix: ADSBSharp and RTL1090 feeds: exeptions while receiving misformatted messages were blocking the decoder for 10sec, no position messages could be decoded --> fixed (tnx PE1ITR) - Bugfix: ADSBSharp and RTL1090 feeds: endless loop when not receiving a start character via TCP(binary mode only) --> fixed with receiving timeout (10sec) - Feature: Aircraft database is now updated also from received web feeds - Bugfix: Redraw loop to maximaized window when alarms occur --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: Frequency calcluation wrong in HorizonDlg with special CultureInfo --> fixed (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: Callsign does not update in DXCall combobox when clicking on a marker from watchlist --> fixed (tnx OZ9GE) - Bugfix: Changes on database were discarded when done before database background update was finished --> fixed 2016-12-24: V1.2.0.4 ==================== - Bugfix: several issues when entering a completly unknown callsign --> fixed (tnx SM6CEN) - Bugfix: station detail boxes in FirtsRuznWizard and Options/Stations differ in order --> fixed - Feature: adjust MapWindow zoom automatically in FirstRunWizard when changing locator - Bugfix: initial DXCall was set to GB3MHL, this is outdated --> fixed, DXCall now set to GB3MHZ (tnx G3XDY) - Bugfix: loss of callsign database if closed before DatabaseUpdater was finished > fixed - Bugfix: LastUpdated timestamps are not handled correctly, preventing user from altering locator once set as new --> fixed 2016-12-23: V1.2.0.3 ==================== - Feature: new threadsafe LogWriter object created and extensive logging implemented - Bugfix: download of SRTM elevation tiles does not work on WinXP due to missing TLS1.2 implementation --> Workaround 2016-12-20: V1.2.0.2 ==================== - Bugfix: FirstRunWizard windows remained on topmost position blocking other dialogs--> fixed (tnx G3XDY) - Feature: downgrade FirstRunWizard to Microsoft .Net4.0 and get back Winodws XP compatibitliy (tnx OK1TEH) - Feature: design back button as classic button in FirstRunWizard regardless of Windows Design Rules (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: Reset settings to factory default does not work properly for plane feeds --> fixed - Bugfix: use of "Best Case Elevation" even when given location is exact --> fixed (tnx G3XDY) - Bugfix: "Best Case Elevation" did not work properly when more than one elevation model is activated --> fixed - Feature: added QRZ lookup for own callsign on FirstRunWizard (tnx DL8AAU) - Bugfix: proper handling of input (callsign, lat/lon, locator textboxes) - Bugfix: proper handling of drag marker for own locaton on map (FirstRunWizard) --> fixed - Bugfix: aircrafts did not show up on first run --> fixed (tnx G3XDY) - Bugfix: database updater did not load elevation tiles from web --> fixed - Feature: buttons for default elevation path added at Options/GLOBE, SRTM3, SRTM1 2016-12-11: V1.2.0.1 ==================== - Feature: SQLite database for callsigns, locations and elevation as basic function in ScoutBase - Feature: SQLite database for aircrafts, types, registrations, airlines and airports - Feature: Airports can be shown on map now - Feature: New web feed for Virtual Radar Server - Feature: New web feed for www.planefinder.net - Feature: New Auto JSON web feed, with auto detection of data for work with different feeds and formats not yet known (experimental) - Feature: Screen update rate can be changed now (Default = 1sec) - Bugfix: "Play/Pause" îs now the default button again. You can toggle the mode by hitting . - Feature: Wizard on startup guiding through all basic settings - Bugfix: complete rework of Options dialog - Feature: enhanced locator in/output, 6-14 digits available - Feature: new watchlist, keeps history, can be maintained, calls are shown on the map, clicking on it changes path - Feature: no admin rights necessary anymore, all files are now stored in local user space - Feature: window layout, position and size is kept now 2015-xx-xx: V1.1.0.1 (not published) ==================================== - Bugfix: Donate button issue - Program hangs or shows "Script error" while trying to load the website from the server --> fixed (tnx SM6CEN) - Bugfix: Antenna tracking does not stop when selected AP disappeared, sending "0.0" values for Az/El instead of stop sending data--> fixed - Bugfix: Planes with category "S" (Superheavy) were shown as "M" sized icons --> fixed - Bugfix: GLOBE source unusable outside Europe: changed URL, tiles and data format --> fixed, complete new tile handling and download strategy is implemented (tnx VK2BJP) - Bugfix: Corrupted lat/lon information in feed, major amount of planes is dropped --> not fixed so far(tnx W3SZ) - Bugfix: Error in 2-line TLE handling for ISS --> fixed - Feature: Playing of historical data (Offline mode) when double-clicking on UTC field in "Pause" mode 2015-02-08: V1.1.0.0 ==================== - Bugfix: Lat/Lon textboxes at "Options/Planes" do not show the current settings from "Options/General" tab. --> fixed (tnx VK6KDX) - Bugfix: Program is crashing when pressing the "Show Traffic" button on the "Options/Planes" tab on an empty plane position database (e.g. no plane positions were loaded neither from Internet nor from a local file) --> fixed (tnx VK6KDX) - Bugfix: InfoWindow: Elevation is showing wrong values --> fixed - Feature: Accessiblity enhancement, minimize Zoom, Fliter and Alarm Boxes to save screen space when using larger system fonts. New splitters between map, info box and elevation details, positions were saved now. Ensure that the basic window elements are always visible. (tnx IK1ZOF) - Bugfix: several text box input in the Options window (e.g. Sepctrum Lab Server URL) is not saved correctly after pressing "Apply" or "OK" --> fixed - Feature: new plane feeds created including random source and new web feeds, file feeds and raw data input from ADS-B receiver (DVB-T stick based with RTL1090) - Feature: AirScout web server functionalitity - Feature: News Feed included in separate tab - Feature: Plane tracking by several ways included (experimental) - Feature: Import call sign database from previous versions or other sources - Feature: New (scalable) plane icons according to category (tnx OK1TEH) 2014-01-09: V1.0.0.1 ==================== - Bugfix: Activation of AirScout server via "Activate Server" checkbox on "Options/Network" does not work. No server functions available --> fixed (tnx SM7EYW) 2014-01-04: V1.0.0.0 ==================== Initial Version