using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using Newtonsoft.Json; using ScoutBase.Core; namespace ScoutBase.Data { [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("")] public class DataTableSRTM3 : DataTable { public DataTableSRTM3() : base() { // set table name TableName = "SRTM3"; // create all specific columns DataColumn FileIndex = this.Columns.Add("FileIndex", typeof(string)); DataColumn FileName = this.Columns.Add("Filename", typeof(string)); DataColumn MinLat = this.Columns.Add("MinLat", typeof(double)); DataColumn MaxLat = this.Columns.Add("MaxLat", typeof(double)); DataColumn MinLon = this.Columns.Add("MinLon", typeof(double)); DataColumn MaxLon = this.Columns.Add("MaxLon", typeof(double)); DataColumn MinElv = this.Columns.Add("MinElv", typeof(int)); DataColumn MaxElv = this.Columns.Add("MaxElv", typeof(int)); DataColumn Rows = this.Columns.Add("Rows", typeof(int)); DataColumn Columns = this.Columns.Add("Columns", typeof(int)); DataColumn Version = this.Columns.Add("Version", typeof(int)); DataColumn URL = this.Columns.Add("URL", typeof(string)); DataColumn Status = this.Columns.Add("Status", typeof(string)); DataColumn Local = this.Columns.Add("Local", typeof(bool)); DataColumn LastUpdated = this.Columns.Add("LastUpdated", typeof(string)); // create primary key DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[1]; keys[0] = FileIndex; this.PrimaryKey = keys; } public DataRow NewRow(SRTM3TileDesignator tile) { DataRow row = this.NewRow(); row["FileIndex"] = tile.FileIndex; row["Filename"] = tile.FileName; row["MinLat"] = tile.MinLat; row["MaxLat"] = tile.MaxLat; row["MinLon"] = tile.MinLon; row["MaxLon"] = tile.MaxLon; row["MinElv"] = tile.MinElv; row["MaxElv"] = tile.MaxElv; row["Rows"] = tile.Rows; row["Columns"] = tile.Columns; row["Version"] = tile.Version; row["URL"] = tile.URL; row["Status"] = tile.Status.ToString(); row["Local"] = tile.Local; row["LastUpdated"] = tile.LastUpdated.ToString("u"); return row; } } [Serializable] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("")] public class JSONArraySRTM3 : Object { public string version = ""; public int full_count = 0; public List> tiles; public JSONArraySRTM3() { version = ""; full_count = 0; tiles = new List>(); } public JSONArraySRTM3(SRTM3Dictionary SRTM3) { version = SRTM3.Version; full_count = SRTM3.Tiles.Count; tiles = new List>(); for (int i = 0; i < full_count; i++) { List l = new List(); SRTM3TileDesignator tile = SRTM3.Tiles.Values.ElementAt(i); l.Add(tile.FileIndex); l.Add(tile.FileName); l.Add(tile.MinLat.ToString("F8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); l.Add(tile.MaxLat.ToString("F8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); l.Add(tile.MinLon.ToString("F8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); l.Add(tile.MaxLon.ToString("F8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); l.Add(tile.MinElv.ToString()); l.Add(tile.MaxElv.ToString()); l.Add(tile.Rows.ToString()); l.Add(tile.Columns.ToString()); l.Add(tile.URL.ToString()); l.Add(tile.Status.ToString()); l.Add(tile.Local.ToString()); l.Add(tile.LastUpdated.ToString("u")); tiles.Add(l); } } } public enum SRTM3TILESTATUS { UNDEFINED = 'U', BAD = 'B', GOOD = 'G', } /// /// Holds the SRTM3 tile information /// [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("")] public class SRTM3TileDesignator { public string FileIndex; public string FileName = ""; public double MinLat = 0; public double MaxLat = 0; public double MinLon = 0; public double MaxLon = 0; public int MinElv = int.MaxValue; public int MaxElv = int.MinValue; public int Rows = 0; public int Columns = 0; public int Version = 0; public string URL = ""; public SRTM3TILESTATUS Status; public bool Local; public DateTime LastUpdated; public SRTM3TileDesignator(string fileindex, string filename, double minlat, double maxlat, double minlon, double maxlon, int minelv, int maxelv, int rows, int columns, int version, string url, SRTM3TILESTATUS status, bool local) : this(fileindex, filename, minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon, minelv, maxelv, rows, columns, version, url, status, local, DateTime.UtcNow) { } public SRTM3TileDesignator(string fileindex, string filename, double minlat, double maxlat, double minlon, double maxlon, int minelv, int maxelv, int rows, int columns, int version, string url, SRTM3TILESTATUS status, bool local, DateTime lastupdated) { FileIndex = fileindex; FileName = filename; MinLat = minlat; MaxLat = maxlat; MinLon = minlon; MaxLon = maxlon; MinElv = minelv; MaxElv = maxelv; Rows = rows; Columns = columns; Version = version; URL = url; Status = status; Local = local; LastUpdated = lastupdated; } } /// /// Holds the SRTM3 Elevation Model in a directory structure. /// Returns the elevation of any point referenced with latitude and longitude. /// /// The latitude of point. /// The The longitude of point. /// An elevation value according to lat/lon. /// /// Holds a SRTM3 tile collction /// [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("")] public class SRTM3Dictionary : Object { public string Version { get { return System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ScoutBaseDatabase)).GetName().Version.ToString(); } } public string Name { get { return "SRTM3"; } } private bool changed = false; public bool Changed { get { return changed; } } public SortedDictionary Tiles = new SortedDictionary(); private int elv_missing_flag = -500; SortedDictionary LocalTiles = new SortedDictionary(); SortedDictionary WebTiles = new SortedDictionary(); public SRTM3Dictionary() { } public SRTM3Dictionary(DataTable table) { // create dictionary from data table FromTable(table); // reset changed flag changed = false; } public void Clear() { // clean up tile dictionary if (Tiles != null) { if (Tiles.Count > 0) changed = true; Tiles.Clear(); } } public bool IsSRTM3File(string filename) { // checks for a valid SRTM filename with extension // filename must have a XnnYnnn.hgt notation // [0]: 'N' or 'S' // [1],[2]: nn = Latitude // [3]: 'E' or 'W' // [4],[5],[6]: nnn = Longitude if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) return false; if (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToUpper() != ".HGT") return false; string upperfilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename).ToUpper(); if ((upperfilename[0] != 'N') && (upperfilename[0] != 'S')) return false; if ((upperfilename[3] != 'W') && (upperfilename[3] != 'E')) return false; if (!Char.IsDigit(upperfilename[1])) return false; if (!Char.IsDigit(upperfilename[2])) return false; if (!Char.IsDigit(upperfilename[4])) return false; if (!Char.IsDigit(upperfilename[5])) return false; if (!Char.IsDigit(upperfilename[6])) return false; // check file size long l = 1201 * 1201 * 2; if (l != new System.IO.FileInfo(filename).Length) return false; return true; } public SRTM3TileDesignator GetTileFromPoint(double lat, double lon) { // get the lat/lon base values for a single tile to load int latbase = (int)Math.Floor(lat); int lonbase = (int)Math.Floor(lon); // calculate index string index = String.Concat((lat > 0) ? "N" : "S", Math.Abs(latbase).ToString("00")) + String.Concat((lon > 0) ? "E" : "W", Math.Abs(lonbase).ToString("000")); SRTM3TileDesignator tile = null; if (Tiles.TryGetValue(index, out tile)) { if (tile.Local) return tile; } return null; } public SRTM3TileDesignator GetTileInfoFromFile(string filename) { if (!IsSRTM3File(filename)) return null; string fileindex = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename).ToUpper(); int latbase = (fileindex[0] == 'S') ? -System.Convert.ToInt32(fileindex.Substring(1, 2)) : System.Convert.ToInt32(fileindex.Substring(1, 2)); int lonbase = (fileindex[3] == 'W') ? -System.Convert.ToInt32(fileindex.Substring(4, 3)) : System.Convert.ToInt32(fileindex.Substring(4, 3)); return new SRTM3TileDesignator(fileindex, filename, latbase, latbase + 1, lonbase, lonbase + 1, int.MaxValue, int.MinValue, 1201, 1201, 1, "", SRTM3TILESTATUS.GOOD, true); } public void Scan() { try { GetAllTilesFromLocalDir(); GetAllTilesFromWeb(); // save all new tiles in a separate directory // reset all tiles which are not available anymore, add missing with default values Tiles.Clear(); // add all local tiles foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in LocalTiles.Values) { Console.WriteLine("Scanning tile: " + tile.FileName + "..."); // search for index in webtiles and grab url if found SRTM3TileDesignator webtile; if (WebTiles.TryGetValue(tile.FileIndex, out webtile)) { tile.URL = webtile.URL; // remove web tile info WebTiles.Remove(webtile.FileIndex); } Update(tile); } // add rest of web tiles foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in WebTiles.Values) { Update(tile); } } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing } } private void GetAllTilesFromLocalDir() { // return empty dictionary if path not found if (!Directory.Exists(global::ScoutBase.Data.Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_DataPath)) return; LocalTiles.Clear(); FileInfo[] SRTM3files = new DirectoryInfo(global::ScoutBase.Data.Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_DataPath).GetFiles("???????.hgt"); foreach (FileInfo file in SRTM3files) { try { SRTM3TileDesignator tile = GetTileInfoFromFile(file.FullName); if (tile != null) { // valid tile found, complete tile information // check min/max info if ((tile.MaxElv == int.MinValue) || (tile.MinElv == int.MaxValue)) { // try to get cached min/max info SRTM3TileDesignator oldtile; if (Tiles.TryGetValue(tile.FileIndex, out oldtile)) { tile.MinElv = oldtile.MinElv; tile.MaxElv = oldtile.MaxElv; } // still no min/max info? if ((tile.MaxElv == int.MinValue) || (tile.MinElv == int.MaxValue)) { // calculate min/max elevation CalcMinMaxElevation(ref tile); } } LocalTiles.Add(tile.FileIndex, tile); } } catch { } } } private void GetAllTilesFromWeb() { // check for valid urls if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(global::ScoutBase.Data.Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_URLs)) return; // load tiles from web only once if (WebTiles.Count > 0) return; try { // split urls if necessary string[] srtm3urls; if (global::ScoutBase.Data.Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_URLs.Contains("\r\n")) srtm3urls = global::ScoutBase.Data.Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_URLs.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); else { srtm3urls = new string[1]; srtm3urls[0] = global::ScoutBase.Data.Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_URLs; } // create a searchable index of all available tiles from web SortedDictionary urls = new SortedDictionary(); foreach (string url in srtm3urls) { HTTPDirectorySearcher s = new HTTPDirectorySearcher(); List l = s.GetDirectoryInformation(url); foreach (HTTPDirectoryItem item in l) { try { // find possible file names if (item.Name.Contains(".zip")) { urls.Add(item.Name.Split('.')[0].ToUpper(), item.AbsolutePath); } } catch { } } } // initally generate tile info for (int lat = -90; lat < 90; lat++) { for (int lon = -180; lon < 180; lon++) { string index = ((lat < 0) ? "S" + Math.Abs(lat).ToString("00") : "N" + Math.Abs(lat).ToString("00")) + ((lon < 0) ? "W" + Math.Abs(lon).ToString("000") : "E" + Math.Abs(lon).ToString("000")); SRTM3TileDesignator tile = new SRTM3TileDesignator(index, "", (double)lat, (double)lat + 1, (double)lon, (double)lon + 1, int.MaxValue, int.MinValue, 1201, 1201, 0, "", SRTM3TILESTATUS.UNDEFINED, false); // search tile in web tile index string url; if (urls.TryGetValue(tile.FileIndex, out url)) { // add tile if found tile.URL = url; WebTiles.Add(tile.FileIndex, tile); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } private void CalcMinMaxElevation(ref SRTM3TileDesignator tile) { try { // open file to get more information if (tile.Local && ((tile.MinElv == int.MaxValue) || (tile.MaxElv == int.MinValue))) { using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(tile.FileName))) { tile.MinElv = int.MaxValue; tile.MaxElv = int.MinValue; long l = br.BaseStream.Length / 2; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { byte[] a16 = new byte[2]; br.Read(a16, 0, 2); Array.Reverse(a16); short s = BitConverter.ToInt16(a16, 0); if (s < elv_missing_flag) s = (short)elv_missing_flag; if (s != elv_missing_flag) { if (s < tile.MinElv) tile.MinElv = s; if (s > tile.MaxElv) tile.MaxElv = s; } } Application.DoEvents(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } public void FromTable(DataTable dt) { if (dt == null) return; this.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string index = row["FileIndex"].ToString(); string filename = row["FileName"].ToString(); double minlat = System.Convert.ToDouble(row["MinLat"]); double maxlat = System.Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxLat"]); double minlon = System.Convert.ToDouble(row["MinLon"]); double maxlon = System.Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxLon"]); int minelv = System.Convert.ToInt32(row["MinElv"]); int maxelv = System.Convert.ToInt32(row["MaxElv"]); int rows = System.Convert.ToInt32(row["Rows"]); int columns = System.Convert.ToInt32(row["Columns"]); int version = System.Convert.ToInt32(row["Version"]); string url = row["URL"].ToString(); SRTM3TILESTATUS status = (SRTM3TILESTATUS)Enum.Parse(typeof(SRTM3TILESTATUS), row["Status"].ToString()); bool local = System.Convert.ToBoolean(row["Local"]); DateTime lastupdated = DateTime.UtcNow; try { try { lastupdated = DateTime.ParseExact(row["LastUpdated"].ToString(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); lastupdated = lastupdated.ToUniversalTime(); } catch { } SRTM3TileDesignator tile = new SRTM3TileDesignator(index,filename,minlat,maxlat,minlon, maxlon, minelv, maxelv, rows, columns,version, url, status, local,lastupdated); this.Tiles.Add(tile.FileIndex, tile); } catch { } } } public DataTable ToTable() { DataTableSRTM3 dt = new DataTableSRTM3(); foreach (KeyValuePair tile in Tiles) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(tile.Value); dt.Rows.Add(row); } return dt; } public DataTable FromJSONArray(string filename) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) return new DataTableSRTM3(); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename))) { string json = sr.ReadToEnd(); JSONArraySRTM3 a = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // check version if (String.Compare(Version, a.version) != 0) { // do upgrade/downgrade stuff here } else { foreach (List l in a.tiles) { string fileindex = l[0]; string FileName = l[1]; double minlat = System.Convert.ToDouble(l[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double maxlat = System.Convert.ToDouble(l[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double minlon = System.Convert.ToDouble(l[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double maxlon = System.Convert.ToDouble(l[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int minelv = System.Convert.ToInt32(l[6]); int maxelv = System.Convert.ToInt32(l[7]); int rows = System.Convert.ToInt32(l[8]); int columns = System.Convert.ToInt32(l[9]); int version = System.Convert.ToInt32(l[10]); string url = l[11]; SRTM3TILESTATUS status = SRTM3TILESTATUS.UNDEFINED; try { status = (SRTM3TILESTATUS)Enum.Parse(typeof(SRTM3TILESTATUS), l[12]); } catch { } bool local = System.Convert.ToBoolean(l[13]); DateTime lastupdated = DateTime.UtcNow; try { lastupdated = System.Convert.ToDateTime(l[4]); } catch { } Update(new SRTM3TileDesignator(fileindex, filename, minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon, minelv, maxelv, rows, columns, version, url, status, local, lastupdated)); } } } return ToTable(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return new DataTableSRTM3(); } public string ToJSONArray() { JSONArraySRTM3 a = new JSONArraySRTM3(this); JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); settings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc; settings.FloatFormatHandling = FloatFormatHandling.String; settings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(a, settings); return json; } public void Update(SRTM3TileDesignator tile) { // return on null if (tile == null) return; SRTM3TileDesignator entry = null; lock (this) { if (Tiles.TryGetValue(tile.FileIndex, out entry)) { entry.FileIndex = tile.FileIndex; entry.FileName = tile.FileName; entry.MinLat = tile.MinLat; entry.MaxLat = tile.MaxLat; entry.MinLon = tile.MinLon; entry.MaxLon = tile.MaxLon; entry.MinElv = tile.MinElv; entry.MaxElv = tile.MaxElv; entry.Rows = tile.Rows; entry.Columns = tile.Columns; entry.Version = tile.Version; entry.URL = tile.URL; entry.Status = tile.Status; entry.Local = tile.Local; entry.LastUpdated = tile.LastUpdated; changed = true; } else { this.Tiles.Add(tile.FileIndex, new SRTM3TileDesignator(tile.FileIndex, tile.FileName, tile.MinLat, tile.MaxLat, tile.MinLon, tile.MaxLon, tile.MinElv, tile.MaxElv, tile.Rows, tile.Columns, tile.Version, tile.URL, tile.Status, tile.Local, tile.LastUpdated)); changed = true; } } } public List GetLocalTiles() { List l = new List(); foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in Tiles.Values) { if (tile.Local) l.Add(tile); } return l; } public List GetLocalTiles(double minlat, double maxlat, double minlon, double maxlon) { Rect area = new Rect(minlon, minlat, maxlon - minlon, maxlat - minlat); List a = GetLocalTiles(); List l = new List(); foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in a) { Rect r = new Rect(tile.MinLon, tile.MinLat, tile.MaxLon - tile.MinLon, tile.MaxLat - tile.MinLat); if (tile.Local && area.IntersectsWith(r)) l.Add(tile); } return l; } public List GetAllTiles() { List l = new List(); foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in Tiles.Values) { l.Add(tile); } return l; } public List GetAvailableTiles() { List l = new List(); foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in Tiles.Values) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tile.URL)) l.Add(tile); } return l; } public List GetAvailableTiles(double minlat, double maxlat, double minlon, double maxlon) { Rect area = new Rect(minlon, minlat, maxlon - minlon, maxlat - minlat); List a = GetAvailableTiles(); List l = new List(); foreach (SRTM3TileDesignator tile in a) { Rect r = new Rect(tile.MinLon, tile.MinLat, tile.MaxLon - tile.MinLon, tile.MaxLat - tile.MinLat); if (!tile.Local && area.IntersectsWith(r)) l.Add(tile); } return l; } public void DownloadTile(SRTM3TileDesignator tile) { if (tile == null) return; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tile.URL)) return; AutoDecompressionWebClient cl = new AutoDecompressionWebClient(); string filename = Path.GetFileName(tile.URL.Substring(tile.URL.LastIndexOf('/'))); cl.DownloadFile(tile.URL, Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.SRTM3_DataPath, filename)); } } }