;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Kenwood TH-F7E command set ; ; File created by N6TV ; ; Requires Kenwood PG-4Y Interface Cable ; Use the following settings for the radio's COM port: ; 9600,8,N,1 ; RTS: Handshake ; DTR: High ; Reference: http://www.radiomanual.info/schemi/Kenwood_TH-F6_TH-F7_protocol.pdf ; ; Note: For use with Faros (http://dxatlas.com/faros): ; Build a special cable for the speaker output ; (see http://www.radioctl.com/english/THF6F7Cable.html) ; Set Faros CW pitch to 1000 Hz ; Comment out both the [pmVfoA] and [pmVfoB] sections to prevent Faros ; from switching the receiver to VFO A (which is VHF only) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; initialize ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INIT1] ; Send a CR to initialize Command=0D ReplyEnd=0D [INIT2] ; Set band control to VFO A ; BC 0 Command=424320300D ReplyEnd=0D [INIT3] ; Select VFO mode on VFO A instead of MR mode (enables direct freq entry) ; VMC 0,0 Command=564D4320302C300D ReplyEnd=0D [INIT4] ; Set band control to VFO B ; BC 1 Command=424320310D ReplyEnd=0D [INIT5] ; Select VFO mode on VFO B instead of MR mode (enables direct freq entry) ; VMC 1,0 Command=564D4320312C300D ReplyEnd=0D ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; set frequency ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pmFreqA] ;not supported [pmFreqB] ;not supported [pmFreq] ; FQ ...........,0 Command=465120.0000000000000000000000.2C300D Value=3|11|vfText|1|0 ReplyEnd=0D [pmRitOffset] ;not supported [pmRit0] ;not supported [pmPitch] ;not supported ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; set rit/xit/split/rx/tx ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pmSplitOn] ;not supported [pmSplitOff] ;not supported [pmVfoA] ; BC 0 Command=424320300D ReplyEnd=0D [pmVfoB] ; BC 1 Command=424320310D ReplyEnd=0D [pmVfoEqual] ;not supported [pmVfoSwap] ;not supported [pmVfoAA] ;not supported [pmVfoAB] ;not supported [pmVfoBA] ;not supported [pmVfoBB] ;not supported [pmRitOn] ;not supported [pmRitOff] ;not supported [pmXitOn] ;not supported [pmXitOff] ;not supported [pmRx] ; RX Command=52580D ReplyEnd=0D [pmTx] ; TX Command=54580D ReplyEnd=0D ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; set mode ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pmCW_U] ; MD 5 Command=4D4420350D ReplyEnd=0D [pmCW_L] ; MD 5 Command=4D4420350D ReplyEnd=0D [pmSSB_U] ; MD 4 Command=4D4420340D ReplyEnd=0D [pmSSB_L] ; MD 3 Command=4D4420330D ReplyEnd=0D [pmDIG_U] ;not supported [pmDIG_L] ;not supported [pmAM] ; MD 2 Command=4D4420320D ReplyEnd=0D [pmFM] ; MD 0 Command=4D4420000D ReplyEnd=0D ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; read status ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STATUS1] ; MD Command=4D440D ReplyEnd=0D Validate=4D4420.00.0D Flag1=000000.FF.00|000000.30.00|pmFM Flag2=000000.FF.00|000000.31.00|pmFM Flag3=000000.FF.00|000000.32.00|pmAM Flag4=000000.FF.00|000000.33.00|pmSSB_L Flag5=000000.FF.00|000000.34.00|pmSSB_U Flag6=000000.FF.00|000000.35.00|pmCW_L [STATUS2] ; BC Command=42430D ReplyEnd=0D Validate=424320.00.0D Flag1=000000.FF.00|000000.30.00|pmVfoA Flag2=000000.FF.00|000000.31.00|pmVfoB [STATUS3] ; FQ Command=46510D ReplyEnd=0D Validate=465120.0000000000000000000000.2C000D Value=3|11|vfText|1|0|pmFreq