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2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:NDde.Client.DdeDisconnectedEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>Disconnected</c> event.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="T:NDde.DdeEventArgs">
This is the base class for all NDde event argument classes.
<member name="M:NDde.DdeEventArgs.ToString">
This returns a string containing the current values of all properties.
A string containing the current values of all properties.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeDisconnectedEventArgs.IsServerInitiated">
This gets a bool indicating whether the client disconnected because of the server.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeDisconnectedEventArgs.IsDisposed">
This gets a bool indicating whether the client disconnected because <c>Dispose</c> was explicitly called.
The value will be true if <c>Dispose</c> was explicitly called on <c>DdeClient</c>. The <c>DdeClient</c> sending this event has
been disposed and can no longer be accessed. Any exception thrown in the currently executing method will be ignored.
<member name="T:NDde.NamespaceDoc">
This namespace contains classes for using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) in .NET.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.NamespaceDoc">
This namespace contains classes for using advanced features of the library.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.NamespaceDoc">
This namespace contains classes for creating DDE monitors.
<member name="T:NDde.Client.NamespaceDoc">
This namespace contains classes for creating DDE client applications.
<member name="T:NDde.Server.NamespaceDoc">
This namespace contains classes for creating DDE server applications.
<member name="T:NDde.Foundation.Server.DdemlServer.RegistrationManager">
This class is needed to dispose of DDEML resources correctly since the DDEML is thread specific.
<member name="T:NDde.Foundation.Advanced.DdemlContext.InstanceManager">
This class is needed to dispose of DDEML resources correctly since the DDEML is thread specific.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>CallbackActivity</c> event.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeActivityEventArgs">
This contains information about events on <c>DdeMonitor</c>.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeActivityEventArgs.TaskHandle">
This gets the task handle of the application associated with this event.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.uType">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.uFmt">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.hConv">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.hsz1">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.hsz2">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.hData">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.dwData1">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.dwData2">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeCallbackActivityEventArgs.dwRet">
This gets the return value of the DDEML callback function. See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="T:NDde.Client.DdeClient">
This represents the client side of a DDE conversation.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="true"/>
DDE conversations are established by specifying a service name and topic name pair. The service name is usually the name of the application
acting as a DDE server. A DDE server can respond to multiple service names, but most servers usually only respond to one. The topic name
is a logical context for data and is defined by the server application. A server can and usually does support many topic names.
After a conversation has been established by calling <c>Connect</c> an application can read and write data using the <c>Request</c> and
<c>Poke</c> methods respectively by specifying an item name supported by the active conversation. An item name identifies a unit of data.
An application can also be notified of changes by initiating an advise loop on an item name using the <c>StartAdvise</c> method. Advise
loops can either be warm or hot. A hot advise loop returns the data associated with an item name when it changes whereas a warm advise loop
only notifies the application without sending any data. Commands can be sent to the server using the <c>Execute</c> method.
Callbacks and events are invoked on the thread hosting the <c>DdeContext</c>. All operations must be marshaled onto the thread hosting the
<c>DdeContext</c> associated with this object. Method calls will block until that thread becomes available. An exception will be generated
if the thread does not become available in a timely manner.
The following example demonstrates how to use a DdeClient.
<code lang="C#">
using System;
using System.Text;
using NDde.Client;
public sealed class Client
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Wait for the user to press ENTER before proceding.
Console.WriteLine("The Server sample must be running before the client can connect.");
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");
// Create a client that connects to 'myapp|mytopic'.
using (DdeClient client = new DdeClient("myapp", "mytopic"))
// Subscribe to the Disconnected event. This event will notify the application when a conversation has been terminated.
client.Disconnected += OnDisconnected;
// Connect to the server. It must be running or an exception will be thrown.
// Synchronous Execute Operation
client.Execute("mycommand", 60000);
// Synchronous Poke Operation
client.Poke("myitem", DateTime.Now.ToString(), 60000);
// Syncronous Request Operation
Console.WriteLine("Request: " + client.Request("myitem", 60000));
// Asynchronous Execute Operation
client.BeginExecute("mycommand", OnExecuteComplete, client);
// Asynchronous Poke Operation
client.BeginPoke("myitem", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\0"), 1, OnPokeComplete, client);
// Asynchronous Request Operation
client.BeginRequest("myitem", 1, OnRequestComplete, client);
// Advise Loop
client.StartAdvise("myitem", 1, true, 60000);
client.Advise += OnAdvise;
// Wait for the user to press ENTER before proceding.
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...");
private static void OnExecuteComplete(IAsyncResult ar)
DdeClient client = (DdeClient)ar.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("OnExecuteComplete: " + e.Message);
private static void OnPokeComplete(IAsyncResult ar)
DdeClient client = (DdeClient)ar.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("OnPokeComplete: " + e.Message);
private static void OnRequestComplete(IAsyncResult ar)
DdeClient client = (DdeClient)ar.AsyncState;
byte[] data = client.EndRequest(ar);
Console.WriteLine("OnRequestComplete: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data));
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("OnRequestComplete: " + e.Message);
private static void OnStartAdviseComplete(IAsyncResult ar)
DdeClient client = (DdeClient)ar.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("OnStartAdviseComplete: " + e.Message);
private static void OnStopAdviseComplete(IAsyncResult ar)
DdeClient client = (DdeClient)ar.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("OnStopAdviseComplete: " + e.Message);
private static void OnAdvise(object sender, DdeAdviseEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("OnAdvise: " + args.Text);
private static void OnDisconnected(object sender, DdeDisconnectedEventArgs args)
"OnDisconnected: " +
"IsServerInitiated=" + args.IsServerInitiated.ToString() + " " +
"IsDisposed=" + args.IsDisposed.ToString());
} // class
<code lang="Visual Basic">
Imports System.Text
Imports NDde.Client
Module Program
Sub Main()
' Wait for the user to press ENTER before proceding.
Console.WriteLine("The Server sample must be running before the client can connect.")
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...")
' Create a client that connects to 'myapp|mytopic'.
Using client As DdeClient = New DdeClient("myapp", "mytopic")
' Subscribe to the Disconnected event. This event will notify the application when a conversation has been terminated.
AddHandler client.Disconnected, AddressOf OnDisconnected
' Connect to the server. It must be running or an exception will be thrown.
' Synchronous Execute Operation
client.Execute("mycommand", 60000)
' Synchronous Poke Operation
client.Poke("myitem", DateTime.Now.ToString(), 60000)
' Syncronous Request Operation
Console.WriteLine("Request: " + client.Request("myitem", 60000))
' Asynchronous Execute Operation
client.BeginExecute("mycommand", AddressOf OnExecuteComplete, client)
' Asynchronous Poke Operation
client.BeginPoke("myitem", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.ToString() + Convert.ToChar(0)), 1, AddressOf OnPokeComplete, client)
' Asynchronous Request Operation
client.BeginRequest("myitem", 1, AddressOf OnRequestComplete, client)
' Advise Loop
client.StartAdvise("myitem", 1, True, 60000)
AddHandler client.Advise, AddressOf OnAdvise
' Wait for the user to press ENTER before proceding.
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...")
End Using
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OnExecuteComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Dim client As DdeClient = DirectCast(ar.AsyncState, DdeClient)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("OnExecuteComplete: " + e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OnPokeComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Dim client As DdeClient = DirectCast(ar.AsyncState, DdeClient)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("OnPokeComplete: " + e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OnRequestComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Dim client As DdeClient = DirectCast(ar.AsyncState, DdeClient)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("OnRequestComplete: " + e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OnStartAdviseComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Dim client As DdeClient = DirectCast(ar.AsyncState, DdeClient)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("OnStartAdviseComplete: " + e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OnStopAdviseComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Dim client As DdeClient = DirectCast(ar.AsyncState, DdeClient)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("OnStopAdviseComplete: " + e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OnAdvise(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As DdeAdviseEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine("OnAdvise: " + args.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub OnDisconnected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As DdeDisconnectedEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine( _
"OnDisconnected: " + _
"IsServerInitiated=" + args.IsServerInitiated.ToString() + " " + _
"IsDisposed=" + args.IsDisposed.ToString())
End Sub
End Module
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeClient</c> class that can connect to a server that supports the specified service name and
topic name pair.
<param name="service">
A service name supported by a server application.
<param name="topic">
A topic name support by a server application.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when servic or topic exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when service or topic is a null reference.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeClient</c> class that can connect to a server that supports the specified service name and
topic name pair using the specified synchronizing object.
<param name="service">
A service name supported by a server application.
<param name="topic">
A topic name support by a server application.
<param name="synchronizingObject">
The synchronizing object to use for this instance.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when service or topic exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when service or topic is a null reference.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.#ctor(System.String,System.String,NDde.Advanced.DdeContext)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeClient</c> class that can connect to a server that supports the specified service name and
topic name pair and uses the specified context.
<param name="service">
A service name supported by a server application.
<param name="topic">
A topic name support by a server application.
<param name="context">
The context to use for execution.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when servic or topic exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when service or topic is a null reference.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Dispose">
This terminates the current conversation and releases all resources held by this instance.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
This contains the implementation to release all resources held by this instance.
<param name="disposing">
True if called by Dispose, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Connect">
This establishes a conversation with a server that supports the specified service name and topic name pair.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is already connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the client could not connect to the server.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.TryConnect">
This establishes a conversation with a server that supports the specified service name and topic name pair.
Zero if the operation succeed or non-zero if the operation failed.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Disconnect">
This terminates the current conversation.
<event cref="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Disconnected"/>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client was not previously connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thown when the client could not disconnect from the server.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Pause">
This pauses the current conversation.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the conversation is already paused.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversation could not be paused or when the client is not connected.
Synchronous operations will timeout if the conversation is paused. Asynchronous operations can begin, but will not complete until the
conversation has resumed.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Resume">
This resumes the current conversation.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the conversation was not previously paused or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversation could not be resumed.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Abandon(System.IAsyncResult)">
This terminates an asychronous operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call that begins an asynchronous operation.
This method does nothing if the asynchronous operation has already completed.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when asyncResult is an invalid IAsyncResult.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when asyncResult is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not be abandoned.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Execute(System.String,System.Int32)">
This sends a command to the server application.
<param name="command">
The command to be sent to the server application.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when command exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when command is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the command.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.TryExecute(System.String,System.Int32)">
This sends a command to the server application.
<param name="command">
The command to be sent to the server application.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
Zero if the operation succeed or non-zero if the operation failed.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.BeginExecute(System.String,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
This begins an asynchronous operation to send a command to the server application.
<param name="command">
The command to be sent to the server application.
<param name="callback">
The delegate to invoke when this operation completes.
<param name="state">
An application defined data object to associate with this operation.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when command exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when command is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not begin.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.EndExecute(System.IAsyncResult)">
This throws any exception that occurred during the asynchronous operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginExecute</c>.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when asyncResult is an invalid IAsyncResult.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when asyncResult is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the command.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Poke(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
This sends data to the server application.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="data">
The data to send.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item or data is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the data.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Poke(System.String,System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
This sends data to the server application.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="data">
The data to send.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item or data is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the data.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.TryPoke(System.String,System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
This sends data to the server application.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="data">
The data to send.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
Zero if the operation succeed or non-zero if the operation failed.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.BeginPoke(System.String,System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
This begins an asynchronous operation to send data to the server application.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="data">
The data to send.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
<param name="callback">
The delegate to invoke when this operation completes.
<param name="state">
An application defined data object to associate with this operation.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item or data is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not begin.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.EndPoke(System.IAsyncResult)">
This throws any exception that occurred during the asynchronous operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginPoke</c>.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when asyncResult is an invalid IAsyncResult.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when asyncResult is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the data.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Request(System.String,System.Int32)">
This requests data using the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
The data returned by the server application in CF_TEXT format.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the request.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Request(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
This requests data using the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to return.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
The data returned by the server application.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the request.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.TryRequest(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[]@)">
This requests data using the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to return.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
<param name="data">
The data returned by the server application.
Zero if the operation succeeded or non-zero if the operation failed.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.BeginRequest(System.String,System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
This begins an asynchronous operation to request data using the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to return.
<param name="callback">
The delegate to invoke when this operation completes.
<param name="state">
An application defined data object to associate with this operation.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not begin.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.EndRequest(System.IAsyncResult)">
This gets the data returned by the server application for the operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginRequest</c>.
The data returned by the server application.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when asyncResult is an invalid IAsyncResult.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when asyncResult is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not process the request.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.StartAdvise(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
This initiates an advise loop on the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to return.
<param name="hot">
A bool indicating whether data should be included with the notification.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
<event cref="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Advise"/>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the item is already being advised or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not initiate the advise loop.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.StartAdvise(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Object)">
This initiates an advise loop on the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to return.
<param name="hot">
A bool indicating whether data should be included with the notification.
<param name="acknowledge">
A bool indicating whether the client should acknowledge each advisory before the server will send send another.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
<param name="adviseState">
An application defined data object to associate with this advise loop.
<event cref="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Advise"/>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the item is already being advised or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not initiate the advise loop.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.BeginStartAdvise(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
This begins an asynchronous operation to initiate an advise loop on the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to be returned.
<param name="hot">
A bool indicating whether data should be included with the notification.
<param name="callback">
The delegate to invoke when this operation completes.
<param name="asyncState">
An application defined data object to associate with this operation.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<event cref="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Advise"/>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the item is already being advised or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not begin.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.BeginStartAdvise(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object,System.Object)">
This begins an asynchronous operation to initiate an advise loop on the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by the current conversation.
<param name="format">
The format of the data to be returned.
<param name="hot">
A bool indicating whether data should be included with the notification.
<param name="acknowledge">
A bool indicating whether the client should acknowledge each advisory before the server will send send another.
<param name="callback">
The delegate to invoke when this operation completes.
<param name="asyncState">
An application defined data object to associate with this operation.
<param name="adviseState">
An application defined data object to associate with this advise loop.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<event cref="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Advise"/>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the item is already being advised or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not begin.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.EndStartAdvise(System.IAsyncResult)">
This throws any exception that occurred during the operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginPoke</c>.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when asyncResult is an invalid IAsyncResult.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when asyncResult is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not initiate the advise loop.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.StopAdvise(System.String,System.Int32)">
This terminates the advise loop for the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name that has an active advise loop.
<param name="timeout">
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response.
This operation will timeout if the conversation is paused.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters or timeout is negative.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the item is not being advised or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not terminate the advise loop.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.BeginStopAdvise(System.String,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
This begins an asynchronous operation to terminate the advise loop for the specified item name.
<param name="item">
An item name that has an active advise loop.
<param name="callback">
The delegate to invoke when this operation completes.
<param name="state">
An application defined data object to associate with this operation.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when item exceeds 255 characters.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the item is not being advised or when the client is not connected.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the asynchronous operation could not begin.
<member name="M:NDde.Client.DdeClient.EndStopAdvise(System.IAsyncResult)">
This throws any exception that occurred during the operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginPoke</c>.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when asyncResult is an invalid IAsyncResult.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when asyncResult is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the server does not terminate the advise loop.
<member name="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Advise">
This is raised when the data has changed for an item name that has an advise loop.
<member name="E:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Disconnected">
This is raised when the client has been disconnected.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.DdemlObject">
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Context">
This gets the context associated with this instance.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Service">
This gets the service name associated with this conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Topic">
This gets the topic name associated with this conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.Handle">
This gets the DDEML handle associated with this conversation.
This can be used in any DDEML function requiring a conversation handle.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this object to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.IsPaused">
This gets a bool indicating whether this conversation is paused.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeClient.IsConnected">
This gets a bool indicating whether the conversation is established.
<note type="caution">
Do not assume that the conversation is still established after checking this property. The conversation can terminate at any time.
<member name="T:NDde.Client.DdeClient.AsyncResult">
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="T:NDde.Client.DdeClient.InvalidAsyncResult">
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags">
This specifies the different kinds of DDE activity that can be monitored.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags.Callback">
This indicates activity caused by the execution of a DDEML callback.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags.Conversation">
This indicates activity caused by conversation.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags.Error">
This indicates activity caused by an error.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags.Link">
This indicates activity caused by an advise loop.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags.Message">
This indicates activity caused by DDE messages.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor">
This is used to monitor DDE activity.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.#ctor">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeMonitor</c> class.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.Dispose">
This releases all resources held by this instance.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.Start(NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitorFlags)">
This starts monitoring the system for DDE activity.
<param name="flags">
A bitwise combination of <c>DdeMonitorFlags</c> that indicate what DDE activity will be monitored.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.CallbackActivity">
This is raised anytime a DDEML callback is executed.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.ConversationActivity">
This is raised anytime a conversation is established or terminated.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.ErrorActivity">
This is raised anytime there is an error.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.LinkActivity">
This is raised anytime an advise loop is established or terminated.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.MessageActivity">
This is raised anytime a DDE message is sent or posted.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMonitor.Context">
This gets the context associated with this instance.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction">
This contains the parameters of the DDEML callback function.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
The <c>dwRet</c> property contains the value returned by the DDEML callback function and is the only member that can be modified. See the
MSDN documentation for more information about the members of this class.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this library to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.ToString">
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.uType">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.uFmt">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.hConv">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.hsz1">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.hsz2">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.hData">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.dwData1">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.dwData2">
See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction.dwRet">
This gets the return value of the DDEML callback function. See the MSDN documentation for information about this member.
This will be ignored if the PreFilterTransaction method returns false.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeRegistrationEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>Register</c> and <c>Unregister</c> events.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeRegistrationEventArgs.Service">
This gets the service name associated with this event.
<member name="T:NDde.Foundation.Client.DdemlClient.ConversationManager">
This class is needed to dispose of DDEML resources correctly since the DDEML is thread specific.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMessageActivityKind">
This represents the kind of message contained in <c>DdeMessageActivityEventArgs</c>.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMessageActivityKind.Post">
The message was posted by a DDE application.
<member name="F:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMessageActivityKind.Send">
The message was sent by a DDE application.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMessageActivityEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>MessageActivity</c> event.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMessageActivityEventArgs.Kind">
This gets the kind of message associated with this event.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeMessageActivityEventArgs.Message">
This gets the message associated with this event.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop">
This is a synchronizing object that can run a message loop on any thread.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.#ctor">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeMessageLoop</c> class.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.Dispose">
This releases all resources held by this instance.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.System#ComponentModel#ISynchronizeInvoke#BeginInvoke(System.Delegate,System.Object[])">
This begins an asynchronous operation to execute a delegate on the thread hosting this object.
<param name="method">
The delegate to execute.
<param name="args">
The arguments to pass to the delegate.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.System#ComponentModel#ISynchronizeInvoke#EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)">
This returns the object that the delegate returned in the operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginInvoke</c>.
The object returned by the delegate.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.System#ComponentModel#ISynchronizeInvoke#Invoke(System.Delegate,System.Object[])">
This executes a delegate on the thread hosting this object.
<param name="method">
The delegate to execute.
<param name="args">
The arguments to pass to the delegate.
The object returned by the delegate.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.Run">
This starts a message loop on the current thread.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.Run(System.Windows.Forms.Form)">
This starts a message loop on the current thread and shows the specified form.
<param name="form">
The Form to display.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.System#ComponentModel#ISynchronizeInvoke#InvokeRequired">
This gets a bool indicating whether the caller must use Invoke.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeMessageLoop.HiddenForm">
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="T:NDde.Server.DdeConversation">
This represents a DDE conversation established on a <c>DdeServer</c>.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="true" />
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeConversation.ToString">
This returns a string containing the current values of all properties.
A string containing the current values of all properties.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeConversation.Service">
This gets the service name associated with this conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeConversation.Topic">
This gets the topic name associated with this conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeConversation.Handle">
This gets the DDEML handle associated with this conversation.
This can be used in any DDEML function requiring a conversation handle.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this object to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeConversation.IsPaused">
This gets a bool indicating whether this conversation is paused.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeConversation.Tag">
This gets an application defined data object associated with this conversation.
Use this property to carry state information with the conversation.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.IDdeTransactionFilter">
This defines a transaction filter.
Use a transaction filter to intercept the DDEML callback function. The <c>PreFilterTransaction</c> method will be called every time the
DDEML callback function executes. The <c>Transaction</c> object passed into the method contains the parameters of the DDE callback
function. By using a transaction filter the developer has compelete control over the DDEML. See the MSDN documentation for more
information on using the DDEML.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this library to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.IDdeTransactionFilter.PreFilterTransaction(NDde.Advanced.DdeTransaction)">
This filters a transaction before it is dispatched.
<param name="t">
The transaction to be dispatched.
True to filter the transaction and stop it from being dispatched, false otherwise.
This method is called everytime the DDEML callback function executes.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this library to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext">
This provides an execution context for <c>DdeClient</c> and <c>DdeServer</c>.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="true"/>
This class provides a context for DDE activity. All <c>DdeClient</c> and <c>DdeServer</c> objects must be associated with an instance of
this class. If one is not specified in their constructors then a default instance of this class is used. This class must be initialized
before it can begin sending and receiving DDE messages. This happens automatically upon its first use by a <c>DdeClient</c> or
<c>DdeServer</c>. An application can call <c>Initialize</c> to make the initialization process occur immediately. This is useful when a
calling application expects this class to raise the <c>Register</c> and <c>Unregister</c> events or invoke the
<c>ITransactionFilter.PreFilterTransaction</c> method before being used by a <c>DdeClient</c> or <c>DdeServer</c>.
Since forms and controls implement <c>ISynchronizeInvoke</c> they can be used as the synchronizing object for this class. When an instance
of this class is created to use a form or control as the synchronizing object it will use the UI thread for execution. This is the
preferred way of creating an instance of this class when used in a windows application since it avoids multithreaded synchronization issues
and cross thread marshaling. When an instance of this class is created without specifying a synchronizing object it will create and manage
its own thread for execution. This is convenient if you wish to use this library in a console or service application, but with the added
cost of cross thread marshaling and the potential for deadlocking application threads.
Events are invoked on the thread hosting the <c>DdeContext</c>. All operations must be marshaled onto the thread hosting the
<c>DdeContext</c>. Method calls will block until that thread becomes available. An exception will be generated if the thread does not
become available in a timely manner.
The following example demonstrates how to instantiate a DdeContext in a console application.
<code lang="C#">
using System;
using NDde.Advanced;
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Create a context that uses a dedicated thread for DDE message pumping.
DdeContext context = new DdeContext();
<code lang="Visual Basic">
Imports NDde.Advanced
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Create a context that uses a dedicated thread for DDE message pumping.
Dim context As DdeContext = New DdeContext()
End Sub
End Class
The following example demonstrates how to instantiate a DdeContext in a windows application.
<code lang="C#">
using System;
using NDde.Advanced;
public class Example : Form
// Standard Form code omitted for brevity.
private DdeContext context = null;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Create a context that uses the UI thread for DDE message pumping.
context = new DdeContext(this);
<code lang="Visual Basic">
Imports NDde.Advanced
Public Class Example
Inherits Form
Private context as DdeContext = Nothing
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
' Create a context that uses the UI thread for DDE message pumping.
context = New DdeContext(Me)
End Sub
End Class
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.#ctor">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeContext</c> class that uses a dedicated thread for execution.
This constructor is used when you want the context to create and manage its own thread for DDE message pumping.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.#ctor(System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeContext</c> class that uses the specified synchronizing object for execution.
<param name="synchronizingObject">
The synchronizing object to use for execution.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when synchronizer is a null reference.
This constructor is used when you want the context to use the specified synchronizing object for DDE message pumping. Since forms and
controls implement <c>ISynchronizeInvoke</c> they can be used as the synchronizing object. In that case the windows application UI
thread that is hosting the form or control is used.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Dispose">
This releases all resources held by this instance.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Initialize">
This initializes the context.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the context is already initialized.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the context could not be initialized.
This class must be initialized before it can begin sending and receiving DDE messages. This happens automatically upon its first use by
a <c>DdeClient</c> or <c>DdeServer</c>. An application can call <c>Initialize</c> to make the initialization process occur immediately.
This is useful when a calling application expects this class to raise the <c>Register</c> and <c>Unregister</c> events or invoke the
<c>ITransactionFilter.PreFilterTransaction</c> method before being used by a <c>DdeClient</c> or <c>DdeServer</c>.
If you attempt to use a synchronizer that is not hosted on a thread running a windows message loop an exception will be thrown.
Explicitly calling this method will allow added <c>ITransactionFilter</c> objects to begin intercepting the DDEML callback function.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.AddTransactionFilter(NDde.Advanced.IDdeTransactionFilter)">
This adds a transaction filter to monitor DDE transactions.
<param name="filter">
The implementation of <c>ITransactionFilter</c> that you want to add.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when filter is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the filter was already added.
Transaction filters can be used to intercept the DDEML callback.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this library to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.RemoveTransactionFilter(NDde.Advanced.IDdeTransactionFilter)">
This removes a transaction filter and stops it from monitoring DDE transactions.
<param name="filter">
The implementation of <c>ITransactionFilter</c> that you want to remove.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when filter is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the filter was not previously added.
Transaction filters can be used to intercept the DDEML callback.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this library to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Invoke(System.Threading.ThreadStart)">
This executes a ThreadStart delegate on the thread hosting this object.
<param name="method">
The delegate to execute.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Invoke(System.Delegate,System.Object[])">
This executes a delegate on the thread hosting this object.
<param name="method">
The delegate to execute.
<param name="args">
The arguments to pass to the delegate.
The object returned by the delegate.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.BeginInvoke(System.Delegate,System.Object[])">
This begins an asynchronous operation to execute a delegate on the thread hosting this object.
<param name="method">
The delegate to execute.
<param name="args">
The arguments to pass to the delegate.
An <c>IAsyncResult</c> object for this operation.
<member name="M:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)">
This returns the object that the delegate returned in the operation.
<param name="asyncResult">
The <c>IAsyncResult</c> object returned by a call to <c>BeginInvoke</c>.
The object returned by the delegate.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Register">
This is raised when a service name has been registered by a server using the DDEML.
This event will not be raised by servers that do not use the DDEML.
<member name="E:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Unregister">
This is raised when a service name has been unregistered by a server using the DDEML.
This event will not be raised by servers that do not use the DDEML.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.DdemlObject">
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.InstanceId">
This gets the DDEML instance identifier.
This can be used in any DDEML function requiring an instance identifier.
<note type="caution">
Incorrect usage of the DDEML can cause this library to function incorrectly and can lead to resource leaks.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.IsInitialized">
This gets a bool indicating whether the context is initialized.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Encoding">
This gets or sets the default encoding that is used.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.InvokeRequired">
This gets a bool indicating whether the caller must use Invoke.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.DdemlTransactionFilter">
<threadsafety static="true" instance="true" />
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.DdeThread">
<threadsafety static="true" instance="true" />
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.DdeThread.HiddenForm">
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeErrorActivityEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>ErrorActivity</c> event.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeErrorActivityEventArgs.Code">
This gets an error code returned by the DDEML.
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeConversationActivityEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>ConversationActivity</c> event.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeConversationActivityEventArgs.Service">
This gets the service name associated with the conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeConversationActivityEventArgs.Topic">
This gets the topic name associated with the conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeConversationActivityEventArgs.IsEstablished">
This gets a bool indicating whether the conversation is being established.
The value returned by this property will be true if the conversation is being established. If the conversation
is being terminated then the value will be false.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeConversationActivityEventArgs.ClientHandle">
This gets the handle to the client application associated with the conversation.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeConversationActivityEventArgs.ServerHandle">
This gets the handle to the server application associated with the conversation.
<member name="T:NDde.Properties.Resources">
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager">
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.Culture">
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AdviseFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The server failed to advise &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AlreadyBeingAdvisedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to An advise loop for &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot; already exists..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AlreadyConnectedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client is already connected..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AlreadyInitializedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The context is already intialized..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AlreadyPausedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The specified conversation is already paused..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AlreadyRegisteredMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The service is already registered..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.AsyncResultParameterInvalidMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The IAsyncResult must have been returned by a call to ${method}..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ClientPauseFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to pause the conversation..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ClientResumeFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to resume the conversation..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ConnectFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to connect to &quot;${service}|${topic}&quot;. Make sure the server application is running and that it supports the specified service name and topic name pair..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ExecuteFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to execute &quot;${command}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.FilterAlreadyAddedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The transaction filter has already been added..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.FilterNotAddedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The transaction filter has not been added..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.InitializeFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The context failed to initialize..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.MarshalTimeoutMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The context timed out attempting to marshal the operation..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.NoMessageLoopMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The context is not hosted on a thread with a message loop..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.NotBeingAdvisedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to An advise loop for &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot; does not exist..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.NotConnectedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client is not connected..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.NotInitializedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The context is not initialized..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.NotPausedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The specified conversation is not paused..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.NotRegisteredMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The service is not registered..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.PokeFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to poke &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.RegisterFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The server failed to register &quot;${service}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.RequestFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to request &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ServerPauseAllFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The server failed to pause all conversations..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ServerPauseFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The server failed to pause the specified conversation..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ServerResumeAllFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The server failed to resume all conversations..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.ServerResumeFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The server failed to resume the specified conversation..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.StartAdviseFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to initiate an advise loop for &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.StopAdviseFailedMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The client failed to terminate the advise loop for &quot;${service}|${topic}!${item}&quot;..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.StringParameterInvalidMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter must be &lt;= 255 characters..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.TimeoutParameterInvalidMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter must be &gt; 0..
<member name="P:NDde.Properties.Resources.UnknownErrorMessage">
Looks up a localized string similar to An unknown error occurred..
<member name="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when a DDE exception occurs.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="M:NDde.DdeException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
<param name="info"></param>
<param name="context"></param>
<member name="M:NDde.DdeException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
<param name="info"></param>
<param name="context"></param>
<member name="P:NDde.DdeException.Code">
This gets an error code returned by the DDEML.
The value is zero if the exception was not thrown because of the DDEML.
<list type="bullet">
<member name="T:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>LinkActivity</c> event.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.Service">
This gets the service name associated with the link.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.Topic">
This gets the topic name associated with the link.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.Item">
This gets the item name associated with the link.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.Format">
This gets the format of the data associated with the link.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.IsHot">
This gets a bool indicating whether the link is hot.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.IsEstablished">
This gets a bool indicating whether the link is being established.
The value returned by this property will be true if the conversation is being established. If the conversation
is being terminated then the value will be false.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.IsServerInitiated">
This gets a bool indicating whether the link was terminated by the server.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.ClientHandle">
This gets the handle to the client application associated with the link.
<member name="P:NDde.Advanced.Monitor.DdeLinkActivityEventArgs.ServerHandle">
This gets the handle to the server application associated with the link.
<member name="T:NDde.Server.DdeServer">
This represents the server side of DDE conversations.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="true"/>
DDE conversations are established by specifying a service name and topic name pair. The service name is usually the name of the application
acting as a DDE server. A DDE server can respond to multiple service names, but most servers usually only respond to one. The topic name
is a logical context for data and is defined by the server application. A server can and usually does support many topic names.
After this object has registered its service name by calling the <c>Register</c> method clients can connect to it by specifying the service
name the server registered and a topic name that it supports.
Event methods are invoked on the thread hosting the <c>DdeContext</c>. All operations must be marshaled onto the thread hosting the
<c>DdeContext</c> associated with this object. Method calls will block until that thread becomes available. An exception will be generated
if the thread does not become available in a timely manner.
<note type="inheritinfo">
The event methods must be overridden in a subclass as needed.
The following example demostrates how to use a DdeServer.
<code lang="C#">
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Timers;
using NDde.Server;
public class Server
public static void Main()
// Create a server that will register the service name 'myapp'.
using (DdeServer server = new MyServer("myapp"))
// Register the service name.
// Wait for the user to press ENTER before proceding.
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...");
private sealed class MyServer : DdeServer
private System.Timers.Timer _Timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
public MyServer(string service) : base(service)
// Create a timer that will be used to advise clients of new data.
_Timer.Elapsed += this.OnTimerElapsed;
_Timer.Interval = 1000;
_Timer.SynchronizingObject = this.Context;
private void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs args)
// Advise all topic name and item name pairs.
Advise("*", "*");
protected override bool OnBeforeConnect(string topic)
+ " Service='" + base.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + topic + "'");
return true;
protected override void OnAfterConnect(DdeConversation conversation)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString());
protected override void OnDisconnect(DdeConversation conversation)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString());
protected override bool OnStartAdvise(DdeConversation conversation, string item, int format)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString()
+ " Item='" + item + "'"
+ " Format=" + format.ToString());
// Initiate the advisory loop only if the format is CF_TEXT.
return format == 1;
protected override void OnStopAdvise(DdeConversation conversation, string item)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString()
+ " Item='" + item + "'");
protected override ExecuteResult OnExecute(DdeConversation conversation, string command)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString()
+ " Command='" + command + "'");
// Tell the client that the command was processed.
return ExecuteResult.Processed;
protected override PokeResult OnPoke(DdeConversation conversation, string item, byte[] data, int format)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString()
+ " Item='" + item + "'"
+ " Data=" + data.Length.ToString()
+ " Format=" + format.ToString());
// Tell the client that the data was processed.
return PokeResult.Processed;
protected override RequestResult OnRequest(DdeConversation conversation, string item, int format)
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'"
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString()
+ " Item='" + item + "'"
+ " Format=" + format.ToString());
// Return data to the client only if the format is CF_TEXT.
if (format == 1)
return new RequestResult(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Time=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\0"));
return RequestResult.NotProcessed;
protected override byte[] OnAdvise(string topic, string item, int format)
+ " Service='" + this.Service + "'"
+ " Topic='" + topic + "'"
+ " Item='" + item + "'"
+ " Format=" + format.ToString());
// Send data to the client only if the format is CF_TEXT.
if (format == 1)
return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Time=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\0");
return null;
} // class
} // class
<code lang="Visual Basic">
Imports NDde.Server
Module Program
Sub Main()
' Create a server that will register the service name 'myapp'.
Using server As DdeServer = New MyServer("myapp")
' Register the service name.
' Wait for the user to press ENTER before proceding.
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...")
End Using
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...")
End Try
End Sub
Private Class MyServer
Inherits DdeServer
Private WithEvents theTimer As System.Timers.Timer = New System.Timers.Timer()
Public Sub New(ByVal service As String)
' Create a timer that will be used to advise clients of new data.
theTimer.Interval = 1000
theTimer.SynchronizingObject = Me.Context
End Sub
Private Sub theTimer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles theTimer.Elapsed
Me.Advise("*", "*")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function OnBeforeConnect(ByVal topic As String) As Boolean
Console.WriteLine("OnBeforeConnect:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + MyBase.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + topic + "'")
Return True
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnAfterConnect(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation)
Console.WriteLine("OnAfterConnect:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString())
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnDisconnect(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation)
Console.WriteLine("OnDisconnect:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString())
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function OnStartAdvise(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal item As String, ByVal format As Integer) As Boolean
Console.WriteLine("OnStartAdvise:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString() _
+ " Item='" + item + "'" _
+ " Format=" + format.ToString())
' Initiate the advisory loop only if the format is CF_TEXT.
Return format = 1
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnStopAdvise(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal item As String)
Console.WriteLine("OnStopAdvise:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString() _
+ " Item='" + item + "'")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function OnExecute(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal command As String) As ExecuteResult
Console.WriteLine("OnExecute:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString() _
+ " Command='" + command + "'")
' Tell the client that the command was processed.
Return ExecuteResult.Processed
End Function
Protected Overrides Function OnPoke(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal item As String, ByVal data As Byte(), ByVal format As Integer) As PokeResult
Console.WriteLine("OnPoke:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString() _
+ " Item='" + item + "'" _
+ " Data=" + data.Length.ToString() _
+ " Format=" + format.ToString())
' Tell the client that the data was processed.
Return PokeResult.Processed
End Function
Protected Overrides Function OnRequest(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal item As String, ByVal format As Integer) As RequestResult
Console.WriteLine("OnRequest:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + conversation.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + conversation.Topic + "'" _
+ " Handle=" + conversation.Handle.ToString() _
+ " Item='" + item + "'" _
+ " Format=" + format.ToString())
' Return data to the client only if the format is CF_TEXT.
If format = 1 Then
Return New RequestResult(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Time=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Convert.ToChar(0)))
End If
Return RequestResult.NotProcessed
End Function
Protected Overrides Function OnAdvise(ByVal topic As String, ByVal item As String, ByVal format As Integer) As Byte()
Console.WriteLine("OnAdvise:".PadRight(16) _
+ " Service='" + Me.Service + "'" _
+ " Topic='" + topic + "'" _
+ " Item='" + item + "'" _
+ " Format=" + format.ToString())
' Send data to the client only if the format is CF_TEXT.
If format = 1 Then
Return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Time=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Convert.ToChar(0))
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
End Module
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.#ctor(System.String)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeServer</c> class that can register the specified service name.
<param name="service">
The service name that this instance can register.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when service exceeds 255 characters..
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when service is a null reference.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.#ctor(System.String,System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeServer</c> class that can register the specified service name and using the specified
synchronizing object.
<param name="service">
The service name that this instance can register.
<param name="synchronizingObject">
The synchronizing object to use for this instance.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when service exceeds 255 characters..
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when service is a null reference.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.#ctor(System.String,NDde.Advanced.DdeContext)">
This initializes a new instance of the <c>DdeServer</c> class that can register the specified service name and uses the specified
<param name="service">
The service name that this instance can register.
<param name="context">
The context to use for execution.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when service exceeds 255 characters..
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when service is a null reference.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Dispose">
This unregisters service name and releases all resources held by this instance.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
This contains the implementation to release all resources held by this instance.
<param name="disposing">
True if called by Dispose, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Register">
This registers the service name.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is already registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the service name could not be registered.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Unregister">
This unregisters the service name.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is not registered.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Advise(System.String,System.String)">
This notifies all clients that data has changed for the specified topic name and item name pair.
<param name="topic">
A topic name supported by this server.
<param name="item">
An item name supported by this server.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
This is thown when topic or item exceeds 255 characters..
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when topic or item is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the notification could not be posted.
Use an asterix to indicate that the topic name, item name, or both should be wild.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Pause(NDde.Server.DdeConversation)">
Pausing a conversation causes this server to queue events until the conversation resumes.
This pauses the specified conversation.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation to pause.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when conversation is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the conversation is already paused or when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversation could not be paused.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Pause">
This pauses all conversations.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversations could not be paused.
Pausing a conversation causes this object to queue events until the conversation resumes.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Resume(NDde.Server.DdeConversation)">
This resumes the specified conversation.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation to resume.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when conversation is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the conversation is not paused or when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversation could not be resumed.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Resume">
This resumes all conversations.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversations could not be resumed.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Disconnect(NDde.Server.DdeConversation)">
This terminates the specified conversation.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation to terminate.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
This is thrown when conversation is a null reference.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversation could not be terminated.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Disconnect">
This terminates all conversations.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
This is thrown when the server is not registered.
<exception cref="T:NDde.DdeException">
This is thrown when the conversations could not be terminated.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnStartAdvise(NDde.Server.DdeConversation,System.String,System.Int32)">
This is invoked when a client attempts to initiate an advise loop.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<param name="item">
The item name associated with this event.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
True to allow the advise loop, false otherwise.
The default implementation accepts all advise loops.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnStopAdvise(NDde.Server.DdeConversation,System.String)">
This is invoked when a client terminates an advise loop.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<param name="item">
The item name associated with this event.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnBeforeConnect(System.String)">
This is invoked when a client attempts to establish a conversation.
<param name="topic">
The topic name associated with this event.
True to allow the connection, false otherwise.
The default implementation accepts all connections.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnAfterConnect(NDde.Server.DdeConversation)">
This is invoked when a client has successfully established a conversation.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnDisconnect(NDde.Server.DdeConversation)">
This is invoked when a client terminates a conversation.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnExecute(NDde.Server.DdeConversation,System.String)">
This is invoked when a client sends a command.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<param name="command">
The command to be executed.
An <c>ExecuteResult</c> indicating the result.
The default implementation returns <c>ExecuteResult.NotProcessed</c> to the client.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnPoke(NDde.Server.DdeConversation,System.String,System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
This is invoked when a client sends data.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<param name="item">
The item name associated with this event.
<param name="data">
The data associated with this event.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
A <c>PokeResult</c> indicating the result.
The default implementation returns <c>PokeResult.NotProcessed</c> to the client.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnRequest(NDde.Server.DdeConversation,System.String,System.Int32)">
This is invoked when a client attempts to request data.
<param name="conversation">
The conversation associated with this event.
<param name="item">
The item name associated with this event.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
A <c>RequestResult</c> indicating the result.
The default implementation returns <c>RequestResult.NotProcessed</c> to the client.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.OnAdvise(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
This is invoked when the server is performing a hot advise.
<param name="topic">
The topic name associated with this event.
<param name="item">
The item name associated with this event.
<param name="format">
The format of the data.
The data that will be sent to the clients.
The default implementation sends nothing to the clients.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeServer.DdemlObject">
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Context">
This gets the context associated with his instance.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeServer.Service">
This gets the service name associated with this server.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeServer.IsRegistered">
This gets a bool indicating whether the service name is registered.
<member name="T:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult">
This is the return value of the <c>OnExecute</c> method.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.Processed">
Return this value if the command was executed successfully.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.NotProcessed">
Return this value if the command was not executed successfully.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.TooBusy">
Return this value if the server is too busy.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.PauseConversation">
Return this value to pause the conversation and execute the command asynchronously. After the conversation has been resumed the
<c>OnExecute</c> method will run again.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.Equals(System.Object)">
This determines whether two object instances are equal.
<param name="o">
The object to compare with the current object.
True if the specified object is equal to the current object, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.GetHashCode">
This returns a hash code for the object.
A hash code for the object.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.op_Equality(NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult,NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult)">
This determines whether two <c>ExecuteResult</c> objects are equal.
<param name="lhs">
The left hand side object.
<param name="rhs"></param>
The right hand side object.
True if the two objects are equal, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult.op_Inequality(NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult,NDde.Server.DdeServer.ExecuteResult)">
This determines whether two <c>ExecuteResult</c> objects are not equal.
<param name="lhs">
The left hand side object.
<param name="rhs"></param>
The right hand side object.
True if the two objects are not equal, false otherwise.
<member name="T:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult">
This is the return value of the <c>OnPoke</c> method.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.Processed">
Return this value if the poke was successful.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.NotProcessed">
Return this value if the poke was not successful.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.TooBusy">
Return this value if the server is too busy.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.PauseConversation">
Return this value to pause the conversation and execute the poke asynchronously. After the conversation has been resumed the
<c>OnPoke</c> method will run again.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.Equals(System.Object)">
This determines whether two object instances are equal.
<param name="o">
The object to compare with the current object.
True if the specified object is equal to the current object, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.GetHashCode">
This returns a hash code for the object.
A hash code for the object.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.op_Equality(NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult,NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult)">
This determines whether two <c>PokeResult</c> objects are equal.
<param name="lhs">
The left hand side object.
<param name="rhs"></param>
The right hand side object.
True if the two objects are equal, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult.op_Inequality(NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult,NDde.Server.DdeServer.PokeResult)">
This determines whether two <c>ExecuteResult</c> objects are not equal.
<param name="lhs">
The left hand side object.
<param name="rhs"></param>
The right hand side object.
True if the two objects are not equal, false otherwise.
<member name="T:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult">
This is the return value of the <c>OnRequest</c> method.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.NotProcessed">
Return this value if the request was not successful.
<member name="F:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.PauseConversation">
Return this value to pause the conversation and execute the request asynchronously. After the conversation has been resumed the
<c>OnRequest</c> method will run again.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
This initializes the <c>RequestResult</c> struct with the data to return to the client.
<param name="data">
The data to return to the client.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.Equals(System.Object)">
This determines whether two object instances are equal.
<param name="o">
The object to compare with the current object.
True if the specified object is equal to the current object, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.GetHashCode">
This returns a hash code for the object.
A hash code for the object.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.op_Equality(NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult,NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult)">
This determines whether two <c>RequestResult</c> objects are equal.
<param name="lhs">
The left hand side object.
<param name="rhs"></param>
The right hand side object.
True if the two objects are equal, false otherwise.
<member name="M:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.op_Inequality(NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult,NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult)">
This determines whether two <c>ExecuteResult</c> objects are not equal.
<param name="lhs">
The left hand side object.
<param name="rhs"></param>
The right hand side object.
True if the two objects are not equal, false otherwise.
<member name="P:NDde.Server.DdeServer.RequestResult.Data">
The data to send to the client application.
<member name="T:NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs">
This contains information about the <c>Advise</c> event.
<threadsafety static="true" instance="false" />
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs.Item">
This gets the item name associated with this notification.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs.Format">
This gets the format of the data included in this notification.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs.State">
This gets an application defined data object associated with this advise loop.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs.Data">
This gets the data associated with this notification or null if this is not a hot advise loop.
<member name="P:NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs.Text">
This gets the text associated with this notification or null if this is not a hot advise loop.