
279 wiersze
7.7 KiB

#include "oled_control.h"
#include "Soft_I2C.h"
void oled_disp_on() {
send_command(0xAF); // display ON
void oled_disp_off() {
send_command(0xAE); // display OFF
void oled_init (void) { // OLED init
char cnt;
for(cnt=0; cnt<10; cnt++){
if(Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr)==0) break; // device addres
else Soft_I2C_Stop();
Soft_I2C_Write(0); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
Soft_I2C_Write (0xAE); // display OFF
// initialisation
Soft_I2C_Write (0xD5); // clock division
Soft_I2C_Write (0x80); // ratio
Soft_I2C_Write (0xA8); // multiplexer
Soft_I2C_Write (63); //
Soft_I2C_Write (0xD3); // offset
Soft_I2C_Write (shift_line); // 32 no offset for x64 !
Soft_I2C_Write (0x40); // set line, line = 0
Soft_I2C_Write (0x8D); // charge pump
Soft_I2C_Write (0x14); // 0x10 - external, 0x14 - internal
Soft_I2C_Write (0x81); // contrast
Soft_I2C_Write (255); // 0-255
Soft_I2C_Write (0xD9); // pre-charge
Soft_I2C_Write (0xF1); // 0x22 - external, 0xF1 - internal
Soft_I2C_Write (0x20); // memory addressing mode
Soft_I2C_Write (0x02); // page addressing mode 02
Soft_I2C_Write (0x21); // set column range
Soft_I2C_Write (0); // column start
Soft_I2C_Write (127); // column stop
Soft_I2C_Write (0x2E); // stop scrolling
if(inversion) {
Soft_I2C_Write (0xA0); // segment re-map, A0 - normal, A1 - remapped
Soft_I2C_Write (0xC0); // scan direction, C0 - normal, C8 - remapped
else {
Soft_I2C_Write (0xA1); // segment re-map, A0 - normal, A1 - remapped
Soft_I2C_Write (0xC8); // scan direction, C0 - normal, C8 - remapped
Soft_I2C_Write (0xDA); // COM pins configure
Soft_I2C_Write (0x02); // 02 for 32 12 for x64
Soft_I2C_Write (0xDB); // V-COM detect
Soft_I2C_Write (0x40); //
Soft_I2C_Write (0xA4); // display entire ON
Soft_I2C_Write (0xA6); // 0xA6 - normal, 0xA7 - inverse
Soft_I2C_Stop ();
send_command (0xAF); // display ON
void oled_clear(void){
char i, r;
// ********clear OLED***********
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(64); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
for (r = 0; r <=7; r++) {
set_addressing (r, 0); // clear all 8 pages
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++, Soft_I2C_Write(0x00)); // clear one page pixels
Soft_I2C_Stop ();
void send_command (char oled_command) {
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(128); // 128 - command, 192 - data
void set_addressing (char pagenum, char c_start) {
char a, b, c;
c = c_start + oled_shift;
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(0); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
Soft_I2C_Write(0xB0 + pagenum); // set page number
if (c <= 15) { a = c; b = 0; }
else { b = c / 16; a = c - b * 16; }
Soft_I2C_Write (a); // set lower nibble of start address
Soft_I2C_Write (0x10 + b); // set higher nibble of start address
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(64); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
void oled_wr_str_s(char page, char col, char str[], char len) { // 128*64 OLED
char i, h, g;
set_addressing (page, col);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // write string
g = str[i] - 32; // table shift
for (h = 0; h < 5; h++) { // write letter
Soft_I2C_Write (0);
Soft_I2C_Stop ();
void oled_wr_str (char page, char col, char str[], char leng ) { //
char i, h, g, w1, w2;
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(64); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
set_addressing (page, col);
for (i = 0; i < leng; i++) { // write string
if (str[i] == 0) g = 0; else g = str[i] - 32; // NULL detection
for (h = 0; h <= 4; h++) { // write letter
w1 = font_5x8[g*5+h];
if(page != 2) {
w2.B7 = w1.B3;
w2.B6 = w1.B3;
w2.B5 = w1.B2;
w2.B4 = w1.B2;
w2.B3 = w1.B1;
w2.B2 = w1.B1;
w2.B1 = w1.B0;
w2.B0 = w1.B0; }
else {
w2.B7 = w1.B2;
w2.B6 = w1.B2;
w2.B5 = w1.B1;
w2.B4 = w1.B1;
w2.B3 = w1.B0;
w2.B2 = w1.B0;
w2.B1 = 0;
w2.B0 = 0;
Soft_I2C_Write (0);
Soft_I2C_Write (0);
set_addressing (page+1, col);
for (i = 0; i < leng; i++) { // write string
if (str[i] == 0) g = 0; else g = str[i] - 32; // NULL detection
for (h = 0; h <= 4; h++) { // write letter
w1 = font_5x8[g*5+h];
if(page != 2) {
w2.B7 = w1.B7;
w2.B6 = w1.B7;
w2.B5 = w1.B6;
w2.B4 = w1.B6;
w2.B3 = w1.B5;
w2.B2 = w1.B5;
w2.B1 = w1.B4;
w2.B0 = w1.B4; }
else {
w2.B7 = w1.B6;
w2.B6 = w1.B6;
w2.B5 = w1.B5;
w2.B4 = w1.B5;
w2.B3 = w1.B4;
w2.B2 = w1.B4;
w2.B1 = w1.B3;
w2.B0 = w1.B3;
Soft_I2C_Write (0);
Soft_I2C_Write (0);
Soft_I2C_Stop ();
void oled_bat () {
char i, g;
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(64); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
for(g=0; g<=3; g++) { // batt drawing
set_addressing (g, 115);
for(i=0; i<=10; i++) { Soft_I2C_Write(batt[g*11+i]); }
Soft_I2C_Stop ();
void oled_voltage(int Voltage) {
char i, v, u0, u1, u2, u3, m;
Soft_I2C_Write(oled_addr); // device addres
Soft_I2C_Write(64); // 0 - continious mode, command; 64 - Co, data
Voltage /= 10;
if(Voltage < 300) Voltage = 300;
else if(Voltage > 420) Voltage = 420;
Voltage = Voltage - 300; // 0 - 120
Voltage = Voltage * 32;
v = Voltage / 120;
if(v >= 25) { u0 = v - 24; u1 = 8; u2 = 8; u3 = 8; }
else if(v >= 17) { u0 = 0; u1 = v - 16; u2 = 8; u3 = 8; }
else if(v >= 9 ) { u0 = 0; u1 = 0; u2 = v - 8; u3 = 8; }
else { u0 = 0; u1 = 0; u2 = 0; u3 = v ; }
m = 128;
m = 255 - (m >> (u0-1)) +1;
m = m | 0b00000011;
set_addressing (0, 119);
m = m | 0b00011111;
set_addressing (0, 117);
set_addressing (0, 122);
m = 128;
m = 255 - (m >> (u1-1)) + 1;
set_addressing (1, 117);
for(i=0; i<=6; i++) Soft_I2C_Write(m);
m = 128;
m = 255 - (m >> (u2-1)) + 1;
set_addressing (2, 117);
for(i=0; i<=6; i++) Soft_I2C_Write(m);
m = 128;
m = 255 - (m >> (u3-1)) +1;
m = m | 0b11000000;
set_addressing (3, 117);
for(i=0; i<=6; i++) Soft_I2C_Write(m);
Soft_I2C_Stop ();